A History of Classical Liberalism: A Study Guide in
Three Parts
by David M. Hart
[Created: November 15, 2006]
July 21, 2022]
Eugène Delacroix, "Liberty leading the People"
(1830) |
Content of the Study Guide:
A History of Classical Liberalism
Twelve Key Concepts of Liberty
by Dr. David M. Hart
[Created: 15 November, 2006]
July 21, 2022
Richard Cobden's Liberal Dream - "Free Trade in

But I have been accused of looking too much to material interests.
Nevertheless I can say that I have taken as large and great a view
of the effects of this mighty principle as ever did any man who dreamt
over it in his own study. I believe that the physical gain will be
the smallest gain to humanity from the success of this principle. I
look farther; I see in the Free-trade principle that which shall act
on the moral world as the principle of gravitation in the universe,—drawing
men together, thrusting aside the antagonism of race, and creed, and
language, and uniting us in the bonds of eternal peace. I have looked
even farther. I have speculated, and probably dreamt, in the dim future—ay,
a thousand years hence—I have speculated on what the effect of the
triumph of this principle may be. I believe that the effect will be
to change the face of the world, so as to introduce a system of government
entirely distinct from that which now prevails. I believe that the
desire and the motive for large and mighty empires; for gigantic armies
and great navies—for those materials which are used for the destruction
of life and the desolation of the rewards of labour—will die away;
I believe that such things will cease to be necessary, or to be used,
when man becomes one family, and freely exchanges the fruits of his
labour with his brother man. I believe that, if we could be allowed
to reappear on this sublunary scene, we should see, at a far distant
period, the governing system of this world revert to something like
the municipal system; and I believe that the speculative philosopher
of a thousand years hence will date the greatest revolution that ever
happened in the world’s history from the triumph of the principle which
we have met here to advocate. I believe these things: but, whatever
may have been my dreams and speculations, I have never obtruded them
upon others. I have never acted upon personal or interested motives
in this question; I seek no alliance with parties or favour from parties,
and I will take none—but, having the feeling I have of the sacredness
of the principle, I say that I can never agree to tamper with it. I,
at least, will never be suspected of doing otherwise than pursuing
it disinterestedly, honestly, and resolutely.
Cobden, Speech at Manchester, January 15,
Speeches on Questions of Public Policy by Richard
Cobden, M.P., ed. by John Bright and J.E. Thorold Rogers with a Preface
and Appreciation by J.E. Thorold Rogers and an Appreciation by Goldwin
Smith (London: T.Fisher Unwin, 1908), vol. 1.
Details about the quote:
< http://oll.libertyfund.org/quote/326> |
Thinking about the nature of "liberty" was often haphazard until
quite late in the development of the classical liberal tradition (CLT). People
spoke out against actions (usually by the state) which they thought "violated
their rights"
or overturned traditional and customary practices, such as new taxes, restrictions
on religious practice, pressganging sailors to serve in the navy, or sumptuary
laws on alcohol. They used arguments and vocabulary which was at hand to oppose
these measures and only later tried to turn these ideas into a coherent and
consistent theory of what is right, proper, and just for human beings to do.
The 1850s seems to be a seminal period in this process of establishing the
foundational principles of individual liberty and working through the consequences
and implications of these ideas in a systematic way. Perhaps the first to do
this was the English radical individualist Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) in his
book Social Statics:
or, The Conditions essential to Happiness specified, and the First of them
Developed (1851).
We also have the great English philosopher John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) writing
one of the classic works of CL theory, On Liberty (1859) in this decade.
We should note the later effort by Herbert Spencer to return to a systematic
exposition of the theory of liberty in his 2 volume work The Principles
of Ethics which
appeared in
But inevitably there were things they ignored or did not consider or did not
know about, such as the rights of women, the supposed superiority of white
Christian Europeans over Africans or Asians, or the rights of children. It
was another 70 years before we see other major attempts to work out the nature
of individual liberty in a similar systematic way. The Austrian economist Ludwig
von Mises (1881-1973) wrote a small one volume work of synthesis called simply Liberalismus (Liberalism)
in 1927 which was not translated into English until 1962 by Ralph Raico. I
should also mention here another work of synthesis by yet another Austrian
economist Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992) who wrote a most influential one volume
work as part of the post-WW2 renaissance of CL thought, The Constitution
of Liberty (1960).
The modern libertarian movement got the codification of its theory of liberty
from Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995) in 1973 when his book For a New Liberty (New
York: Macmillan, 1973) appeared. This was the most consistent application of
the natural rights traditionof CL to modern political and economic problems
which had appeared to date. In many respects it marked the beginning of
the modern libertarian movement in America.
