A Parallel Edition of BoÉtie's Discours with plain text and Jou's Illustrations (1922)

This page displays two texts which were published separately in 1922 but which I think work very well together. On the left there is a copy of Étienne de La Boétie, Discours de la servitude volontaire, ou le Contr'un. Illustré par Louis Jou (Paris: Jou et Bosvie 1922) [see the complete text in facs. PDF]; and on the right a section of Discours de la servitude volontaire : suivie du Mémoire touchant l'édit de janvier 1562 [inédit] et d'une lettre de M. le conseiller de Montaigne. Introduction et notes de Paul Bonnefon. Conservateur de la Bibliothèque de L'Arsenal. Orné d'un portrait gravé sur bois par Ouvré (Paris : Bossard, 1922) [see the complete text in facs. PDF or in HTML]. "Discours," pp. 49-102.

By clicking on the page numbers in curly brackets in Bonnefon's text on the right the corresponding image and text from Louis Jou's text will appear on the left.