FRÉDÉRIC BASTIAT (30 June 1801 - 24
December 1850)
[Created: 13 July, 2010]
26 July, 2021
This image comes from a magazine showing
what Bastiat's monument in Mugron looked like before the
Nazis desecrated it in 1942. The figure in front of the column was
in bronze ("Fame" writing
the titles of Bastiat's best known works) and was seized in order to
make munitions for the Nazi war effort. |
Table of Contents
Frédéric Bastiat was a pivotal figure in French classical liberalism
in the mid-19th century. He suddenly emerged from the south west province of
Les Landes to assume leadership of the fledgling French free trade movement
in 1844 which he modelled on that of Richard Cobden’s Anti-Corn Law League
in England. Bastiat then turned to a brilliant career as an economic
journalist, debunking the myths and misconceptions people held on protectionism
in particular and government intervention in general, which he called “sophisms” or “fallacies”.
When revolution broke out in February 1848 Bastiat was elected twice to the
Chamber of Deputies where he served on the powerful Finance Committee where
he struggled to bring government expenditure under control. He confounded his
political opponents on the left and the right with his consistent libertarianism:
on the one hand he denounced the socialists for their economic policies, but
took to the streets to prevent the military from shooting them during the riots
which broke out in June 1848. In the meantime he was suffering from a debilitating
throat condition which severely weakened him and led to his early death on
Christmas Eve in 1850. Knowing he was dying, Bastiat attempted to complete
his magnum opus on economic theory, his Economic Harmonies. In this
work he showed the very great depth of his economic thinking and made advances
which heralded the Austrian school of economics which emerged later in the
century. Bastiat to the end was an indefatigable foe of political privilege,
unaccountable monarchical power, the newly emergent socialist movement, and
above all, the vested interests who benefited from economic protectionism.
He was a giant of 19th century classical liberalism.
Timeline and Chronology of Bastiat
The World of French Political Economy in which Bastiat moved in the 1830s
and 1840s.
Obituaries and Contemporary Biographies of Bastiat:
- Announcement of his death at the January 1851 meeting of the Société d'Économie
Politique in the JDE, T28, pp. 104-5. [PDF ].
- Gustave de Molinari's obituary (nécrologie) in the February issue
of the JDE 1851, pp. 180-196. [PDF ].
- Prosper Paillottet's biography in the DEP 1852, vol. 1, pp. 145-48. [PDF ].
- Roger de Fontenay, "Notice sur la vie et les écrits de Frédéric
in vol. 1 of the Oeuvres complètes de Frédéric Bastiat (2nd
ed. 1862) with extracts from Prosper Paillottet's diary, pp. ix-lii. [PDF ].
- A. Bouchié de Belle, Bastiat et le Libre-Échange (Paris:
Guillaumin, 1878). [PDF 11.4 MB].
Bastiat's Works
Works by Bastiat which were not inlcuded in the Oeuvres complètes:
- "Opinion de M. Frédéric Bastiat" (on "le droit
au travail") in Le droit au travail à l'Assemblée
nationale. Recueil complet de tous les discours prononcés dans cette
mémorable discussion par MM. Fresneau, Hubert Delisle, Cazalès,
Gaulthier de Rumilly, Pelletier, A. de Tocqueville, Ledru-Rolin, Duvergier
de Hauranne, Crémieux, M. Barthe, Gaslonde, de Luppé, Arnaud
(de l'Ariège), Thiers, Considerant, Bouhier de l'Ecluse, Martin-Bernard,
Billault, Dufaure, Goudchaux, et Lagrange (texts revue par les orateurs),
suivis de l'opinion de MM. Marrast, Proudhon, Louis Blanc, Ed. Laboulaye
et Cormenin; avec des observations inédites par MM. Léon Faucher,
Wolowski, Fréd. Bastiat, de Parieu, et une introduction et des notes
par M. Joseph Garnier (Paris : Guillaumin, 1848), pp. 373-376.
- Speech to the Second General Peace Congress in Paris 22-24 August, 1850
- [HTML] and [PDF]. Report
of the Proceedings of the Second General Peace Congress, held in Paris, on
the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of August, 1849. Compiled from Authentic Documents,
under the Superintendence of the Peace Congress Committee. (London:
Charles Gilpin, 5, Bishopsgate Street Without, 1849), pp. 49-52. I have entitled
the speech "Disarmament, Taxes, and the Influence of Political Economy
on the Peace Movement."
