[Created: 7 Janurary, 2024]
[Updated: 22 July, 2024]




This Bibliography is a revised and updated version of "A Selection of Leveller Tracts (1638-60) in Chronological Order".

See also "The Leveller Tracts and Pamphlets Project" and "Biographies of the Leading Levellers (and Others)".

There are over 325 items in this bibliography not all of which are availbale in HTML of PDF (to date 139). I will add more as I have the time and inclination to do so.

Note: The table can be sorted by clicking on the column headings ID, DATE, AUTHOR, SHORT TITLE, FULL TITLE, ONLINE, TYPE. Clicking a second time will reverse the order. Refreshing the page will go to the default order. Books can be sorted by abbreviated title (which do not include "Le", "La", "À", or "É"), which I have not provided for the journal articles. They can be sorted by clicking on "FULL TITLE", but note that letters are sorted ahead of quote marks.





  T.002 1638.?? Lilburne Light for the Ignorant John Lilburne, A Light for the Ignorant (1638).   Tract
  T.003 1638.?? Lilburne Worke of the Beast John Lilburne, A Worke of the Beast (1638).   Tract
  T.001 1638.03.12 Lilburne Christian Mans Triall John Lilburne, The Christian Mans Triall (12 March 1638, 2nd ed. December 1641).   Tract
  T.004 1640.?? Selden Brief Discourse John Selden, A Brief Discourse concerning the Power of the Peeres (1640).    
  T.282 1640.11.3 Parker Case of Shipmoney Henry Parker, The Case of Shipmoney briefly discoursed (3 Nov. 1640).   Tract
  T.005 1641.?? Overton Dreame [Richard Overton], A Dreame, or Newes from Hell (1641). HTML Tract
  T.006 1641.?? Davies Answer to those Printed Papers John Davies, An Answer to those Printed Papers by the late Patentees of Salt (1641).   Tract
  T.283 1641.04.12 Pym Speech or Declaration John Pym, The Speech or Declaration of John Pym (12 April, 1641)   Tract
  T.007 1641.05 Anon. Lamentable Complaints Anon., The Lamentable Complaints of Nick Froth the Tapster (May 1641).   Tract
  T.260 1641.05 Milton Reformation Touching Church Discipline John Milton, Of Reformation Touching Church Discipline in England (May, 1641).    
  T.261 1641.06 Milton Prelatical Episcopacy John Milton, Of Prelatical Episcopacy (June or July, 1641).    
  T.008 1641.06 Overton Old Newes [Richard Overton or John Taylor], Old Newes newly Revived (June 1641). HTML Tract
  T.262 1641.07 Milton Animadversions John Milton, Animadversions upon The Remonstrants Defence against Smectymnuus (July, 1641).    
  T.009 1641.08 Overton Frogges of Egypt [Richard Overton], The Frogges of Egypt, or the Caterpillers of the Commonwealth (August, 1641). HTML Tract
  T.010 1641.09 Walwyn New Petition [William Walwyn], A New Petition of the Papists (September 1641). HTML Tract
  T.011 1641.10 Chidley Justification of the Independant Churches Katherine Chidley, The Justification of the Independant Churches of Christ (October, 1641).   Tract
  T.012 1641.11 Greville Discourse opening the Nature Robert Greville, A Discourse opening the Nature of that Episcopacie (November 1641).   Tract
  T.263 1642.01 Milton Reason of Church-Government John Milton, The Reason of Church-Government Urged against Prelaty (Jan. or Feb., 1642).    
  T.013 1642.01.06 Hare Marine Mercury John Hare, The Marine Mercury (6 January, 1642).    
  T.264 1642.04 Milton Apology against a Pamphlet John Milton, An Apology against a Pamphlet (for Smectymnuus) (April, 1642).    
  T.014 1642.04.21 Anon. Question Answered Anon., A Question Answered (21 April, 1642).    
  T.284 1642.06.18 King Charles His Majesties Answer Charles I, His Majesties Answer to XIX Propositions made by both Houses of Parliament (18 June, 1642)    
  T.015 1642.07.02 Parker Observations Henry Parker, Observations upon some of his Majesties late Answers and Expresses (2 July 1642).    
  T.285 1642.08?? Ferne Resolving of Conscience Henry Ferne, The Resolving of Conscience upon this Question (Autumn 1642)    
  T.016 1642.09.30 Marsh Great Questio John Marsh, The Great Question concerning the Militia (30 September, 1642).    
  T.017 1642.10.15 Ward Vindication of the Parliament Richard Ward, The Vindication of the Parliament (15 October, 1642).    
  T.018 1642.10.12 Goodwin Anti-Cavalierism John Goodwin, Anti-Cavalierism (21 October, 1642).    
  T.019 1642.11.10 Walwyn Some Considerations [William Walwyn], Some Considerations Tending to the Undeceiving (10 November 1642). HTML  
  T.020 1642.11.26 Ward Anatomy of Warre Richard Ward, The Anatomy of Warre (26 November, 1642).    
  T.021 1642.12.06 Prynne Vindication of Psalme William Prynne, A Vindication of Psalme 105.15 (6 December, 1642).    
  T.286 1642.12.29 Herle Fuller Answer Charles Herle, A Fuller Answer to a Treatise written by Doctor Ferne (29 Dec. 1642)    
  T.022 1642.12.31 Anon. Privileges of the House Anon., The Privileges of the House of Commons (31 December, 1642).    
  T.023 1643.01.17 Norton Miseries of War John Norton, The Miseries of War (17 January, 1643).    
  T.024 1643.01.24 Anon. Actors Remonstrance Anon., The Actors Remonstrance (24 January, 1643).    
  T.025 1643.02.24 Anon. Touching the Fundamentall Anon., Touching the Fundamentall Lawes of this Kingdome (24 February, 1643).    
  T.026 1643.04.15 Prynne Soveraigne Power of Parliaments William Prynne, The Soveraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes (15 April 1643).    
  T.027 1643.05.19 Anon. Briefe Collections Anon., Briefe Collections out of Magna Charta (19 May, 1643).    
  T.028 1643.05.24 Hunton Treatise of Monarchy Philip Hunton, A Treatise of Monarchy (24 May, 1643).    
  T.029 1643.06.14 Anon. Subject of Supremacie Anon., The Subject of Supremacie (14 June, 1643).    
  T.265 1643.08 Milton Doctrine and Discipline John Milton, The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce (August, 1643).    
  T.030 1643.09.19 Walwyn Power of Love [William Walwyn], The Power of Love (19 September 1643). HTML  
  T.031 1643.10.07 Prynne Humble Remonstrance William Prynne, An Humble Remonstrance against The Tax of Ship-money (7 October 1643).    
  T.032 1644.01.02 Anon. Dialogue betwixt a Horse Anon., A Dialogue betwixt a Horse of Warre and a Mill-Horse (2 January, 1644).    
