The Collected Essays of William Graham Sumner (1872-1910)

[Created: 6 May, 2024]
[Updated: 13 May, 2024]

The Essays of William Graham Sumner (1840-1910)

After Sumner's death in 1910 Yale University Press published a four volume collection of his essays and talks which are listed below in a sortable table (115 items). The editor Albert Galloway Keller numbered the volumes as follows:

In the 4th volume The Forgotten Man and Other Essays (1918) there is an extensive bibliography of Sumner's writings which we have reproduced here with links to the works of his we have online.

We would add one additional item which was not included in the Yale bibliography probably because it was in French: "Liberté des Échanges" Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Économie Politique, (Paris: Guillaumin, 1892), vol. 2, pp. 138–166.


William Graham Sumner, War and Other Essays, ed. Albert Galloway Keller (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1919).

William Graham Sumner, Earth-Hunger and Other Essays, ed. Albert Galloway Keller (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1913).

William Graham Sumner, The Challenge of Facts and Other Essays, ed. Albert Galloway Keller (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1914).

William Graham Sumner, The Forgotten Man and Other Essays, ed. Albert Galloway Keller (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1918).

Note: Clicking on the headings "DATE", "AUTHOR", "TITLE", and "LOCATION" on the tble below will sort the table accordingly. A second click will reverse the order.



