The State and the Ruling Class

[Created May 25, 2011]
[Updated December 17, 2011]


A Schematic Diagram showing the Institutions and Class Structure of the State
A Key to this Schematic Diagram
A larger version in JPG or PDF
A larger version in JPG or PDF


Here is some material in which I explore the nature of class and the State:

  • A Schematic Diagram showing the Institutions and Class Structure of the State [above]
  • More detailed Schematic Diagrams showing the Institutions and Class Structure of the State - ancien regime, welfare state, warfare state, and welfare/warfare state [another page]
  • A diagram showing the Spectrum of State Power from Total Statism to Liberty [below]
  • A diagram showing different Classical Liberal notions of the Legitimate Functions of State Power [below]
  • A collection of 10 key classical liberal authors on the nature of class [another page]
  • A collection of caricatures and illustrations which show the nature of class rule and the State [another page]
  • A collection of images depicting Atlas as a representative of the exploited class of producers


The Spectrum of State Power from Total Statism to Liberty
[A larger version in JPG and PDF]


Different Classical Liberal notions of the Legitimate Functions of State Power
[A larger version in JPG and PDF]