  T.033 1644.01.03 Several Hands Apologetical Narration Thomas Goodwin, Philip Nye, Sidrach Simpson, Jeremiah Burroughes, and William Bridge, An Apologetical Narration, humbly submitted to the Honourable House of Parliament (3 January 1644).    
  T.034 1644.01.19 Overton Mans mortalitie Richard Overton, Mans mortalitie: or, A treatise wherein ’tis proved, both Theologically and Philosophically, that whole Man (as a rationall creature) is a compound wholly mortall (19 January 1644). HTML  
  T.035 1644.03.24 Robinson Liberty of Conscience Henry Robinson, Liberty of Conscience: Or the Sole means to obtaine Peace and Truth (24 March 1644).    
  T.036 1644.03.26 Hunton Vindication of the Treatise Philip Hunton, A Vindication of the Treatise of Monarchy (26 March, 1644).    
  T.037 1644.06 Walwyn Compassionate Samaritane [William Walwyn], The Compassionate Samaritane Unbinding The Conscience (June or July 1644). HTML  
  T.266 1644.06 Milton Education John Milton, Of Education (June, 1644).    
  T.267 1644.07 Milton Judgement of Martin Bucer John Milton, The Judgement of Martin Bucer Concerning Divorce (July, 1644).    
  T.038 1644.07.29 Walwyn Good Counsell [William Walwyn], Good Counsell to All those that heartily desire the glory of God, the freedome of the Commonwealth, and the good of all vertuous men (29 July 1644). HTML  
  T.039 1644.09.02 Goodwin Theomachia John Goodwin, Theomachia; Or the Grand Imprudence of men running the hazard of Fighting Against God (2 September 1644).    
  T.040 1644.10.04 Anon. Arch-Cheate Anon., The Arch-Cheate, or the Cheate of Cheats (4 October, 1644).    
  T.268 1644.11 Milton Areopagitica John Milton, Areopagitica; A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc’d Printing, to the Parlament of England (London. Printed in the Yeare, 1644). [November, 1644]



  T.041 1645.01.02 Chidley New Years Gift Katherine Chidley, A New Years Gift (2 January, 1645).    
  T.042 1645.01.07 Lilburne Copy of a Letter John Lilburne, A Copy of a Letter (7 January 1645).    
  T.269 1645.02 Milton Tetrachordon John Milton, Tetrachordon (March, 1645).    
  T.270 1645.02 Milton Colasterion John Milton, Colasterion (March, 1645).    
  T.043 1645.02.06 Walwyn Helpe to the right understanding [William Walwyn], A Helpe to the right understanding of a Discourse concerning Independency (6 February 1645). HTML  
  T.044 1645.04.08 Overton Araignment of Mr. Persecution [Richard Overton], The Araignment of Mr. Persecution (8 April 1645). HTML  
  T.045 1645.04.11 Johnson Discourse on Freedome Thomas Johnson, A Discourse on Freedome of Trade (11 April, 1645). HTML  
  T.046 1645.05.31 Overton Sacred Decretal Richard Overton, A Sacred Decretal, or Hue and Cry (31 May, 1645).    
  T.047 1645.08.30 Lilburne Respecting the Power John Lilburne, Respecting the Power of Disposing of the Militia (30 August, 1645).    
  T.048 1645.09.14 Lilburne Englands Miserie John Lilburne, Englands Miserie and Remedie (14 September, 1645).    
  T.049 1645.10.08 Lilburne Englands Birth-Right [John Lilburne], Englands Birth-Right Justified Against all Arbitrary Usurpation, whether Regall or Parliamentary, or under what Vizor soever (8 October 1645). HTML  
  T.050 1645.10.11 Walwyn Englands Lamentable Slaverie [William Walwyn], Englands Lamentable Slaverie Proceeding from the Arbitrarie will, severitie, and Injustices of Kings, Negligence, corruption, and unfaithfulnesse of parliaments (11 October, 1645). HTML  
  T.051 1645.11.01 Chidley Good Council Katherine Chidley, Good Council to the Petitioners for Presbyterian Government (1 November, 1645).    
  T.052 1645.12.29 Overton Ordinance for Tythes [Richard Overton], The Ordinance for Tythes Dismounted, from all Mosaicall, Evangelicall, and true Magesteriall Right (29 December 1645). HTML  
  T.053 1646.01.06 Lilburne Innocency and Truth John Lilburne, Innocency and Truth justified (6 January, 1646).    
  T.054 1646.01.24 Overton Divine Observations Richard Overton, Divine Observations upon the London Ministers Letter against Toleration (24 January, 1646). HTML  
  T.055 1646.01.26 Johnson Plea for Free-Mens Liberties Thomas Johnson, A Plea for Free-Mens Liberties (26 January, 1646).    
  T.056 1646.01.27 Selden Tyth-gatherers John Selden, Tyth-gatherers, no Gospel Officers (27 January, 1646).    
  T.057 1646.01.29 Walwyn Tolleration Justified [William Walwyn], Tolleration Justified, and Persecution Condemn’d (29 January 1646). HTML  
  T.059 1646.03.13 Walwyn Whisper in the Eare William Walwyn, A Whisper in the Eare of Mr. Thomas Edwards Minister (13 March 1646). HTML  
  T.060 1646.03.19 Walwyn Word More William Walwyn, A Word More to Mr. Thomas Edwards Minister (19 March 1646). HTML  
  T.061 1646.04.08 Anon. World is turned Upside Down Anon., The World is turned Upside Down (8 April, 1646).    
  T.062 1646.04.18 Freize Every mans Right James Freize, Every mans Right (18 April, 1646).    
  T.063 1646.05.18 Walwyn Word in Season [William Walwyn], A Word in Season: to all sorts of wel minded people in this miserably distracted and distempered nation (18 May 1646). HTML  
  T.064 1646.06.06 Lilburne Just mans justification John Lilburne, The Just mans justification (6 June, 1646).    
  T.065 1646.06.10 Walwyn Antidote against Master William Walwyn, An Antidote against Master Edwards his old and new Poyson (10 June 1646). HTML  
  T.066 1646.06.16 Lilburne Free-mans Freedom John Lilburne, The Free-mans Freedom Vindicated (16 June 1646). HTML  
  T.287 1646.06.18 Ball Constitutio Liberi Populi William Ball, Constitutio Liberi Populi. Or, The Rule of a Free-born People (18 June, 1646)    
  T.068 1646.06.23 Walwyn Pearle in a Dounghill [William Walwyn], A Pearle in a Dounghill (23 June 1646). HTML  
  T.067 1646.06.29 Walwyn Just Man in Bonds [William Walwyn], The Just Man in Bonds (29 June 1646). HTML  
  T.069 1646.?? Larner Vindication of every Free-mans William Larner, A Vindication of every Free-mans libertie against all Arbitrary power and Government (June 1646).    