Texts in the Collection


  1872-05-30 Memorial Day Address Delivered at Morristown, May 30 1872. Printed for the first time in Vol. III, pp. 347-362.   Vol. 3, pp. 347-362. [Link]
  1873 Introductory Lecture to Courses in Political and Social Science Printed for the first time in Vol. III, pp. 391–403. Vol. 3, pp. 391–403. [Link]
  1876-01 Politics in America, 1776–1876 North American Review, 1876 January, Vol. CXXII, Centennial number, pp. 47–87. Vol. 4, pp. 285–333. [Link]
  1876-09-12 For President?" New Haven Palladium, September 12, 1876. Vol. 3, pp. 365–379. [Link]
  1877-01-01 Republican Government The Chicago Tribune, January 1, 1877. Vol. 3, pp. 223–240. [Link]
  1877-06-20 Democracy and Responsible Government Address at Providence, R. I., June 20,1877 before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Brown University. The Providence Evening Press, June 21. Vol. 3, pp. 243–286. [Link]
  1877 The Commercial Crisis of 1837 Written in 1877 or 1878. (here are indications on the manuscript that it was once printed, but efforts to find where have failed. Published, probably for the first time, in Vol. IV, pp. 371–398. Vol. 4, pp. 371–398. [Link]
  1878 A Concurrent Circulation of Gold and Silver Printed for the first time in Vol. IV, pp. 183–210. Vol. 4, pp. 183–210. [Link]
  1879 The Influence of Commercial Crises on Opinions about Economic Doctrines An address probably of this date (1879). Printed for the first time in Vol. IV, pp. 213–235. Vol. 4, pp. 213–235. [Link]
  1879 The Co-operative Commonwealth Written in the seventies or eighties. Extracts printed for the first time in Vol. IV, pp. 441–462. Vol. 4, pp. 441–462. [Link]
  1880 What Our Boys are Reading Combined with "Books and Reading for the Young," by J. H. Smart. Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1880. Vol. 2, pp. 367–377. [Link]
  1880-04-29 The Administration of Andrew Jackson Address before the Kent Club of the Yale Law School, briefly reported in the New York Tribune, 1880 April 29. Printed in full for the first time in Vol. IV, pp. 337–367. Vol. 4, pp. 337–367. [Link]
  1881-06 Shall Americans Own Ships? North American Review, 1881 June, Vol. 132, No. CCXCV, pp. 559–566. Vol. 4, pp. 273–282. [Link]
  1881-11 Sociology Princeton Review, 1881, November, pp. 303–323. Vol. 1, pp. 167–192. [Link]
  1882-11-09 The Science Of Sociology. A Speech at the Farewell Banquet to Herbert Spencer. Delivered November 9, 1882, published in "Herbert Spencer on the Americans and the Americans on Herbert Spencer," pp. 35–40. New York, D. Appleton &; Company 1883, 96 pp. Vol. 4, pp. 401–405. [Link]
  1883-02-08 The Forgotten Man The original lecture on this subject, delivered in New Haven 1883 February 8 or 9. 28 typewritten pp. Printed for the first time in Vol. IV, pp. 465–495. Vol. 4, pp. 465–495. [Link]
  1883 On the Case of a Certain Man who is never Thought Of From What Social Classes Owe to Each Other (1883), pp. 123–133. Vol. 1, pp. 247–253 [Link]
  1883 The Case of the Forgotten Man Further Considered From What Social Classes Owe to Each Other (1883), pp. 134–152. Vol. 1, pp. 257–268 [Link]
  1883-09-15 The Philosophy of Strikes, Harper's Weekly, 1883 September 15, Vol. XXVII, No. 1395, p. 586. Vol. 4, pp. 239–246. [Link]
  1884-03 Our Colleges before the Country Princeton Review, 1884 March, pp. 127–140. Vol. 1, pp. 355–373. [Link]
  1884-06 Sociological Fallacies North American Review, 1884 June, Vol. 138, No. CCCXXXI, pp. 574–579. Vol. 2, pp. 357–364. [Link]
  1885 Protectionism Protectionism. The -Ism which Teaches that Waste makes Wealth. New York, H. Holt & Company, 1885 October, 12mo., 170 pp. Vol. 4, pp. 009–111. [Link]
  1886-04 What is Free Trade? In Good Cheer for 1886 April, p. 7 Vol. 4, pp. 123–127. [Link]
  1886-09 Industrial War Forum, 1886 September, Vol. II, pp. 1–8. Vol. 3, pp. 093–102. [Link]
