[to come]
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1644 | ![]() |
Lex, Rex Samuel Rutherford, Lex, rex The law and the prince : a dispute for the just prerogative of king and people : containing the reasons and causes of the most necessary defensive wars of the kingdom of Scotland and of their expedition for the ayd and help of their dear brethren of England : in which their innocency is asserted and a full answer is given to a seditious pamphlet intituled Sacro-sancta regum majestas, or, The sacred and royall prerogative of Christian kings, under the name of J. A. but penned by Jo. Maxwell the excommunicate P. Prelat. : with a scripturall confutation of the ruinous grounds of W. Barclay, H. Grotius, H. Arnisœus, Ant. de Domi P. Bishop of Spalata, and of other late anti-magistratical royalists, as the author of Ossorianum, D. Fern, E. Symmons, the doctors of Aberdeen, &c. : in XLIV questions. (London: Iohn Field, 1644). This book is available in various formats:
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1843 | ![]() |
Lex, Rex (1843 ed.) Samuel Rutherford, Lex, Rex, or, The Law and the Prince; a dispute for the just prerogative of king and people: containing the reasons and causes of the most necessary defensive wars of the kingdom of Scotland and of their expedition for the aid and help of their dear brethren of England; In which their innocency is asserted and a full answer is given to a seditious pamphlet entituled, "Sacro-sancta regum majestas," or, The sacred and royal prerogative of Christian kings ; under the name of J.A., but penned by John Maxwell , the excommunicate Popish prelate; A scriptural confutation of the ruinous grounds of W. Barclay, H. Grotius, H. Arnisaeus … in Forty-Four Questions. by the Rev. Samuel Rutherford. (Edinburgh : Robert Ogle and Oliver & Boyd, 1843). This book is available in various formats: