Additions to my Blog "Reflections on Liberty and Power"
(in Reverse Chronological Order)

[Created: 14 July, 2012]
[Updated: 14 July, 2012]


[See also Recent Additions to the Website].

David Hart's Blog: Reflections on Liberty and Power

In this blog I want to reflect on the interrelationships between culture, art, and politics as they impinge upon two things which greatly concern me, namely individual liberty and political power. I have two places where I put my longer "pictorial essays" as I call them: at my main website, where I have a section called Images of Liberty and Power ; and at the Online Library of Liberty where there is a similar collection . This blog will allow me to do shorter postings as I come across interesting items.


Added to my Blog recently:


  • 14 July: Otto Dix and the First World War (1924)
  • 13 July: IHS Lecture: The Culture of Obedience
  • 13 July: IHS 2012 Lecture: War and the Growth of the State
  • 9 July: IHS 2012 Lecture: The State and the Ruling Class
  • 1 July: The ANZAC Book (1916): Part IV - Another Attempt at an ANZAC Alphabet (Ubique)
  • 30 June: The ANZAC Book (1916): Part III - An ANZAC Alphabet (Henderson)
  • 30 June: The ANZAC Book (1916): Part II - Two ANZAC Alphabets
  • 30 June: The ANZAC Book (1916): Part I Coloured Plates
  • 29 June: The Illustrated Road to Serfdom
  • 29 June: Illustrations for Bastiat's The Law
  • 31 March: The Aesthetics of the Scientific Depiction of State-Inflicted Megadeath II <>
  • 31 March: The Aesthetics of the Scientific Depiction of State-Inflicted Megadeath I <>
  • 25 March: Molinari on the Suction Pump of "Ulcerous Government" <>
  • 25 March: Molinari and the Discussions on Saint Lazarus Street 1849 <>
  • 23 March: Molinari waxing Lyrical about Liberty in 1849 <>
  • 21 March: Images of the Anti-Tax Smuggler Louis Mandrin (1725-1755) - the 18thC French Robin Hood <>
  • 18 March: The Monkey Economists and Free Trade <>
  • 18 March: Protectionist Hypocrisy <>
  • 12 February: Bach Cantata No. 8 "Liebster Gott, wann werd ich sterben?" <>
  • 6 January: Some Family Photos <>
  • 5 January: War and Violence in the Work of Ronald Searle (1920-2011) Part II <>
  • 5 January: War and Violence in the Work of Ronald Searle (1920-2011) Part I <>
  • 1 January: The eye patch as a symbol of resistance in Egypt <>
  • 1 January: Umbrellas and Tyrants in the Arab World <>



  • December 30, 2011: Waving the Flagg (again) <>
  • December 30, 2011: Archive of Images of Liberty and Power 1 and 2 <>
  • December 30, 2011: Archive of Liberty and Power 3 <>
  • December 28, 2011: Welcome to David Hart's blog on Liberty and Power <>
  • December 28, 2011: Reading History vs. "Making History à la James Montgomery Flagg <>
  • December 28, 2011: The Planet of the Apes I <>
  • December 28, 2011: The Yule Goat: the welfare state Santa vs. the predator Santa <>
  • December 28, 2011: King Kim II and the Escalator to Hell <>
  • December 28, 2011: The deification of King Kim II has begun <>
  • December 28, 2011: King Kim II: Born to Salute and be Saluted <>
  • December 28, 2011: Mao waves "hello" in his Bathrobe <>
  • December 28, 2011: Art and the Pepper Spray Cop at UC Davis <>
  • December 28, 2011: Picasso in Sydney <>