[Created: 16 November, 2020]
[Updated: 13 December, 2023 ]


This is a draft of a list of the Works of Frédéric Bastiat in the form of sortable tables - one for articles, pamphlets, and books; and the other for his correspondence. When it is complete it will replace the original list of his works.

The default setting of the tables is the listing of the works in chronological order of publication or composition.

Click on the headings in bold to sort the table.

Where ever possible, there are links to the article, pamphlet, or book cited in the table. This is not yet complete.







T.001 1822.01.12 "Lettre à M. ***, en réponse à la sienne du 12 Jan." (A Letter to M. *** in reply to His Letter of 12 Jan.) (no info availabe) OC7.71, pp. 298-99 HTML CW1, pp. 410-11
T.296 1830.00 "On the Romans as Plundering Villains" This previously unpublished sketch was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to "Baccalaureate and Socialism". He estimated that it had been written sometime before 1830. OC4, pp. 454-55 HTML CW2, pp. 194-95
T.297 1830.00 "On the Romans and Self-sacrifice" This previously unpublished sketch was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to "Baccalaureate and Socialism". He estimated that it had been written sometime before 1830. OC4, pp. 490-91 HTML CW2, pp. 223-24
T.289 1830.00 "La Poésie de la Civilisation" (The Poetry of Civilization) Ronce says he found this in FB's papers and thinks it was written sometime before 1830. In Ronce, Appendix VI, pp. 302-3 Ronce n.a.
T.002 1830.11 "Aux électeurs du département des Landes" (To the Electors of the Département of the Landes) (no info available) OC1, pp. 217-31 HTML CW1, p. 341-52
T.104 1831.00 "À M. Saulnier, Éditeur de la Revue britannique" (Letter to M. Saulnier, Editor of La Revue britannique (on the cost of government in the U.S. and France)" Paillottet included this letter in a footnote with the pamphlet Paix et Liberté ou le budget républicain (Peace and Freedom or the Republican Budget) (Feb. 1849). He states in was written "in his retreat in Mugron many years ago." OC5, pp. 443-45 HTML CW2, pp. 308-10
T.318 1832.00 "La profession de foi que je publiai, en 1832" (Election Manifesto of 1832) Quoted in part by FB in a later Election Manifesto from July 1846 "To the Electors of the Arrondissement of Saint-Séver" and also by Molinari in his obituary of FB (JDE, 15 Feb. 1851). OC1.9, pp. 479-80 HTML CW1, pp. 366-67
T.285 1833.00 "De la certitude" On Certainty) Ronce says this sketch was written around 1833 and found in his notebooks. In Ronce, Appendix II, pp. 284-87 Ronce n.a.
T.003 1834.00 "D’un nouveau collège à fonder" (On a New Secondary School to Be Founded in Bayonne) Published in an unnamed Bayonne newspaper in 1834 OC7.2, pp. 4-10 HTML CW1, p. 415-19
T.004 1834.00 "D’une pétition en faveur des réfugiés polonais" (On a Petition in favor of Polish Refugees) Published in an unnamed Bayonne newspaper in 1834. OC7.1, pp. 1-4 HTML n.a.
T.005 1834.04 "Réflexions sur les pétitions de Bordeaux, Le Havre et Lyon, concernant les Douanes" (Reflections on the Petitions from Bordeaux, Le Havre, and Lyons Relating to the Customs Service) (no info availabe) OC1, pp. 231-43 HTML CW2.1, pp. 1-9
T.006 1835.09 "Lette à un ami non identifié pour la défense d’un refugié" (Letter to "Charles" in Support of a Polish Refugee) Mugron, 1 Sept. 1835 JCPD n.a.
T.007 1837.06.18 "Canal latéral à l’Adour" (The Canal beside the Adour) 5 articles, 18 June 1837 - 20 Aug. 1837, La Chalosse, nos. 28-37 Magazine (Chalosse). JCPD n.a.
T.008 1837.06.?? "Untitled Fragment" (on a shareholder in a canal company) no date; mentions canal building, FB wrote on canals in June 1837 OC7.69, p. 289 HTML CW1, p. 410
T.009 1838.02.11 "Compte rendu d’une brochure de F. Coudroy sur la question des duels" (Reflections on the Question of Dueling (Review) ) Revue of a Pamphlet by F. Coudroy on Dueling, La Chalosse, 11 Feb. 1838 Magazine (Chalosse). Also OC7.3, pp. 10-14 HTML CW1, p. 309-12
T.010 1838.04.01 "Deux articles sur la langue basque" (Two Articles on the Basque Language) La Chalosse, 1-8 April 1838 Magazine (Chalosse). JCPD CW1, p. 305-08
T.011 1840.00 "Réforme parlementaire" (Parliamentary Reform) sometime post-1840 OC7.70, pp. 289-92 HTML CW1, pp. 457-63
T.012 1841.01 "Le Fisc et la vigne" (The Tax Authorities and Wine) (no info availabe) OC1, pp. 243-59 HTML CW2.2, pp. 10-23
T.286 1841.01.15 "Proposals for an Association of Wine-Producing Interests." Documents relating to an Association for the Defence of Wine-Producing Interests planned by Bastiat. According to Ronce they were written shortly after FB returned from a trip to Spain and Portugal in 1840. In three parts: 1. Une Association; pp. 287-88; 2. Statuts de l’Association, pp. 288-92; 3. Prospectus du Journal de l'Association, Le Midi, pp. 292-95. In Ronce, Appendix III, pp. 287-95. Ronce n.a.
T.298 1843.00 "Ce qu’il leur en coûte pour être gouvernés" (On the Cost of Being Governed) This previously unpublished sketch was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to "Discourse on the Tax on Wines and Spirits". He says it was dated 1843. OC5, pp. 483-85 HTML CW2, pp. 339-41
T.013 1843.01.22 "Mémoire présenté à la société d’agriculture, commerce, arts et sciences, du département des Landes sur la question vinicole" (Memoir Presented to the Société d’agriculture, commerce, arts, et sciences du département des Landes on the Wine-Growing Question) (no info availabe) OC1, pp. 261-83 HTML CW2.3, pp. 25-42
T.014 1843.03.21 "Incompatibilités Parlementaires" (Parliamentary Conflicts of Interest) Sentinelle des Pyrénées, 21 and 25 March 1843 Magazine (SP). JCPD CW1, pp. 452-57
T.266 1843.05.18 "Free Trade. State of the Question in England. 1st Article" "Free Trade. State of the Question in England" - 3 articles published in La Sentinelle des Pyrénées, 18 May to 1 June 1843. Magazine (SP). JCPD n.a.
T.267 1843.05.25 "Free Trade. State of the Question in England. 2nd Article" La Sentinelle des Pyrénées, 25 May 1843 Magazine (SP). JCPD n.a.
T.268 1843.06.01 "Free Trade. State of the Question in England. 3rd Article" La Sentinelle des Pyrénées, 1 June 1843 Magazine (SP). JCPD n.a.
T.269 1843.12.02 "The Balance of Trade" La Sentinelle des Pyrénées, 2 December 1843 Magazine (SP). JCPD n.a.
T.270 1843.12.13 "To the Editor in Chief of La Presse. Reply to the article dated 30 November on Navigation" La Sentinelle des Pyrénées, 13 December 1843 Magazine (SP). JCPD n.a.
T.271 1843.12.14 "Reply to La Presse" La Sentinelle des Pyrénées, 14 December 1843 Magazine (SP). JCPD n.a.
T.015 1844.00 "Liberté du commerce" (Freedom of Trade) Unanamed newspaper in the south of France 1844 OC7.4, pp. 14-20 HTML CW1, pp. 421-25
T.016 1844.00 "Proposition de création d’une école d’apprentis agricoles" (Proposition for the Creation of a School for Sons of Sharecroppers) Paper presented to Chamber of Agriculture of Les Landes JCPD CW1, pp. 334-40
T.017 1844.07 "De la répartition de la contribution foncière dans le Département des Landes" (On the Division of the Land Tax in the Department of Les Landes) Bastiat mentions this report in a letter to Félix Coudroy where he says he has not quite finished writing it. Eaux-Bonnes, 26 July 1844. To Félix Coudroy (OC1, pp. 46-49) HTML OC1, pp. 283-333 HTML n.a.
T.272 1844.07.02 "The Sugar Question in England" La Sentinelle des Pyrénées, 2 July 1844 Magazine (SP). JCPD n.a.
T.018 1844.08.03 "La Reforme postale" (Postal Reform) La Sentinelle des Pyrénées, 3 and 6 August, 1844 Magazine (SP). JCPD n.a.
T.019 1844.10.15 "De l’influence des tarifs français et anglais sur l’avenir des deux peuples" (On the Influence of French and English Tariffs on the Future of the Two People) Journal des Économistes, T. IX, Oct. 1844, pp. 244-71. This was FB's breakthrough article which brought him to the attention of the Parisian economists. Written over summer of 1844 and sent to JDE in late July. JDE facs. PDF;
OC1, pp. 334-86 HTML
T.021 1845.00 "D’autres questions soumises aux conseils généraux de l’agriculture, des manufactures et du commerce, en 1845" (Other Questions submitted to the General Councils of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce, in 1845) (no info given) OC7.5, pp. 20-29 HTML n.a.
T.022 1845.00 "Les élections. Dialogue entre un profond Publiciste et un Campagnard" (The Elections. A Dialog between a deep-thinking Supporter and a Countryman) No date given, but mentions King and Chamber of Peers so pre-Feb. 1848; calls this a "sophism" so possibly 1845 when he began writing sophisms in earnest OC7.68, pp. 280-88 HTML CW1, p. 404-9
T.023 1845.02.15 "Un économiste à M. de Lamartine. A l’occasion de son écrit intitulé: Du Droit au travail" (Letter from an Economist to M. de Lamartine. On the occasion of his article entitled: *The Right to a Job") Journal des Économistes, Feb. 1845, T.10, no. 39, pp. 209-223 JDE PDF;
OC1.9, pp. 406-28 HTML
T.287 1845.02.20 "Lettre de Lamartine à Frédéric Bastiat" (Letter from Lamartine to Bastiat) Paris, 20 février 1845. In Ronce, Appendix IV, pp. 295-97 Ronce. n.a.
T.317 1845.03 "Introduction and Postscript to Economic Sophisms" Journal des Économistes, April 1845, T.11, no. 41, pp. 1, 16. Dated Mugron March, 1845. Written only for JDE article. New expanded Introduction and Conclusion written for the book ES1 in November, 1845. Not in OC. Not in CW3. JDE PDF;
HTML (to come)
T.024 1845.04.15 "Abondance, disette" (Economic Sophisms: I Abundance and Scarcity) Journal des Économistes, April 1845, T.11, no. 41, p. 1-8; also ES1.1 JDE PDF;
OC4.1.1, pp. 5-14 HTML
CW3 - ES1.1, pp. 7-15
T.025 1845.04.15 "Obstacle, cause" (Economic Sophisms: II Obstacle and Cause) Journal des Économistes, April 1845, T.11, no. 41, p. 8-10; also ES1.2 JDE PDF;
OC4.1.2, pp. 15-18 HTML
CW3 - ES1.2, pp. 15-18
T.026 1845.04.15 "Effort, résultat" (Economic Sophisms: III Effort and Result) Journal des Économistes, April 1845, T.11,no. 41, p. 10-16; also ES1.3 JDE PDF ; OC4.1.3, pp. 19-27 HTML CW3 - ES1.3, pp. 18-24
T.020 1845.05 "Sur l’ouvrage de M. Dunoyer, De la Liberté du travail" (On the Book by M. Dunoyer. On The Liberty of Working) Unpublished draft, possibly written in May after Bastiat met Dunoyer for the first time at his welcome dinner and Dunoyer asked him to write an article on it for the Journal des débats. Bastiat never finished iT.0 OC1.10, pp. 428-33. HTML n.a.
T.027 1845.06 Cobden et la ligue, ou l’Agitation anglaise pour la liberté du commerce (Cobden and the League, or the English Movement for Free Trade) (1845) ) Cobden et la ligue, ou l’Agitation anglaise pour la liberté du commerce (Paris: Guillaumin, 1845) (Cobden and the League, or the English Movement for Free Trade). FB’s first book was reviewed in the July 1845 edition of JDE, T.11, no. 44, p. 446 so it was probably published in June. It consists of a lengthy "Introduction" by Bastiat and his translations of meetings, newspaper accounts, and other material produced by the Anti-Corn Law League. FB’s "Introduction" to Cobden et la Ligue (1845), pp. i-xcvi. Book: 1st ed. facs. PDF;
Introduction, OC3, pp. 1-80 ;
FB’s "Introduction" only: 1st ed. facs. PDF; JDE PDF
T.284 1845.06 "A Note on Economic and Social Harmonies" Undated Note by FB on Economic and Social Harmonies found among his papers (c. June 1845). Ronce, pp. 227-8. It can also be found in Fontenay’s "Notice" in OC1, pp. xxx-xxxii HTML and the Foreword to 2nd ed. of EH. Ronce. n.a.