I have divided the discussion into two sections: what the Classical Liberals
were FOR, and what they were AGAINST. I have deliberately listed them in the
conveninet biblical number of 12 items.
What Classical Liberals were FOR
One way to consider the problem of what CLs believed is to arrange key CL
ideas into "clusters" of beliefs, such as "basic principles",
"the grounds for liberty", "processes for living freely", "political
liberty", "economic liberty", "social liberty",
and "coexistence with other states". They are listed in detail below
[also see the "Concept Map of Classical Liberal Thought" below or
download PDF]:
- the dignity of the individual, individual autonomy (Kant), sanctity
of life
- individual liberty, a private sphere protected from outside interference
(Humboldt and Mill), right to associate & trade with others
- private property (Locke), self-propriety or self-ownership (the Levellers),
exchange of property titles or contracts
- natural law and natural rights, Tom Paine's "imprescriptible rights" -
Rights of Man (1791), rights anterior to govt, often exercised against
state power
- utilitarianism, "the greatest happiness of the greatest number" (Bentham)
- prohibition of the initition of violence/coercion against others
- voluntary association between individuals in all things
- "domestic" and "international" free trade in all
- decentralized legal resolution of disputes
- idea of spontaneous order, evolved voluntary orders (Hayek) in economics
(money), law (arbitration, dispute settlement)
- freedom of the press, freedom of speech, free expression (JS Mill)
- limited representative government, power limited by means of a constitution
and/or bill of rights (Jefferson, Madison)
- rule of law, law applies equally to all (including agents of the state)
- religious toleration, extended to toleration of all unorthodox thought
and (non injurious) behaviour
- the right of "exit", right of rebellion against unjust state,
resistance to tyranny
- domestic free markets and international free trade (A. Smith, F. Bastiat)
- complete freedom of movement of people and goods (laissez-faire, laissez-passer)
- private ownership of economic assets
- minimal taxes, balanced government budgets
- private provision of "public goods"
- equal treatment under the law to all groups regardless of status/rank,
gender, sexual preference, race
- toleration of "different experiments in living" (JS Mill), "the pursuit
of happiness" (Jefferson, Dec. Ind)
- no "victimless crimes" (alcohol, drugs, suicide)
- non-interference in the affairs of other nations (Washington, Cobden)
- international arbitration to solve disputes
- international free trade
- free and open immigartion/emmigration
Concept Map of Classical Liberal Thought

I have selected 12 of these ideas about liberty to examine in more detail
and I have called them the "key concepts of liberty" because of their
importance in the CLT. They have been developed over several hundred years
by many authors in the classical liberal, free market and conservative traditions.
There is probably no single thinker who would agree with every aspect of these
key concepts. Rather, they are an amalgam or "ideal type" taken
from the various streams of thinking about individual liberty which have emerged
in Western Europe and North America since the early modern period. It is designed
to summarize in a more manageable way a complex way of thinking about the nature
of individual liberty.
- Natural Law and Natural Rights
- Private Property
- Individual Liberty
- Idea of Spontaneous Order
- Free Markets
- Limited Government
- Rule of Law
- Freedom of Speech & Religion
- Free Trade
- Peace
- Progress
- Right of Exit
In prose you might say the following about how these values relate
to each other both in theory and in the historical evolution of the CLT:
By observing
and studying human beings both as individuals and as social beings some theorists
argued that humans had a "nature" which required for their survival
and flourishing that their lives and property be respected by others.
this developed the idea of "natural rights" to such things as one's
person, property, and liberty to interact non-coercively with others. The
initiation of violence (or threat thereof) against another's "rights" was
seen as a violation of the moral code which made possible productive and
peaceful interactions between individuals.
From the myriad of non-violent
interactions between individuals gradually emerged "spontaneous orders" such
as language, money, markets, and other social arrangements which no one individual
designed or controlled, the free market and non-state mechanisms for dispute
resolution being the most important examples.
Spontaneous orders like these
existed well before organised states emerged which attempted to monopolize
power in the hands of a few warrior individuals and aristocratic families
and to force others to pay taxes and submit to centralized legal authority.
It has been an integral part of the CLT, once these centralized states existed,
to place limits on their power to tax, conscript, regulate, and imprison.
These limits were things like constitutions, bills of rights, the rule of
law, and respect for private property. The ruling elites who controlled the
state were reluctant to have their power limited in this way and so they
resisted these efforts, resulting in a series of revolts and revolutions
from the mid-17th century to the mid-19th century by excluded groups to create
limited, constitutional government and free markets.
