"FRÉDÉRIC BASTIAT (1801-50): Campaigner for Free Trade, Political Economist, and Politician in a Time of Revolution"
A Lecture by Dr. David M. Hart

[Created October 13, 2010]
[Updated January 18, 2017]




Contents of this page:




Lectures on Frédéric Bastiat

21. “How not to make Economics “Dull and Boring”: The Contribution of Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)”

Venue: Talk given to the Institute for Economic Affairs, London, November 14, 2012.

Lecture material:



20. "Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850) and Rethinking Classical Economics in the mid-19th Century"

Venue: Institute for Liberal Studies, A Brief History of Economic Thought, The University of Toronto, 29 September, 2012

Lecture material:

  • lecture in HTML (with some images)
  • lecture in PDF (slide show) [PDF 13.7 MB]


19. "Bastiat: The Self-Taught Economist"

Venue: Talk to the Bastiat Society of Delaware, Wilmington, June 7, 2012

Lecture material:

  • " Introduction to the Life and Work of Bastiat [HTML]
  • Resources on Bastiat [HTML]
  • Lecture Presentation [PDF 7.7 MB]



18. “'Is Biography History?' The Relationship between Ideas and Action in the Life of Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): A Biographical Approach".

Venue: A paper given to the Historical Society's 2012 Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, June 1, 2012




17. "Frédéric Bastiat’s Distinction between Legal and Illegal Plunder"

Venue: A Paper given at the Molinari Society Session “Explorations in Philosophical Anarchy” at the Pacific Meeting of the American Philosophical Society, Seattle WA, 7 April, 2012.



16. "Why Broken Windows and Candles Matter: The Continuiing Importance of Frédéric Bastiat"

Venue: the Bastiat Foum, Sydney, December 1, 2011

Lecture material:



15. "How Austrian were the French? [Or How French are the Austrians?]: An Austro-Australian Perspective"

Venue: the Mises Seminar, Sydney, November 26, 2011

Lecture material:



14. "Cato Institute Book Forum on Bastiat's Collected Works, vol. 1"

Venue: Cato Institute, 14 October, 2011, Washington, D.C.

Lecture material:

  • the full paper on Bastiat's Collected Works vol. 1 in [HTML] or [PDF 4.9 MB]
  • Two Revolutionary Broadsides (magazine articles) by Bastiat from 1848 [HTML] or [PDF]
  • selected quotations from vol. 1 arranged thematically [HTML]
  • video of the talk at Cato.org and at this site.



13. "Frédéric Bastiat’s Rhetoric of Liberty in the Economic Sophisms (1846-1850)".

Venue: Tocqueville Room, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, September 26, 2011. 12.00-1.30 pm.

Lecture material:



12. "Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): Campaigner for Free Trade, Political Economist, & Politician in a Time of Revolution", Bastiat Society, Charleston SC, August 3, 2011

Venue: Bastiat Society, Charleston SC, August 3, 2011.

Lecture material:



11. "Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): Campaigner for Free Trade, Political Economist, & Politician in a Time of Revolution"

Venue: Seminar at St. George's College, University of Western Australia, July 12, 2011

Lecture material:



10. "Frédéric Bastiat’s Rhetoric of Liberty in the Economic Sophisms (1846-1850)"

Venue: Seminar at the Department of Economics, Notre Dame University, Freemantle, Western Australia, July 12, 2011

Lecture material:


9. "Opposing Economic Fallacies, Legal Plunder, and the State: Frédéric Bastiat’s Rhetoric of Liberty in the Economic Sophisms (1846-1850)".

Venue: History of Economic Thought Society of Australia, RMIT Melbourne, Australia. 8 July, 2011.

Lecture material:



8. "The Liberty Fund & and the Battle for Ideas about Liberty" and "A Brief Introduction to the Thought of Frédéric Bastiat," A Talk to the Mount Hamilton Society, San Jose, April 6, 2011.

Venue: Silicon Valley Capital Club, Knight Ridder Building, San Jose.

