Vilfredo Pareto, TraitÉ de sociologie gÉnÉrale (1917-19)

Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923)  
[Created: 31 Aug. 2022]
[Updated: November 30, 2022 ]


Pareto's Treatise was originally published in Italian in 1916, and then in a revised edition in French in 1917. It was later translated into English in 1935.

1. Vilfredo Pareto, Trattato di sociologia generale (Firenze : G. Barbera, 1916). 2 vols.

2. Vilfredo Pareto, Traité de sociologie générale. Édition française par Pierre Boven. Revue par l’auteur. Volume I (Paris: Librairie Payot, 1917). Volume II (Paris: Librairie Payot, 1919).

3. Vilfredo Pareto, The Mind and Society: A Treatise on General Sociology. Edited by Arthur Livingston. Translated by Andrew Bongiorno and Arthur Livingston, with the advice and active cooperation of James Harvey Rogers. (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1935; New York: Dover Publications, 1963).


Editor's Note:

Because of the text's length and complexity I have rearranged the parts of the revised French editon as follows:

  1. I have divided the two volume French edition into four volulmes - two of the text and two of the very numerous and lengthy footnotes/endnotes - and created a fifth volume which contains all the tables and supplementary material which had been scattered across the two published volumes
  2. since each section is clearly numbered I have not attempted to insert the original page numbers as is my usual practice.
  3. given the number of the footnotes/endnotes I have not made them reverse linkable. My suggestion is to have the text file open in one window and the notes file open in another window, and read them side-by-side. The numbering of the foot/end notes is based upon the numbered section to which they relate (e.g. § 1394-4 is the fourth footnote in section 1394).
  4. equations, graphs ("figures"), and quotes in Greek have been inserted in the text as images.



Table des matières

Volume 5: Les Tables analytiques des matières, et des auteurs et des ouvrages cités [a separate file]

Volume 1a (le texte) [a separate file]



Les chapitres

Volume 2a (le texte) [a separate file]


Les chapitres

Volume 1b (les notes) [a separate file]

Volume 2b (les notes) [a separate file]

Additions [a separate file]

  • Additions, vol. 1, pp. li-lx
  • Notes ajoutées par l’auteur à l’édition françaises, vol. 2, p. 1763