  T.070 1646.07.17 Overton Remonstrance of Many Thousand [Richard Overton], A Remonstrance of Many Thousand Citizens, and other Free-born People of England, To their owne House of Commons (17 July 1646). HTML  
  T.071 1646.08.01 Overton Alarum to the House of Lords [Richard Overton], An Alarum to the House of Lords: Against their insolent Usurpation of the Common Liberties, and Rights of this Nation (1 August 1646). HTML  
  T.072 1646.08.04 Shepheard Famers Fam’d S. Shepheard, The Famers Fam’d or an Answer, To two Seditious Pamphlets (4 August 1646).    
  T.073 1646.08.11 Walwyn Prediction of Mr. Edwards William Walwyn, A Prediction of Mr. Edwards. His Conversion, and Recantation (11 August 1646). HTML  
  T.074 1646.08.21 Lilburne Liberty Vindicated [John Lilburne], Liberty Vindicated against Slavery (21 August 1646). HTML  
  T.075 1646.09.09 Overton Defiance against all Arbitrary [Richard Overton], A Defiance against all Arbitrary Usurpations Or Encroachments (9 September 1646). HTML  
  T.076 1646.10.07 Walwyn Demurre to the Bill [William Walwyn], A Demurre to the Bill for Preventing the Growth and Spreading of Heresie (7 October 1646). HTML  
  T.077 1646.10.09 Cotton Controversie concerning Liberty John Cotton, The Controversie concerning Liberty of Conscience (9 October, 1646).    
  T.078 1646.10.12 Overton Arrow against all Tyrants Richard Overton, An Arrow against all Tyrants and Tyranny (12 October 1646). HTML  
  T.079 1646.10.29 Walwyn Parable, or Consultation William Walwyn, A Parable, or Consultation of Physitians upon Master Edwards (29 October 1646). HTML  
  T.080 1646.10.?? Lilburne London’s Liberty in Chains John Lilburne, London’s Liberty in Chains discovered (October 1646). HTML  
  T.081 1646.11.06 Lilburne Anatomy of the Lords Tyranny John Lilburne, An Anatomy of the Lords Tyranny (6 November, 1646).    
  T.082 1646.11.19 Lilburne Vox Plebis John Lilburne, Vox Plebis, or The Peoples Out-cry Against Oppression, Injustice, and Tyranny (19 November, 1646). HTML  
  T.083 1646.11.30 Lilburne Unhappy Game John Lilburne [with Overton], An Unhappy Game at Scotch and English (30 November, 1646). HTML  
  T.084 1646.12.18 Lilburne Charters of London John Lilburne, The Charters of London: or, The second Part of Londons Liberty in Chaines Discovered (18 December, 1646).    
  T.085 1647.01.06 Lilburne Regall Tyrannie John Lilburne [Richard Overton] , Regall Tyrannie discovered: Or, A Discourse, shewing that all lawfull (approbational) instituted power by God amongst men, is by common agreement, and mutual consent (6 January 1647). HTML  
  T.086 1647.01.28 Taylor World turned Upside Down John Taylor, The World turned Upside Down (28 January, 1647).    
  T.087 1647.01.30 Lilburne Oppressed Mans Oppressions John Lilburne, The Oppressed Mans Oppressions declared (30 January, 1647).    
  T.088 1647.02.01 Anon. London’s Account Anon., London’s Account; or a Calculation of the Arbitrary and Tyrannicall Exactions, Taxations (1 February, 1647).    
  T.089 1647.02.09 Harris Royal Quarrell John Harris, The Royal Quarrell, or Englands Lawes and Liberties vindicated (9 February, 1647).    
  T.090 1647.02.10 Overton Commoners Complaint [Richard Overton], The Commoners Complaint: Or, A Dreadful Warning from Newgate, to the Commons of England (10 February 1647). HTML  
  T.091 1647.02.13 Lilburne Reall Persecution [Overton or Lilburne], A Reall Persecution or, The Foundation of a general Toleration (13 February, 1647). HTML  
  T.058 1647.02.28 Lilburne Out-cryes John Lilburne and Richard Overton, The out-cryes of Opressed Commons (February 1647). HTML  
  T.092 1647.03 Walwyn To the Right Honourable and Supreme Authority [Several Hands but probably a major role by William Walwyn], [also known as “The Petition of March”], To the Right Honourable and Supreme Authority of this Nation, the Commons in Parliament assembled (March 1647). HTML Petition
  T.093 1647.03 Walwyn Still and Soft Voice William Walwyn, A Still and Soft Voice From the Scriptures Witnessing them to be the Word of God (March/April 1647). HTML  
  T.094 1647.04.04 Overton New found Stratagem [Richard Overton], A new found Stratagem framed in the old Forge of Machivilisme (4 April, 1647). HTML  
  T.095 1647.04.30 Lilburne Resolved mans Resolution John Lilburne, The resolved mans Resolution, to maintain with the last drop of his heart blood, his civill Liberties and freedomes (30 April 1647). HTML  
  T.096 1647.05.06 Sexby For our Faithfull Edward Sexby, William Allen, Thomas Shepherd, For our Faithfull and ever Honored Commanders (6 May, 1647). HTML   
  T.097 1647.05.31 Lilburne Rash Oaths John Lilburne, Rash Oaths unwarrantable (31 May, 1647).    
  T.098 1647.06.05 Anon. Solemne Engagement Anon., A Solemne Engagement of the Army (5 June 1647). HTML Petition
  T.099 1647.06.10 Walwyn Poore Wise-mans Admonition [William Walwyn], The poore Wise-mans Admonition unto All the plaine People of London, and Neighbour-Places (10 June 1647). HTML  
  T.100 1647.06.14 Ireton Declaration, or, Representation [Signed by John Rushworth, attributed to Henry Ireton], [Declaration of the Army], A Declaration, or, Representation From his Excellency, Sir Thomas Fairfax, And the Army under his command, Humbly tendred to the parliament (14 June 1647). HTML Petition
  T.101 1647.06.14 Walwyn Gold Tried in the Fire [William Walwyn], Gold Tried in the Fire, or The burnt Petitions revived (14 June 1647). HTML  
  T.102 1647.06.21 Several Hands Copie of a Letter [Several hands, calling themselves “Agitators”], A Copie of a Letter Sent From the Agitators of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax’s Armie, To All the honest Sea-men of England (21 June 1647).    
  T.103 1647.07.17 Overton Appeale from the degenerate Representative [Richard Overton], An Appeale from the degenerate Representative Body the Commons of England assembled at Westminster (17 July 1647). HTML  
  T.104 1647.07.26 Lilburne Jonahs Cry John Lilburne, Jonahs Cry out of the Whales belly (26 July, 1647). HTML  
  T.300 1647.07.28 Ireton Heads of the Proposals Henry Ireton, The Heads of the Proposals offered by the Army (28 July, 1647). HTML  
  T.301 1647.07.31 King Charles King’s answer Charles I, The King’s answer to the Propositions of Parliament (31 July, 1647).    
