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This is a translation and expansion of a Chronology written by Jean-Claude Paul-Dejean in 1995 and published on the bastiat.net website (accessed August 12, 2011). See Jean-Claude Paul-Dejean, "Chronologie de la vie et des oeuvres Frédéric Bastiat" at <http://bastiat.net/fr/biographie/chronologie.html>. It also includes biographical material from vol. 1 of LF's edition of his Collected Works.
The Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat. Vol. 1: The Man and the Statesman: The Correspondence and Articles on Politics, translated from the French by Jane and Michel Willems, with an introduction by Jacques de Guenin and Jean-Claude Paul-Dejean. Annotations and Glossaries by Jacques de Guenin, Jean-Claude Paul-Dejean, and David M. Hart. Translation editor Dennis O’Keeffe (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2011). <http://oll.libertyfund.org/title/2393>.
This is a work in progress.
Date |
Events in FB's Life |
Political Events |
Intellectual Events |
1801 |
Born in Bayonne, 30 June. Grandfather establishes
a trading firm with his son Pierre and nephew Henri Monclar. |
4 August 1802: Napoleon appoints himself Consul for life. 18 May 1804: Napoleon proclaims the Empire |
1800: trans. of Smith's Wealth of Nations by Germain Garnier 1803: J-B Say, Traité d'éc. politique |
1808 |
Death of mother 27 May. Moves to Mugron with father, grandfather, and Aunt Justine. | 1808: Charles IV of Spain is forced to abdicate in favour of Napoleon at a meeting in Bayonne. Beginning of the war in Spain. | 1809: Sismondi, Principes d'éc. pol. appliqués à la legislation
du commerce. 1809: French edition of Malthus, Essais sur le principe de population. |
1810 |
Death of father 1 July. Grandfather and Aunt Justine raise FB. Closing of Bastiat-Monclar firm. |
; |
1812 |
Attends school at the Abby Meilhan in Bayonne. |
1813 |
Attends College of Saint-Sever. | 21 June 1813: French forces under General Lafon-Blaniac are
defeated at the Battle of Vittoria and Anglo-Spanish army invades
S-W France. |
1814-18 |
Attends school at Sorèze. Does not graduate; friendship with Victor Calmètes. | 6 April 1814: abdication of Napoleon and First Restoration of the
Bourbons April-June 1815: The "One Hundred Days" of Napoloeon's return is followed by the Second Restoration. |
1818: French ed. of Ricardo, Principes d'éc. pol. et de l'impôt |
1819-25 |
Works in Bayonne for his Uncle Monclar and assists his grandfather in running a farm at Souprosse in Les Landes (estate called "Sengresse"). Joins the Masons. Attends a demonstration in September 1824 in favour of the liberal banker and family friend Jacques Laffite who becomes a minister in King Louis Philippe's government after 1830. Gives lectures on literary, religious, philosophical, and economic topics. | 1814-1822: restoration of French colonialism & system of
protection |
1819: Sismondi, Nouveaux principes d'éc. pol. 1820: French edition of Malthus, Essais sur le principe de population 1823: Destutt de Tracy, Traité d'éc. pol. |
1825-30 |
Death of grandfather 13 August. Inherits part of his estate. Attempts unsuccessfully to modernize the practices of his tenants on his estate. Has many long walks and conversations with his friend Félix Coudroy. Reads Lamennais, Chalres Dunoyer, Benjamin Franklin, Charles Comte, Destutt de Tracy, and La Revue Encyclopédiste. | 1828: Martignac is Prime Minister 21 May 1829: bill to reform tariffs is defeated August 1829: Polignac is PM |
1825: Dunoyer, L'industrie et la morale dans leurs rapports
avec les libertés |
1830 |
3-5 August FB participates in protests in favour of the new regime. 5 August visits Bayonne garrison and successfully pursuades the officers to support the revolution. In November writes a pamphlet supporting F. Faure's candidature for election. | The “three glorious days,” 27-29 July when Charles X is overthrown. 9 August Louis-Philippe becomes “King of the French”. |
1831 |