- aticles in La Sentinelle des Pyrénées (1843-44) [PDF 47MB]
1. Oeuvres complètes de Frédéric
Bastiat, mises en ordre, revues et annotées d’après les
manuscrits de l’auteur. Ed.
Prosper Paillottet and biographical essay by Roger de Fontenay. (Paris: Guillaumin,
1st ed. 1854-55, 6 vols; 2nd ed. 1862-64, 7 vols; 3rd ed. 1870-73; 4th ed.
1878-79; 5th ed. 1881-84; 6th ed. 1907).
Table of Contents of the Complete Editions:
Table of Contents and Texts of individual volumes:
- Tome premier: Correspondance et mélanges
- Tome deuxième: Le Libre-Échange
- Tome troisième: Cobden et la Ligue ou L'agitation anglaise pour
la Liberté des Échange
- 1st edition of 1854-55 - Volume appeared in 1854 [ PDF
text ]
- 2nd edition of 1862-64 - Volume appeared in 1864 [HTML
ToC ; PDF text ]
- Tome quatrième: Sophismes économiques. Petits pamphlets I
- Tome cinquième: Sophismes économiques. Petits pamphlets II
- Tome sixième: Harmonies économiques
- Tome septième: Essais, Ébauches, Correspondance
- This volume did not appear in the 1st edition of 1854-55
- 2nd edition of 1862-64 - Volume appeared for the first time in 1864
text ]
2. Frédéric Bastiat, Lettres d'un habitant des Landes (Paris:
A. Quantin, 1877). [PDF text ].
3. A list of the articles by Bastiat in the Journal des Économistes,
from Table
alphabétique générale des matières contenues
dans les deux premières séries (Années 1841-1865) du
Journal des Économistes (Paris: Guillaumin, 1883). [PDF ].
- a list of 46 works by or about Bastiat in the Journal des Économistes
- a compilation of these works in a single PDF file [26.9
4. Articles by Bastiat in the Dictionnaire de l'économie politique (1852-53).
Bastiat was one of the guiding lights of the Dictionnaire de l'économie
politique. As he died during the writing of the project his direct contribution
was rather small. His editor Paillottet states that the article "Abondance"
was probably the last thing Bastiat ever wrote before he left Paris to spend
his last days in Italy. The article "L'État", although nominally
written by Charles Coquelin one of the editors of the Dictionary, consisted
largely of long quotations taken from Bastiat's essay on L'État
which had been first published in the Journal des Débats in
September 1848 and then as a pamphlet. Likewise with the article on "La Loi"
which was a large extract from Bastiat's pamphlet which appeared in June 1850.
The editors ended this article with a footnote which summed up their respect
for Bastiat and how his ideas had inspired the editors and writers of the Dictionary:
"we weren't able to think of anything better than to reproduce in large
part here the essay which the illustrious economist had published
under the
same title: The Law, and which appered to us to fulfill perfectly
the aim of this Dictionary."
- "Abondance" from Dictionnaire de l'économie politique (1852-53), vol.
1, pp. 2-4. [PDF 297 KB].
- "L'État" from Dictionnaire de l'économie politique (1852-53),
vol. 1, pp. 733-36. [PDF 377 KB].
- "La Loi" from Dictionnaire de l'économie politique (1852-53),
vol. 2, pp. 93-100. [PDF 979 KB].
5. Other Books and Pamphlets by Bastiat
- Cobden et la Ligue, ou l'agitation anglaise pour la liberté du commerce (Paris:
Guillaumin, 1845). - missing pp. 254-55 [PDF
17.6 MB].
- De l'Avenir du commerce des vins entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne (Extrait de Journal
des économistes, août 1845; Batignolles). [PDF
109 KB].
- Sophismes économiques (Paris:
Guillaumin, 1846). First series. [Signed and dated by Bastiat,
Mugron 2 November 1845]. 1846 1st ed. [PDF
4MB]; 1847 3rd ed. [PDF
4.2 MB]. 1851 4th edition [PDF
4 MB].
- the first 11 chapters (of an eventual 22) of this "first series" of
economic sophisms originally
appeared as a series of 3 articles in the Journal des économistes in
- "Sophismes économiques," JDE, avril 1845,
T. 11, pp. 1-16 [PDF
815 KB]
- "Sophismes économiques (suite)," JDE, juillet
1845, T. 11, pp. 345-360 [PDF
853 KB]
- "Sophismes économiques (suite)," JDE, octobre
1845, T. 12, pp. 201-215 [PDF
773 KB]
- The editor of the OC, Paillottet, states t hat the first edition
appeared in 1845. Bastiat signed and dated this (the 3rd edition) "Mugron
2 November 1845". The Bibliothèque nationale does not show an edition
in 1845 but there are 2 listed for 1846, one of which is called the 2nd
edition. Presumably the other is the true 1st edition.