  T.105 1647.08.11 Anon. Vox Militaris Anon., Vox Militaris (11 August, 1647).    
  T.106 1647.08.16 Dyer Study to be Quiet A Dyer, Study to be Quiet; or a short View of the Miseries of Warre (16 August, 1647).    
  T.107 1647.08.17 Hare St. Edwards Ghost John Hare, St. Edwards Ghost: or, Anti-Normanisme (17 August, 1647).    
  T.108 1647.08.21 Anon. Remonstrance of the Shee-Citizens Anon., A Remonstrance of the Shee-Citizens of London (21 August, 1647). HTML  
  T.109 1647.09.13 Lilburne Two Letters John Lilburne, Two Letters Writ (13 September, 1647).    
  T.110 1647.09.28 Lilburne Juglers discovered John Lilburne, The Juglers discovered (28 September, 1647). HTML  
  T.111 1647.10 Several Hands Putney Debates [Several Hands], The General Council of Officers at Putney (October/November 1647). "The Putney Debates." In The Clarke Papers. Selections from the Papers of William Clarke, Secretary to the Council of the Army, 1647-1649, and to General Monck and the Commanders of the Army in Scotland, 1651-1660, ed. C.H. Firth (Camden Society, 1891). 4 vols. Vol. 1, pp. 226-418.

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  T.112 1647.10.15 Wildman Case of the Armie [Signed by Several People, but attributed to John Wildman], The Case of the Armie Truly stated (15 October 1647). HTML  
  T.113 1647.10.29 Wildman Cal to all the Souldiers [John Wildman], A Cal to all the Souldiers of the Armie, by the Free People of England (29 October 1647).    
  T.114 1647.11.01 Anon. Vox Populi Anon., Vox Populi (1 November, 1647).    
  T.115 1647.11.03 Several Hands Agreement of the People [Several Hands], An Agreement of the People for a firme and present Peace, upon grounds of common-right and freedome (3 November 1647). "The First Agreement of the People". HTML Agreement
  T.116 1647.11.04 Anon. Observations upon Quartering Anon., Observations upon Quartering (4 November, 1647).    
  T.117 1647.11.04 Hare Plaine English John Hare, Plaine English to our wilfull Bearers with Normanisme (4 November, 1647).    
  T.118 1647.11.11 Sexby Copy of a Letter Edward Sexby, Copy of a Letter to all the Souldiers in the Armie (11 November, 1647). HTML  
  T.119 1647.11.11 Sexby Letter from Several Agitators Edward Sexby, A Letter from Several Agitators of the Army to their Respective Regiments (11 November, 1647). HTML  
  T.120 1647.11.23 Several Hands To the supream Authority of England [Signed by Several], To the supream Authority of England, the Commons in Parliament assembled [The Petition of November] (23 November 1647). HTML Petition
  T.121 1647.12.03 Nedham Levellers Levelled Marchamont Nedham, The Levellers Levelled (3 December, 1647).    
  T.122 1647.12.08 Harris Grand Designe John Harris, The Grand Designe (8 December, 1647).    
  T.123 1647.12.14 Lilburne Englands Freedome [Signed by Several, attributed to John Lilburne], Englands Freedome, Souldiers Rights (14 December 1647). HTML  
  T.124 1647.12.30 Wildman Putney Projects John Wildman (with William Walwyn), Putney Projects. Or the Old Serpent in a new Forme (30 December 1647). HTML  
  T.305 1648.?? Warr Administrations Civil and Spiritual John Warr, Administrations Civil and Spiritual in Two Treatises. The First Entitled The Dispute betwixt Equity and Form. The Other The Dispute betwixt Form and Power. (London: Giles Calvert, 1648). HTML  
  T.126 1648.01.01 Prynne New Magna Charta William Prynne, A New Magna Charta (1 January, 1648).    
  T.127  1648.01.01 Jordan Anarchie or the blessed Reformation Thomas Jordan, The Anarchie or the blessed Reformation since 1640 (11 January, 1648).    
  T.128 1648.01.08 Prynne Petition of Right of the Free-holders William Prynne, The Petition of Right of the Free-holders and Free-men (8 January, 1648).    
  T.129 1648.01.10 Prynne Machivilian Cromwellist William Prynne, The Machivilian Cromwellist and Hypocritical perfidious New Statist (10 January, 1648).    
  T.302 1648.01.18 Anon. Petition of 18 January 1648 Anon., The Petition of 18 January 1648 (18 January, 1648).   Petition
  T.130 1648.01.22 Overton Mournfull Cryes Anon. [Overton], The Mournfull Cryes of many thousand Poore Tradesmen (22 January, 1848). HTML  
  T.131 1648.01.24 Hare Englands Proper and onely Way John Hare, Englands Proper and onely Way to an Establishment in Honour, Freedome, Peace and Happinesse (24 January, 1648).    
  T.132 1648.01.28 Lilburne Defiance to Tyrants John Lilburne, A Defiance to Tyrants (28 January, 1648). HTML  
  T.133 1648.02.05 Parker Free Trade Henry Parker, Of a Free Trade (5 February, 1648).    
  T.134 1648.02.07 Marten Parliaments Proceedings Henry Marten, The Parliaments Proceedings justified (7 February, 1648).    
  T.135 1648.02.07 Prynne Publike Declaration William Prynne, A Publike Declaration and Solemne Protestation of the Freemen of England and Wales (7 February, 1648).    
  T.136 1648.02.14 Lilburne Declaration of some Proceedings [John Lilburne], A Declaration of some Proceedings of Lt. Col. John Lilburn (14 February, 1648).    
  T.137 1648.02.17 Lilburne Peoples Prerogative and Priviledges John Lilburne, The Peoples Prerogative and Priviledges (17 February, 1648). HTML  
  T.138 1648.02.21 Prynne Levellers Levelled William Prynne, The Levellers Levelled to the very Ground (21 February, 1648).    
  T.139 1648.02.27 Lilburne Whip for the present House John Lilburne, A Whip for the present House of Lords (27 February, 1648).    
  T.140 1648.04.04 Lilburne Prisoners Plea John Lilburne, The Prisoners Plea for a Habeas Corpus (4 April, 1648). HTML  
  T.141 1648.04.10 Filmer Anarchy of a Limited or Mixed Monarchy Sir Robert Filmer, The Anarchy of a Limited or Mixed Monarchy (10 April, 1648).    
  T.125 1648.04 Lilburne Oppressed Mans importunate John Lilburne, The Oppressed Mans importunate and mournfull Cryes to be brought to the Barre of Justice (1648). HTML  
  T.327 1648.05.03 Several Hands Armies Petition [Several Hands], The Armies Petition: Or a New Engagement (3 May 1648). (TT1, p. 616, E.438/1). HTML Agreement
  T.142 1648.05.09 Lilburne Prisoners mournfull Cry John Lilburne, The Prisoners mournfull Cry, against the Judges of the Kings Bench (9 May, 1648).    
