[Created: 13 August, 2024]
[Updated: 3 February, 2025] |
Augustus was sensible that mankind is governed by names; nor was he deceived in his expectation, that the senate and people would submit to slavery, provided they were respectfully assured, that they still enjoyed their ancient freedom.
-Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism, Editor-in-Chief Ronald Hamowy. Asisstant Editors Jason Kuznicki and Aaron Steelman. Consulting Editor Deidre McCloskey. Founding and Consulting Editor Jeffrey D. Schultz. (Los Angeles: Sage, 2008. A Project of the Cato Institute).
A good place to start is Ronald Hamowy, "Cato's Letters" [EoL].
Note: There are 320 entries in the Encyclopedia. The printed edition had a "Reader's Guide" which grouped the entries into the following categories:
We have modified this in the sortable table below to:
Topic | Author | Full Reference | Kind | |
Acton, Lord (1834-1902) | Gronbacher | Gregory Gronbacher, "Lord Acton" [EoL] | Bio | |
Adams, John (1735-1826) | Visser | Michiel Visser, "Adams, John (1735-1826)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Aquinas, Thomas (c. 1225-1274) | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Thomas Aquinas" [EoL] | Bio | |
Aristotle (382-322 BC) | Miller | Fred Miller, "Aristotle" [EoL] | Bio | |
Bastiat, Frédéric (1801-1850) | Hülsmann | Jörg Guido Hülsmann, "Frédéric Bastiat" [EoL] | Bio | |
Bauer, Peter (1915-2002) | Dorn | James A. Dorn, "Bauer, Peter (1915-2002)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Becker, Gary S. (1930-2014) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Gary S. Becker" [EoL] | Bio | |
Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832) | Burke | T. Patrick Burke, "Jeremy Bentham" [EoL] | Bio | |
Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von (1851-1914) | White | Lawrence H. White, "Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk" [EoL] | Bio | |
Branden, Nathaniel (1930-2014) | Sciabarra | Chris Matthew Sciabarra, "Branden, Nathaniel (1930-2014" [EoL] | Bio | |
Bright, John (1811-1859) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "John Bright" [EoL] | Bio | |
Brown, John (1800-1859) | Long | Roderick T. Long, "Brown, John (1800-1859)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Buchanan, James M. (1919-2013) | Leeson | Peter T. Leeson, "James M. Buchanan" [EoL] | Bio | |
Buckle, Henry Thomas (1821-1862) | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Buckle, Henry Thomas (1821-1862)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Burke, Edmund (1729-1797) | Visser | Michiel Visser, "Burke, Edmund (1729-1797)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Burlamaqui, Jean-Jacques (1649-1748) | Davies | Stephen Davies, "Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui" [EoL] | Bio | |
Childs, Roy A. (1949-1992) | Taylor | Joan Kennedy Taylor, "Childs, Roy A. (1949-1992)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Chodorov, Frank (1887-1966) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Frank Chodorov" [EoL] | Bio | |
Cicero (106-43 BC) | Palmer | Tom G. Palmer, "Cicero" [EoL] | Bio | |
Clark, Ed (1930-) | Boaz | David Boaz, "Clark, Ed (1930-)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Coase, Ronald H. (1910-2013) | MacKenzie | Douglas W. MacKenzie, "Ronald H. Coase" [EoL] | Bio | |
Cobden, Richard (1804-1865) | Brady | John Mark Brady, "Richard Cobden" [EoL] | Bio | |
Comte, Charles (1782-1887) | Hart | David M. Hart, "Comte, Charles (1782-1887)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Condorcet, Marquis de (1748-1794) | Hart | David M. Hart, "Condorcet, Marquis de (1748-1794)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Constant, Benjamin (1767-1830) | Hart | David M. Hart, "Constant, Benjamin (1767-1830)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Dicey, Albert Venn (1835-1922) | Sheppard | Stephen M. Sheppard, "Dicey, Albert Venn (1835-1922)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Diderot, Denis (1713-1784) | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Diderot, Denis (1713-1784)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Douglass, Frederick (1818-1895) | Sander | Timothy Sander, "Douglass, Frederick (1818-1895) [EoL] | Bio | |
Dunoyer, Charles (1786-1862) | Hart | David M. Hart, "Dunoyer, Charles (1786-1862)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882) | Long | Roderick T. Long, "Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Epstein, Richard A. (1943-) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Epstein, Richard A. (1943-)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Ferguson, Adam (1723-1816) | Hamowy | Ronald Hamowy, "Ferguson, Adam (1723-1816)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Fisher, Antony (1915-1988)- | Kwong | Jo Kwong, "Fisher, Antony (1915-1988)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Foucault, Michel (1926-1984) | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Foucault, Michel (1926-1984)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Friedman, David (1945-) | Caplan | Bryan Caplan, "Friedman, David (1945-)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Friedman, Milton (1912-2006) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Friedman, Milton (1912-2006)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879) | Hummel | Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, "Garrison, William Lloyd (1805-1879)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-1898) | Schut | M.L. Schut, "Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-1898)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Godwin, William (1756-1836) | McElroy | Wendy McElroy, "Godwin, William (1756-1836)" - [EoL] | Bio | |