- Sophismes économiques. Deuxiéme Série. (Paris:
Guillaumin, 1848). [PDF
7.6 MB]. Colour version [PDF
9 MB]. Better scan [PDF 4.87
MB]. Like the first series, many of these
chapters first appeared in the JDE before being published in book
- Propriété et Loi. Justice et Fraternité (Extrait du Journal
des économistes, mai et juin, 1848; Paris: Guillaumin, 1848). [PDF
1.5 MB].
- "Opinion de M. Frédéric Bastiat" (on "le droit au
travail") in Le droit au travail à l'Assemblée nationale.
Recueil complet de tous les discours prononcés dans cette mémorable
discussion par MM. Fresneau, Hubert Delisle, Cazalès, Gaulthier de
Rumilly, Pelletier, A. de Tocqueville, Ledru-Rolin, Duvergier de Hauranne,
Crémieux, M. Barthe, Gaslonde, de Luppé, Arnaud (de l'Ariège),
Thiers, Considerant, Bouhier de l'Ecluse, Martin-Bernard, Billault, Dufaure,
Goudchaux, et Lagrange (texts revue par les orateurs), suivis de l'opinion
de MM. Marrast, Proudhon, Louis Blanc, Ed. Laboulaye et Cormenin; avec des
observations inédites par MM. Léon Faucher, Wolowski, Fréd.
Bastiat, de Parieu, et une introduction et des notes par M. Joseph Garnier (Paris
: Guillaumin, 1848), pp. 373-376.
- Le droit au travail à l'Assemblée nationale. Receuil complet (1848).
[PDF 18.8 MB].
- "Opinion de M. Frédéric Bastiat" [PDF
162 KB].
- Capital et Rente (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849). [PDF
1.3 MB].
- L'État.Maudit argent (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849). [PDF
1.3 MB].
- Paix et Liberté ou le budget républicain (Paris:
Guillaumin, 1849). [PDF 3.3 MB].
- Incompatibilités parlementaires (Paris Guillaumin, 1849).
[PDF 1.8 MB].
- Protectionnisme et Communisme (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849). [PDF
2.6 MB].
- Gratuité du credit (n.p., n.d.). [After October 1849].
7.2 MB].
- Speech to the Second General Peace Congress in Paris 22-24 August, 1849
- [HTML] and [PDF].
- Intérêt et Principal. Discussion sur l'intérêt
du Capital entre M. Proudhon et M. Bastiat (Pulished in La Voix
du peuple,
October 1849; n.p.).
7.3 MB].
- Baccalauréat et Socialisme (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850).
[PDF 2.4 MB].
- La Loi (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850). [PDF
1.7 MB].
- see also the charming illustrated version published by FEE in the late
1940s as part of their rehabilitation of Bastiat in America [PDF
3.1 MB].
- a colour version [PDF
18.2 MB].
- Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas, ou l'Économie politique en une
leçon (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850). [PDF
1.49 MB].
- Harmonies économiques (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850, 1851).
- 1st edition (1st 10 chapters). 1850 Paris edition [PDF
37.7 MB] (has an errata page so it may not be the 1st impression).
1850 Brusselles edition [PDF
8.1 MB]. Front page motto "Digitus Dei est hic"
(Here is the finger of God).
- 2nd edition with additional matter. Published by the "Société des
amis de Bastiat". [PDF
15.4 MB].
- Propriété et Spoliation (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850).
987 KB].
- Incompatibilités parlementaires. Deuxiéme edition suivie des discours
prononcés par M. F. Bastiat sur la répression des Coalitions industrielles,
et sur l'impôt des boissons (2nd ed., Paris: Guillaumin, 1851). [PDF
3.4 MB].
- Mélanges d'économie politique. Tome Premier. (Bruxelles:
Meline, Cans et Comp., 1851). [PDF
12.3 MB]. Contains Sophismes économiques 1 & 2, Capital et Rente, Gratuité
du crédit.
