Some Academic PAPERS

[Created: 18 Oct. 2010]
[Updated: January 31, 2023 ]


2016 | 2015 |2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | Archive of pre-2010 talks and lectures


  1. 21 Nov., 2016: “Charles Coquelin, Gustave de Molinari, Frédéric Bastiat and the “Austrian Moment” in French Political Economy 1845-1855: Part II. Molinari and the Private Production of Security”. A Paper given at the Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. [HTML]
  2. Nov. 2016: Liberty Matters online discussion: David M. Hart, “Classical Liberalism and the Problem of Class” (Nov. 2016)
  3. May, 2016: "Bastiat’s Theory of Class: The Plunderers vs. the Plundered.” This is the Introductory Essay for a bi-lingual edition of Frédéric Bastiat's writings on class and plunder which is in preparation. It is an attempt to reconstruct from his scattered writings on class the History of Plunder he planned to write but never did. The anthology of around 15 texts is in an early stage of editing and will be added later. [HTML]
  4. May, 2016: I contributed to a Liberty Matters online discussion: Jacob T. Levy, “Rationalism, Pluralism, and the History of Liberal Ideas” (May, 2016).
  5. 28 March, 2016: “The Struggle against Protectionism, Socialism, and the Bureaucratic State: The Economic Thought of Gustave de Molinari, 1845-1855.” A Paper given at the Austrian Economics Research Conference (31 March to 2 April 2016),
    The Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama. [HTML]


  1. 21-23 November, 2015: "Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Scribblers: An Austrian Analysis of the Structure of Production and Distribution of Ideas". A paper given at the Southern Economics Association, New Orleans, November 21-23, 2015. HTML and PDF.
  2. 2 Oct. 2015: "Reassessing Frédéric Bastiat as an Economic Theorist". A paper presented to the Free Market Institute, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, October 2, 2015. HTML and PDF.
  3. 14 April, 2015: "Literature IN Economics, and Economics AS Literature I: Bastiat's use of Literature in Defense of Free Markets and his Rhetoric of Economic Liberty." A paper given at the Association of Private Enterprise Education International Conference (April 12-14, 2015) , Cancún, Mexico. HTML and PDF.
  4. 14 April, 2015: "Literature IN Economics, and Economics AS Literature II: The Economics of Robinson Crusoe from Defoe to Rothbard by way of Bastiat." (Draft). A paper given at the Association of Private Enterprise Education International Conference (April 12-14, 2015) , Cancún, Mexico. HTML and PDF. An earlier working title was "Robinson Crusoe and Praxeology: A History".
  5. 6 April, 2015: A revised translation of Molinari's "Eleventh Soirée" (with additional footnotes) from Gustave de Molinari, Les Soirées de la Rue Saint-Lazare; entretiens sur les lois économiques et defense de la propriété (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849), "Onzième Soirée," pp. 303-37.
  6. 28 March, 2015: "The Liberal Roots of American Conservatism: Bastiat and the French Connection." A paper given to the Philadelphia Society meeting March 27-29, 2015 on "The Roots of American Conservatism - and its Future". HTML and PDF.
  7. March 2015: Liberty Matters online discussion: David M. Hart, “On the Spread of (Classical) Liberal Ideas” (March 2015)


  1. 1 Dec. 2014: A paper on "Seeing the 'Unseen' Bastiat: the changing Optics of Bastiat Studies. Or, what the Liberty Fund's Translation Project is teaching us about Bastiat" given to the "Colloquium on Market Institutions & Economic Processes" at NYU [HTML]
  2. 23 Sept. 2014: A paper on “Negative Railways, Turtle Soup, talking Pencils, and House owning Dogs”: “The French Connection” and the Popularization of Economics from Say to Jasay. [HTML]
  3. 8 July, 2014:"Unfortunately, hardly anyone listens to the Economists": The Battle against Socialism by the French Economists in the 1840s." A talk given at the Centre for Independent Studies. [HTML] [Also available as PDF version: PDF 6.5 MB] A video of my talk is available from youtube and a more compressed version here. The talk lasts for 47 mins. [Page with video embedded.]