T.028 1845.06.15 "Situation économique de la Grande-Bretagne. Réformes financières. Agitation pour la liberté commerciale" (The Economic Situation of Great Britain: Financial Reforms and Agitation for Commercial Freedom) Journal des Économistes, June 1845, T.XI, no. 43, pp. 233-265. This article is an extract from Bastiat's introduction to Cobden and the League, pp. vii ff. JDE fac. PDF n.a.
T.029 1845.07.15 "Égaliser les conditions de production" (Economic Sophisms (cont): IV Equalizing the Conditions of Production) Journal des Économistes, July 1845, T.11, no. 44, p. 345-56; also ES1.4 JDE facs. PDF;
OC4.1.4, pp. 27-45 HTML
CW3 - ES1.4, pp. 25-39
T.030 1845.07.15 "Nos produits sont grevés de taxes" (Economic Sophisms (cont.): V Our Products are weighed down with Taxes) Journal des Économistes, July 1845, T.11, no. 44, p. 356-60; also ES1.5 JDE facs. PDF;
OC4.1.5, pp. 46-52 HTML
CW3 - ES1.5, pp. 39-44
T.031 1845.08.15 "De l’avenir du commerce des vins entre la France et la Grande-Bretagne" (On the Future of the Wine Trade between France and England) Journal des Économistes, Aug. 1845, T.12, no. 45, pp. 72-74 JDE facs. PDF;
OC1, pp. 387-92 HTML
T.032 1845.10.15 "Balance du commerce" (Economic Sophisms (cont.): VI. The Balance of Trade) Journal des Économistes, Oct. 1845, T.12, no. 47, p. 201-04; also ES1.6 JDE facs. PDF ; OC4.6, pp. 52-57 HTML CW3 - ES1.6, pp. 44-49
T.033 1845.10.15 "Pétition des fabricants de chandelles, etc." (Economic Sophisms (cont.): VII. Petition by the Manufacturers of Candles, etc.) Journal des Économistes, Oct. 1845, T.12, no. 47, p. 204-07; also ES1.7

OC4.7, pp. 57-62 HTML

CW3 - ES1.7, pp. 49-53
T.034 1845.10.15 "Droits différentiels" (Economic Sophisms (cont.): VIII. Differential Duties) Journal des Économistes, Oct. 1845, T.12, no. 47, p. 207-08; also ES1.8 JDE PDF;
OC4.8, pp. 62-63 HTML
CW3 - ES1.8, pp. 5354
T.035 1845.10.15 "Immense découverte!!!" (Economic Sophisms (cont.): IX. An immense Discovery!!!) Journal des Économistes, Oct. 1845, T.12, no. 47, p. 208-11; also ES1.9 JDE PDF;
OC4.9, pp. 63-67 HTML
CW3 - ES1.9, pp. 54-57
T.036 1845.10.15 "Réciprocité" (Economic Sophisms (cont.): X. Reciprocity) Journal des Économistes, Oct. 1845, T.12, no. 47, p. 211; also ES1.10 JDE PDF;
OC4.10, pp. 67-70 HTML
CW3 - ES1.10, pp. 57-60
T.037 1845.10.15 "Prix absolus" (Economic Sophisms (cont.): XI. Nominal Prices) Journal des Économistes, Oct. 1845, T.12, no. 47, p. 213-15 (this chapter was originally numbered XII in the JDE but became chapter XI in the book version of Economic Sophisms and incorporated chapter XI. "Stulta et Puera", from the JDE version p. 211-12; also ES1.11 JDE PDF;
OC4.11, pp. 70-74 HTML
CW3 - ES1.11, pp. 61-64
T.039 1845.12.15 "La Ligue anglaise et la Ligue allemande. Réponse à la Presse" (The English Free Trade League and the German League) Journal des Économistes, Dec. 1845, T.13, no. 49, pp. 83-85 JDE PDF;
OC2.26, pp. 141-47 HTML
T.040 1845.12.15 "Sur les questions soumise aux conseils généraux de l’agriculture, des manufactures et du commerce" (On the Questions submitted to the General Councils of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce) Journal des Économistes, Dec. 1845, T.13, no. 49, pp. 4-25 JDE PDF;
OC1, pp. 392-405 HTML
T.041 1846.00 "À M. de Larnac, député des Landes: De la réforme parlementaire" (To M. de Larnac, Deputy of Les Landes, on Parliamentary Reform) (no info available) OC1, pp. 480-506 HTML CW1, p. 367-86
T.281 1846.00 "Concurrence" (Competition) Early 1846. Encyclopédie du dix-neuvième siècle: répertoire universel des sciences, des lettres et des arts avec la biographie de tous les hommes célèbres, ed. Ange de Saint-Priest (Paris: Au bureau de l'Encyclopédie du dix-neuvième siècle, Impr. Beaulé, Lacour, Renoud et Maulde, 1846). Tome huitième, pp. 389-400. Republished as "On Competition" in JDE, May, 1846 (see T. 64), and revised for EH, 1st ed. chap. 10. Encyclopédie. Not in OC; facs. PDF; HTML (to come) n.a.
T.042 1846.01 Sophismes économiques (Economic Sophisms. First Series) (1846) Sophismes économiques. Première série (Paris: Guillaumin, 1846) (Economic Sophisms. First Series). Comprising articles published in the Journal des économistes, April, July, Oct. 1845 and other material. Conclusion is dated "Mugron, 2 Nov., 1845". Published in Paris, by Guillaumin, in Jan. 1846. The following chapters were not published previously (see below for details). Book facs. PDF: B&W PDF and (colour) PDF;
OC4, pp. 1-126 HTML; stand alone HTML of 1st edition HTML; and also my 2 volumes in 1 version (1846 and 1848 editions) in HTML
CW3 - ES1; Book pp. 3-110
T.043 1846.01.15 "Le vol à la prime" (Theft by Subsidy) Journal des Économistes, Jan. 1846, T. XIII, no. 50, pp. 115-120; also ES2.9 JDE PDF ; OC4, pp. 189-98 HTML CW3 - ES2.9, pp. 170-179
T.044 1846.02.08 "Projet de ligue anti-protectionniste" (Plan for an Anti-Protectionist League) Mémorial bordelais, 8 Feb. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.6, pp. 30-33 HTML n.a.
T.045 1846.02.09 "Projet de ligue anti-protectionniste. 2e article" (Plan for an Anti-Protectionist League. Second Article) Mémorial bordelais, 9 Feb. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.7, pp. 34-38 HTML n.a.
T.046 1846.02.10 "Projet de ligue anti-protectionniste. 3e article" (Plan for an Anti-Protectionist League. Third Article) Mémorial bordelais, 10 Feb. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.8, pp. 38-42 HTML n.a.
T.047 1846.02.15 "Considérations sur le métayage" (Thoughts on Sharecropping) Journal des Économistes, T.13, no. 51, Feb. 1846, pp. 225-239. JDE PDF. Not in OC n.a.
T.048 1846.02.18 "Association pour la liberté des échanges à Bordeaux" (The Free Trade Association in Bordeaux) Mémorial bordelais, 18 Feb. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.9, pp. 43-46 HTML n.a.
T.049 1846.02.19 "À M. le rédacteur du Journal de Lille, organe des intérêts du nord" (Letter to the Editor of the Journal de Lille, mouth-piece of the northern interests) Mémorial bordelais, 19 Feb. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.10, p. 47-50 HTML n.a.
T.050 1846.02.23 "Premier discours, à Bordeaux" (First Speech given in Bordeaux) found among FB's papers OC2.42, pp. 229-38 HTML n.a.
T.051 1846.02.26 "Théorie du bénéfice" (The Theory of Profit) Mémorial bordelais, 26 Feb. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.11, pp. 50-53 HTML n.a.
T.052 1846.03.08 "Au rédacteur de l’Époque" (To the Editor of the Époque) Mémorial bordelais, 8 March 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.12, 53-58 HTML n.a.
T.053 1846.03.12 "Le libre-échange en action" (Free Trade in Action) Mémorial bordelais, 12 March 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.13, p. 58-63 HTML n.a.
T.054 1846.04.01 "Qu’est-ce que le commerce?" (What is Commerce?) Le Courrier français, 1 Apr. 1846 Magazine (CF). Also OC7.14, p. 63-66 HTML n.a.
T.055 1846.04.06 "À M. le ministre de l’agriculture et du commerce" (To the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce) Mémorial bordelais, 6 Apr. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.15, p. 66-71 HTML n.a.
T.056 1846.04.11 "À monsieur le rédacteur du Courrier Français") To the Editor of the Courrier français) Le Courrier français, 11 Apr. 1846 Magazine (CF). Also OC7.16, p. 71-77 HTML n.a.
T.057 1846.04.15 "La Tribune et la Presse; à propos du traité belge" (To La Tribune and La Presse on the Question of the Treaty with Belgium) Journal des Économistes, T. XIV, Apr. 1846, no. 53, pp. 1-9 JDE PDF;
OC2.16, p. 8193 HTML
T.058 1846.04.23 "Réforme postale" (Postal Reform) Mémorial bordelais, 23 Apr. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.17, pp. 78-83 HTML n.a.
T.059 1846.04.30 "Réforme postale. 2e article" (Postal Reform. 2nd article) Mémorial bordelais, 30 Apr. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.18, pp. 83-91 HTML n.a.
T.060 1846.05.02 "La liberté commerciale" (Commercial Liberty) Mémorial bordelais, 2 May 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.19, 91-96 HTML n.a.
T.061 1846.05.02 "Lettre au rédacteur du Journal des Débats. Première lettre" (First Letter to the Editor of the Journal des débats) Journal des Débats, 2 May 1846 JDD. OC7.20, p. 96-99 HTML n.a.
T.062 1846.05.10 "Déclaration de principes (Association pour la liberté des échanges)" (Declaration of Principles of the Free Trade Association) 10 May, 1846; reprinted in LE 25 Apr. 1847, no. 22, p. 169; along with the Association's new programme. OC2.1, pp. 1-4 HTML n.a.
T.063 1846.05.14 "Lettre au rédacteur du Journal des Débats. Seconde lettre" (Second Letter to the Editor of the Journal des débats) Mémorial bordelais, 14 May 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.21, p. 99-103 HTML n.a.
T.064 1846.05.15 "De la concurrence" (On Competition) A note states that this article was originally written for l’Encyclopédie du dix-neuvième siècle (no date given, see T.064). It was then revised slightly and published in Journal des Économistes, May 1846, T. XIV, no. 54, pp. 106-22; also EH chap. 10. 2nd half very similar, 1st half quite different. Encyclopédie and JDE PDF; DMH; HTML (to come) n.a.
T.065 1846.05.15 "Le sel, la poste et la douane" (Salt, the Mail, and the Customs Service) Journal des Économistes, May 1846, T. XIV, no. 54, pp. 142-152; also ES2.12. JDE PDF;
OC4, pp. 213-29 HTML
CW3 - ES2.12, pp. 198-214
T.066 1846.05.19 "Du chemin de fer de Bordeaux à Bayonne. Lettre adressée à une commission de la Chambre des députés" (On the Railway between Bordeaux and Bayonne. A Letter addressed to a Commission of the Chamber of Deputies) Mémorial bordelais, 19 May 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.22, pp. 103-8 HTML CW1, p. 312-16
T.282 1846.06.?? "De la population" (On Population) Encyclopédie du dix-neuvième siècle (1846), vol. XX, pp. 110-120. Probably mid-1846. Republished as "On Population" in JDE, Oct. 1846 (see T.81), and then in HE chap. 10 (see T.249 and T. 269) Encyclopédie. Not in the OC. PDF;
my edit of HTML (to come)
T.288 1846.06.?? "Libre-échange Gai" (A Light-Hearted Look at Free Trade) Mid or late 1846. Ronce says in a discussion of some of the amusing articles FB wrote for LE that these unublished pieces were found in FB's papers. In three parts: 1. "One has to see it to believe it" (Il faut le voir pour le croire), pp. 297-99; 2. "The World turned upside down again" (Encore le monde renversé), pp. 299-300; 3. "A Simple Dialog" (Simple dialogue), p. 301. In Ronce, Appendix V, pp. 297-301. Ronce. n.a.
T.067 1846.06.14 "Aux membres de l’Association pour la liberté des échanges" (To the Members of the Free Trade Association) Mémorial bordelais, 14 June 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.23, pp. 108-13 HTML n.a.
T.068 1846.06.15 "De la répartition des richesses. Par M. Vidal" (On the Redistribution of Wealth by M. Vidal) Journal des Économistes, June 1846, T. 14, No. 55, pp. 243-49 JDE PDF;
OC1.12, pp. 440-51 HTML
T.069 1846.06.30 "À M. Tanneguy-Duchâtel, ministre de l’intérieur" (To M. Tanneguy-Duchâtel, , Minister for the Interior) Mémorial bordelais, 30 June 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.24, pp. 114-18 HTML n.a.
T.070 1846.07.01 "La logique du Moniteur industriel" (The Logic of the Moniteur industriel) Mémorial bordelais, 1 July 1846 OC7.25, p. 118-22 HTML n.a.