  1886-10-28 What is the "Proletariat? The Independent, October 28, 1886. Vol. 3, pp. 161–165. [Link]
  188611-25 Who Win by Progress? The Independent, November 25, 1886. Vol. 3, pp. 169–174. [Link]
  1886-12-23 The New Social Issue The Independent, December 23, 1886. Vol. 3, pp. 207–212. [Link]
  1887-01 What Makes the Rich Richer and the Poor Poorer? Popular Science Monthly, 1887 January, Vol. XXX, pp. 289–296. Vol. 3, pp. 065–77. [Link]
  1887-01-20 Federal Legislation on Railroads The Independent, 1887 January 20. Vol. 3, pp. 177–182. [Link]
  1887-02-24 Legislation by Clamor The Independent, 1887 February 24. Vol. 3, pp. 185–190. [Link]
  1887-03-24 The Shifting Of Responsibility The Independent, 1887 March 24. Vol. 3, pp. 193–198. [Link]
  1887-04-21 Some Points In The New Social Creed The Independent, 1887 April 21. Vol. 2, pp. 207–211. [Link]
  1887-05-19 Speculative Legislation The Independent, 1887 May 19. Vol. 3, pp. 215–219. [Link]
  1887-06-28 The Banquet of Life The Independent, 1887 June 28. Vol. 2, pp. 217–221. [Link]
  1887-07-28 Some Natural Rights The Independent, 1887 July 28. Vol. 2, pp. 222–227. [Link]
  1887-07 Strikes and the Industrial Organization Popular Science News, 1887 July, Vol. XXI, No. 7, pp. 93–94. Vol. 4, pp. 249–253. [Link]
  1887-08-25 The Abolition of Poverty The Independent, 1887 August 25. Vol. 2, pp. 228–232. [Link]
  1887-08 State Interference North American Review, 1887 August, Vol. 145, No. CCCLXIX, pp. 109–119 Vol. 1, pp. 213–226. [Link]
  1887-10-27 The Boon Of Nature The Independent, 1887 October 27. Vol. 2, pp. 233–238. [Link]
  1887-10-06 The State as an "Ethical Person The Independent, 1887 October 6. Vol. 3, pp. 201–204. [Link]
  1887-11-24 Is Liberty a Lost Blessing? The Independent, 1887 November 24. Vol. 2, pp. 131–135. [Link]
  1888-01-12 Land Monopoly The Independent, 1888 January 12. Vol. 2, pp. 239-244. [Link]
  1888-02-16 A Group Of Natural Monopolies The Independent, 1888 February 16 Vol. 2, pp. 245–248. [Link]
  1888-03 The First Steps towards a Millennium Cosmopolitan, 1888 March, pp. 32–36. Vol. 2, pp. 093–105. [Link]
  1888-03-15 Another Chapter on Monopoly The Independent, 1888 March 15. Vol. 2, pp. 249–253. [Link]
  1888-04-19 Trusts and Trades-unions The Independent, 1888 April 19. Vol. 4, pp. 257–262. [Link]
  1888-05-10 The Family Monopoly The Independent, 1888 May 10. Vol. 2, pp. 254–258. [Link]
  1888-06-14 The Family and Property The Independent, 1888 June 14 and July 19. Vol. 2, pp. 259–269. [Link]
  1888-08-16 Tariff Reform The Independent, 1888 August 16. Vol. 4, pp. 115–120. [Link]
  1888-09-13 The State and Monopoly The Independent, 1888 September 13 and October 11. Vol. 2, pp. 270–279. [Link]
  1888-11-15 Democracy and Plutocracy The Independent, 1888 November 15. Vol. 2, pp. 283–289. [Link]
  1889-01-10 The Conflict of Plutocracy and Democracy The Independent, 1889 January 10. Vol. 2, pp. 296–300. [Link]
  1889-02-14 Separation of State and Market The Independent, 1889 February 14. Vol. 2, pp. 306–311. [Link]
  1889-03-28 Democracy and Modern Problems The Independent, 1889 March 28. Vol. 2, pp. 301–305. [Link]
  1889-04-11 Social War In Democracy The Independent, 1889 April 11. Vol. 2, pp. 312–317. [Link]
  1889-05-16 An Examination of a Noble Sentiment The Independent, 1889 May 16. Vol. 2, pp. 212–216. [Link]
  1889-06 Sketch of William Graham Sumner The Popular Science Monthly, 1889 June, Vol. XXXV, pp. 261–268. Vol. 3, pp. 003–13. [Link]
  1889-06-13 An Old 'Trust' The Independent, 1889 June 13. Vol. 4, pp. 265–269. [Link]
  1889-07 What is Civil Liberty? The Popular Science Monthly, 1889 July, Vol. XXXV, pp. 289–303. Vol. 2, pp. 109–130. [Link]
  1889-07-18 Who Is Free? Is It The Savage? The Independent, 1889 July 18. Vol. 2, pp. 136–140. [Link]
  1889-08-15 Who Is Free? Is It The Civilized Man? The Independent, 1889 August 15. Vol. 2, pp. 140–145. [Link]
