Jaroslav Hašek, The Good Soldier Švejk and his Fortunes in the World War, with original illustrations by Josef Lada (1923)

[Created: 26 July, 2014]
[Updated: 17 January, 2017 ]
Jaroslav Hašek (1883-1923)
Josef Lada (1887-1957)



There does not appear to be a PDF scan of the original Czech language editon of the book. I have only been able to find a relatively poor quality image of the title page. However, copies of the images litter the Web in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colours. We have tried to make this collection more uniform and consistent, but have added additional alternate versions of some of the images where they are particlarly interesting. Images in portrait shape are 450 px wide [the larger version is 1100-1200 px wide] and those in landscape shape are 750 px wide [the larger version is 1200-1300 px wide].

Some of the online sources we have used are:

Jaroslav Hašek, The Good Soldier Švejk and his Fortunes in the World War. A New and Unabridged Translation by Cecil Parrott with the original Illustrations by Joseph Lada (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974).

Jaroslav Hašek, The Red Commissar, including Further Adventures of teh Good Soldier Švejk and Other Stories. Original Illustrations by Josef Lada. Translated by Cecil Parrott (London: Abacus, 1981).

Cecil Parrott, The Bad Bohemian: A Life of Jaroslav Hašek, Creator of The Good Soldier Švejk (London: Abacus, 1983).

We have used the pagination of the Penguin translation to number and name the illustrations. There are 158 images by Lada in the Penguin edition of The Good Soldier Švejk.



[to come]




The Images by Josef Lada (1887-1957)


Title Page from the 1st edition



Part One: "Behind the Lines" (pp. 3-216)


p. 1
p. 3


p. 7


p. 11


p. 13


p. 15


p. 23


p. 25


p. 29


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Part Two: "At the Front" (pp. 219-443)


p. 225



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p. 430

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Part Three: "A Glorious Licking" (pp. 447-667)

p. 453


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Part Four: "The Glorious Licking continued" (pp. 671-752)


p. 675


p. 677


p. 683


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p. 698



p. 705

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p. 750


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