7 February marries Marie Clotilde Hiart but separates soon after. Uses her dowry to expand his estate. 28 May appointed justice of the peace in Mugron. 6 July unsuccessfully stands for election to the local legislature. | March: Casimir Perier is PM November: silk workers revolt in Lyon |
1832 |
11 July unsuccessfully stands for election to the local legislature. | Spring: cholera epidemic June: republican riots in Paris |
13 November: death of J-B Say |
1833 |
17 November elected to the General Council of Les Landes. | 21 June: law on the election of the General Council 28 June: Guizot law on education |
1834-36 |
1834 April publishes "Reflections on the Petition of Bourdeaux, Le Havre and Lyon on the Customs Regime" | April 1834: republican riot in Paris. 1834: Inquiry in the Chambers of Commerce on tariff reform 28 July 1835: attempted assassination of Louis Philippe by Fieschi September 1835: laws limiting press and assembly 1836: law slightly reducing tariffs |
1834: Bigot de Morogues, Du paupérisme, de la mendacité,
et des moyens d'en prevenir les funestres effets |
1837 |
Publishes 5 articles on a proposed canal next to the Ardour River. | Villeneuve Barjemont, Éc. pol. chrétienne A. Blanqui, Histoire d'éc. pol. en Europe 13 August: death of Ch. Comte 10 October: death of Ch. Fourier |
1838 |
Publishes 2 articles on the Basque language. | ||
1839 |
24 November re-elected Councillor General. | 1839-1840 economic crisis | de la Farelle, Du progès social au profit des classes populaires
non indigents L. Blanc, De l'organisation du travail E. Cabet, Voyage en Icarie Gérando, De la bienfaisance publique |
1840 |
Travels to Spain and Portugal to explore setting up an insurance business. | 1 March: Thier is PM 26 May: speech by d'Arago on universal suffrage and the organisation of labour 29 October: Soult-Guizot are PM |
Proudhon, Qu'est-ce que la propriété |
1841 |
Plans to create an Association for the Defence of Viticultural Interests and a journal to be called "Le Midi" (these do not come to fruition). January publishes "Le fisc et la vigne". | 21 March: law limiting child labour in factories 3 May: law on public expropriation |
Proudhon's second memoir on property |
1842 |
9 July unsuccessfully stands for election to the local legislature. | 11 June: law on railroads | Proudhon's third memoir, Avertissement aux propriétaires Chevalier, Course d'éc. pol. Creation of the Société d'économie politique |
1843 |
22 January writes Memoire on the Viticulture Question. Plans to create a school for sharecroppers. | the equlaization of taxes on domestic and colonial sugar | Rossi, Cours d'éc. pol. J. Garnier, teaches a course on Introduction à l'étude de l'éc. pol. at the Athénée first issue of Ledru-Rollin's La Réforme and Considérant's La Démocratie pacifique |
1844 |
Publishes his first major essay in the October edition of Journal des Économistes (JDE): "On the Influence of French and English Tariffs on the Future of the Two Peoples". 24 November begins corresponding with Richard Cobden. | Founding of the Annuaire de l'économie politique by Guillaumin. | |
1845 |
Travels to Paris and London where he his met with enthusiasm by the Parisian political economists and the members of the Anti-Corn Law League. Publishes his first books: Cobden and the League and Economic Sophisms (first series). August-September supports the candidature of the centre-left de Larnac to the local legislature who is elected. Sometime during this period FB joins the Society for Political Economy and begins attending their monthly meetings when in Paris. Also sometime during this period FB offered editorship of the JDE but turns it down. | Faucher, Études sur l'Angleterre Fix, Observations sur l'état des classes ouvrières Dunoyer, De la liberté du travail Guillaumin begins publishing a series on Économistes contemporains beginning with Rossi's edition of Malthus |
1846 |