  1889-09-12 Who Is Free? Is It The Millionaire? The Independent, 1889 September 12. Vol. 2, pp. 145–150. [Link]
  1889-10-17 Who Is Free? Is It The Tramp? The Independent, 1889 October 17. Vol. 2, pp. 150–155. [Link]
  1889-11-21 Liberty and Responsibility The Independent, 1889 November 21. Vol. 2, pp. 156–160. [Link]
  1889-12-26 Liberty and Law The Independent, 1889 December 26. Vol. 2, pp. 161–166. [Link]
  1889-12 Do We Want Industrial Peace? Forum, 1889 December, Vol. VIII, pp. 406–416. Vol. 1, pp. 229–243. [Link]
  1880s A Parable. Written in the eighties. Printed for the first time in Vol. III, pp. 105–107. Vol. 3, pp. 105–107. [Link]
  1880s The Challenge of Facts Written sometime in the eighties. Original title was "Socialism. Printed for the first time in Vol. III, pp. 17–52. Vol. 3, pp. 017–52. [Link]
  1880s Integrity in Education An address delivered in Hartford probably in the eighties. Printed for the first time in Vol. IV, pp. 409–419. Vol. 4, pp. 409–419. [Link]
  1880s Discipline Probably in the eighties. Printed for the first time in Vol. IV, pp. 423–438. Vol. 4, pp. 423–438. [Link]
  1890-01-16 Liberty and Discipline The Independent, 1890 January 16. Vol. 2, pp. 166–171. [Link]
  1890-02-20 Does Labor Brutalize? The Independent, 1890 February 20. Vol. 2, pp. 187–193. [Link]
  1890-03-27 Liberty and Property The Independent, 1890 March 27. Vol. 2, pp. 171–176. [Link]
  1890-04-24 Liberty and Opportunity The Independent, 1890 April 24. Vol. 2, pp. 176–181. [Link]
  1890-05-22 Liberty And Labor The Independent, 1890 May 22. Vol. 2, pp. 181–187. [Link]
  1890-06-12 Liberty and Machinery The Independent, 1890 June 12. Vol. 2, pp. 193–198. [Link]
  1890-07-17 The Disappointment of Liberty The Independent, 1890 July 17. Vol. 2, pp. 198–203. [Link]
  1890-08-14 What Emancipates The Independent, 1890 August 14. Vol. 3, pp. 137–142. [Link]
  1890-09-11 The Demand for Men The Independent, 1890 September 11. Vol. 3, pp. 111–116. [Link]
  1890-10-16 The Significance of the Demand for Men The Independent, 1890 October 16. Vol. 3, pp. 119–123. [Link]
  1890-11-20 What the "Social Question" Is The Independent, 1890 November 20. Vol. 3, pp. 127–133. [Link]
  1891-01-15 Power and Progress The Independent, 1891 January 15. Vol. 3, pp. 145–150. [Link]
  1891-08-13 Consequences of Increased Social Power The Independent, 1891 August 13. Vol. 3, pp. 153–158. [Link]
  1894-03 The Absurd Effort to Make the World Over Forum, 1894 March, Vol. XVII, pp. 92–102 Vol. 1, pp. 195–210. [Link]
  1896-06 The Fallacy of Territorial Extension Forum, 1896 June, Vol. XXI, pp. 416–419. Vol. 1, pp. 285–293. [Link]
  1896-08 The Proposed Dual Organization Of Mankind Popular Science Monthly, 1896 August, Vol. XLIX, pp. 433–439. Vol. 1, pp. 271–281. [Link]
  1896-08-20 Prosperity Strangled by Gold Leslie's Weekly, 1896 August 20. Vol. 4, pp. 141–145. [Link]
  1896-09-03 Cause And Cure of Hard Times, Leslie's Weekly, 1896 September 3. Vol. 4, pp. 149–153. [Link]
  1896-09-10 The Free-coinage Scheme Is Impracticable at Every Point Leslie's Weekly, 1896 September 10. Vol. 4, pp. 157–162. [Link]
  1896-09-17 Delusion Of the Debtors Leslie's Weekly, 1896 September 17. Vol. 4, pp. 165–170. [Link]
  1896-09-24 The Crime Of 1873 Leslie's Weekly, 1896 September 24. Vol. 4, pp. 173–180. [Link]
  1896 Earth Hunger or the Philosophy of Land Grabbing Printed for the first time in Vol. II, pp. 31–64. Also in Yale Review (New Series), 1913 October, Vol. III, No. 1, pp. 3–32. Printed for the first time in Vol. II, pp. 31–64. Vol. 2, pp. 031–64. [Link]
  1896 Advancing Social and Political Organization in the United States 1896 or 1897. Printed for the first time in Vol. III, pp. 289–344. Vol. 3, pp. 289–344. [Link]
  1897-01-25 The Teacher's Unconscious Success. Address given at a dinner held in honor of Mr. Henry Barnard, at Jewel Hall, Hartford, January 25 1897. Printed for the first time in Vol. II, pp. 9–13. Vol. 2, pp. 009–13. [Link]
