Editions of Karl Marx's Das Capital (1867-1896)
Karl Marx (1818-1883) |
1st edition of vol. 2 (1867) |
The English translations of Marx's work come from a 1909-10 edition by Ernest Untermann and are in the Public Domain:
- Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. 3 vols. Edited and translated by Frederick Engels and Ernest Untermann (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr and Co., 1909-1910).
- Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Volume I: The Process of Capitalist Production, by Karl Marx. Trans. from the 3rd German edition, by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling, ed. Frederick Engels. Revised and amplified according to the 4th German ed. by Ernest Untermann (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr and Co., 1909). HTML and facs. PDF.
- Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Volume II: The Process of Circulation of Capital, by Karl Marx. Ed. Frederick Engels. Trans. from the 2nd German edition by Ernest Untermann (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr and Co., 1910). HTML and facs. PDF.
- Karl Marx, Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. Volume III: The Process of Capitalist Production as a Whole, by Karl Marx. Ed. Frederick Engels. Trans. from the 1st German edition by Ernest Untermann (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr and Co. Cooperative, 1909). HTML and facs. PDF.
The German PDF facsimile versions come from Google Books and other public domain sources. The HTML versions come from the Deutsches Textarchiv, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften which have been put online under a Creative Commons License. <http://www.deutschestextarchiv.de>. These HTML versions have been difficult to edit as they have been "over coded" in my view in order to try to replicate the original page layout of the books. I have done my best to simplify them and make them easier to read and search.
- Vol. 1: Zitationshilfe: Marx, Karl: Das Kapital. Buch I: Der Produktionsprocess des Kapitals. Hamburg, 1867. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <http://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/marx_kapital01_1867>, abgerufen am 27.06.2018. HTML and facs. PDF.
- Vol. 2: Zitationshilfe: Marx, Karl: Das Kapital. Bd. 2. Buch II: Der Cirkulationsprocess des Kapitals. Hamburg, 1885. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <http://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/marx_kapital02_1885>, abgerufen am 27.06.2018. HTML and facs. PDF.
- Vol. 3a: Zitationshilfe: Marx, Karl: Das Kapital. Buch III: Der Gesammtprocess der kapitalistischen Produktion. Kapitel I bis XXVIII. Hamburg, 1894. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <http://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/marx_kapital0301_1894>, abgerufen am 27.06.2018. HTML and facs. PDF.
- Vol 3b: Zitationshilfe: Marx, Karl: Das Kapital. Buch III: Der Gesammtprocess d. Kapitalist. Produktion. Kapitel XXIX-LII. Hamburg, 1894. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <http://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/marx_kapital0302_1894>, abgerufen am 27.06.2018. HTML and facs. PDF.
The revised 4th ed. (1890) of volume 1 comes from an East German edition of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Werke, Band 23 (Berlin/DDR: Dietz Verlag, Berlin/DDR 1962), S. 11-802, which is the Public Domain. Online version: <http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me23/me23_000.htm>. HTML and facs. PDF.
"Pre-Kapital": Zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy) (1859) - German facs. PDF and HTM; English HTML.