24 January elected a corresponding member of the Institute. In 23 February is a co-founder of the Association for Free Trade (AFT) in Bourdeaux. National AFT formed in Paris 10 May and FB is made the secretary of the Advisory Board which is headed by Duke François d'Harcourt and has as members Michel Chevalier, Auguste Blanqui, Joseph Garnier, Gustave de Molinari, Horace Say. Other Associations are established in Marseilles, Lyon, and Le Havre.18 August dinner in Paris to celebrate political victory of Cobden and the Anti-Corn Law League. FB gives one of the toasts. FB publishes many articles on free trade in a number of journals. He speaks at meetings in Bordeaux (23 February) and Paris (29 September). Writes the electoral manifesto "To the Electors of Saint-Sever." The first issue of the weekly journal Le Libre-Échange appears 29 November. FB assumes editorship 13 February 1848(?7). 30 November resigns his position as Justice of the Peace. Debates with Lamartine and the editors of l'Atelier and le Moniteur industriel. | 27 January: Repeal of the Corn Laws in England. Summer: poor harvest leads to price increases; banking and financial crisis 1846-47. |
Proudhon, Système des contradictions économiques F. Vidal, De la répartition des richesses Ch. Dupon -White, Essai sur les relations du capital et du travail J. Garnier, Traité d'économie politique G. de Molinari, De l'organisation de la liberté industrielle |
1847 |
10 May General Meeting of the Association of Free Trade. 3 July begins lecturing on political economy at the School of Law. August holds public meetings with Lamartine in Lyon and Marseilles. 15 December Discourse on intellectual property (propriété littéraire). Debates throughout the year with protectionists such as the Committee for the Defence of National Labour. | 28 January: Chamber passes law temporarily increasing the importation
of grain March: Chamber rejects law reforming the electorate and parliament 9 July: Chamber looks into revising the tariff laws |
Th. Lestiboudois, Économie pratique des Nations Ch. Dupont-White, De la suppression de l'impôt sur le sel et de l'octroi L. Faucher, Du manifeste publié par le Comité central de la prohibition Charles Dunoyer, Mémoire sur la liberté du commerce international Publication of the works of Ricardo in the collection Les Économistes contemporains |
1848 |
3 January speech in Paris for the AFT. Publication of Economic Sophisms (second series). Publication of two short-lived revolutionary newspapers: La République française (February) and Jacques Bonhomme (June) with Molinari and Coquelin. 15 March last public meeting of AFT. 16 April the last issue of Le Libre-Échange appears. 23 April FB elected as Deputy in the Constituent Assembly representing Les Landes. 26 August votes against trying Louis Blanc for his role in the June Days uprising. September relected Councillor General. 4 November votes for new constitution and supports General Cavaignac for president. Publishes pamphlets: Property and Law, Justice and Fraternity, Property and Plunder, The State | Revolution, 22-24 February. Abdication of Louis Philippe 24 February. The republic is proclaimed 25 February; proclamation of the "Right to Work" law. 28 February a governmentcommission for workers is set up. 2 march working hours is limited to 190 hours per day. 15 May Louis Blanc takes part in riot. June Days (23-25) - violent repression of rioters in Paris. 28 June General Cavaignac is named president of the Council. 4 November adoption of the consitution forming the Second Republic. Louis-Napoléon elected president of the republic, 10 December. | Proudhon, Avertissement aux propriétaires |
1849 |
10 March supports legislation to prevent Deputies serving as Ministers in the government which is defeated in May. FB supports motion opposing expedition of French troops to Rome. Elected to the Legislative Assembly, 13 May on the "Social Democratic" list. 22-24 August FB attends the Peace Congress in Paris presided over by Victor Hugo. 22 October has a long polemical debate with Proudhon on credit. 17 November particpates in discussion on a projected law on industrial associations. 12 December Discourse on The Tax on Beverages which is replied to by Montalembert. Publishes numerous pamphlets: Protectionism and Communism, Capital and Rent, Peace and Freedom, or the Republican Budget, Parliamentary Coinflicts of Interest, Damned Money, Free Credit. | M. Chevalier, L'économie politique et le socialisme V. Considérant, Le socialisme devant les deux mondes, où le vivant devant la mort P. Leroux, Malthus et les économistes, ou y aura-t-il toujours des pauvres? Proudhon, Démonstration du Socialisme théorique et pratique A. Cherbuliez, Lettre à M. Proudhon sur la propriété A. Thiers, Du communisme F. Vidal, Le travail affranchi G. de Molinari, Les Soirées de la Rue Saint-Lazare |
