"Liberty and Society" Summer SEMINARs 2011

[Created: June 4, 2011]
[Updated: July 21, 2022]


Eugène Delacroix, "Liberty Leading the People on the Barricades" (1830)

David Hart's lecture handouts and overheads:

  1. The State and the Ruling Class
  2. A Brief History of Bills of Rights
  3. The State and Modern War
  4. The Culture of Liberty vs. the Culture of Authority and Obedience

The video clips I use in the lectures are collected at this page.



1. The State and the Ruling Class

  1. Lecture Outline and Recommended Reading [PDF]
  2. Lecture Slide Show - Wake Forrest
    1. PDF version (single file) [PDF 13.4 MB]
    2. HTML version (click on the slide to advance to the next one)
  3. Lecture Slide Show - Bryn Mawr
    1. PDF version (single file) [PDF 8.5 MB]
    2. HTML version (click on the slide to advance to the next one)
  4. Other Lecture Material
    1. Classical Liberal Views of State Functions [PDF]
    2. The Spectrum of State Power [PDF]
    3. Schematic of the State and Class Structure [PDF]
  5. Video clips
    1. Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones, Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) - "the constitutional peasants"
    2. Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn, Yes, Prime Minister: A Real Partnership (1986) - the Civil Service pay rise.
  6. Additional material:
    1. A more detailed bibliography [PDF] [HTML]
    2. A collection of quotations about class and the State
    3. A summary page of my thoughts on the topic
    4. A collection of caricatures and images of the Ruling Class
James Gillray, "The British Atlas, or John Bull supporting the Peace Establishment (1816)


The Institutions and Class Structure of the State
[See the Key to the Schematic for explanations of the symbols]



2. A Brief History of Bills of Rights

  1. Lecture Outline and Recommended Reading [PDF]
  2. Lecture Slide Show
    1. PDF version (single file) [4.8 MB PDF]
    2. HTML version (click on the slide to advance to the next one)
  3. Other Lecture Material
    1. Lecture Handout: Anthology of Bills of Rights [3.5 MB PDF]
    2. The Two Traditions of Rights [PDF]
    3. Who has rights? [PDF]
  4. Additional Bills of Rights [PDF]
  5. Video clips:
    1. Ridley Scott, Robin Hood (2010) - Robin learns about his Father the "Philosopher of Liberty"
    2. Ridley Scott, Robin Hood (2010) - Robin demands that the King respect the ancient rights of Englishmen in a written Charter
The French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)


3. The State and Modern War

  1. Lecture Outline, Recommended Reading, & Filmography [PDF]
  2. Lecture Slide Show
    1. PDF version (single file) [14.5 MB PDF]
    2. HTML version (click on the slide to advance to the next one)
  3. Video clips:
    1. Stanley Kubrick, Paths of Glory (1957) - the calculus of death.
  4. Other material:
    1. Bibliography, film guide, art guide, etc.
Pablo Picasso, "Guernica" (1937)


Honoré Daumier, "The Army Hierarchy" (1850s)



4. "Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer": The Culture of Liberty vs. the Culture of Obedience

  1. Lecture Outline, Recommended Reading, & Filmography [PDF]
  2. Lecture Slide Show
    1. PDF version (single file) [17.1 MB PDF]
    2. HTML version (click on the slide to advance to the next one)
  3. Video clips:
    1. Peter Weir, Dead Poets Society (1989) - marching to the beat of a different drummer 1
    2. Arthur Hiller, The Americanization of Emily (1964) - memorializing the fallen in war
    3. Volcker Schlöndorff, The Tin Drum (1979) - marching to the beat of a different drummer 2
British Propaganda Poster


Oscar beating his drum to a different tune in "The Tin Drum" (1979)