T.071 1846.07.01 "Aux électeurs de l’arrondissement de Saint-Sever (Mugron, 1 July, 1846)" (To the Electors of the District of Saint-Sever) Mugron, 1 July, 1846 OC1, p. 461-80 HTML CW1, p. 352-67
T.072 1846.07.03 "Lettre à M. Dampierre" (Letter to Roger Dampierre) (no info availabe) OC7.72, pp. 300-3 HTML CW1, p. 412-14
T.073 1846.08.19 "Toast porté au banquet offert à Cobden par les libre-échangistes de Paris" (A Toast presented at the banquet in Honor of Richard Cobden by the Free Traders of Paris) Le Courrier français, 19 Aug. 1846; also in ASEP. All Toasts, pp. 36-54; FB's, pp. 49-50. Magazine (CF). Also OC7.26, pp. 122-24 HTML n.a.
T.074 1846.08.22 "Aux rédacteurs de la Presse (1)" (To the Editors of La Presse (1)) Le Courrier français, 22 Aug. 1846 Magazine (CF). Also OC7.32, pp. 143-47 HTML n.a.
T.075 1846.08.24 "La loi des céréales et le salaire des ouvriers" (The Corn Laws and Workers’ Wages) Le Courrier français, 24 Aug. 1846 Magazine (CF). Also OC7.27, pp. 125-28 HTML n.a.
T.076 1846.08.29 "Lettre au Moniteur Industriel" (Letter to the Moniteur industriel) Le Courrier français, 29 Aug. 1846 Magazine (CF). Also OC7.28, pp. 128-30 HTML n.a.
T.077 1846.09.02 "Aux rédacteurs de la Presse" (To the Editors of La Presse (2)) Le Courrier français, 2 Sept. 1846 Magazine (CF). Also OC7.33, pp. 148-52 HTML n.a.
T.078 1846.09.18 "Aux artisans et aux ouvriers" (To Artisans and Workers) Le Courrier français, 18 Sept. 1846; also ES2.6 Magazine (CF). Also OC4, pp. 173-82 HTML CW3 - ES2.6, pp. 155-163
T.079 1846.09.29 "Deuxième discours, à Paris" (Second Speech given in the Montesquieu Hall in Paris) Journal des Économistes, Oct. 1846, T. 15, No. 59, pp. 288-92. Published as a separate pamphlet with speeches by Anison-Dupéron, Michel Chevalier, Horace Say, Louis Wolowski, FB: Deuxième Séance publique de l'Association pour la Liberté des Échanges. Tenue dans la Salle Montesquieu. Le 29 Septembre 1846 (Paris: Guillaumin, 1846). 40 pp. FB's speech, pp. 29-36. JDE PDF ; OC2.43, pp. 238-46 HTML n.a.
T.080 1846.10.15 "Seconde lettre à Monsieur de Lamartine" (Second Letter to M. de Lamartine (on price controls on food)) Journal des Économistes, Oct. 1846, T. 15, No. 59, pp. 265-70 JDE PDF ; OC1.13, pp. 452-60 HTML n.a.
T.081 1846.10.15 "De la population" (On Population) Journal des Économistes, 15 Oct., 1846, T. XV, no. 59, pp. 217-234. A revised version of this article appeared as chap. 16 in the 2nd, posthumous edition of EH (1851), with explanatory notes by Fontenay. JDE PDF; Not in the OC; my edit of HTML (to come) n.a.
T.082 1846.10.15 "Deuxième réunion à Paris (le 29 septembre 1846)" (The minutes from a meeting of the Association pour la Liberté des échanges) transcription of Bastiat's remarks, JDE 15 Oct. 1846, T. XV, pp. 288-292. JDE. PDF; DMH HTML (to come) n.a.
T.083 1846.10.22 "Aux négociants du Havre (1)" (To the Merchants of Le Havre (1)) Mémorial bordelais, 22 Oct. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.29, pp. 131-34 HTML n.a.
T.084 1846.10.23 "Aux négociants du Havre (2)" (To the Merchants of Le Havre (2)) Mémorial bordelais, 23 Oct. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.30, pp. 134-38 HTML n.a.
T.085 1846.10.25 "To the Merchants of Le Havre (3)" (Aux négociants du Havre (3)) Mémorial bordelais, 25 Oct. 1846 Magazine (MB). Also OC7.31, pp. 138-43 HTML n.a.
T.086 1846.11.10 "Aux rédacteurs du National (1" (To the Editors of Le National (1)) Le Courrier français, 10 Nov. 1846 Magazine (CF). Also OC7.34, pp. 152-59 HTML n.a.
T.087 1846.11.11 "Aux rédacteurs du National (2)" (To the Editors of Le National (2)) Le Courrier français, 11 Nov. 1846 Magazine (CF). Also OC7.35, pp. 159-66 HTML n.a.
T.321 1846.11.29 Le Libre-Échange (29 Nov. 1846 - 16 April 1848). The weekly journal of the Association pour la liberté des échanges. It began on 29 November 1846 and closed on 16 April 1848 as a result of the revolution.The first sixty-four issues were published by Bastiat, the editor in chief, and Joseph Garnier; the last eight issues were published by Charles Coquelin. The first 2 years were republished as a book. Magazine (LE). Facs. PDF via this links page n.a.
T.088 1846.12.06 "Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc" Le Libre-Échange, 6 Dec. 1846, no. 2, p. 11; also ES2.8 Magazine (LE). Also OC4, pp. 187-89 HTML CW3 - ES2.8, pp. 168-69
T.089 1846.12.13 "Sur les généralités" (On General Principles) Le Libre-Échange, 13 Dec. 1846, no. 3, pp. 18-19 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.4, pp. 12-15 HTML n.a.
T.090 1846.12.13 "La main droite et la main gauche" (The Right Hand and the Left Hand) Le Libre-Échange, 13 Dec. 1846, no. 3, p. 24; also ES2.16 Magazine (LE). Also OC4, pp. 258-65 HTML CW3 - ES2.16, pp. 140-48
T.091 1846.12.15 "De l’influence du régime protecteur sur l’agriculture" (On the Impact of the Protectionist Regime on Agriculture) Journal des Économistes, Décembre 1846, T. XVI, no. 61, pp. 6-15. JDE PDF ; OC2.7, pp. 25-39 HTML n.a.
T.092 1846.12.20 "Le Libre-Échange" (Free Trade) Le Libre-Échange, 20 Dec. 1846, no. 4, p. 25 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.2, pp. 4-7 n.a.
T.093 1846.12.27 "A quoi se réduit l’invasion" (What does Invasion amount to?) Le Libre-Échange, 27 Dec. 1846, no. 5, p. 38 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.11, pp. 58-63 HTML n.a.
T.094 1846.12.27 "Recettes protectionnistes" (Recipes for Protectionism) Le Libre-Échange, 27 Dec. 1846, no. 5, p. 40 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.53, pp. 358-63 HTML CW3 - ES3.1, pp. 257-61
T.095 1847.00 "Le petit manuel du consommateur ou de tout le monde" (A Little Manual for Consumers, in other words for Everyone) An unpublished draft OC2.61, pp. 409-15 HTML CW3 - ES 3.17, pp. 350-55
T.096 1847.00 "Midi à quatorze heures" (Making a Mountain out of a Mole Hill) an unpublished outline from 1847 OC2.60, pp. 400-09 HTML CW3 - ES3.16, pp. 343-50
T.097 1847.00 "Anglomanie, Anglophobie" (Anglomania, Anglophobia) a sketch from 1847 OC7.74, pp. 309-27 HTML CW1, pp. 320-34 (also in CW3 as ES3.14, , pp. 327-41)
T.098 1847.00 "Projet de discours libre-échangiste à prononcer à Bayonne" (Plan for a Speech on Free Trade to be given in Bayonne) likely late 1847, no date, unpublished OC7.38, pp. 178-93 HTML n.a.
T.099 1847.00 "Le profit de l’un est le dommage de l’autre" (One Man’s gain is another Man’s Loss) no date given but probably 1847 OC7.75, pp. 327-28 HTML CW3 - ES3.15, pp. 341-43
T.299 late 1847 "The Difference between doing Business and an Act of Charity" This previously unpublished sketch was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to "Justice and Fraternity". He dated it late-1847. OC4, p. 311 CW2, p. 70
T.100 1847.01.03 "Bornes que s’impose l’Association pour la liberté des échanges" (Limits which the Free Trade Association imposes) Le Libre-Échange, 3 Jan. 1847, no. 6, p. 43 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.3, pp. 7-11 HTML n.a.
T.101 1847.01.15 "Organisation et liberté" (Organisation and Liberty) Journal des Économistes, T. XVI, Janvier 1847, no. 62, pp. 106-13 JDE PDF ; OC2.27, pp. 147-58 HTML n.a.
T.102 1847.01.17 "L’utopiste" (The Utopian) Le Libre-Échange, 17 Jan. 1847, no. 8, pp. 63-64; also ES2.11 Magazine (LE). Also OC4, pp. 203-12 HTML CW3 - ES2.11, pp. 187-98
T.103 1847.01.24 "L’échelle mobile" (The Sliding Scale) Le Libre-Échange, 24 Jan. 1847, no. 9, pp. 65-66 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.9, pp. 44-47 HTML n.a.
T.105 1847.01.24 "M. de Noailles à la Chambre des Pairs" (M. de Noailles to the Chamber of Peers 1. (on Perfidious Albion)) Le Libre-Échange, 24 Jan. 1847, no. 9, p. 66 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.38, pp. 216-19 HTML n.a.
T.106 1847.01.31 "Réflexions sur l’année 1846" (Reflections on the year 1846) Le Libre-Échange, 31 Jan. 1847, no. 10, p. 73 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.6, pp. 22-25 HTML n.a.
T.107 1847.01.31 "Inanité de la protection de l’agriculture" (The Inanity of the Protection of Agriculture) Le Libre-Échange, 31 Jan. 1847, no. 10, pp. 73-74 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.8, pp. 39-44 HTML n.a.
T.108 1847.02.07 "L’Angleterre et le Libre-Échange" (England and Free Trade) Le Libre-Échange, 7 Feb. 1847, no. 11, pp. 81-82 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.32, pp. 177-85 HTML n.a.
T.109 1847.02.07 "Deux principes: le but du travail et de la production" (Two Principles: The Goal of Work and of Production) Le Libre-Échange, 7 Feb. 1847, no. 11, p. 88 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.54, pp. 363-70 HTML CW3 - ES3.2, pp. 261-68
T.110 1847.02.14 "Domination par le travail" (Domination through Work) Le Libre-Échange, 14 Feb. 1847, no. 12, pp. 93-94; also ES2.17 Magazine (LE). Also OC4, pp. 265-71 HTML CW3 - ES2.17, pp. 248-53
T.111 1847.02.21 "Curieux phénomène économique. La Réforme financière en Angleterre" (A Curious Economic Phenomenon. Financial Reform in England) Le Libre-Échange, 21 Feb. 1847, no. 13, pp. 97-98 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.33, pp. 186-93 HTML n.a.
T.112 1847.03.07 "Influence du Libre-Échange sur les relations des peuples" (The Impact of Free Trade on the Relations between People) Le Libre-Échange, 7 March 1847, no. 15, pp. 115-16 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.31, pp. 170-77 HTML n.a.
T.113 1847.03.14 "Le parti démocratique et le libre-échange" (The Democratic Party and Free Trade) Le Libre-Échange, 14 March 1847, no. 16, pp. 121-22 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.17, pp. 93-100 HTML n.a.
T.114 1847.03.14 "De la libre introduction du bétail étranger" (On the Free Importation of Foreign Cattle") Le Libre-Échange, 14 March 1847, no. 16, p. 122 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.13, pp. 68-71 HTML n.a.
T.115 1847.03.21 "Sur la défense d’exporter les céréales" (On the Prohibition of Exporting Grain) Le Libre-Échange, 21 March 1847, no. 17, p. 129 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.14, pp. 72-77 HTML n.a.
T.116 1847.03.21 "Hausse des aliments, baisse des salaires" (To increase the price of food is to lower the value of wages) Le Libre-Échange, 21 March 1847, no. 17, pp. 130-31 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.15, pp. 77-80 HTML n.a.
T.117 1847.03.21 "Autre chose" (Something Else) Le Libre-Échange, 21 March 1847, no. 17, pp. 135-36 Magazine (LE). Also OC4, pp. 241-51 HTML CW3 - ES2.14, pp. 226-34
T.118 1847.04.04 "Deux modes d’égalisation de taxes" (Two Methods of Equalizing Taxes) Le Libre-Échange, 4 April 1847, no. 19, p. 152; ; original title: "Le libre échange demontre par l’example du sucre de betteraves" (Free Trade makes its point with the example of Beet Sugar) Magazine (LE). Also OC2.40, pp. 222-25 HTML n.a.
T.119 1847.04.18 "Le National" Le Libre-Échange, 18 Apr. 1847, no. 21, pp. 161-62 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.19, pp. 104-10 HTML n.a.
T.120 1847.04.18 "Le monde renversé" (The World Turned Up-side Down) Le Libre-Échange, 18 Apr. 1847, no. 21, pp. 162-63 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.20, pp. 110-11 HTML n.a.