1850 |
6 February organizes a campaign against the Falloux law on education. 9 February last participation in Chamber of Deputies. 10 February death of wife Clotilde Hiard. 7 March completes polemical debate with Proudhon which is published as Interest and Principal. August FB is unable to attend the Peace Congress in Frankfurt so sends a message of apology to the president. Departs for Rome via Marseilles in September. Dies in Rome, 24 December from a serious throat condition (possibly throat cancer). Publications: Economic Harmonies (incomplete 1st ed. appears 1 February), Plunder and Law, The Law, Baccalaureate and Socialism, What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen, On the Balance of Trade. | J.A. Robert, Essai sur l'état du paupérisme en France | |
1851 |
2nd ed. of Economic Harmonies (with additional chapters). | Louis-Napoléon becomes Emperor Napoleon III beginning the period known as the Second Empire (1852-1870) | Obituary of FB by G. de Molinari in Journal des Économistes February 1851 |
1852-53 |
Publication of the Dictionnaire de l'économie politique edited by Coquelin and Guillaumin with articles by FB on "Abundance" and "The Law". The article on "The State" is largely a long quotation from FB's pamphlet on The State. | Dictionnaire de l'économie politique edited by Coquelin
and Guillaumin. Biography of FB by Prosper Paillottet in vol. 1. Jules Martinelle, Harmonies et perturbations sociales. Esquisse des oeuvres de F. Bastiat suivie de quelques considérations (Guillaumin, 1852) |
1854-55 |
First edition of the Oeuvres complètes de FB in 6 vols. ed. Paillottet. | Roger de Fontenay, "Notice sur la vie et les écrits de FB" in Oeuvres complètes vol. 1. | |
1860 | The Cobden-Chevalier Treaty was a free trade treaty signed between Britain and France 23 January 1860 by Richard Cobden and michel Chevalier. | ||
1862-64 |
Second edition of the Oeuvres complètes de FB in 7 vols. ed. Paillottet. | ||
1877-79 |
Unveiling of the FB monument in Mugron on 23 April designed by Gabriel-Vital Dubray (1813-1892) with funds raised by the Society of Political Economy. | 1877: FB, Lettres d'un habitant des Landes - FB's letters
to Chevreux family A. Bouchié de Belle, Bastiat et le libre-échange (Guillaumin, 1878) Édouard Bondurant, Économie politique. Frédéric Bastiat (Guillaumin, 1879) |
1901 | Meeting of the Société d'économie politique held on 5 July 1901 to commemorate the centennial of the birth of FB. This was later published as a brochure by Guillaumin. | Centennaire de la naissance de Bastiat (Guillaumin, 1901) Charles Brunel, Bastiat et la réaction contre le pessimisme économique |
1904-5 | The Académie des Sciences morales et politiques offered a prize (the Léon Faucher prize) in 1904 to anybody who wrote a book-length work on "La vie et l'oeuvre de Bastiat" (The Life and Work of Bastiat). The works by Ronce and Nouvion won the prize. | P. Ronce, Frédéric Bastiat. Sa vie, son oeuvre (Guillaumin,
1905) Georges de Nouvion, Monopole et liberté. Frédéric Bastiat. Sa Vie - Ses Oeuvres - Ses Doctrines (Guillaumin, 1905) |
1940-42 |
1942: FB's monument in Mugron desecrated by Nazis. Bronze statues are removed to be melted down for munitions. The mold for the bust was found thus enabling it to be restored. The bust for the figure of "Fame" was not found. | 1940: The occupation of Paris leads to the shutting down of the Journal des Économistes (1842-1940) | |
2001 |
Conference 1-5 July in Saint-Paul-lès-Dax to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of FB. Decision made for LF to publish his Collected Works, the 1st volume of which appeared in March 2011. |