  1. 24 November, 2013: “On Ricochets, Hidden Channels, and Negative Multipliers: Bastiat on Calculating the Economic Costs of ‘The Unseen’.” A Paper given at the History of Thought Session of the Society for the Development of Austrian Economics. Southern Economic Association 83rd Annual Meeting, November 23-25, 2013. [HTML] Full paper [PDF 725 KB] and lecure overheads [PDF 2.2 MB].
  2. July, 2013: I contributed to a Liberty Matters online discussion: Robert Leroux, “Bastiat and Political Economy” (July 1, 2013)
  3. May, 2013: I contributed to a Liberty Matters online discussion: Roderick Long, “Gustave de Molinari’s Legacy for Liberty” (May, 2013)
  4. April 14-16, 2013: “Bastiat’s Lessons for the 21st Century: The Broken Window Fallacy Revisited (again and again).” Paper given to the Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE) annual conference. Full paper [PDF 273 KB] and lecture overheads [PDF 1.8 MB].


  1. October 1, 2012: "Political Propaganda and the State: On Seeing through the Culture of Authority", Institute for Liberal Studies & Laurier Students for Liberty, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario. Lecture slide show [PDF 13 MB]
  2. 29 September, 2012:" Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850) and Rethinking Classical Economics in the mid-19th Century," Institute for Liberal Studies, A Brief History of Economic Thought, The University of Toronto [HTML]
  3. June 1: Paper on “'Is Biography History?' The Relationship between Ideas and Action in the Life of Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): A Biographical Approach" [PDF 1.3 MB] at the Historical Society's 2012 Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina.
  4. April 7: "Frédéric Bastiat’s Distinction between Legal and Illegal Plunder" - A Paper given at the Molinari Society Session “Explorations in Philosophical Anarchy” at the Pacific Meeting of the American Philosophical Society, Seattle WA, 7 April, 2012. [HTML]


  1. 14 October: Cato Institute Book Forum (on Bastiat, Collected Works vol. 1) at the Cato Institute and the Atlas Economic Research Foundation, Washington D.C. The presentation in [HTML] and [PDF 5 MB].
  2. September 26, 2011, IU Bloomington IN: Talk on Bastiat at the Workshop on Political Theory and Policy Analysis
  3. July 12, 2011, Fremantle, Western Australia: Seminar at Notre Dame University on Frédéric Bastiat’s Rhetoric of Liberty in the Economic Sophisms (1846-1850)
  4. July 5-8, 2011, RMIT Melbourne, Victoria: a paper given at the History of Economic Thought Society of Australia (HETSA) annual meeting - "Opposing Economic Fallacies, Legal Plunder, and the State: Frédéric Bastiat’s Rhetoric of Liberty in the Economic Sophisms (1846-1850)" [HTML] - Lecture Overhead
  5. April 4, 2011: "Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): Campaigner for Free Trade, Political Economist, & Politician in a Time of Revolution", David S. Saurman Provocative Lecture Series, Dept. of Economics, San Jose State University. [HTML slide show]


  1. November 2010: War and Peace in the Art of Pablo Picasso: "Guernica" (1937)
  2. 2010 - an Italian translation of my article on "Pablo Picasso (1881-1973): From the Spanish Civil War to Vietnam."
  3. June 2010: Classical Liberal Theories of Class and the State at the Foundation of Economic Education Summer Seminar on Liberty and History.