T.121 1847.04.25 "Programme of the French Free Trade Association" Le Libre-Échange, 25 Apr. 1847, no. 22, pp. 170-73. The original "Declaration of Principles" of 10 May, 1846 signed by Bastiat and the Duc d'Harcourt is reprinted, along with the Association's new programme. Magazine (LE). Also my edit of HTML (to come) n.a.
T.122 1847.04.25 "Démocratie et libre-échange" (Democracy and Free Trade) Le Libre-Échange, 25 Apr. 1847, no. 22, p. 174 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.18, pp. 100-4 HTML n.a.
T.123 1847.04.25 "Le petit arsenal du libre-échangiste" (The Free Trader’s Little Arsensal) Le Libre-Échange, 25 April 1847, no. 22, pp. 175-76. Also published as a stand alone pamphlet - Frédéric Bastiat, Le Petit Arsenal du Libre-Échange (impr. de E. Crugy, 1847). Also ES2.15 Magazine (LE). Also OC4, pp. 251-57 HTML CW3 - ES2.15, pp. 234-40
T.124 1847.05.02 "L’échelle mobile et ses effets en Angleterre") The Sliding Scale and its Impact on England) Le Libre-Échange, 2 May 1847, no. 23, pp. 177-78 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.10, pp. 48-57 HTML n.a.
T.125 1847.05.02 "La logique de M. Cunin-Gridaine" (Mr. Cunin-Gridaine's Logic) Le Libre-Échange, 2 May 1847, no. 23, p. 184 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.55, pp. 370-73 HTML CW3 - ES3.3, pp. 268-71
T.126 1847.05.09 "Subsistances" (Growing Food) Le Libre-Échange, 9 May 1847, no. 24, p. 185 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.12, pp. 63-68 HTML n.a.
T.127 1847.05.09 "L’empereur de Russie" (The Emperor of Russia) Le Libre-Échange, 9 May 1847, no. 24, pp. 185-86 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.29, pp. 164-68 HTML n.a.
T.128 1847.05.09 "Un profit contre deux pertes" (One Profit against Two Losses) Le Libre-Échange, 9 May 1847, no. 24, p. 192 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.57, pp. 377-84 HTML CW3 - ES3.4, pp. 271-76
T.129 1847.05.23 "Peuple et bourgeoisie" (The People and the Bourgeoisie) Le Libre-Échange, 23 May 1847, no. 26, p. 202 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.51, pp. 348-55 HTML CW3 - ES3.6, pp. 281-87
T.130 1847.05.23 "De la modération" (On Moderation) Le Libre-Échange, 23 May 1847, no. 26, p. 201 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.50, pp. 343-48 HTML CW3 - ES3.5, pp. 277-81
T.131 1847.05.30 "Deux pertes contre un profit. À M. Arago, de l’Académie des Sciences" (Two Losses against One Profit) Le Libre-Échange, 30 May 1847, no. 27, pp. 215-16 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.58, pp. 384-91 HTML CW3 - ES3.7, pp. 287-93
T.132 1847.05.30 "Le Roi libre-échangiste" (The Free Trade King) Le Libre-Échange, 30 May 1847, no. 27, p. 210 Magazine (LE). Also OC7.36, pp.167-69 HTML n.a.
T.133 1847.06.?? "Sophismes électoraux" (Electoral Sophisms) mentions Maynooth bill (fn. 2, p. 402) so after 1845; also in "The Tax Collector" ES2.10 (late 1847??) also mentions General standing for election OC7.67, pp. 271-80 HTML CW1, p. 397-404
T.134 1847.06.13 "Discours à la salle Duphot" (Speech given in the Duphot Hall) Le Libre-Échange, 13 June 1847, no. 29, pp. 227-28 Magazine (LE). Also OC7.37, pp. 170-78 HTML n.a.
T.135 1847.06.13 "Guerre aux chaires d’économie politique" (The War against Chairs of Political Economy) Le Libre-Échange, 13 June 1847, no. 29, p. 232; also published as a chapter in the pamphlet Plunder and Law (1850), pp. 42-52. Magazine (LE).
Pamphlet PDF;
OC5, pp. 16-22 HTML
CW2.14, pp. 277-81
T.136 1847.06.20 "L’impôt du sel" (The Salt Tax) Le Libre-Échange, 20 June 1847, no. 30, p. 237. (not signed by FB) Magazine (LE). Also OC2.41, pp. 225-28 HTML n.a.
T.137 1847.06.20 "La peur d’un mot" (The Fear of a Word) Le Libre-Échange, 20 June, 1847, no. 30, pp. 239-40 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.59, pp. 392-400 HTML CW3 - ES3.13, pp. 318-27
T.138 1847.06.20 "L’économie politique des généraux" (Political Economy of the Generals) Le Libre-Échange, 20 June 1847, no. 30, p. 234 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.52, pp. 355-58 HTML CW3 - ES3.8, pp. 293-96
T.139 1847.06.27 "La taxe unique en Angleterre, proposition de M. Ewart’ (The Single-Tax in England. The Proposal of Mr. Ewart) Le Libre-Échange, 27 June 1847, no. 31, pp. 245-46 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.37, pp. 209-16 HTML n.a.
T.140 1847.06.27 "Du Communisme" (On Communism) Le Libre-Échange, 27 June 1847, no. 31, pp. 244-45 Magazine (LE) PDF ;
OC2.22, pp. 116-24 HTML
T.141 1847.07.03 "Troisième discours, à Paris" (Third Speech given in Paris at the Taranne Hall) FB papers OC2.44, pp. 246-59 HTML n.a.
T.142 1847.07.11 "Autre réponse à la Presse sur la nature des échanges" (Another Reply to La Presse on the Nature of Commerce) Le Libre-Échange, 11 July 1847, no. 33, pp. 257-58 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.28, pp. 158-64 HTML n.a.
T.143 1847.07.11 "Sur l’éloge de Ch. Comte. Par M. Mignet" (On the Eulogy of M. Charles Comte by M. Mignet) Le Libre-Échange, 11 July 1847, no. 33, p. 264; ; original title: "Variétés: Notice sur M. Charles Comte. Par M. Mignet" Magazine (LE). Also OC1.11, pp. 434-39 HTML n.a.
T.144 1847.07.25 "Cherté, bon marché" (High Prices and Low Prices) Le Libre-Échange, 25 July 1847, no. 35, pp. 273-74 Magazine (LE). Also OC4, pp. 163-73; ; also ES2.5 HTML CW3 - ES2.5, pp. 146-54
T.145 1847.08.?? "Quatrième discours, à Lyon" (Fourth Speech given in Lyon) early Aug., FB papers OC2.45, pp. 260-73 HTML n.a.
T.146 1847.08.?? "Cinquième discours, à Lyon" (Fifth Speech given in Lyon) Aug., FB papers OC2.46, pp. 273-93 HTML n.a.
T.147 1847.08.?? "Sixième discours, à Marcheille" (Sixth Speech given in Marseilles) late Aug., FB papers OC2.47, pp. 293-311 HTML n.a.
T.148 1847.08.15 "Lettre de M. F. Bastiat: Les trois chefs d’accusation du journal l’Atelier" (A Letter from M. F. Bastiat: The Three Chief Accusations made by the journal L’Atelier) Journal des Économistes, T. XVIII, no. 69, Aug. 1847, p. 68-71. Dated in JDE "28 July, 1847". In OC2 it is dated 12 Sept., 1847. JDE PDF;
OC2.23, pp. 124-31 HTML
T.149 1847.09 "Projet de préface pour les Harmonies" (Draft Preface for the *Harmonies) probably written Fall or late 1847 OC7.73, pp. 303-9 HTML CW1, pp. 316-20
T.150 1847.09.05 "Remonstrance" (A Complaint) Le Libre-Échange, 5 Sept. 1847, no. 41, p. 328 Magazine (LE). Also
OC2.62, pp. 415-18 HTML
CW3 - ES3.9, pp. 296-99
T.151 1847.09.09 "Lettre" (A Letter to Hippolyte Castille on intellectual property) Mugron, 9 Sept. 1847 OC2.49b, pp. 340-42 HTML n.a.
T.152 1847.09.15 "Réunion publique à Marseille de l’Association pour la Liberté des Échanges: Discours de M. Bastiat" (Minutes of a Public Meeting in Marseilles by the Free Trade Association: Speech by M. Bastiat) Journal des Économistes, Septembre 1847, T. XVIII, no. 70, pp. 163-165. Report also given in Le Libre-Échange, 5 Sept. 1847, no. 41, pp. 325-27 JDE PDF ; DMH; my HTML edit (to come) n.a.
T.153 1847.11.07 "Seconde campagne de la ligue" (The League’s Second Campaign) Le Libre-Échange, 7 Nov. 1847, no. 50, pp. 401-2 Magazine (LE). Also OC3.33, pp.449-58 n.a.
T.154 1847.11.07 "Association espagnole pour la défense du travail national" (The Spanish Association for the Defense of National Employment) Le Libre-Échange, 7 Nov. 1847, no. 50, p. 404 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.64, pp. 429-35 HTML CW3 - ES3.10, pp. 299-305
T.155 1847.11.14 "D’un plan de campagne proposé à l’Association du Libre-Échange" (A Campaign Strategy proposed to the Free Trade Association) Le Libre-Échange, 14 Nov. 1847, no. 51, pp. 405-6 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.5, pp. 15-21 HTML n.a.
T.156 1847.11.14 "Aux membres du Conseil général de la Seine" (To the Members of the General Council of La Seine) Le Libre-Échange, 14 Nov. 1847, no. 51, pp. 409-10 Magazine (LE). Also OC7.39, pp. 193-98 HTML n.a.
T.157 1847.11.14 "Est-il possible de penser de même sur la liberté commerciale et de différer en politique ?" (Bastiat's reply to a letter by Blanqui on purely political matters and free trade) Le Libre-Échange, 14 Nov. 1847, no. 51, p. 407 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.1, footnote pp. 3-4 HTML n.a.
T.158 1847.11.21 "Aux membres du Conseil général de la Nièvre" (To the Members of the General Council of La Niève) Le Libre-Échange, 21 Nov. 1847, no. 52, pp. 414-15 Magazine (LE). Also OC7.40, pp. 199-206 HTML n.a.
T.159 1847.11.28 "Les hommes spéciaux" (The Specialists) Le Libre-Échange, 28 Nov. 1847, no. 1 (2nd year), p. 7 Magazine (LE). Also OC2,56, pp. 373-77 HTML CW3 - ES3.11, pp. 305-08
T.300 1847.11.28 "Un acte illégal est toujours immoral" (On the Difference between Illegal and Immoral Acts) This is an extract from an article published in LE, 28 Nov. 1847. The original French editor Paillottet included it in a footnote to "Plunder and the Law". Magazine (LE). Also OC5, pp. 2-4 HTML CW2, pp. 267-68
T.160 1847.12 Le Libre-Échange. Journal de l'Association pour la liberté des échanges. 1er année. 1846-1847 (1847). Le Libre-Échange. Journal de l’Association pour la liberté des échanges. 1er année. 1846-1847. (Paris: Guillaumin and Chaix, 1847). Guillaumin published the first 52 issues of the journal in book form. The 52nd issue was 21 Nov. 1847, thus the book was probably published in Dec. 1847 Magazine (LE). Facs. PDF via this links page PDF n.a.
T.161 1847.12.12 "Sur l’exportation du numéraire" (On the Export of Bullion) Le Libre-Échange, 12 Dec. 1847, no. 3 (2nd year), p. 13 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.21, pp. 112-16 HTML n.a.
T.162 1847.12.12 "L’indiscret. - Questions sur les effets des restrictions" (The Man who asked Embarrassing Questions) Le Libre-Échange, 12 Dec. 1847, no. 3 (2nd year), p. 20 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.65, pp. 435-46 HTML CW3 - ES3.12, pp. 309-18
T.163 1847.12.16 "Huitième discours, à Paris : Discours au Cercle de la librairie" (A Speech given to the Publishers Circle on intellectual property) 16 Dec. 1847. Later published as "La propriété littéraire au Cercle de la librairie; Discours de M. Frédéric Bastiat" (Literary Property. Speech given to the Publisher's Circle), Le Travail intellectuel, no. 6, samedi 15 janvier 1848, pp. 4-6. Magazine (LT). Also OC2.49b, pp. 328-39 HTML n.a.
T.164 1847.12.19 "L’indiscret. (Suite)" (The Man who aske Embarrassing Questions (continued)) Le Libre-Échange, 19 Dec. 1847, no. 4 (2nd year), p. 28 Magazine (LE). n.a.
T.165 1847.12.26 "Lettre de M. Considérant et réponse" (A Letter from Mr. Considérant and a Reply) (no info availabe) OC2.25, pp. 134-41 HTML n.a.