Lecture material:

  • slide presentation for "The Liberty Fund and the Battle for Ideas about Liberty" [PDF 7.2 MB]
  • slide presentation for "A Brief Introduction to the Thought of Frédéric Bastiat," [PDF 6.5 MB]
  • a collection of quotes from Bastiat's writings [1.8 MB PDF]
  • Where is Bastiat now when he need him?: Walter Williams, "Economic Lunacy," March 13, 2011 [PDF]
  • "The Petition of the Candle Makers," Economic Sophisms I [HTML]
  • "The Broken Window" What is Seen and What is Not Seen [HTML]



7. "Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): Campaigner for Free Trade, Political Economist, & Politician in a Time of Revolution", A Lecture in the David S. Saurman Provocative Lecture Series, Department of Economics, San Jose State University, April 4, 2011

Venue: Morris Dailey Auditorium, San Jose State University, April 4, 2011, 5.15 pm.

Lecture material:



6. "Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): Campaigner for Free Trade, Political Economist, & Politician in a Time of Revolution", Arizona Society of Economic Teachers, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2, 2011

Venue: Arizona Society of Economic Teachers, Mesa Community College, Phoenix, Arizona, April 2, 2011, 10.45 am.

Breakout Session: "How to use Liberty Fund's online resources on Economics."

  • info sheet on the features of the Online Library of Liberty website [PDF] [visit the website here]
  • info sheet on Economics Resurces on the OLL Website [PDF]
  • Guide to the Economic Resources on Liberty Fund's Websites [HTML]

Lecture handouts:

  • slide presentation for the lecture [12.2 MB PDF]
  • a collection of quotes from Bastiat's writings [1.8 MB PDF]

Additional material:

  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 1 The "Unseen" Bastiat (1801-1844) [PDF]
  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 2 The "Seen" Bastiat (1844-1850) [PDF]



5. "Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): Campaigner for Free Trade, Political Economist, & Politician in a Time of Revolution", Foundation for Economic Education, NY, February 26, 2011

Venue: Foundation for Economic Education, NY, February 26, 2011, 6.15 PM.

Lecture handouts:

Additional material:

  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 1 The "Unseen" Bastiat (1801-1844) [PDF]
  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 2 The "Seen" Bastiat (1844-1850) [PDF]

A Video of My Presentation is available here: <http://vimeo.com/21778355> and at this site here.



4. "Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): Campaigner for Free Trade, Political Economist, & Politician in a Time of Revolution", George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, February 17, 2011

Venue: Mason Students for Liberty and the Mason Econ Society, February 17, 2011, 6.30 PM.

Lecture handouts:

  • slide presentation for the lecture 14.7 MB PDF]
  • lecture overview [541 KB PDF] or HTML
  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 1 The "Unseen" Bastiat (1801-1844) [PDF]
  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 2 The "Seen" Bastiat (1844-1850) [PDF]
  • a collection of quotes from Bastiat's writings [101 KB PDF]



3. "The Importance of Frédéric Bastiat" at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, February 8, 2011

"The Importance of Frédéric Bastiat" at the EB Ball Center, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, February 8, 2011, 2.30-4.00 PM.

Lecture handouts:

  • slide presentation for the lecture 8.7 MB PDF]
  • lecture overview [525 KB PDF] or HTML
  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 1 The "Unseen" Bastiat (1801-1844) [PDF]
  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 2 The "Seen" Bastiat (1844-1850) [PDF]
  • a collection of quotes from Bastiat's writings [87 KB PDF]



2. "Frédéric Bastiat: The Legendary Life and Works at a Time of Revolution": Students for Liberty, Webinar, Monday November 1, 2010, 8.00-9.00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

"Frédéric Bastiat: The Legendary Life and Works at a Time of Revolution"

Limericks written today in Honour of Bastiat:

There once was an arch anti-statist,
Who thought the state's dangers were greatest,
When those whom it bettered,
Fought those whom it fettered,
With statutes that made them the strongest.

There once was a critic of tariffs,
Who argued restrictions are rip offs,
Consumers are plundered,
Trade rivals are hindered,
And commerce in all quarters drops off.



1. "Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850): Campaigner for Free Trade, Political Economist, & Politician in a Time of Revolution" at the Institute for Liberal Studies, University of Ottawa, 15 October, 2010.

Material handed out at the lecture:

  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 1 The "Unseen" Bastiat (1801-1844) [PDF]
  • timeline of Bastiat's life and work: Part 2 The "Seen" Bastiat (1844-1850) [PDF]
  • a collection of quotes from Bastiat's writings [PDF]
  • flyer announcing the publication of volume 1 of Liberty Fund's Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat (2011) [PDF]

Slide Show presented at the Lecture [8 MB PDF]

Video of the lecture -