  T.143 1648.05.15 Lilburne Laws Funerall John Lilburne, The Laws Funerall (15 May, 1648).    
  T.144 1648.06.22 Anon. Turn apace Anon., Turn apace, turn apace; or the money-mills must be kept going (22 June, 1648).    
  T.145 1648.05.18 Anon. Free Mans Plea Anon., The Free Mans Plea for Freedom (18 May, 1648).    
  T.146 1648.07.07 Anon. Pittiful Remonstrance Anon., A Pittiful Remonstrance (7 July, 1648).    
  T.147 1648.07.27 Anon. Faerie Leveller Anon., The Faerie Leveller (27 July, 1648).    
  T.326 1648.08.03 Several Hands New Engagement, or, Manifesto [Several Hands], A New Engagement, or, Manifesto (3 August 1648). (TT1, p. 658, 669.f.12/97). HTML Agreement
  T.148 1648.08.16 Anon. Peaceable Militia Anon., The Peaceable Militia (16 August, 1648).    
  T.149 1648.08.21 Walwyn Bloody Project [William Walwyn], The Bloody Project (21 August, 1648). HTML  
  T.150 1648.09.11 Anon. Petition of 11 September 1648 Anon, The Petition of 11 September 1648 (11 September, 1648). HTML Petition
  T.151 1648.09.11 Lilburne To the Right Honourable [John Lilburne], To the Right Honourable, and supreame Authority of this Nation (11 September, 1648).    
  T.152 1648.09.11 Anon. Full Answer Anon., A Full Answer to the Levellers Petition (11 September, 1648).    
  T.153 1648.09.25 Anon. Remonstrance or, Declaration Anon., The Remonstrance or, Declaration, of Mr. Henry Martin (25 September, 1648). HTML  
  T.154 1648.09.28 Anon. Londons Ancient Priviledges [City of London], Londons Ancient Priviledges Unvailed (28 September, 1648).    
  T.155 1648.10.17 Anon. Salus Populi Solus Rex Anon., Salus Populi Solus Rex. The Peoples safety is the sole Soveraignty (17 October, 1648). HTML  
  T.156 1648.11.18 Cromwell New Remonstrance Oliver Cromwell, A New Remonstrance and Declaration from the Army (18 November, 1648).    
  T.157  1648.11.20 Nedham Plea for the King Marchamont Nedham, A Plea for the King (20 November, 1648).    
  T.158  1648.11.20 Anon. Remonstrance or Declaration of the Army Anon., A Remonstrance or Declaration of the Army (20 November, 1648).    
  T.159 1648.11.23 King Charles His Majesties Declaration Charles I, His Majesties Declaration to all His loving Subjects (23 November, 1648).    
  T.160 1648.11.27 Anon. Gallant Rights, Anon., The Gallant Rights, Christian Priviledges, Solemn Institutions of the Sea-green Order (27 November, 1648).    
  T.161 1648.11.30 Anon. Leveller Institutions Anon., The Leveller Institutions for a Good People (30 November, 1648).    
  T.162 1648.12.05 Anon. Light shining in Buckingham-shire Anon., Light shining in Buckingham-shire (5 December, 1648). HTML  
  T.163 1648.12.06 Walwyn True and Ful Relation [William Walwyn], A True and Ful Relation (6 December, 1648). HTML  
  T.164 1648.12.06 Cromwell Kings Majesties Message King Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, The Kings Majesties Message (6 December, 1648).    
  T.165  1648.12.12 Anon. Women Will Have their Will Anon., Women Will Have their Will (12 December, 1648).    
  T.166 1648.12.15 Rushworth Declaration Concerning the Freedom John Rushworth, Thomas Fairfax , A Declaration Concerning the Freedom of Trade and Commerce (15 December, 1648).    
  T.167 1648.12.15 Anon. Foundations of Freedom Anon., Foundations of Freedom, Or An Agreement of the People (15 December, 1648). "The Second Agreement of the People." HTML Agreement
  T.168 1648.12.21 Walwyn No Papist Nor Presbyterian [William Walwyn], No Papist Nor Presbyterian (21 December, 1648). HTML  
  T.169 1648.12.22 Jubbes Several Proposals [Lieut. Col. John Jubbes], Several Proposals for Peace & Freedom (22 December, 1648). HTML  
  T.170 1648.12.28 Anon. Articles exhibited Anon., Articles exhibited against the King (28 December, 1648).    
  T.171 1648.12.28 Lilburne Plea for Common-right John Lilburne, A Plea for Common-right and Freedom (28 December, 1648). HTML  
  T.172 1648.12 Several Hands Whitehall Debates [Several Hands], The Whitehall Debates (December, 1648 - January, 1649). In The Clarke Papers. Selections from the Papers of William Clarke, Secretary to the Council of the Army, 1647-1649, and to General Monck and the Commanders of the Army in Scotland, 1651-1660* ed. C.H. Firth (Camden Society, 1894). Vol. 2, pp. 71-186.



  T.173 1649.?? Nedham Great Feast Marchamont Nedham, The Great Feast at the Sheep-shearing of the City and Citizens (1649).    
  T.174 1649.?? Winstanley True Levellers Gerrard Winstanley, et al., The True Levellers Standard Advanced (1649).    
  T.307 1649?? King Charles Eikon Basilike Charles Stuart (King Charles I), Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraicture of his sacred Majestie in his Solitudes and Sufferings (1649) HTML  
  T.176 1649.01 Overton Moderate [Richard Overton], The Moderate (December 1648 - January 1649). - no. 21 (Nov. 28 to Dec. 5, 1648) to no. 33 (Feb. 20-27, 1649)    
  T.288 1649.01.01 Goodwin Right and Might John Goodwin, Right and Might Well mett (1 Jan., 1649)    
  T.177 1649.01.15 Anon. Peoples Right Anon., The Peoples Right briefly Asserted (15 January, 1649).    
  T.178 1649.01.19 Anon. Humble Petition of firm and constant Friends Anon., The humble Petition of firm and constant Friends to the Parliament (19 January 1649). HTML Petition
  T.179 1649.01.20 Rushworth Petition concerning the Draught John Rushworth, A Petition concerning the Draught of an Agreement of the People (20 January 1649). "The Officers" Agreement." HTML Agreement
  T.328 1649.01.20 Several Hands Agreement Prepared for the People of England [Several Hands], An Agreement Prepared for the People of England and the Places Therewith Incorporated (20 January 1649). (Huntington Library, Wing, A783A). HTML Agreement
  T.271 1649.02 Milton Tenure of Kings John Milton, The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (London, Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1650). [Feb., 1649]. Also The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, edited with Introduction and Notes by William Talbot Allison (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 1911). In


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  T.180 1649.02.05 Warr Priviledges of the People John Warr, The Priviledges of the People, or Principles of Common Right and Freedome (5 February, 1649). HTML  
  T.181  1649.02.16 Canne Golden Rule John Canne, The Golden Rule, or Justice Advanced (16 February, 1649).    
