Works by Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995)
MNR in the 1950s |
The largest collection of his works can be found at the Mises Institute website but they are poorly organised and catologued.
Works on Strategy (listed in chronological order):
- 1965: "Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty", Left and Right. A Journal of Libertarian Thought, Spring 1965, no. 1, pp. 4-22. Facs. PDF versioon; HTML version.
- 1977: "Toward a Strategy for Libertarian Social Change" (April, 1977). Facs. PDF version; HTML version.
- 1982: "Toward a Theory of Strategy for Liberty" in The Ethics of Liberty, with a new introduction by Hans-Hermann Hoppe (New York University Press, 1998), chap. 30, pp. 257-73. PDF version; and HTML version.
- 1986: Murray N. Rothbard, "Concepts of the Role of Intellectuals in Social Change Toward Laissez Faire", The Journal of Libertarian Studies, vol. IX, no. 2 (Fall 1990), pp. 43-67. [Paper given in Poland in March, 1986.] Facs. PDF version.
- 1990: "Concepts of the Role of Intellectuals in Social Change Toward Laissez Faire," The Journal of Libertarian Studies, vol. IX, no. 2 (Fall 1990), pp. 43-67. PDF version.
- 1992 Jan.: "Right-Wing Populism: A Strategy for the Paleo Movement," Rothbard-Rockwell Report (Jan. 1992) pp. 5-14. HTML version; facs. PDF version. A truncated version of this essay was republished in The Irrepressible Rothbard: The Rothbard-Rockwell Report Essays of Murray N. Rothbard. Edited with an introduction by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.. Preface by JoAnn Rothbard (Burlingame, California: The Center for Libertarian Studies, Inc., 2000), pp. 37-42.
- 1992 Jan.: "A Strategy for the Right," Rothbard-Rockwell Report (January 1992). HTML version.
- 1992 Oct.: "A New Strategy for Liberty," Rothbard-Rockwell Report (October 1994). HTML version; facs. PDF version.
The Complete Libertarian Forum (1969-1983)
Other papers: