FranCois-Marie Arouet (“Voltaire”) (1694-1778)

François-Marie Arouet (“Voltaire”) (1694-1778)  



Texts in the Collection

Candide, or Optimism (1759) | A Treatise on Toleration (1763) | The Philsophic Dictionary (1764)

Candide, or Optimism (1759)


This edited manuscript version of Voltaire's classic work is part of the Bibliothèque nationale de France teaching website <>. A more fully annoted version can be found here <>.

Note: This version also contains variants or changes which Voltaire himself made to the manuscript. These are indicated in square brackets and italic text.


A facs. PDF version of the first edition: Candide, ou l'Optimisme, traduit de l'allemand. De Mr. le Docteur Ralph (1757).

Note: In order to escape the censors Volataire's name is not provided as the author, lonly a fictitious "Dr. Ralph", and no place or name of publisher.


It was quickly reprinted and a second spurious part was added. It was not by Voltaire but has been attributed to abbé Dulaurens.

  • Candide, ou l’Optimisme, par Mr. de Voltaire. Premier partie. Edition revue, corrigé and augmenté par l’Auteur. (Aux Delices, 1763) facs. PDF.
  • Candide, ou l’Optimisme, traduit de l’allemand de Mr. le Docteur Ralph. Seconde Partie 1761 (no place or publisher given). facs. PDF.

Note: The volumes I have were printed in 1761 (Part 2) and 1763 (Part 1). Voltaire's name was inlcuded on the title page.


Candide, ou l’Optimisme, par Mr. de Voltaire. Première parties. Edition revue, corrigée et ornée de figures en tailles-douces, dessinées et gravée par Mr. Daniel Chodowiesky (Berlin: Chrétien Frédéric Hamburg, 1778). 2 vols. facs. PDF of vol. 1 and vol. 2

Note: The 1778 edition was the last which appeared in Voltaire's lifetme and is notable for being illustrated by Daniel Chodowiesky (5 images). Large versions of the images can be found here,


Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire. Ed. Condorcet. Illustrations by Jean-Michel Moreau. ([S. l.], de l’Imprimerie de la Société Littéraire-Typographique, 1784-1789). 70 volumes. "Candide" T. 44 (1785), pp. 220-343. facs. PDF.

Note: This edition of Voltaire's works (the "Weyl edition") contains 93 illutrations made by Jean-Michel Moreau (1741-1814) of which 11 were made for Candide. Large versions of the images can be found here. A selection of them in a smaller are below.



The Works of Voltaire. A Contemporary Version. A Critique and Biography by John Morley, notes by Tobias Smollett, trans. William F. Fleming (New York: E.R. DuMont, 1901). In 21 vols. Vol. I, Candide Part I, pp. 59-208; Part II, pp. 209-281. IN HTML and facs. PDF.

Note: This edition includes the spurious second part which was not by Voltaire. The collection includes an introduction by the English liberal MP John Morley.


A more modern translation: Voltaire, Candide. Introduction by Philip Littell (New York: Boni and Liveright, Inc., 1918). No translator is given. In HTML and facs. PDF.



A Treatise on Toleration (1763)

First edition: Voltaire, Traité sur la Tolérance (n.p. and no publisher, 1763)


Smollett's translation updated to 1901: Ferney Edition. The Works of Voltaire: A Contemporary Version with Notes , by Tobias Smollett, Revised and Modernzed. New Translations by William F. Flemning, and an Introduction by Oliver H.G. Leight. A Critique and Bibliography by the Rt. Hon. John Morley. Forty-Two Volumes. (Paris: E.R. Dumont, 1901). Volume IV. Romances and A Treatise on Toleration. The entire volume in facs. PDF.

Just The Treatise on Toleration, pp, 118-294 in HTML and facs. PDF




The Philosophic Dictionary (1764)


The 1878 "Garnier" edition of the Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire, of which the Philosophical Dictionary now comprised 4 large volumes and nearly 2,000 pages in one HTML file.

Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire. Nouvelle édition avec notices, préfaces, variantes, table analytique. Les notes de tous les commentateurs et des notes nouvelles. Conforme pour le texte de l’édition de Beuchot enrichie des découvertes les plus récentes et mis en courant des travaux qui ont paru jusqu’à ce jour. Précédée de la Vie de Voltaire par Condorcet et d’autres études biographiques. Orné d’un portrait en pied d’après le stade du foyer de la Comédie-Française. (Paris: Garnier frères, 1878). Dictionnaire philosophique, Vols. 17-20

  • OC17 DP1: A - Biens d’église [facs. PDF]
  • OC18 DP2: Blasphème - Esclaves [facs. PDF]
  • OC19 DP3: Espace - Lois criminelles [facs. PDF]
  • OC20 DP4 - Lois (esprits des) - Zoroastre [facs. PDF]


The Philosophical Dicctionary is part of a 21 volume collected works of the writings of Voltaire with a biographical volume by the English Liberal MP John Morley and notes by the 18th century Scottish novelist Tobias Smollett.

The Works of Voltaire. A Contemporary Version. A Critique and Biography by John Morley, notes by Tobias Smollett, trans. William F. Fleming (New York: E.R. DuMont, 1901). In 21 vols. The 5 volumes which make up the Philosophical Dictionary are vols. 3-7.

  • all 5 volumes in one HTML file, or
  • vol. 3 "A" to "Calends" [facs. PDF]
  • vol. 4 "Cannibals" to "Falsity of Human Virtues" [facs. PDF]
  • vol. 5 Fanaticism" to "Job" [facs. PDF]
  • vol. 6 "Judaea" to "Privilege" [facs. PDF]
  • vol. 7 "Property" to "Zoroaster" [facs. PDF]