  T.182 1649.02.26 Lilburne Englands New Chains John Lilburne, Englands New Chains Discovered (26 February 1649). HTML  
  T.183 1649.03.01 W.J. Dissection of all Governments [W.J.], A Dissection of all Governments (1 March, 1649).    
  T.184 1649.03.12 Walwyn Vanitie of the present Churches [William Walwyn], The Vanitie of the present Churches (12 March 1649). HTML  
  T.185 1649.03.21 Several Hands Hunting of the Foxes [Signed by Robert Ward, Thomas Watfon, Simon Graunt, George Jellis, William Sawyer (or 5 “Beagles”), but attributed to Richard Overton or John Lilburne], The Hunting of the Foxes (21 March 1649). HTML  
  T.289 1649.03.22 Anon. Declaration of the Parliament [Anon.] A Declaration of the Parliament of England (22 March, 1649)    
  T.186 1649.03.24 Lilburne Second Part of Englands New-Chaines [John Lilburne], The Second Part of Englands New-Chaines Discovered (24 March 1649). HTML  
  T.187 1649.04.04 Several Hands Picture of the Councel John Lilburne, Thomas Prince, Richard Overton, The Picture of the Councel of State (4 April, 1649). HTML  
  T.188 1649.04.05 Walwyn English Souldiers Standard [William Walwyn], The English Souldiers Standard (5 April 1649). HTML  
  T.189 1649.04.14 Walwyn Manifestation from Lieutenant [Signed by John Lilburn, William Walwyn, Thomas Price, Richard Overton, sometimes attributed mainly to Walwyn], A Manifestation from Lieutenant Col. John Lilburn et al. (14 April 1649). HTML  
  T.190 1649.04.23 Prince, John Walwyns Wiles [John Prince], Walwyns Wiles: Or The manifesters Manifested (23 April 1649).    
  T.290 1649.04.25 Rous Lawfulness Of obeying Francis Rous, The Lawfulness Of obeying the Present Government (25 April, 1649)    
  T.272 1649.05 Milton Observations upon the Articles John Milton, Observations upon the Articles of Peace with the Irish Rebels (May, 1649)    
  T.191 1649.05.01 Several Hands Agreement of the Free People of England John Lilburne, William Walwyn, Thomas Prince, Richard Overton, An Agreement of the Free People of England (1 May 1649). "The Third Agreement of the People." HTML Agreement
  T.192 1649.05.04 Several Hands Army’s Martyr Robert Lockier, John Lilburne, and Richard Overton, The Army’s Martyr (4 May 1649). HTML  
  T.175 1649.05.05 Anon. Humble Petition Anon., The humble Petition of divers wel-affected Women (5 May, 1649). ["Shevveth, THat so great is our particular sorrow and affliction ..."] HTML Petition
  T.324 1649.05.05 Lilburne, E. Humble Petition Elizabeth Lilburne (or Chidley?), The Humble Petition of Divers Well-Affected Women (5 May, 1649) ["SHEWETH, THat since we are assured of our Creation in the image of God...] HTML  
  T.193 1649.05.09 Bennet King Charles Triall Justified Robert Bennet, King Charles Triall Justified (9 May, 1649).    
  T.194 1649.04.14 Cromwell Declaration of Lieutenant Generall Crumwel Oliver Cromwell, The Declaration of Lieutenant Generall Crumwel Concerning the Levellers (14 May 1649).    
  T.195 1649.05.28 Brooke Charity of Church-men [Humphrey Brooke], The Charity of Church-men (28 May 1649).    
  T.196 1649.05.30 Walwyn Fountain of Slaunder William Walwyn, The Fountain of Slaunder Discovered (30 May 1649). HTML  
  T.197 1649.06.08 Lilburne Legall Fundamentall Liberties John Lilburne, The Legall Fundamentall Liberties of the People of England Revived, Asserted, and Vindicated (8 June 1649). HTML  
  T.198 1649.06.11 Warr Corruption and Deficiency John Warr, The Corruption and Deficiency of the Lawes of England (11 June, 1649). HTML    
  T.199  1649.06.15 Anon. Levellers New Remonstance Anon., The Levellers New Remonstance (15 June, 1649).    
  T.200 1649.06.20 Prince, Thomas Silken Independents Thomas Prince, The Silken Independents Snare Broken (20 June 1649).    
  T.291 1649.06.22 Anon. Grand Case of Conscience Anon., The Grand Case of Conscience stated about Submission to the new and present Power (22 June 1649)    
  T.201 1649.06 Walwyn Walwyns Just Defence William Walwyn, Walwyns Just Defence (June/July 1649). HTML  
  T.202 1649.07.02 Overton Overton’s Defyance Richard Overton, Overton’s Defyance of the Act of Pardon (2 July 1649). HTML  
  T.203 1649.07.16 Prynne Legall Vindication William Prynne, A Legall Vindication Of the Liberties of England (16 July 1649).    
  T.204 1649.07.16 Overton Baiting of the Great Bull Richard Overton, The Baiting of the Great Bull of Bashan (16 July 1649). HTML  
  T.205  1649.07.17 Bray Innocency and the Blood William Bray, Innocency and the Blood of the slain Souldiers, and People (17 July, 1649).    
  T.206 1649.08.07 Overton New Bull-Bayting Richard Overton, A New Bull-Bayting: or, A Match Play’d at the Town-Bull of Ely (7 August, 1647). HTML  
  T.207 1649.08.10 Lilburne Impeachment of High Treason John Lilburne, An Impeachment of High Treason against Oliver Cromwel, and his Son in Law Henry Ireton Esquires (10 August 1649). HTML  
  T.208 1649.08.18 Lilburne Preparative to an Hue and Cry John Lilburne, A Preparative to an Hue and Cry (18 August, 1649).    
  T.209 1649.08.20 Several Hands Levellers (falsely so called) Six Soldiers (John Wood, Robert Everard, Hugh Hurst, Humphrey Marston, William Hutchinson, James Carpe), The Levellers (falsely so called) Vindicated (20 August 1649).    
  T.210  1649.08.22 Frieze Why not? James Frieze, Why not? Eight queries made to the Parliament (22 August, 1649).    
  T.211 1649.08.29 Lilburne Outcry of the Youngmen [Signed by several but attributed to John Lilburne], An Outcry of the Youngmen and Apprentices of London (29 August 1649).    
  T.212  1649.09.10 Winstanley Watch-word to the City Gerrard Winstanley, A Watch-word to the City of London (10 September, 1649).    
  T.213 1649.09.21 Anon. Remonstrance of many Thousands Anon., The Remonstrance of many Thousands of the Free-People of England (21 September, 1649). HTML  
  T.273 1649.10 Milton Eikonoklastes John Milton, ΕΙΚΟΝΟΚΛΑΣΤΗΣ in answer to a Book intitl’d~ ΕΙΚΩΝ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚΗ, The Portrature of his sacred Majesty in his Solitudes and Sufferings (London: Thomas Newcomb, 1650). (1st ed. Oct., 1649; enlarged 2nd ed. 1650)



  T.214 1649.10.19 Lilburne Strength Out of Weaknesse John Lilburne, Strength Out of Weaknesse (19 October, 1649).    