T.166 1847.12 7 articles written for ES2 probably during 1847 but not dated or pubished previously I. "Physiologie de la Spoliation" (The Physiology of Plunder) OC4, pp. 127-48 HTML; II. "Deux morales" (Two Moral Philosophies) OC4, pp. 148-56 HTML; III. "Les deux haches" (The Two Axes) OC4, pp. 156-59 HTML; IV. "Conseil inférieur du travail)" (The Lower Council of Labor} OC4, pp. 160-63 HTML; VII. "Conte chinois" (A Chinese Tale) OC4, pp. 182-87 HTML; X. "Le percepteur" (The Tax Collector) OC4, pp. 198-203 HTML; XIII. "La protection ou les trois Échevins" (Protection, or the Three Municipal Magistrates) OC4, pp. 229-41 HTML OC4, ES2 HTML CW3 (see the book SE2 for details)
T.167 1848.00 "Barataria" an unpublished fragment of what was intended as a short pamphlet. 1847 or early 1848 (internal evidence suggests 1848) OC7.77, pp. 343-51 HTML n.a.
T.293 1848.00 "De la prévoyance, de la prudence" (On Experience and Responsibility) This previously unpublished sketch was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to "The Law". No date was given. Probably post-1848. OC4, pp. 375-76 HTML CW2, p. 133
T.295 1848.00 "Pourquoi nos finances sont-elles dérangées" (Why our Finances are in a Mess) This previously unpublished sketch was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to "Peace and Freedom or the Republican Budget" and no date was given. Probably 1848. OC5, p. 447 HTML CW2, p. 311-12
T.169 1848.01 Sophismes économiques. Deuxième série. (Paris: Guillaumin, 1848) (Economic Sophisms. Second Series) Published in Jan. 1848 from material written and published in 1846 and 1847 (see above) Book facs. B&W PDF and (colour) PDF and HTML;
OC4, pp. 127-271 HTML; and also
my 2 volumes in 1 version in HTML
CW3 (see the book SE2 fxor details)
T.170 1848.01.02 "Lettre de M. Considérant et réponse" (A Letter from Mr. Considérant and a Reply) Le Libre-Échange, 2 Jan. 1848, no. 6 (2nd year), pp. 33-34 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.25, pp. 134-41 HTML n.a.
T.171 1848.01.01 "Réponse à divers) (untitled in original" (Reply to Various Other People) Le Libre-Échange, 2 Jan. 1848, no. 6 (2nd year), p. 1 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.24, pp. 131-33 HTML n.a.
T.172 1848.01.02 "La liberté a donné du pain au peuple anglais" (Liberty has given Bread to the English People) Le Libre-Échange, 2 Jan. 1848, no. 6 (2nd year), p. 33 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.30, pp. 168-70 HTML n.a.
T.173 1848.01.07 "Septième discours, à Paris" (Seventh Speech given in Paris in the Montesquieu Hall" FB papers OC2.48, pp. 311-28 HTML n.a.
T.174 1848.01.16 "Les armements en Angleterre" (Armaments in England) Le Libre-Échange, 16 Jan. 1848, no. 8 (2nd year), p. 45 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.34, pp. 194-200 HTML n.a.
T.175 1848.01.15 "Septième séance de l’Association pour la liberté des échanges; discours de MM. Anisson-Dupéron, Joseph Garnier, Ch. Coquelin, F. Bastiat" (Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of the Free Trade Association - remarks by Anisson-Dupéron, Joseph Garnier, Ch. Coquelin, F. Bastiat) summary of Bastiat's remarks, JDE Janvier 1848, T. XIX, pp. 214-215. JDE PDF ; DMH; HTML (to come) n.a.
T.176 1848.01.15 "Organisation naturelle Organisation artificielle" (Natural and Artificial Organisation) Journal des Économistes, T. XIX, No. 74, Jan 1848, pp. 113-26; also EH1 JDE PDF ;
HE in OC6; my HTML of the 2nd ed. edition (to come)
T.177 1848.01.16 "Paresse et restriction" (Laziness and Trade Restrictions) Le Libre-Échange, 16 Jan. 1848, no. 8 (2nd year), pp. 46-47 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.39, pp. 219-21 HTML n.a.
T.178 1848.01.22 "À M. Jobard" (Letter to M. Jobard) written 22 Jan. 1848; published as "La propriété des inventions. - Une lettre inédite de Bastiat" (Property in Inventions. An unpublished letter by Bastiat) in L’Economiste Belge, 1 Sept. 1860, pp. 344-45. OC7.41, pp. 207-10 HTML n.a.
T.179 1848.01.23 "Sur l’inscription maritime" (On Maritime Registration) Le Libre-Échange, 23 Jan. 1848, no. 9 (2nd year), p. 49. Incorrectly dated in OC2 - not 1847 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.36, p. 205-9 HTML n.a.
T.180 1848.01.30 "Encore les armements en Angleterre" (More on Armaments in England) Le Libre-Échange, 30 Jan. 1848, no. 10 (2nd year), p. 53 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.35, pp. 200-5 HTML n.a.
T.181 1848.02.06 "Le maire d’Énios" (The Mayor of Énios) Le Libre-Échange, 6 Feb. 1848, no. 11 (2nd year), pp. 63-64 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.64, pp. 418-29 HTML CW3 - ES3.18, pp. 355-65
T.183 1848.02.06 "Deux Angleterres" (Two Englands) Le Libre-Échange, 6 Feb. 1848, no. 11 (2nd year), p. 57 Magazine (LE). Also OC3.34, pp. 459-62 n.a.
T.184 1848.02.13 "Le sucre antédiluvien" (Antediluvian Sugar) Le Libre-Échange, 13 Feb. 1848, no. 12 (2nd year), p. 68 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.66, pp. 446-51 HTML CW3 - ES3.19, pp. 365-71
T.185 1848.02.20 "Monita secreta" Le Libre-Échange, 20 Feb. 1848, no. 13 (2nd year), pp. 75-76 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.67, pp. 452-58 HTML CW3 - ES3.20, pp. 371-77
T.322 1848.02.26 La République française (26 févr.-28 mars 1848) (n° 1-30). Bastiat’s name is given first as one of the 3 editors for only the first 5 issues ("Fred. Bastiat"), after which Hippolyte Castille and Molinari are listed as the sole editors. 16 items are by FB. Magazine (RF). Facs. PDF via this links page
T.186 1848.02.26 "Quelques mots d’abord sur le titre de nos journal" (A Few Words about the Title of our Journal) La République française, 26 February 1848, no. 1, p. 1. GdM states that at one stage they were handing out 5,000 copies of the newspaper per day. Magazine (RF). my HTML (to come) CW3, pp. 524-25
T.187 1848.02.27 "The Streets of Paris" (untitled in original) La République française, 27 Feb. 1848, no. 2, p. 1 Magazine (RF). facs. PDF (to come), OC7.43, pp. 212-13 HTML CW1, pp. 440-41
T.188 1848.02.27 "Sous la République" (Under the Republic) (Untitled in original) La République française, 27 Feb. 1848, no. 2, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.42, pp. 210-12 HTML CW1, pp. 435-37
T.189 1848.02.28 "A thought in La Presse" (untitled in original) La République française, 28 Feb. 1848, no. 3, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.44, pp. 213-14 HTML CW1, pp. 441-42
T.190 1848.02.28 "All our cooperation" (untitled in original) La République française, 28 Feb. 1848, no. 3, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.46, pp. 218 HTML CW1, p. 442
T.191 1848.02.28 "On Disarmament" (untitled in original) La République française, 28 Feb. 1848, no. 3, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.45, pp. 215-17 HTML CW1, pp. 437-39
T.192 1848.02.29 "The General Good" (untitled in original) La République française, 29 Feb. 1848, no. 4, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.47, pp. 218-21 HTML CW1, pp. 442-44
T.193 1848.02.29 "Les rois doivent désarmer" (The Kings Must Disarm) La République française, 29 Feb. 1848, no. 4, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.48, pp. 221-22 HTML CW1, pp. 439-40
T.194 1848.02.29 "Les sous-préfectures" (The Sub-Prefectures) La République française, 29 Feb. 1848, no. 4, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.49, p. 223 HTML CW3, pp. 525-26
T.195 1848.03.01 "Untitled Article" (On Diplomacy and Government Jobs) La République française, 1 March 1848, no. 5, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.50, p. 223-26 HTML CW1, pp. 429-30
T.196 1848.03.01 "La Presse parisienne" (The Parisian Press) La République française, 1 March 1848, no. 5, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.51, pp. 226-27 HTML CW1, pp. 425-26
T.197 1848.03.02 "Pétition d’un Economiste" (Petition from an Economist) La République française, 2 March 1848, no. 6, p. 2 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.52, pp. 227-30 HTML CW1, pp. 426-29
T.198 1848.03.04 "Liberté de l’enseignement" (Freedom of Teaching) La République française, 4 March 1848, no. 7, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.53, pp. 231-32 HTML CW1, pp. 419-20
T.199 1848.03.05 "Curée des Places" (The Scramble for Office) La République française, 5 March 1848, no. 8, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.54, pp. 232-34 HTML CW1, pp. 431-32
T.200 1848.03.06 "Entraves et Taxes" (Impediments and Taxes - Untitled Article) La République française, 6 March 1848, no. 9, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC7.55, pp. 234-35 HTML CW1, pp. 432-33
T.201 1848.03.12 "Soulagement immédiat du peuple" (The Immediate Relief of the People) La République française, 12 March 1848, no. 15, p. (??) Magazine (RF). Also OC2.68.1, pp. 459-60 HTML CW3 - ES3.21, pp. 377-79
T.202 1848.03.14 "Funeste remède" (A Disastrous Remedy) La République française, 14 March 1848, no. 17, p. 1 Magazine (RF). Also OC2.68.2, pp. 460-61 HTML CW3 - ES3.22 pp. 379-80
T.204 1848.03.15 "Funestes illusions" (Disastrous Illusions) Journal des Economistes, 15 March 1848, T. 19, no. 70, pp. 323-33.
The full title is " Les citoyens font vivre l’État. L’État ne peut faire vivre les citoyens" (Citizens make it possible for the state to live. The State cannot make it possible for the citizens to live)
OC2.70, pp. 466-82 HTML
CW3 - ES3.24, pp. 384-99
T.205 1848.03.19 "Circulaires d’un ministère introuvable" (Memos from a Government that is Nowhere to be Found) Le Libre-Échange, 19 March 1848, no. 16 (2nd year), p. 88 Magazine (LE). Also OC2.69, pp. 462-65 HTML CW3 - ES3.23 pp. 380-83
T.207 1848.03.28 "Lettre à un ecclésiastique" (Letter to an Ecclesiastic) written 28 March, 1848; published later in Molinari's L'Economiste Belge, 14 Jan. 1860 OC7.78, pp. 351-54 HTML CW1, pp. 463-65
T.302 1848.05.13 "Speaks in a Discussion on the Formation of Committees in the Assembly" Short speech in the National Constituent Assembly, 13 May 1848, CRANC, vol. 1, p. 161. CRANC. Not in OC; my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.208 1848.05.15 "Propriété et loi" (Property and Law) Journal des Economistes, 15 May 1848, T. 20, no. 80, pp. 171-91; also published as a pamphlet, Propriété et Loi. Justice et Fraternité (Property and Law. Justice and Fraternity) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1848). JDE PDF;
pamphlet PDF;
OC4, pp. 275-97 HTML
CW2.4, pp. 43-59
T.209 1848.06 "Individualisme et fraternité" (Individualism and Fraternity) no date but possibly June 1848 OC7.76, pp. 328—43 CW2.6, pp. 82-92
T.210 1848.06.?? "La question religieuse" (On Religion) internal evidence suggests composed mid-1848 OC7.79, pp. 355-57 HTML CW1, pp. 466-68
T.303 1848.06.09 "Speaks in a Discussion on the Proposal of Randoing to increase export subsidies on woollen cloth" Short speech in the National Constituent Assembly, 9 June 1848, CRANC, vol. 1, pp.749-50. CRANC. Not in OC. my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.323 1848.06.11 Jacques Bonhomme, (Paris: 11 June - 13 July, 1848). Jacques Bonhomme, (Paris: 11 June - 13 July, 1848). 4 issues. Edited and written by Gustave de Molinari, Frédéric Bastiat, Charles Coquelin, Alcide Fonteyraud, and Joseph Garnier. Magazine (JB). See the complete set as images HTML; and transcription of the French text: no. 1 HTML; no. 2 HTML; no. 3 HTML; no. 4 HTML n.a.
T.211 1848.06.11 "La liberté" (Freedom) Jacques Bonhomme, no. 1, 11-15 June 1848, p. 1 Magazine (JB). Also OC7.56, pp. 235-36 HTML CW1, pp. 433-4
T.212 1848.06.11 "L’État" (The State) Jacques Bonhomme, no. 1, 11-15 June 1848, p. 2 Magazine (JB). facs. PDF and Image; OC7.59, pp. 238-40 HTML CW2.8, pp. 105-6
T.213 1848.06.11 "L’Assemblée Nationale" (The National Assembly) Jacques Bonhomme, no. 1, 11-15 June 1848, pp. 1-2 Magazine (JB). Also OC7.58, pp. 237-38 HTML CW1, p. 451
T.214 1848.06.11 "Laisser-Faire" Jacques Bonhomme, no. 1, 11-15 June 1848, p. 1 Magazine (JB). Also OC7.57, pp. 237 HTML CW1, pp. 434-35
T.215 1848.06.15 "Justice et fraternité" (Justice and Fraternity) Journal des Économistes, 15 June 1848, T. 20, no. 82, pp. 310-27; also published as a pamphlet, Propriété et Loi. Justice et Fraternité (Property and Law. Justice and Fraternity) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1848). JDE PDF;
pamphlet PDF;
OC4, pp. 298-326 HTML
CW2.5, pp. 60-81
T.216 1848.06.15 "Une mystification" (A Hoax) Jacques Bonhomme, no. 2, 15-18 June 1848, p. 2 Magazine (JB). Also OC7.61, pp. 242-44 HTML n.a.