Some of the issues which most concerned CLs
during this period were constitutional government, the rule of law, the equality
of rights for all individuals regardless of status, freedom of speech and
religion, deregulation of the economy, free trade, and opposition to war
and empire. The end result of these struggles was a period during the 19th
century of unprecedented peace and prosperity, in other words "progress".
CLs have also thought that if an oppressive government could not or would
not reform itself then individuals had the right to either force it to change
by means of revolts, uprisings, and even revolutions, or they had the right
to leave by emmigration to other places where better opportunities for a
flourishing life existed. This is the "right of exit" which might
be viewed as a last ditch effort to achieve a better life when all else fails.
I would like to explore these key concepts in greater depth by examining the
numerous articles on these and related concepts in the Encyclopedia of
Libertarianism which
are listed below, supplemented by extracts from relevant primary sources which
are available on the Online Library of Liberty <http://oll.libertyfund.org>.
What Classical Liberals were AGAINST
The list of things Classical Liberals were against varied according to time
and place. This list is largely influenced by the CL movements of the 17th century
onwards and includes the following:
- arbitrary political power
- arbitrary religious power
- slavery and serfdom
- war and conscription
- taxation
- national debt
- tariffs and other trade protection to favoured industries
- subsidies and monoplies to favoured industries
- the central bank and fiat money
- empire and colonies
- censorship
- torture, arbitary arrest and imprisonment, execution
At a future date I plan to create a table like the one on the "12 Key
Concepts of Classical Liberalism" for the "12 Key Violations of Individual
Liberty" listed above.
Recommended Readings
Key Text: The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, ed. Ronald Hamowy
(Los Angeles: Sage, 2008. A Project of the Cato Institute). |
Other recommended books:
- The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, ed. David R. Henderson
(Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2008). Also available online at Econlib <http://www.econlib.org/library/CEE.html>.
- The Libertarian Reader: Classic and Contemporary Readings from Lao-Tzu
to Milton Friedman, ed. David Boaz (New York: The Free Press, 1997).
- A Libertrian Primer, ed. David Boaz (New York: The Free Press,
1997), Chap. 2 "The Roots of Libertarianism," pp. 27-58.
- Western Liberalism: A History in Documents from Locke to Croce,
ed. E.K. Bramstead and K.J. Melhuish (London: Longman, 1978).
- Jim Powell, The Triumph of Liberty: A 2,000-Year History, told through
the Lives of Freedom's greatest Champions (New York: The Free Press,
- Brian Doherty, Radicals for Capitalism: A Freewheeling History of the
Modern American Libertarian Movement (New York: PublicAffairs, 2007).
- Murray N. Rothbard, An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic
Thought: Vol. I Economic Thought before Adam Smith (Auburn, Alabama:
Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2006).
- Murray N. Rothbard, An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic
Thought: Vol. II Classical Economics (Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von
Mises Institute, 2006).
Works of Historical Importance
Herbert Spencer, Social Statics: or, The
Conditions essential to Happiness specified, and the First of them Developed,
(London: John Chapman, 1851). Accessed from http://oll.libertyfund.org/title/273
Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Ethics, introduction by Tibor
R. Machan (Indianapolis: LibertyClassics, 1978). 2 vols. Accessed from http://oll.libertyfund.org/title/1882
John Stuart Mill, The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume XVIII
- Essays on Politics and Society Part I, ed. John M. Robson, Introduction
by Alexander Brady (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, London: Routledge
and Kegan Paul, 1977). Chapter: ON LIBERTY 1859. Accessed from http://oll.libertyfund.org/title/233/16550
Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism: A Socio-Economic Exposition, trans.
Ralph Raico, ed. Arthur Goddard (Kansas City: Sheed Andrews and McMeel, Inc.,
1978). Accessed from http://oll.libertyfund.org/title/1151
Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism: The Classical Tradition, trans.
Ralph Raico, ed. Bettina Bien Greaves (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2005). Accessed
from http://oll.libertyfund.org/title/1463
Ludwig von Mises, Liberalismus (Jena: Fischer Verlag, 1927).
Friedrich A. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty (Chicago: Henry Regnery,
Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberty (New York: Macmillan, 1973).
Revised edition 1978.
