A Parallel Edition of Shakespeare’s First Folio (1623)



Note: This is part of a collection of works by William Shakespeare.

Table of Contents

The friends of Shakespeare who assembled this collection of his plays (36) organised them under three categories: Comedies (14), Histories (10), and Tragedies (12). The volume included the following (with page numbers - although these can be inaccurate in places):

A CATALOGVE of the Seuerall Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies contained in this Volume


  1. The Tempest. [Folio 1.]
  2. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. [20]
  3. The Merry Wives of Windsor. [38] [39]
  4. Measure for Measure. [61]
  5. The Comedy of Errours. [85]
  6. Much adoo about Nothing. [101]
  7. Loves Labour lost. [122]
  8. Midsommer Nights Dreame.[145]
  9. The Merchant of Venice. [163]
  10. As you Like it. [185]
  11. The Taming of the Shrew. [208]
  12. All is well, that Ends well. [230]
  13. Twelfe-Night, or what you will. [255]
  14. The Winters Tale. [304] [277]


  1. The Life and Death of King John. [Fol. 1]
  2. The Life & death of Richard the second. [23]
  3. The First part of King Henry the fourth. [46]
  4. The Second part of K. Henry the fourth. [74]
  5. The Life of King Henry the Fift. [69]
  6. The First part of King Henry the Sixt. [96]
  7. The Second part of King Hen. the Sixt. [120]
  8. The Third part of King Henry the Sixt. [147]
  9. The Life and Death of Richard the Third [173]
  10. The Life of King Henry the Eight. [205]


  1. [Missing from original ToC] The Tragedie of Troilus and Cressida [78]
  2. The Tragedy of Coriolanus. [Fol. 1] [31]
  3. Titus Andronicus. [31]
  4. Romeo and Juliet. [53]
  5. Timon of Athens. [80]
  6. The Life and death of Julius Caesar. [109]
  7. The Tragedy of Macbeth. [131]
  8. The Tragedy of Hamlet. [152]
  9. King Lear. [283]
  10. Othello, the Moore of Venice. [310]
  11. Anthony and Cleopater. [346] [340]
  12. Cymbeline King of Britaine. [369]

The Parallel Edition

Left: Page images from a facsimile edition of the 1623 original. (Single page, colour, JPG images, height = 1100 px, width = 750 px).

Right: an HTML version of the text. (Height = 1100 px; width = 450 px).

  • Source: Minimally coded Project Gutenberg version. It is missing the text for Troilus and Cressida (probably because it was not listed in the "Catalogue" or table of contents although the play was included in the collection). Ideally, the coding would include page numbers, italicised stage directions, and Act and Scene numbers as linked headings, etc..