T.217 1848.06.15 "Prendre cinq et rendre quatre ce n’est pas donner" (Taking Five and giving back Four is not Giving) Jacques Bonhomme, no. 2, 15-18 June 1848, p. 1 Magazine (JB). Also OC7.60, pp. 240-42 HTML n.a.
T.218 1848.06.20 "Funeste gradation" (A Dreadful Escalation) Jacques Bonhomme, no. 3, 20-23 June 1848, p. 1 Magazine (JB). Also OC7.62, pp. 244-46 HTML n.a.
T.219 1848.06.20 "To Citizens Lamartine and Ledru-Rollin" Jacques Bonhomme, no. 3, 20-23 June 1848, p. 1 Magazine (JB). Also OC7.63, pp. 246-48 HTML CW1, pp. 444-45
T.220 1848.07.24 Propriété et spoliation (Property and Plunder) 5 letters to the editor and a reply to Considerant, 24-28 July, 1848: Journal des Débats, 24 July 1848, p. 1; also published as a pamphlet, Propriété et spoliation (Property and Plunder), ed. Prosper Paillottett (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850). JDD article ;
Pamphlet PDF;
OC4, pp. 394-441 HTML
CW2.10, pp. 147-84
T.304 1848.07.26 "Speaks in a Discussion on the Decree concerning the Policing of the Political Clubs" Short speech in the National Constituent Assembly, 26 July 1848, CRANC, vol. 2, pp. 681-82. CRANC. Not in OC. my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.203 1848.07.28 "Réclamation de M. Considérant et Réponse de F. Bastiat" (Claim made by M. Considerant and F. Bastiat's Reply) These two letters were originally published in Journal des Débats, 28 July 1848, and included by the original French editor Paillottet as an Appendix at the end of "Property and Plunder". JDD. OC4, pp. 434-41 HTML CW2, pp. 177-84
T.305 1848.08.09 "Report from the Finance Committee concerning a loan to assist needy citizens in the Department of la Seine" Presents a Report from the Finance Committee to the National Constituent Assembly, 9 August 1848, CRANC, vol. 3, p. 41. CRANC. Not in OC. my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.306 1848.08.10 "Additional Comments on the Report from the Finance Committee concerning a loan to assist needy citizens in the Department of la Seine" Presents further details on a Report from the Finance Committee to the National Constituent Assembly, 10 August 1848, CRANC, vol. 3, p. 62-64. CRANC. Not in OC. my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.307 1848.08.24 "Speech on Postal Reform" Speech to the National Constituent Assembly, 24 August 1848, CRANC, vol. 3, pp. 442-43. CRANC. Not in OC. my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.223 1848.09.01 "Harmonie économiques. I, II, III .Des besoins de l’homme" (Economic Harmonies: I., II., and III. The Needs of Man) Journal des économistes, T. XXI, No. 87, 1 Sept. 1848, pp. 105-20; also in EH 1-3 JDE PDF;
OC6; my HTML of the 2nd ed. edition (to come)
T.222 1848.09.25 "L’État" (The State) Journal des Débats, 25 Sept. 1848, pp. 1-2. This is the second expanded edition of this essay ( of three). JDD PDF;
OC4, pp. 327-41 HTML
CW2, pp. 93-104
T.224 1848.10.?? "Opinion of Bastiat on the right to work" During the summer and fall of 1848 the National Assembly debated the issue of "the right to work" (le droit au travail) and its possible inclusion in the new constitution. This is a letter to the editor Garnier on this matter. Le droit au travail à l'Assemblée nationale (Guillaumin, 1848). Book. Entire book PDF; FB’s contribution PDF; my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.273 1848.10.10 FB's comments on income tax at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 oct. 1848. In "Chronique," JDE, T. 21, no. 90, 15 Oct. 1848, pp. 339-40; also ASEP (1889), pp. 68-69. JDE. Not in OC. DMH my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.308 1848.10.27 "Speaks in a Discussion on the Election of the President of the Republic" Short speech to the National Constituent Assembly, 27 Oct. 1848, CRANC, vol. 5, p. 134. CRANC. Not in OC. my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.274 1848.12.10 FB's comments on the emancipation of the colonies at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 dec. 1848. In "Chronique," JDE, T. 22, no. 93, 15 Dec. 1848, pp. 116-17; also ASEP (1889), pp. 70-72. JDE. Not in OC. DMH my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.221 1848.12.03 "Lettre sur le référendum pour le président de la république" (Letter on the Referendum for the Election of the President of the Republic) Journal des Landes, 3 Dec. 1848 JDL front page [image]; article [image]. Not in OC. CW1, pp. 395-96
T.225 1848.12.15 "Harmonie économiques. IV" (Economic Harmonies IV) Journal des Économistes, T. XXII, No. 93, 15 Dec. 1848, pp. 7-18; also in EH 4 JDE PDF ;
OC6 (to come);
my HTML of the 2nd ed. edition (to come)
T.226 1849.00 "De la séparation du temporel et du spirituel" (On the Separation of the Temporal and Spiritual Domains) an unpublished outline OC7.80, pp. 357-61 HTML CW1, pp. 468-71
T.227 1849.00 "Rapport présenté au Conseil Général des Landes, session de 1849, sur la question des communaux" (Report Presented to the 1849 Session of the General Council of the Landes, on the Question of Common Land) (no info availabe) OC7.66, pp. 263-70 HTML CW1, pp. 446-51
T.229 1849.00 "Concerning Religion" (no title in original) OC7.81, p. 361 HTML n.a.
T.230 1849.00 "Le capital" (Capital) Published in Almanach Républicain pour 1849 (Paris: Pagnerre, 1849). Bastiat mentions the cholera outbreak which swept through Paris in July-Aug. 1849 so this might date the publication. OC7.64, pp. 248-55 HTML n.a.
T.316 1849.00 "Mutualité des services" (The Mutuality of Services) This previously unpublished note was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to "Damn Money!" and no date was given. Probably written 1849. OC5, p. 81 n.a.
T.294 1849.00 "Il ne suffit pas que la valeur ne soit pas dans la matière" (On the Value of Services) This previously unpublished sketch was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to "Property and Plunder" and no date was given. Probably written 1849-50. OC4, p. 406 HTML CW2, p. 156
T.231 1849.01 Protectionisme et communisme (Protectionism and Communism) Published as a pamphlet, Protectionisme et Communisme (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849). Pamphlet PDF;
OC4, pp. 504-45 HTML
CW2.12, pp. 235-65
T.232 1849.01.01 "Conséquences de la réduction sur l’impôt du sel" (Consequences of the reduction of the Salt Tax) This article was originally published in Journal des Débats, 1 Jan. 1849, and included by the original French editor Paillottet as an Appendix at the end of "Peace and Freedom or the Republican Budget". OC5, pp. 464-67 CW2, pp. 324-27
T.309 1849.01.11 "Speaks in a Discussion on a Proposal to change the tariff on imported salt" Short speech to the National Constituent Assembly, 11 Jan. 1849, CRANC, vol. 7, pp. 169-70. CRANC. Not in OC. my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.233 1849.01.15 "Lettre de Bastiat à M. G. Wilson, du 15 Jan. 1849" (Letter from Bastiat to Mr. G. Wilson, 15 Jan. 1849) (no info availabe) OC3.36, pp. 492-96 n.a.
T.234 1849.02 Capitale et rente (Capital and Rent) Published as pamphlet, Capitale et rente (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849). Pamphlet facs. PDF;
OC5.3, pp. 23-63 HTML
T.235 1849.02 Paix et liberté ou le budget républicain (Peace and Freedom or the Republican Budget) Published as a pamphlet, Paix et Liberté, ou le Budget républicain (Peace and Freedom, or the Republican Budget) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849). Pamphlet facs. PDF;
OC5, pp. 407-67 HTML
CW2.15, pp. 282-324
T.275 1849.02.10 FB's comments on financial reform at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 fev. 1849. In "Chronique," JDE, T. 22, no. 95, 15 Feb. 1849, p. 339; also ASEP (1889), p. 73. JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.310 1849.02.26 "Speaks in a Discussion on Amending the Electoral Law" Short speech to the National Constituent Assembly, 26 Feb. 1849, CRANC, vol. 8, p. 264. CRANC. Not in OC. my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.236 1849.03 Incompatibilités parlementaires (Parliamentary Conflicts of Interest) Written at the time of a debate in the Chamber in March 1849 and published as a pamphlet, Incompatibilités parlementaires (Parliamentary Conflicts of Interest) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849). Pamphlet facs. PDF;
OC5, pp. 518-61 HTML
CW2.19, pp. 366-400
T.311 1849.03.10 "Speaks in a Discussion on Amending the Electoral Law (Third Reading)" Short speech to the National Constituent Assembly, 10 March 1849, CRANC, vol. 8, pp. 507-9, 513-14, 542- 44, scattered interjections on pp. 546, 547. CRANC. Not in OC. my HTML (to come) n.a.
T.237 1849.03.15 Bastiat's remarks from a discussion on "Parliamentary Conflicts of Interest" FB participated in a discussion at a Meeting of the PES on his "Parliamentry Conflicts of Interest". A summary of his replies can be found in "Chronique. Incompatibilités des portefeuilles," JDE 15 March 1849, T. XXII, pp. 445-446. JDE (to come) n.a.
T.238 1849.04 "Profession de foi électorale d’avril 1849" (Statement of Electoral Principles in April 1849) FB was re-elected as Deputy in the Legislative Assembly representing the département of Les Landes on the "Social Democratic" list on 13 May. This statement of his principles probably was written in April during the campaign. OC7, pp. 255-62 HTML CW1, pp. 390-95
T.228 1849.04 "À MM. Tonnelier, Degos, Bergeron, Camors, Dubroca, Pomede, Furet, etc. (profession de foi électorale de 1849)" (Letter to MM. Tonnelier, Degos, Bergeron, Camors, Dubroca, Pomede, Furet, etc. (Election Platform 1849)) FB was elected deputy in the Legislative Assembly representing Les Landes on the "Social Democratic" list, 13 May. This statement must have been circulated sometime in April. OC1, pp. 507-510 HTML CW1, pp. 387-90
T.239 1849.04.15 "Maudit argent!" (Damned Money!) Journal des Économistes, 15 Apr. 1849, T. 23, no. 97, pp. 1-20. Also published as a pamphlet: Bastiat, L’État. Maudit argent! (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849) along with the thrid expanded version of "L’État". JDE PDF;
Pamphlet facs. PDF and HTML ;
OC5.4, pp. 64-93 HTML
T.320 1849.04.00 "The State" (L'État) A third, revised and enlarged edition of "The State" was published as an article in Annuaire de l'économie politique et de la statistique pour 1849, par MM. Joseph Garnier et Guillaumin et al. Sixième année (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849), pp. 356-68; and in a pamphlet L'État. Maudit Argent (Paris: Guillaumin, 1849), pp. 5-23. (exact date of publication not known.) Annuaire version PDF ; Pamphlet PDF; my HTML edition (to come) CW2.7, pp. 93-104
T.276 1849.05.10 FB's comments on the Peace Congress and state support for socialist experiments at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 mai 1849. In "Chronique," JDE, T. 23, no. 98, 15 mai 1849, p. 216; also ASEP (1889), pp. 74-75. JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.290 1849.06.?? "Les Extrêmes se touchent" (When extremes meet) June 1849. In Ronce, Appendix VII, pp. 303-6 Ronce. n.a.
T.240 & T.283 1849.08.22 A speech on "Disarmament, Taxes, and the Influence of Political Economy on the Peace Movement" A speech at the Friends of Peace Conference in Paris, 22 Aug., 1849. T.283 Short version in French in Joseph Garnier, Congrès des amis de la paix universelle réuni à Paris en 1849; T.240 longer version in English in Report of the Proceedings of the Second General Peace Congress, held in Paris, on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of August, 1849. Book facs. PDF CW3, pp. 526-32 (T.240 version)
T.312 1849.10.06 "Speaks in a Discussion on changing the law on the appropriation of private property for public use" Short speech to the National Legislative Assembly, 6 Oct. 1849, CRANL, vol. 2, p. 438. CRANL. Not in OC. My HTML (to come) n.a.