Goldwater, Barry (1909-1998) | Edwards | Lee Edwards, "Goldwater, Barry (1909-1998)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Harper, Floyd Arthur "Baldy" (1905-1973) | Wilkinson | Will Wilkinson, "Harper, Floyd Arthur “Baldy” (1905-1973)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Hayek, Friedrich A. (1889-1992) | Hamowy | Ronald Hamowy, "Hayek, Friedrich A. (1889-1992)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Hazlitt, Henry (1894-1993) | Greaves | Bettina Greaves, "Hazlitt, Henry (1894-1993)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Heinlein, Robert (1907-1988) | Sturgis | Amy Sturgis, "Heinlein, Robert (1907-1988) [EoL] | Bio | |
Herbert, Auberon (1838-1906) | Mack | Eric Mack, "Herbert, Auberon (1838-1906)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Hess, Karl (1923-1994) | Doherty | Brian Doherty, "Hess, Karl (1923-1994)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1676) | Narveson | Jan Narveson, "Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1676)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Hodgskin, Thomas (1787-1869) | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Hodgskin, Thomas (1787-1869)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Hospers, John (1918-2011) | Boaz | David Boaz, "Hospers, John (1918-2011)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767-1835) | Doerring | Detmar Doerring, "Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767-1835)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Hume, David (1711-1776) | Narveson | Jan Narveson, "Hume, David (1711-1776)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746) | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Jacobs, Jane (1916-2006) | Ikeda | Sanford Ikeda, "Jacobs, Jane (1916-2006)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) | Mayer | David Mayer, "Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Jouvenel, Bertrand de (1903-1987) | Mahoney | Daniel J. Mahoney, "Jouvenel, Bertrand de (1903-1987)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804) | Bader | Ralf Bader, "Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Kirzner, Israel M. (1930-)- | Doherty | Brian Doherty, "Kirzner, Israel M. (1930-)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Knight, Frank H. (1885-1972) | Boyd | Richard Boyd, "Knight, Frank H. (1885-1972)" [EoL] | Bio | |
La Boétie, Étienne de (1530-1563) | Presley | Sharon Presley, "La Boétie, Étienne de (1530-1563)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Lane, Rose Wilder (1886-1968) | Sturgis | Amy Sturgis, "Lane, Rose Wilder (1886-1968)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Lao Tzu (c. 600 BC) | Dorn | James A. Dorn, "Lao Tzu (c. 600 BC)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Las Casas, Bartolomé de (1474-1566) | Chafuen | Alejandro A. Chafuen, "Las Casas, Bartolomé de (1474-1566)" [EoL] | Bio | |
LeFevre, Robert (1911-1986) | Doherty | Brian Doherty, "LeFevre, Robert (1911-1986) [EoL] | Bio | |
Leggett, William (1801-1839) | White | Lawrence H. White, "Leggett, William (1801-1839)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Locke, John (1632-1704) - | Mack | Eric Mack, "Locke, John (1632-1704)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800-1859) | Olson | Walter Olson, "Macaulay, Thomas Babington (1800-1859)" [EoL] | Bio | |
MacBride, Roger Lea (1929-1995) | Boaz | David Boaz, "MacBride, Roger Lea (1929-1995)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Madison, James (1750-1836) | Zuckert | Michael Zuckert, "Madison, James (1750-1836) [EoL] | Bio | |
Maine, Henry Sumner (1822-1888) | Carey | George Carey, "Maine, Henry Sumner (1822-1888)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Mandeville, Bernard (1670-1733) | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Mandeville, Bernard (1670-1733)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Mason, George (1725-1792) | McDonald | Robert M. S. McDonald, "Mason, George (1725-1792)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Mencken, H. L. (1880-1956) | Evans | Rod L. Evans, "Mencken, H. L. (1880-1956) [EoL] | Bio | |
Menger, Carl (1840-1921) | White | Lawrence H. White, "Menger, Carl (1840-1921)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Meyer, Frank S. (1909-1972) | Preble | Christopher A. Preble, "Meyer, Frank S. (1909-1972)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873) | Skoble | Aeon Skoble, "Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873) [EoL] | Bio | |
Milton, John (1608-1674) | Flew | Antony Flew, "Milton, John (1608-1674) [EoL] | Bio | |
Mises, Ludwig von (1881-1972) | Yeager | Leland Yeager, "Mises, Ludwig von (1881-1972)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Molinari, Gustave de (1819-1912) | Hart | David M. Hart, "Molinari, Gustave de (1819-1912)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592) | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat de (1689-1755) | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat de (1689-1755) [EoL] | Bio | |
Murray, Charles (1943-) | Doherty | Brian Doherty, "Murray, Charles (1943-)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Nathan, Tonie (1923-2014) | Boaz | David Boaz, "Nathan, Tonie (1923-2014)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) | Hunt | Lester Hunt, "Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Nock, Albert Jay (1870-1945) | Hamilton | Charles H. Hamilton, "Nock, Albert Jay (1870-1945)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Nozick, Robert (1938-2002) | Paul | Ellen Frankel Paul, "Nozick, Robert (1938-2002)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Oppenheimer, Franz (1864-1943) | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Oppenheimer, Franz (1864-1943)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Ortega y Gasset, José (1883-1955) | Fitzsimons | David Fitzsimons and Lester Hunt, "Ortega y Gasset, José (1883-1955)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Orwell, George (1903-1950) | Steele | David Ramsay Steele, "Orwell, George (1903-1950)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Ostrom, Vincent (1919-2012) and Elinor (1933-2012) | Aligica | Paul Dragos Aligica, "Ostrom, Vincent (1919-2012) and Elinor (1933-2012)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Paine, Thomas (1737-1809) | Fitzsimons | David Fitzsimons, "Paine, Thomas (1737-1809) [EoL] | Bio | |