Table of the 12 Key Concepts of Liberty
1. Natural
Law and Natural Rights
- the world is governed by natural laws which are discoverable by human reason
- Tom Paine's "imprescriptible rights": the right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness
- rights are not created by government but exist anterior to it
- [alternative view of utilitarianism - maximization of happiness or utilty]
Private Property
- the right of self-propriety or self-ownership
- the right to exchange property titles with others
- private contracts
- the right to enjoy one's property so long as no aggression is
initiated against others
Individual Liberty
- an individual, private sphere which is protected from outside
- the dignity of the individual, individual autonomy, sanctity
of life
- right of voluntary association among individuals
- civil society
4. Idea of Spontaneous Order
- institutions emerge spontaneously and evolve over time
- by pursuing their own selfish interests in a voluntary manner
they are led as if by an "invisible hand" (Adam Smith)
to promote the welfare of others
5. Free Markets
- complete freedom of movement of people and goods (laissez-faire,
- domestic free markets, competition
- division of labour
- low taxes
- little or no regulation
6. Limited Government
- governmental power limited by means of a constitution and/or
bill of rights
- elections to periodically remove bad governments
- checks and balances between the branches of government
- federalism and decentralization of power
- how limited should government be? - classical Smithian view,
nighwatchman state, anarcho-capitalism
7. Rule of Law
- rule of laws not of men
- law applies equally to all (including agents of the state)
- common law
- independent courts
- trial by jury
- right to habeas corpus
8. Freedom of Speech & Religion
- freedom of the press
- the right of assembly and right to engage in peaceful protest
- no
state-enforced religion
- right to practice the religion of one's
- toleration of all unorthodox thought
and (non injurious) behaviour
9. Free Trade
- complete freedom of movement of people and goods (laissez-faire,
- international free trade
- natural harmony of interests leads to peace
10. Peace
- non-interference in the affairs of other nations
- international arbitration to solve disputes
- free trade beween all nations
- respect for the laws of war
11. Progress
- through hard work and initiative both individuals and society
can be improved indefinitely
- wealth creation is a product of the free market and trade
12. Right of "Exit"
- the right to rebel against unjust government, tyranny
- the right to secede
- freedom of movement across political borders - immigration, emmigration
Recommended Reading from the Encyclopedia of Libertarianism and
the Online Library of Liberty
Articles from The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism (EoL)
which are most pertinent to my list of key concepts include the following.
The items in bold are
particularly important in my view.
One should begin with Steve Davies' "General
Introduction," EoL, pp. xxv-xxxvii, which is an excellent
survey of the ideas, movements, and key events in the development of liberty,
then read as many of the following articles as you can.
Another excellent, short introduction comes from A Libertrian Primer,
ed. David Boaz (New York: The Free Press, 1997).
In the right hand colum are listed relevant extracts from texts in the Classical
Liberal tradition which are available at the Online Library of Liberty. The
link will take you to an extract of the text which is part of the OLL's collection
of Quotations
about Liberty and Power.
- "Natural Law" & "Natural Rights"
- "Theories of Rights"
- "Utilitarianism"
- "Private Property"
- "Nonaggression Axiom"
- "Civil Society"
- "Individual Rights" & "Equality" (of
- "Freedom" & "Political and Ethical Individualism"
- "Presumption of Liberty"
- "Spontaneous Order"
- "Capitalism"
- "Laissez-Faire Policy" & "Competition"
- "Division of Labor"
- "Entrepreneurship" & "Free-Market Economy"
- "Constitutionalism" & "Limited
- "Bill of Righs, U.S." & "Federalism"
- "Minimal State" & "State"
- "Anarchism" & "Anarcho-Capitalism"
- "Coercion" & "Constitutionalism"
- "Common Law" & "Law Merchant"
- "Conscience" (liberty of)
- "Cosmopolitanism"
- "Freedom of Speech" & "Freedom
of Thought"
- "Religion and Liberty" & "Separation of Church
and State"
- "Free Trade"
- "Natural Harmony of Interests"
10. PEACE |
- "Peace and Pacifism"
- Grotius
on Moderation in Despoiling the Country of one’s Enemies (1625)
- Trenchard
on the dangers posed by a standing army (1698)
- Madison
argued that war is the major way by which the executive office increases
its power, patronage, and taxing power (1793)
- George
Washington on the Difference between Commercial and Political Relations
with other Countries (1796)
- James
Mill likens the expence and economic stagnation brought about by
war to a “pestilential wind” which ravages the country (1808)
- Cobden
urges the British Parliament not to be the “Don Quixotes of Europe”
using military force to right the wrongs of the world (1854)
- William
Graham Sumner denounced America’s war against Spain and thought that
“war, debt, taxation, diplomacy, a grand governmental system, pomp,
glory, a big army and navy, lavish expenditures, political jobbery”
would result in imperialsm (1898)
- Ludwig
von Mises laments the passing of the Age of Limited Warfare and the
coming of Mass Destruction in the Age of Statism and Conquest (1949)
- "Economic Development"
- "Material Progress"
- "Progress"
- "Right of Revolution" & "Secessionism"
- Freedom of Movement - Emmigration & "Immigration"