T.277 1849.10.10 FB's comments on the limits to the functions of the state (part 1) and Molinari’s book at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 oct. 1849. In "Chronique," JDE, T. 24, no. 103, Oct. 1849, pp. 315-16; also ASEP (1889), pp. 82-86. JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.241 1849.10.22 Gratuité du crédit. Discussion entre M. Fr. Bastiat et M. Proudhon (Free Credit. A Discussion between M. Fr. Bastiat and M. Proudhon) An exchange of 14 Letters between Bastiat and Proudhon in The Voice of the People, (22 Oct. 1849 to 11 Feb. 1850, with FB's final say in Letter 14 on 7 March 1850. First published by Proudhon without FB’s final letter as Intérêt et principale. Discussion entre M. Proudhon et M. Bastiat sur l’intérêt des capitaux (Extraits de la Voix de Peuple) (Interest and Principle. A Discussion between M. Proudhon and M. Bastiat on Interest from Capital (Originally The Voice of the People)) (Paris: Garnier frères, 1850) . FB responded with his own edition with his final letter (7 March 1850), Gratuité du crédit. Discussion entre M. Fr. Bastiat et M. Proudhon (Free Credit. A Discussion between M. Fr. Bastiat and M. Proudhon) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850). Book facs. PDF; OC5, pp. 94-335 HTML n.a.
T.242 1849.11.10 FB's comments on disarmament and the English peace movement at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 nov. 1849. In "Chronique," JDE, 15 Nov. 1849, T. XXIV, pp. 438-440; also ASEP (1889), pp. 86-90. JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.319 1849.11.16 "Speaks in the Assembly on the Right to Form Unions" Brief remarks on the right to form unions on eve of his speech the next day. CRANL, vol. 4, p.501. CRANL. Not in OC. My HTML (to come) n.a.
T.243 1849.11.17 "Discours sur la répression des coalitions industrielles" (Speech on the Repression of Industrial Unions) "Speech on Repealing Articles 414, 415, and 416 of the Penal Code". Speech given in the Legislative Assembly on 17 Nov. 1849, CRANL, vol. 3, pp. 503-7. CRANL. Also OC5.11, pp. 494-512 HTML CW2.17, pp. 348-61
T.245 1849.12.10 FB's comments on state support for popularising political economy, his idea of land credit in EH, the tax on alcohol, and socialism at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 dec. 1849. In "Chronique," JDE, 15 Dec. 1849, T. XXV, pp. 110-112; also ASEP (1889), pp. 91-94 JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.244 1849.12.12 "Discours sur l’impôt des boissons" (Speech on the Tax on Wines and Spirits) Speech given in the Legislative Assembly on 12 Dec. 1849, CRANL, vol. 4, p. 159-65. CRANL. Also OC5, pp. 468-93 HTML CW2, pp. 328-47
T.246 1850.00 "Les trois conseils" (The Three Pieces of Advice) L'Economiste Belge, 3rd June 1860, probably written early 1850 OC7.82, pp. 361-68 HTML CW1, pp. 471-76
T.247 1850.00 Baccalaureate et socialisme (Baccalaureate and Socialism) Written in early 1850 for a Parliamentary commission on free education; also published as a pamphlet, Baccalauréat et Socialisme (The Baccalaureate and Socialism) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850). Pamphlet PDF ;
OC4, pp. 442-503 HTML
CW2.11, pp. 185-234
T.248 1850.00 "Abondance" (Abundance) written sometime in 1850 before Bastiat's departure for Italy. Published as "Abondance", Dictionnaire de l'économie politique (Paris: Guillaumin, 1852), vol. 1, pp. 2-4 DEP article PDF ; OC5.7, pp. 393-401 HTML n.a.
T.168 1850.00 "Liberté, Égalité" (Liberty, Equality) PP included this as an appendix to the pamphlet "Baccalaureate and Socialism" (1850). He says that it was written in early 1850 as a draft of a chapter for the second vol. of EH which was never completed. OC4, pp. 501-3 HTML CW2, pp. 232-234
T.301 1850.00 "On coerced Charity" This previously unpublished sketch was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to "Justice and Fraternity." Paillottet says that "These ideas of the author were written in his handwriting in an autograph album sent to him in 1850 by the Literary Society on the occasion of the London Exhibition." OC4, p. 326 HTML CW2, p. 81
T.315 1850.00 "Si toutes les conséquences d’une action retombaient sur son auteur" (The Consequences of an Action) This previously unpublished note was discovered by the original French editor Paillottet among FB's papers and included in a footnote to WSWNS, chap XII The Right to Work". No date was given. OC5, p. 392 HTML CW3, p. 451
T.182 1850.00 "Abilities vs. Needs" Fontenay included this piece as part of his long note at the end of Chap. XVI "Population" in the second expanded edition of EH which he and Paillottet edited and published in June 1851. It also appeared in a shortened note in OC6 (1st ed. 1855). Fontenay states that he found it among FB's papers and it was one of the last things he wrote. OC6, pp. 480-81;
my HTML of the 2nd ed. edition (to come)
T.249 1850.01 Harmonies économiques (Economic Harmonies) 1st ed. which contained the first 10 chapters. Manuscript in circulation by Dec. 1849, probably printed in Jan. 1850. Book facs. PDF;
OC6 HTML of entire volume (1st and 2nd editions combined);
my HTML of both editions HTML
T.250 1850.01.10 FB's comments on the limits to the functions of the state (part 2) at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 jan. 1850. In "Chronique," JDE, 15 Jan. 1850, T. XXV, pp. 202-205; also ASEP (1889), pp. 94-100. JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.313 1850.02.06 "Speaks in a Discussion on Public Education" Short speech to the National Legislative Assembly, 6 Feb. 1850, CRANL, vol. 5, p. 386. CRANL. Not in OC. My HTML (to come) n.a.
T.314 1850.02.09 "Speaks in a Discussion on a Plan to give money to Workers Associations" Short speech to the National Legislative Assembly, 9 Feb. 1850, CRANL, vol. 5, p. 452. CRANL. Not in OC. My HTML (to come) n.a.
T.251 1850.02.10 FB's comments on the limits to the functions of the state (part 3) at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 fev. 1850. In "Chronique," JDE, T. XXV, no. 107, 15 fev., 1850, pp. 202-5; also ASEP (1889), pp. 100-5. JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.291 1850.02.26 "Lettre de M. Prince Smith à Frédéric Bastiat" (Letter from Prince Smith to Bastiat) Berlin, 26 février 1850. In Ronce, Appendix VIII, pp. 306-12 Ronce. n.a.
T.253 1850.03.29 "Balance du commerce" (The Balance of Trade) Written on 29 March 1850 for an unnamed journal; also published as a chapter in the pamphlet Plunder and Law (1850), pp. 54-61. Book facs. PDF ; OC5, pp. 402-406 HTML n.a.
T.254 1850.04.01 "Réflexions sur l’amendement de M. Mortimer-Ternaux" (Reflections on the Amendment of M. Mortimer-Ternaux) Part of a debate in the Legislative Assembly 1 April 1850; also published as a chapter "To the Democrats" (Aux Démocrates) in the pamphlet Plunder and Law (Spoliation et loi) (Guillaumin, 1850), pp. 8-15. Pamphlet facs. PDF ; OC5, pp. 513-17 HTML CW2.18, pp. 362-65
T.255 1850.04.15 "Nouvelle politique coloniale de l’Angleterre. Plan de Lord John Russel" (England’s New Colonial Policy. Lord John Russel’s Plan) Journal des Economistes, 15 April 1850, T. XXVI, pp. 8-15. JDE PDF (to come); DMH HTML (to come) n.a.
T.256 1850.04.10 FB's comments comments on land credit at a Meeting of the PES. Séance de 10 Avril 1850. "Chronique," JDE, 15 April 1850, T. XXVI, pp. 99-101; also ASEP (1889), pp. 109-13. JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.257 1850.05.15 Spoliation et loi (Plunder and Law) published originally as "À MM. les protectionnistes du Conseil général des manufactures" (To the Protectionists in the General Council of Manufacturers") in Journal des Economistes, 15 May 1850, T. 26, no. 110, pp. 160-67; and then as a separate pamphlet Spoliation et Loi (Plunder and Law) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850) with 3 other essays (editor not named): Avertissement de l’éditeur; I. Aux Démocrates, pp. 8-15 ; II. À MM. les Protectionnistes du Conseil général des Manufactures, pp. 20-40 ; III. La guerre aux chaires d’Économie politique, en 1847, pp. 42-52 OC5.2, p. 16; IV. Balance du Commerce, pp. 54-61 ; OC5.8, pp. 402-406 JDE "Protectionists" PDF;
Pamphlet facs. PDF ;
OC5, pp. 1-15 HTML
CW2.13, pp. 266-76
T.258 1850.06 La Loi (The Law) FB wrote this while in Mugron in June 1850; also published as a pamphlet, La Loi (The Law) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850). Pamphlet B&W PDF and colour PDF ; HTML ;
OC4, pp. 342-93 HTML
CW2.9, pp. 107-46
T.259 1850.07 Ce qu’on voit et ce qu’on ne voit pas (What is seen and what is not seen) Published as a separate pamphlet. Contains as the first chapter "The Broken Window". Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas, ou l'Économie politique en une leçon. Par M. F. Bastiat, Représentant du peuple à l'Assemblée nationale, Membre correspondant de l'Institut (Paris: Guillaumin, 1850). Book facs. PDF and HTML;
OC5, pp. 336-92 HTML
CW3, pp. 401-52
T.278 1850.09.10 The Society’s farewell to FB at a Meeting of the PES Séance de 10 sept. 1850. In "Chronique," JDE, T. 27, no. 114, 15 sept. 1850, p. 197; also ASEP (1889), p. 124. JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.292 1850.11.?? "Note complémentaire et inédite de Bastiat sur l’idée de Valeur" (On the Idea of Value) Late 1850. Ronce notes that FB before he died asked Paillotet to give this unpublished note to Fontenay. In Ronce, Appendix IX, pp. 312-14 Ronce. n.a.
T.279 1851.01.10 Announcement of FB's death at a Meeting of the PES (Séance de 10 jan. 1851). In "Chronique," JDE, T. 28, no. 117, 15 jan. 1851, p.104-5; also ASEP (1889), p. 141. JDE. Not in OC. DMH n.a.
T.280 1851.06.15 "Producteur — Consommateur" (Producers and Consumers) JDE, T. XXIX, N° 122, 15 juin 1851, pp. 97-110. A posthumously published article by Bastiat which was published in the JDE the month before the 2nd edition of EH appeared. JDE PDF;
OC6; (to come)
my HTML of the 2nd ed. edition (to come)
T.260 1851.07 Harmonies Économiques (Economic Harmonies) (2nd ed. with additional 15 chapters) Published as a book in July 1851 by "The Friends of Bastiat" (Paillottet and Fontenay) after FB’s death in Dec. 1850. They found among his papers unfinished chapters, drafts of chapters, and notes which they assembled into this larger edition his Treatise. Book B&W PDF and (colour) PDF ; HTML n.a.
T.261 1852.00 "Abondance" (Abundance); "L’État" (The State); "La Loi" (The Law) Articles in the Dictionnaire de l'économie politique (Guillaumin, 1852-53), vol. 1, pp. 2-4 and 733-36; vol. 2, pp. 93-100. "Abundance" was written specifically for the DEP possible in late summer or early Fall 1850; "The State" signed by "Ch. C" (Charles Coquelin but consisted mainly of long quotations from FB’s 1848 essay; "The Law" was reprinted from his 1850 pamphlet.

DEP. "Abondance" DEP PDF ; OC5.7, pp. 393-401 HTML;
"L’État" DEP PDF;
"La Loi" DEP PDF

T.262 1854-55 Oeuvres complètes (1st ed.) The first edition of the "complete works" of Bastiat in 6 vols. Edited by Prosper Paillottet and Roger de Fontenay. Oeuvres complètes de Frédéric Bastiat, mises en ordre, revues et annotées d’après les manuscrits de l’auteur. Ed. Prosper Paillottet and biographical essay by Roger de Fontenay. (Paris: Guillaumin, 1st ed. 1854-55, 6 vols; 2nd ed. 1862-64, 7 vols). Book vol1 PDF; vol2 PDF ; vol3 PDF ; vol4 PDF ; vol5 PDF ; vol6 PDF. n.a.
T.263 1862-64 Oeuvres complète (2nd ed.) The 2nd edition included an additional 7th vol. with essays, sketches, and letters, as well as a "Notice sur la vie et les écrits de Frédéric Bastiat" by Roger de Fontenay, and an outline of planned additional chapters. See the complete table of contents HTML Book. The HTML version of these files is currently being upgraded: vol1: facs. PDF; HTML; vol2: facs. PDF ; HTML; vol3 (not upgraded): facs. PDF ; old HTML; vol4: facs. PDF ; HTML; vol5: facs. PDF ; HTML ; vol6 (not upgraded) : facs. PDF ; old HTML; vol7: facs. PDF; HTML n.a.
T.264 1863.00 Oeuvres choisies, 3 vols. A three volume collection of the Economic Sophisms, Petits Pamphlets, and the Economic Harmonies Book. vol1 facs. PDF ; vol2 PDF ; vol3 PDF n.a.