- Sophismes économiques. Premiére série. (4th ed., Paris: Guillaumin,
1851). [PDF
9 MB].
- Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas, ou l'économie politique en une
leçon (5th ed., Paris: Guillaumin, 1879).
2.4 MB].
6. Translations
- Harmonies of Political Economy. Translated from the French with a Notice
of the Life and Writings of the Author by Patrick James Stirling (London:
John Murrary, 1860). [PDF
19.9 MB].
- Harmonies of Political Economy, by Frédéric Bastiat. Part II., Comprising
Additions from the Third Edition of the French, with Notes and an Index
to both Parts (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1870). This contains chaps
11-25 which were included in the 2nd edition of 1851 and then in subsequent
editons. The 3rd edition refers to the one included in Paillottet's edition
of the Oeuvres Complètes of 1854. [facs. PDF
4.5 MB]
- Harmonies of Political Economy, by Frédéric Bastiat. Translated from
the Third Edition of the French, with a Notice of the Life and Writings
of the Author. Second Edition (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1880).
This contains the complete text in one volume. [facs. PDF
12.2 MB] See the HTML version.
- Spanish translation: Armonias Economicas. Traducidas
por D. Francisco Pérez Romero (Madrid: Doña Francisca Pérez,
1858). [PDF
32.9 MB].
- Essays on Political Economy (English trans, n.d.,
London: Provost & Co.). [PDF
9.8 MB].
Books and Articles about Bastiat
Adolphe Imbert, Frédéric Bastiat et le socialisme de son
temps (Marseille: Barlatier, 1913). [6.8
François Bidet, Frédéric Bastiat. L'homme, l'économiste (Paris:
V. Giard et E. Brière, 1906). [6.2
- there is a useful bibliography of books and articles about FB on pp. 279-80.
Hermann von Leesen, Frédéric Bastiat. Sein Leben. Seine
freihändlerischen Bestrebungen und sozialökonomischen Anschauungen (München:
F. Straub, 1904). [4.2 MB PDF].
- on the debate about the exact date of FB's birth Leesen sides with Foville
on 30 June (based on civil records)
- contains a German translation of The Law, and the Petition of the Candlemakers.
[The Académie
des Sciences morales et politiques offered a
prize (the Léon Faucher prize) in 1904 to anybody who wrote a book-length
work on "La
vie et l'oeuvre de Bastiat"
(The Life and Work of Bastiat). The works by Ronce and Nouvion won the prize
and that by Bidet was written in the hope of winning it.]
P. Ronce, Frédéric Bastiat. Sa vie,
son oeuvre (Paris:
Guillaumin, 1905).
[4.9 MB PDF]
- on pp. 208-210 there are some quotes from letters FB wrote explaining in
more detail his throat condition. He complained of coughing fits, pain in
his larynx and oesophagus (he called them "ulcers"), and problems in eating
and drinking.
- this volume also contains an Appendix of some unpublished material by FB,
pp. 277-314. [680 KB PDF].
Georges de Nouvion, Monopole et liberté. Frédéric
Bastiat. Sa Vie - Ses Oeuvres - Ses Doctrines (Paris: Guillaumin, 1905).
[7.3 MB PDF].
Centennaire de la naissance de Bastiat (Paris: Guillaumin, 1901).
The Journal des économistes published a report of a meeting
of the Société
d'économie politique held on 5 July 1901 to commemorate the bicentennial
of the birth of FB. This was later published as a brochure by Guillaumin. This
copy comes from the JDE, 1901, T. 47, July-September, pp. 134-151. [830
Charles Brunel, Bastiat et la réaction contre le pessimisme économique (Paris:
A. Pedone, 1901). [3.6 MB PDF].
Édouard Bondurant, Économie politique. Frédéric
Bastiat (Paris: Guillaumin, 1879). [3.5
A. Bouchié de Belle, Bastiat et le libre-échange (Paris:
Guillaumin, 1878). [11.4 MB PDF].
Jules Martinelle, Harmonies et perturbations sociales. Esquisse des oeuvres
de F. Bastiat suivie de quelques considérations (Paris: Guillaumin,
1852). [5.7
- this edition contains a translation of the Bastiat bibliographie in the
DEP, pp. 231-36.