Blog posts:
Additions to the Library:
- An eleventh version of Boétie's "Voluntary Servitude" (1835) [facs. PDF] : this one has long and very radical Preface by the Liberal Catholic Robert de Lamennais written in 1833 [Preface facs. PDF].
- The 1735 translation by "T. Smith" of Boétie's Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. This is a good translation which captures the measured pace and rhetorical side of the "Discourse". The word "discours" in French can also mean "speech".
- The Cover Art of the Discours: a collection of interesting covers of various editions of the "Discourse."
- Ten different versions of Étienne de la Boétie's Discours de la servitude volontaire (1576) - Old French, modern French, and English translations - with more to come.
- Special Note 1: a side-by-side Comparative Edition of different French and English versions of the text
- Special note 2: the parallel edition with the illustrations by Louis Jou on one side and a modern French version (Bonnefon) on the other
- Some more books by William Hearn:
- The Government of England (1868) - facs. PDF
- The Aryan Household (1878) - facs. PDF
- The Theory of Legal Duty and Rights (1883) - facs. PDF
- A list of the collected (complete?) works of Frédéric Bastiat with links to the texts
- Me on strategy:
- "An Historical Examination of Past and Present Strategies used to bring about Ideological and Political Change" (Feb. 2018; revised 13 Nov. 2020) HTML.
- "Pierre F. Goodrich's Goals and Strategy for the Liberty Fund: A Reconstruction" (Feb. 2018, 23 June 2019). HTML.
- "How the Online Library of Liberty follows the Strategies outlined by Pierre F. Goodrich" (Feb. 2018) HTML
- an older paper: "Entrepreneurs,
Investors, and Scribblers: An Austrian Analysis of the Structure of Production
and Distribution of Ideas".
A paper given at the Southern
Economics Association, New Orleans, November 21-23, 2015. HTML and PDF.
- Rothbard on Strategy for Change:
- 1965: "Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty", Left and Right. A Journal of Libertarian Thought, Spring 1965, no. 1, pp. 4-22. Facs. PDF version; HTML version.
- 1973: "A Strategy for Liberty" in For a New Liberty (New York: Macmillan, 1973). PDF version; HTML version (from the 2006 edition).
- 1977: a new clean copy of Rothbard's seminal and provocative paper on "Toward a Strategy for Libertarian Social Change" (April, 1977) - PDF and HTML versions.
- 1978: his 1977 paper was summarised and published with a collection of other essays on libertarian strategy in Libertarian Review (Aug. 1978) - "Strategies for a Libertarian Victory". HTML version; PDF version
- see the entire issue of Libertarian Review with articles by Milton Mueller, Ed Crane, Leonard Liggio, Charles Koch, Bill Evers, and David Theroux: PDF version.
- 1982: "Toward a Theory of Strategy for Liberty" (1982) in The Ethics of Liberty. PDF version; and HTML version.
- 1986: "Concepts of the Role of Intellectuals in Social Change Toward Laissez Faire", The Journal of Libertarian Studies, vol. IX, no. 2 (Fall 1990), pp. 43-67. Facs. PDF version.
- 1992 Jan.: "Right-Wing Populism: A Strategy for the Paleo Movement," Rothbard-Rockwell Report (Jan. 1992) pp. 5-14. HTML version; facs. PDF version.
- 1992 Jan.: "A Strategy for the Right," Rothbard-Rockwell Report (January 1992). HTML version.
- 1994 Oct.: "A New Strategy for Liberty," Rothbard-Rockwell Report (October 1994). HTML version; facs. PDF version.
- Rothbard's complete Libertarian Forum (1969-1984) in HTML (and thus properly searchable! - I was interested in finding the first use of the term "anarcho-capitalism" and "free market anarchism")
- Rothbard, "Economic Determinism, Ideology, And The American Revolution" (1974). A paper delivered at the Libertarian Scholars Conference, Oct. 28, 1974 in New York City. On class and ideas.