T.265 1877.00 Lettres d’un habitant des Landes . Lettres d’un habitant des Landes, Frédéric Bastiat. (Paris: A. Quantin, 1877). Bastiat's letters to Mme Cheuvreux. Unsigned but likely edited by Mme Cheuvreux. Book facs. PDF; HTML CW1 (see the list of his correspondence for details - "Cheuvreux")





L.001 1819.09.18 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, pp. 1-2  
L.002 1829.03.05 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, pp. 2-3  
L.003 1820.03.18 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, p. 3  
L.004 1820.09.10 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, p. 4  
L.005 1820.10 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, pp. 4-5  
L.006 1821.04.29 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, p. 5  
L.007 1821.09.10 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, pp. 5-6  
L.008 1821.12.08 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, pp. 6-8  
L.009 1821.10.20 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, pp. 8-9  
L.010 1822.12 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, pp. 9-10  
L.011 1824.12.15 Bayonne Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 14-16  
L.012 1825.01.08 Bayonne Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 16-17  
L.013 1827.04.09 Bordeaux Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 18-20  
L.014 1827.12.03 Mugron Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 20-21  
L.015 1829.03.12 Mugron Calmètes, Victor OC1, p. 10  
L.016 1829.07 Mugron Calmètes, Victor OC1, pp. 10-11  
L.017 1830.08.04 Bayonne Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 21-24  
L.018 1830.08.05 Bayonne Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 24-27  
L.019 1831.04.22 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, p. 12  
L.020 1834.03.02 Bordeaux Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 27-28  
L.021 1840.06.16 Bayonne Coudroy, Félix OC1, p. 29  
L.022 1840.07.06 Madrid Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 29-32  
L.023 1840.07.16 Madrid Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 32-34  
L.024 1840.08.17 Madrid Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 34-39  
L.025 1840.10.24 Lisbonne Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 39-42  
L.026 1840.11.07 Lisbonne Coudroy, Félix OC1, p. 42  
L.027 1841.01.02 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 43-44  
L.028 1841.01.11 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 44-45  
L.029 1844.07.10 Bagnères Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 45-46  
L.030 1844.07.26 Eaux-Bonnes Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 46-49  
L.209 1844.11.07 Eaux-Bonnes Muiron Ronce, pp. 86-87  
L.031 1844.11.09 Mugron Laurence OC7, pp. 369-71  
L.032 1844.11.24 Mugron Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 106-9  
L.033 1844.11.24 Mugron Say, Horace OC7, pp. 377-80  
L.216 1845.?? ?? Coudroy, Félix OC7, p. 10  
L.034 1845.03.07 Mugron Dunoyer OC7, pp. 371-72  
L.035 1845.03.07 Mugron Lamartine OC7, pp. 373-74  
L.036 1845.04.08 Mugron Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 109-10  
L.037 1845.05 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 50-52  
L.038 1845.05.23 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 52-54  
L.039 1845.06.05 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 54-57  
L.040 1845.06.16 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 57-59  
L.041 1845.06.18 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 59-60  
L.042 1845.07.03 11pm Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 60-62  
L.043 1845.07 London Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 62-65  
L.044 1845.07.08 London Cobden, Richard OC1, 110-11  
L.045 1845.07.29 Paris Paulton OC7, pp. 374-77  
L.046 1845.10.02 Mugron Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 111-15  
L.047 1845.10.24 Mugron Potonié JCPD  
L.048 1845.12.13 Mugron Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 115-18  
L.049 1845.12.20 Mugron Fonteyraud, Alcide OC1, pp. 194-97  
L.050 1846.01.13 Mugron Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 118-21  
L.051 1846.02.09 Mugron Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 122-24  
L.052 1846.02 Bordeaux Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 124-26  
L.053 1846.02.12 Bordeaux Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 65-66  
L.054 1846.03.04 Bayonne Calmètes, Victor OC1, pp. 13-14  
L.055 1846.03.16 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 126-27  
L.056 1846.03.22 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 66-68  
L.057 1846.03.25 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 127-30  
L.058 1846.04.02 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 130-31  
L.059 1846.04.11 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 131-33  
L.060 1846.04.18 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 68-70  
L.061 1846.05.03 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 70-71  
L.062 1846.05.04 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, p. 71  
L.063 1846.05.24 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 72-73  
L.064 1846.05.25 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 133-34  
L.065 1846.06.25 Mugron Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 134-36  
L.066 1846.07.21 Bordeaux Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 136-38  
L.067 1846.07.22 Bordeaux Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 73-74  
L.068 1846.09.23 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 138-39  
L.069 1846.09.29 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 140-42  
L.070 1846.10.01 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 74-76  
L.071 1846.10.22 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 142-44  
L.072 1846.11.22 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 144-46  
L.073 1846.11.25 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 147-48  
L.074 1846.12.20 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 148-50  
L.075 1846.12.25 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 151-52  
L.076 1847.01.10 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 152-54  
L.077 1847.03.11 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 76-78  
L.078 1847.03.20 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 155-57  
L.079 1847.04.20 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 157-59  
L.080 1847.07.05 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 159-62  
L.081 1847.08 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, p. 78  
L.082 1847.10 Monday Mugron Say, Horace OC7, p. 380  
L.083 1847.10.15 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 162-66  
L.084 1847.11.09 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 166-68  
L.085 1848.01.05 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 78-79  
L.086 1848.01.17 Paris Schwabe, Madame OC7, p. 420  
L.087 1848.01.24 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, p. 79  
L.088 1848.01.27 Paris Schwabe, Madame OC7, pp. 420-21  
L.089 1848.02.13 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 79-80  
L.090 1848.02.16 Paris Schwabe, Madame OC7, p. 421  
L.091 1848.02.25 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 168-70  
L.092 1848.02.26 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 170-71  
L.093 1848.02.27 Paris Marchan, Madame JCPD  
L.094 1848.02.29 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 80-82  
L.095 1848.03.04 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 385-86  
L.096 1848.04.05 Mugron Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 171-731  
L.097 1848.04.12 Mugron Say, Horace OC7, pp. 381-82  
L.098 1848.05.11 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 173-74  
L.099 1848.05.17 Paris Schwabe, Madame OC7, pp. 421-23  
L.100 1848.05.27 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 175-76  
L.101 1848.06.09 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 82-84  
L.102 1848.06.24 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, p. 84  
L.103 1848.06.27 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 176-78  
L.104 1848.06.29 Paris Marchan, Julie JCPD  
L.105 1848.08.07 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 178-79  
L.106 1848.07.01 Paris Schwabe, M. OC7, pp. 423-25  
L.107 1848.08.18 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 179-80  
L.108 1848.08.26 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 85-87  
L.109 1848.09.03 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 386-88  
L.110 1848.09.07 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 87-88  
L.111 1848.10.07 Douvres Schwabe OC7, pp. 425-26  
L.112 1848.10.25 Paris Schwabe OC7, pp. 426-27  
L.113 1848.11 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 9-10  
L.114 1848.11.14 Paris Schwabe, Madame OC7, pp. 427-28  
L.115 1848.11.26 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 88-92  
L.116 1848.12.05 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, p. 92  
L.117 1848.12.21 Paris Arrivabene OC7, pp. 416-18  
L.118 Paris Schwabe, Madame OC7, pp. 428-29  
L.119 1849.01 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 10-11  
L.120 1849.01.01 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 92-94  
L.121 1849.01.15 Paris Wilson, George OC7, pp. 412-16  
L.122 1849.01.18 Paris Domenger OC7, p. 388  
L.123 1849.02 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 11-12  
L.124 1849.02 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 12-13  
L.125 1849.02.03 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 388-90  
L.126 1849.00 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 390-92  
L.127 1849.00 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 392-94  
L.128 1849.03 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 13-15  
L.129 1849.03.11 Paris Schwabe, Madame OC7, pp. 429-30  
L.130 1849.03.15 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 94-97  
L.131 1849.03.25 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 394-96  
L.132 1849.04.08 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 396-99  
L.133 1849.04.25 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 97-99  
L.134 1849.04.29 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 399-401  
L.135 1849.05.03 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 16-18  
L.136 1849.00 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 401-3  
L.137 1849.06 Bruxelles Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 19-24; also extract in CW7, pp. 432-33  
L.138 1849.06 Bruxelles Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 25-27  
L.139 1849.06 Anvers Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 27-31  
L.140 1849.07 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 403-4  
L.141 1849.07.14 Paris Paillottet OC7, pp. 436-37  
L.142 1849.07.30 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 99-100  
L.143 1849.08.30 Mont-de-Marsan Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 31-34  
L.144 1849.09.12 Mugron Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 34-39  
L.145 1849.09.16 Mugron Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 39-43  
L.146 1849.09.16 Mugron Say, Horace OC7, pp. 382-83  
L.147 1849.09.18 Mugron Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 43-48; extract also in CW7, p. 435 but dated July 1850  
L.148 1849.10.07 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 48-50  
L.149 1849.10.08 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 50-52  
L.150 1849.10.14 Paris Schwabe, Madame OC7, pp. 430-32  
L.151 1849.10.17 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, p. 181  
L.152 1849.10.24 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, p. 182  
L.153 1849.11 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 52-53  
L.154 1849.11.13 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 404-5  
L.155 1849.12.13 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 100-2  
L.156 1849.12.25 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 405-6  
L.157 1849.12.31 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 182-85  
L.158 1850.01 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 102-4  
L.159 2 Jan. 1850.01 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 53-57  
L.160 Jan. 1850.01 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 57-58  
L.161 Feb. 1850.02 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 58-59  
L.162 1850.02.13 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 406-7  
L.163 1850.03 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 59-62  
L.164 1850.03.22 Paris Domenger OC7, pp. 407-8  
L.165 1850.04.11 Paris Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 62-64; also extract in CW7, pp. 433-34  
L.166 1850.05 Bordeaux Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 65-69  
L.167 1850.05.19 Mugron Paillottet OC7, pp. 437-39  
L.168 1850.05.20 Mugron Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 69-73  
L.169 1850.05.23 Mugron Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 73-76  
L.170 1850.05.27 Mugron Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 76-80  
L.171 1850.06.02 Mugron Paillottet OC7, p. 439  
L.172 1850.06.03 Mugron Say, Horace OC7, pp. 384-85  
L.173 1850.06.11 Mugron Cheuvreux, Mlle Louise CH, pp. 80-84; also extract in CW7, p. 434  
L.174 1850.06.15 Eaux-Bonnes Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 85-89  
L.175 23 June 1850.06 Eaux-Bonnes Paillottet OC7, p. 440  
L.176 23 June 1850.06 Eaux-Bonnes Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 89-91  
L.177 1850.06.24 Eaux-Bonnes Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 92-94  
L.178 1850.06.28 Eaux-Bonnes Paillottet OC7, p. 441  
L.179 1850.07.02 Eaux-Bonnes Paillottet OC7, pp. 441-42  
L.180 1850.07.03 Eaux-Bonnes Fontenay OC1, pp. 204-5  
L.181 1850.07.04 Eaux-Bonnes Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 95-100  
L.182 1850.07.04 Eaux-Bonnes Say, Horace OC1, pp. 200-1  
L.183 1850.07 Mugron Cheuvreux, Madame OC7, pp. 435-36  
L.184 1850.07.14 Mugron Cheuvreux CH, pp. 100-103; also extract in CW7, pp. 435-36  
L.185 1850.08.03 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 185-86  
L.186 1850.08.17 Paris Cobden, Richard OC, pp. 187-881; also CH, pp. 104-107  
L.187 1850.08.17 Paris President of the Congrès de la Paix OC1, pp. 197-200  
L.188 1850.09.09 Paris Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 188-91  
L.189 1850.09.09 Paris Coudroy, Félix OC1, p. 104  
L.190 1850.09.14 Lyon Paillottet OC7, pp. 442-43  
L.191 1850.09.14 Lyon Cheuvreux, Mlle Louise CH, pp. 107-113  
L.192 1850.09.14 Lyon Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 113-115  
L.193 1850.09.18 Marseille Cheuvreux CH, pp. 115-117  
L.194 1850.09.22 Marseille Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 117-120  
L.210 1850.09.30 Pisa Paillottet Ronce, pp. 253-55  
L.195 1850.10.02 Pisa Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 120-124  
L.211 1850.10.07 Pisa Paillottet Ronce, pp. 255-56  
L.196 1850.10.08 Pisa Domenger OC7, pp. 408-10  
L.197 1850.10.11 Pisa Paillottet OC1, pp. 443-44  
L.212 1850.10.11 Pisa Paillottet Ronce, pp. 256-59  
L.213 1850.10.12 Pisa Soustra Ronce, pp. 225-27  
L.198 1850.10.14 Pisa Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 124-27  
L.199 Oct. 1850.10.18 Pisa Cobden, Richard OC1, pp. 192-3  
L.200 1850.10.20 Pisa Say, Horace OC1, pp. 201-3  
L.201 1850.10.28 Pisa Arrivabene OC7, pp. 419-20  
L.202 1850.10.29 Pisa Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 127-30  
L.214 1850.11.08 Rome Paillottet Ronce, pp. 260-61  
L.203 1850.11.11 Rome Coudroy, Félix OC1, pp. 104-6  
L.204 1850.11.26 Rome Paillottet OC1, pp. 206-7  
L.205 1850.11.28 Rome Domenger OC7, pp. 410-12  
L.206 1850.12.08 Rome Paillottet OC1, pp. 207-9; also CH, pp. 130-32  
L.207 1850.12.14-17 Rome Cheuvreux, Madame CH, pp. 132-35  
L.208 1850.12.22 Rome Paillottet (from) to Mme Cheuvreux CW1.208, also CH, pp. 135-39