  T.256 1649.10.17 Bray Plea for the Peoples William Bray, A Plea for the Peoples Good Old Cause (2nd ed., 17 October, 1659; 1st ed. 24 Oct., 1649).    
  T.215 1649.11.16 Lilburne Truths Victory over Tyrants John Lilburne, Truths Victory over Tyrants and Tyranny (16 November 1649).    
  T.216 1649.12.18 Hollingworth Exercitation concerning Usurped Richard Hollingworth,, An Exercitation concerning Usurped Powers (18 December, 1649/1650).    
  T.292 1649.12.20 Lawson Conscience Puzzel’d George Lawson, Conscience Puzzel’d About (20 Dec., 1649)    
  T.217 1650.?? Winstanley Humble Request Gerrard Winstanley, An Humble Request, to the Ministers of both Universities (1650).    
  T.218 1650.01.04 Stiff Good Womens Cryes Mary Stiff, The good Womens Cryes against the Excise of all their Commodities (4 January 1650).    
  T.219 1650.03.26 Winstanley Appeale to all Englishmen Gerard Winstanley, An Appeale to all Englishmen (26 March, 1650).    
  T.220 1650.05.08 Nedham Case of the Common-wealth Marchamont Nedham, The Case of the Common-wealth of England stated (8 May, 1650).    
  T.221 1650.08.31 Anon. Humble Petition of divers well-affected People Anon., The Humble Petition of divers well-affected People (31 August, 1650).    
  T.222 1650.09.24 Anon. Soap-makers Complaint Anon., The Soap-makers Complaint for the losse of their Trade (24 September 1650).    
  T.223 1650.12.03 Walker Anglo-Tyrannus George Walker, Anglo-Tyrannus, or the Idea of a Norman Monarch (3 December, 1650).    
  T.224 1650.12.02 Walwyn Juries justified William Walwyn, Juries justified (2 December, 1650/1651). HTML  
  T.274 1651.?? Milton Defensio pro Populo Anglicano John Milton, Defensio pro Populo Anglicano First Defence.    
  T.303 1651.?? Hobbes Leviathan Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, or the Matter, Forme, & Power of a Common-wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civill (London: Andrew Crooke, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1651). Also Hobbes’s Leviathan reprinted from the edition of 1651 with an Essay by the Late W.G. Pogson Smith (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1909).

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  T.225 1651.02.4 Anon. Declaration of the Armie Anon., A Declaration of the Armie concerning Lieut. Collonel John Lilburn (14 February, 1651). HTML  
  T.226 1651.03.31 Lilburne Letter written to Mr. John Price John Lilburne, A Letter written to Mr. John Price (31 March, 1651).    
  T.293 1651.05.15 Penington Right, Liberty and Safety Isaac Penington, The Right, Liberty and Safety of the People Briefly Asserted (15 May, 1651).    
  T.227 1652.?? Worsley Free Ports Benjamin Worsley, Free Ports (1652).    
  T.228 1652.02.28 Several Hands Onely Right Rule [Several Hands], The Onely Right Rule (28 January 1652). HTML  
  T.229 1652.02.13 Anon. Declaration of the Commoners Anon., A Declaration of the Commoners of England (13 February, 1652).    
  T.230 1652.03 Lilburne His letter to his dearly beloved wife John Lilburne, His letter to his dearly beloved wife (March 1652).    
  T.231 1652.04 Lilburne His Apologeticall Narration John Lilburne, His Apologeticall Narration (April, 1652).    
  T.232 1652.05 Lilburne As you Were John Lilburne, As you Were (May 1652). HTML  
  T.233 1652.05 Walwyn Walwyns Conceptions William Walwyn, Walwyns Conceptions; for a Free Trade (May 1652). HTML  
  T.234 1652.06.15 Anon. Zeal Examined Anon., Zeal Examined (15 June, 1652).    
  T.235 1652.12.22 Anon. Vindication of Christmas Anon., The Vindication of Christmas (22 December, 1652).    
  T.306 1653?? Warr Brief Survey of the English Laws John Warr, A Brief Survey of the English Laws and their Unsoundness and Corruption discovered (1653). See earlier edition T.198. HTML  
  T.236 1653.03.31 Streater Glympse of that Jewel John Streater, A Glympse of that Jewel Libertie (31 March, 1653). HTML  
  T.237 1653.07.07 Anon. Fundamental Lawes and Liberties Anon., The Fundamental Lawes and Liberties of England (9 July, 1653). HTML  
  T.238 1653.08.01 Lilburne Upright Mans Vindication John Lilburne, The Upright Mans Vindication (1 August 1653). HTML  
  T.239 1653.08.25 Lilburne Just Defence of John Lilburn John Lilburne, The Just Defence of John Lilburn (25 August 1653). HTML  
  T.240 1653.09.26 Lilburne Hue-and Cry after the Fundamental Lawes John Lilburne, An Hue-and Cry after the Fundamental Lawes and Liberties of England (26 September, 1653). HTML  
  T.241 1653.10.18 Prynne Declaration and Protestation William Prynne, A Declaration and Protestation against New Taxes (18 October, 1653).    
  T.275 1654.?? Milton Defensio Secunda John Milton, Defensio Secunda Second Defence.    
  T.242 1654.10.18 Saunders Humble Petition of Several Colonels Thomas Saunders, The Humble Petition of Several Colonels (18 October, 1654). HTML Petition
  T.308 1656?? Harrington Pian Piano James Harrington, Pian Piano (1656) HTML  
  T.243 1656.04.18 Streater Picture of the New Courtier John Streater, The Picture of the New Courtier (18 April, 1656).    
  T.244 1656.05.16 Lilburne Resurrection of John Lilburne John Lilburne, The Resurrection of John Lilburne (16 May 1656). HTML  
  T.294 1656.06 Nedham Excellencie of a Free State Marchamont Nedham, The Excellencie of a Free State: Or, The Right Constitution of a Commonwealth (summer 1656)    
  T.245 1656.06.17 Freize Moderate Inspection James Freize (Freese), A Moderate Inspection into the Corruption of the Common Law of England (17 June, 1656).    
  T.295 1656.09 Harrington Commonwealth of Oceana James Harrington, The Commonwealth of Oceana (July-Sept. 1656). In Other Works (1771). See also the 1656 edition in PDF. HTML  
  T.246 1656.11.06 Prynne Summary Collection William Prynne, A Summary Collection of the principal Fundamental Rights, Liberties, Proprieties of all English Freemen (6 November, 1656).    