  1. 2009 - Paper given to the Association of Core Texts and Courses annual meeting 17 April, 2009 on "MEMORY, INVENTION, DELIVERY: TRANSMITTING AND TRANSFORMING KNOWLEDGE AND CULTURE IN LIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE". Paper title: "The Changing Fortunes of the Joint Publication of J.S. Mill’s On Liberty and The Subjection of Women: 1874-2009" [PDF] - HTML
  2. 2008 - articles in The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, ed. Ronald Hamowy (Los Angeles: Sage, 2008):
  3. 2005 - article on "War and Peace in the Arts" in the New Dictionary of the History of Ideas, ed. Maryanne Cline Horowitz (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2005), vol. 6, pp. 2454-2460 [2.3 MB PDF]
  4. May 9, 2004: A working paper entitled War and Peace in the Visual Arts.
  5. 2001 - a draft of a paper written in April 2001: "Gustave de Molinari and the Future of Liberty: "Fin de siècle, fin de la liberté"? [HTML] [PDF 184 KB]
  6. 2000 - an incomplete paper which I gave at the Australian Historical Association 2000 Conference "Futures in the Past": "The Future of Individual Liberty: Classical Liberals confron the New Century (1900 and 2000)". [PDF 216 KB]
  7. 1998 - "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori: The Idea of the "Sweet and Fitting Death for the Fatherland" and its Critics in Selected War Films", a paper given at the Australian and New Zealand History and Film Conference, "National Cinemas: Sites of Resistance?", Queensland Cultural Cenbtre, Brisbane, Queensland, 28-30 November 1998 [HTML] [PDF 283 KB]
  8. 1997 - "The Idea of the Withering Away of the State: 19th Century Liberal and Marxist Perspectives", a draft paper presented to the Department of History Research Seminar, Univesity of Adelaide, 1 December 1997. [PDF 651 KB] [HTML version]
  9. 1994 - my PhD dissertation: Class Analysis, Slavery and the Industrialist Theory of History in French Liberal Thought, 1814-1830: The Radical Liberalism of Charles Comte and Charles Dunoyer (unpublished PhD, King's College Cambridge, 1994). [See below for details of versions]
  10. 1993 - "Responses to War: War Films and the Teaching of History", a paper given to "Screening the Past" The VIth Australian History and Film Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 30 November - 4 December 1993. [HTML] [PDF 221 KB]
  11. 1990 - "Arguments against Slavery in France during the Restoration: From Art to Political Economy": a paper presented the the Departmental Seminar, Department of History, University of Adelaide, 15 October 1990. [PDF 185 KB]
  12. 1989 - "The Debate about the Profitability of Slavery in French Politicial Economy during the 1820s", a paper delivered to the History of Economic Thought Society of Australasia, Biennial Conference, July 3-6 1989, Australian National University, Canberra ACT. [PDF 478 KB]
  13. 1989 - "The Importance of the Liberal Arts to Education: An Historian's Perspective", a paper given to the Australian Academy of the Humanities Symposium and Annual Lecture, "The Relevance of the Humanities", 22 September, 1989, University House, Australian National university, Canberra, ACT. [HTML 39 KB]
  14. 1979 - my thesis on "Gustave de Molinari and Anti-statist Tradition"
    • a facsimile PDF of the original thesis published in September 1979 with quotes in French [PDF 8.3 MB]
    • articles on Gustave de Molinari in the Journal of Libertarian Studies (1981-1982)
    • Gustave de Molinari and Anti-statist Tradition Part 1, vol. V, no. 3 (Summer 1981) [1.1 MB PDF]; Part 2, Vol. V, no. 4 (Fall 1981) [1.3 MB PDF]; Part 3, Vol. VI, No. 1, (Winter 1982) [792 KB PDF]
    • an HTML version (384KB) (but without the bibliography)
    • a PDF version of the thesis better formatted [to come]

My PhD Dissertation

Hart, David M., Class Analysis, Slavery and the Industrialist Theory of History in French Liberal Thought, 1814-1830: The Radical Liberalism of Charles Comte and Charles Dunoyer (unpublished PhD, King's College Cambridge, 1994).

  • a PDF of the original longer version of my thesis [1.7 MB PDF] submitted in 1990 (125,000 words in length and with the quotations left in the original French (as I was instructed to do))
  • a PDF of a shorter version of the thesis [1.5 MB PDF] submitted in 1993 (shortened considerably, with a new section on Marx which was insisted upon by one of the (Marxist) examiners, and the quotations translated into English - again at the insistence of one of the examiners. 107,000 words.)
  • a PDF of an expanded, book-length version of the thesis [2.2 MB PDF] (1997, 2010).
  • an HTML version of the expanded, book-length version of the thesis