  1899-01-16 The Conquest of the United States by Spain A lecture before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale University, 1899 January 16. Yale Law Journal, Vol. VIII, No. 4, pp. 168–193. Boston, D. Estes & Co., 32 pp. 23 cm. Vol. 1, pp. 297–334. [Link]
  1899-05-10 The Power and Beneficence of Capital. The Power and Beneficence of Capital. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Convention of The Savings Banks Association of the State of New York, held at the Rooms of the Chamber of Commerce, 32 Nassau Street, New York, May 10; pp. 77–95. J. S. Babcock, New York, printer, 1899. Vol. 2, pp. 337–353. [Link]
  1900? Purposes and Consequences Written sometime between 1900 and 1906. Printed for the first time in Vol. II, pp. 67–75. Vol. 2, pp. 067–75. [Link]
  1900? Rights Written sometime between 1900 and 1906. Printed for the first time in Vol. II, pp. 79–83. Vol. 2, pp. 079–83. [Link]
  1900? Equality. Written sometime between 1900 and 1906. Printed for the first time in Vol. II, pp. 87–89. Vol. 2, pp. 087–89. [Link]
  1900? The Predicament of Sociological Study Original title of manuscript was "Sociology." Written about 1900. Printed for the first time in Vol. III, pp. 415–425. Vol. 3, pp. 415–425. [Link]
  1901-11 The Predominant Issue Burlington, Vt. Reprinted from the International Monthly, 1901 November, Vol. 2, pp. 496–509. Vol. 1, pp. 337–352. [Link]
  1901 The Anthracite Coal Industry The Anthracite Coal Industry, by Peter Roberts. Introduction by W. G. Sumner. New York, London, Macmillan Co. 1901, 261 pp." Vol. 3, pp. 387–388. [Link]
  1902-04 The Concentration of Wealth: Its Economic Justification The Independent, 1902 April-June. Vol. 3, pp. 081–90. [Link]
  1903 Autobiographical Sketch of William Graham Sumner. A History of the Class of 1863 Yale College (1903), pp. 165–167. New Haven, The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co., 1905. Vol. 2, pp. 003–5. [Link]
  1903 War Printed for the first time in Vol. I, pp. 3–40. And in Yale Review (New Series),1911 October, Vol. I, No. 1, pp. 1–27. Vol. 1, pp. 003–40. [Link]
  1904 Lynch-law Lynch-law, by James Elbert Cutler. Foreword by W. G. Sumner. New York, Longmans, Green, and Co. 1904, v, 287 pp. Vol. 3, pp. 383–384. [Link]
  1905 Economics And Politics Printed for the first time in Vol. II, pp. 318–333. Vol. 2, pp. 318–333. [Link]
  1905-03-04 The Scientific Attitude of Mind Address to initiates of the Sigma Xi Society, Yale University, on March 4 1905. Printed for the first time in Vol. II, pp. 17–28. Vol. 2, pp. 017–28. [Link]
  1906-8-15 Protectionism Twenty Years After. (Title given by editor.) Address at a dinner of the Committee on Tariff Reform of the Tariff Reform Club in the City of New York, June 2. Published by the Reform Club Committee on Tariff Reform, 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Series 1906, No. 4, 7 pp., August 15. Vol. 4, pp. 131–138. [Link]
  190-03 Sociology as a College Subject American Journal of Sociology, 1907 March, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 597–599. Vol. 3, pp. 407–411. [Link]
  1909-03 The Family and Social Change American Journal of Sociology, 1909 March, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 577–591. Vol. 1, pp. 043–61. [Link]
  1909-05 Witchcraft Forum, 1909 May, Vol. XLI, pp. 410–423. Vol. 1, pp. 105–126. [Link]
  1909-08 The Status of Women in Chaldea, Egypt, India, Judea, and Greece to the Time of Christ Forum, 1909 August, Vol. XLII, pp. 113–136. Vol. 1, pp. 065–102. [Link]
  1909-11 The Mores of the Present and the Future Yale Review, 1909 November, Vol. XVIII, pp. 233–245. Vol. 1, pp. 149–164. [Link]
  1910-03 Religion and the Mores American Journal of Sociology, 1910 March, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 577–591. Vol. 1, pp. 129–146. [Link]