  T.247 1657.09.21 Sexby Killing, No Murder Edward Sexby, Killing, No Murder (21 September, 1657). HTML  
  T.248 1657.09.21 Anon. Killing is Murder Anon., Killing is Murder (21 September, 1657). HTML  
  T.249 1657.?? Hawke Killing is Murder Michael Hawke, Killing is Murder (1657). HTML  
  T.296 1658.?? Harrington Prerogative of Popular Government James Harrington, The Prerogative of Popular Government (1658). HTML  
  T.299 1659.?? Harrington Political Aphorisms James Harrington, Political Aphorisms (1659) HTML  
  T.309 1659.?? Harrington Valerius and Publicola James Harrington, Valerius and Publicola, or the true Form of a Popular Commonwealth extracted è puris Naturalibus (1659) HTML  
  T.310 1659.?? Harrington Stumbling-Block of Disobedience James Harrington, The Stumbling-Block of Disobedience and Rebellion removed (1659) HTML  
  T.311 1659.?? Harrington Word Concerning a House of Peers James Harrington, A Word Concerning a House of Peers (1659) HTML  
  T.312 1659.?? Harrington Seven Models of a Commonwealth James Harrington, Seven Models of a Commonwealth, or brief Directions shewing how a fit and perfect Model of popular Government may be made, found, or understood (1659) HTML  
  T.313 1659.?? Harrington Ways and Means James Harrington, The Ways and Means whereby an equal and lasting Commonwealth may be suddenly introduced, and perfectly founded, with the free Consent and actual Confirmation of the whole People of England (1659) HTML  
  T.314 1659.?? Harrington Humble Petition of divers well-affected Persons James Harrington, The humble Petition of divers well-affected Persons delivered the 6th of July 1659, with the Parliament’s Answer thereto (1659) HTML  
  T.315 1659.?? Harrington A Letter unto Mr. Stubs James Harrington, A Letter unto Mr. Stubs, in answer to his Oceana Weighed (1659) HTML  
  T.316 1659.?? Harrington Sufficient Answer James Harrington, A sufficient Answer to Mr. Stubs (1659) HTML  
  T.317 1659.?? Harrington Politicaster James Harrington, Politicaster, or a Comical Discourse in Answer to Mr. Wren's Book intitled Monarchy Asserted (1659) HTML  
  T.318 1659.?? Harrington Pour enclouer le Canon James Harrington, Pour enclouer le Canon, or the Nailing of the Enemy's Artillery (1659) HTML  
  T.319 1659.?? Harrington Discourse upon this Saying James Harrington, A Discourse upon this Saying, The Spirit of the Nation is not yet to be trusted with Liberty, lest it introduce Monarchy, or invade the Liberty of Conscience (1659) HTML  
  T.320 1659.?? Harrington Discourse shewing that the Spirit James Harrington, A Discourse shewing that the Spirit of Parlaments, with a Council in the Intervals, is not to be trusted for a Settlement, lest it introduce Monarchy and Persecution for Conscience (1659) HTML  
  T.321 1659.?? Harrington Parallel of the Spirit of the People James Harrington, A Parallel of the Spirit of the People with the Spirit of Mr. Rogers ... whether the Spirit of the People, or the Spirit of Men like Mr. Rogers, be the fitter to be trusted with the Government (1659) HTML  
  T.322 1659.?? Harrington Proposition in order to the proposing James Harrington, A Proposition in order to the proposing of a Commonwealth or Democracy (1659) HTML  
  T.276 1659.02 Milton Treatise of Civil Power John Milton, A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical Causes (Feb., 1659).    
  T.250 1659.02.16 Anon. Leveller Anon., The Leveller: Or The Principles & Maxims Concerning Government and Religion (16 February 1659). HTML  
  T.297 1659.02.19 Harrington Art of Lawgiving James Harrington, The Art of Lawgiving (20 Feb. 1659) HTML  
  T.251 1659.04.27 Allen Faithful Memorial William Allen, A Faithful Memorial of that Remarkable Meeting (27 April 1659).    
  T.277 1659.05 Milton Considerations Touching the Likeliest Means John Milton, Considerations Touching the Likeliest Means to Remove Hirelings out of the Church (May, 1659).    
  T.252 1659.05.16 Freize Out-cry! James Freize, The Out-cry! (16 May, 1659).    
  T.253 1659.06.01 Streater Government Described John Streater, Government Described (1 June, 1659).    
  T.254 1659.06.22 Anon. Lilburnes Ghost Anon., Lilburnes Ghost (22 June, 1659).    
  T.255 1659.09.20 Crofton Excise Anotomiz’d Zachary Crofton, Excise Anotomiz’d, and Trade Epitomiz’d (20 September, 1659).    
  T.256 1659.10.17 Bray Plea for the Peoples Good Old Cause William Bray, A Plea for the Peoples Good Old Cause (2nd ed., 17 October, 1659; 1st ed. 24 Oct., 1649). [    
  T.278 1659.10.20 Milton Letter to a Friend John Milton, A Letter to a Friend (Concerning the Ruptures of the Commonwealth) (20 Oct., 1659).    
  T.257 1659.10.25 Anon. Grand Concernments of England Anon., The Grand Concernments of England ensured (25 October, 1659).    
  T.258 1660.?? Bray Plea for the Peoples Fundamentall Liberties William Bray, A Plea for the Peoples Fundamentall Liberties and Parliaments (1660).    
  T.323 1660?? Harrington Rota James Harrington, The Rota, or a Model of a free State or equal Commonwealth (1660) HTML  
  T.298 1660.?? Harrington System of Politics James Harrington, A System of Politics, delineated in Short and Easy Aphorisms (1660-62) HTML  
  T.279 1660.03 Milton Ready and Easy Way John Milton, The readie and easie way to establish a free Commonwealth; and the excellence therof com par'd with the inconveniencies and dangers of readmitting Kingship in this Nation. The second edition revis'd and augmented. The author J. M. (London: Printed for the Author, 1660). (1st ed. March, 1660).



  T.280 1660.03?? Milton Letter to Monk John Milton, A Letter to Monk (The Present Means and Brief Delineation of a Free Commonwealth) (?? Mar., 1660).    
  T.281 1660.04 Milton Brief Notes Upon a Late Sermon John Milton, Brief Notes Upon a Late Sermon (titled The Fear of God and the King) (April, 1660).    
  T.304 1662.?? Hobbes Behemoth Thomas Hobbes, Behemoth: The History of the Causes of the Civil Wars of England, and of the Counsels and Artifices by which they were carried on from the year 1640 to the year 1660 (1662). From The English Works of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury; Now First Collected and Edited by Sir William Molesworth, Bart., (London: Bohn, 1839-45). 11 vols. Vol. 6pp. 161-418.



  T.259 1666.?? Fox Womens Speaking Justified Margaret Fell Fox, Womens Speaking Justified (1666).    
  T.325 1771 Harrington Other Works The Oceana and Other Works of James Harrington, with an Account of His Life by John Toland (London: Becket and Cadell, 1771)