Paterson, Isabel (1886-1961) | Cox | Stephen Cox, "Paterson, Isabel (1886-1961)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Paul, Ron (1935-) | Boaz | David Boaz, "Paul, Ron (1935-)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Popper, Karl (1902-1994) | Shearmur | Jeremy Shearmur, "Popper, Karl (1902-1994)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Posner, Richard A. (1939-) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Posner, Richard A. (1939-)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Pound, Roscoe (1870-1964) | Presser | Stephen B. Presser, "Pound, Roscoe (1870-1964)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Price, Richard (1723-1791) | McElroy | Wendy McElroy, "Price, Richard (1723-1791)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809-1865) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph (1809-1865)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Rand, Ayn (1905-1982) | Sciabarra | Chris Matthew Sciabarra, "Rand, Ayn (1905-1982)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Rawls, John (1921-2002) | Wilkinson | Will Wilkinson, "Rawls, John (1921-2002)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Read, Leonard E. (1898-1983) | Boudreaux | Donald J. Boudreaux, "Read, Leonard E. (1898-1983)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Ricardo, David (1772-1823) | Skousen | Mark Skousen, "Ricardo, David (1772-1823)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Röpke, Wilhelm (1899-1966) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Röpke, Wilhelm (1899-1966)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Rothbard, Murray (1926-1995) | Doherty | Brian Doherty, "Rothbard, Murray (1926-1995)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778) | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767-1832) | Hart | David M. Hart, "Say, Jean-Baptiste (1767-1832)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Schumpeter, Joseph (1883-1950) | Humphrey | Thomas M. Humphrey, "Schumpeter, Joseph (1883-1950)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Senior, Nassau William (1790-1864) | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Senior, Nassau William (1790-1864)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Shaftesbury, Third Earl of (1671-1713) | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Shaftesbury, Third Earl of (1671-1713)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Sidney, Algernon (1623-1683) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Sidney, Algernon (1623-1683) [EoL] | Bio | |
Simon, Julian (1932-1998) | Boudreaux | Donald J. Boudreaux, "Simon, Julian (1932-1998)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Smith, Adam (1723-1790) | Hamowy | Ronald Hamowy, "Smith, Adam (1723-1790)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Sowell, Thomas (1930-) | Kwong | Jo Kwong, "Sowell, Thomas (1930-)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903) | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Spooner, Lysander (1808-1881) | Barnett | Randy E. Barnett, "Spooner, Lysander (1808-1881)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Stigler, George J. (1911-1991) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Stigler, George J. (1911-1991)" [EoL](https://www.libertarianism.org/topics/stigler-george-j-1911-1991) | Bio | |
Stirner, Max (1806-1856) | Wilkinson | Will Wilkinson, "Stirner, Max (1806-1856)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Sumner, William Graham (1840-1910) | Bannister | Robert Bannister, "Sumner, William Graham (1840-1910)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Szasz, Thomas (1920-2012) | Evans | Rod L. Evans, "Szasz, Thomas (1920-2012)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Taft, Robert A. (1889-1953) | Liggio | Leonard Liggio, "Taft, Robert A. (1889-1953)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862) | Riggenbach | Jeff Riggenbach, "Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Tocqueville, Alexis de (1805-1859) | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Tocqueville, Alexis de (1805-1859) [EoL] | Bio | |
Tracy, Destutt de (1754-1836) | Hart | David M. Hart, "Tracy, Destutt de (1754-1836) [EoL] | Bio | |
Tucker, Benjamin R. (1854-1939) | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Tucker, Benjamin R. (1854-1939)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Tullock, Gordon (1947-) | Aligica | Paul Dragos Aligica, "Tullock, Gordon" [EoL] | Bio | |
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques (1727-1781) | Hart | David M. Hart, "Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques (1727-1781)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Voltaire (1694-1778) | McElroy | Wendy McElroy, "Voltaire (1694-1778)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Washington, George (1732-1799) | Rowe | Jonathan Rowe, "Washington, George (1732-1799)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Wicksell, Knut (1851-1926) | Wagner | Richard E. Wagner, "Wicksell, Knut (1851-1926)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Wilberforce, William (1759-1833) | Reed | Lawrence W. Reed, "Wilberforce, William (1759-1833)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797) | McElroy | Wendy McElroy, "Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797)" [EoL] | Bio | |
Anarchism | Caplan | Bryan Caplan, "Anarchism" [EoL] | KI | |
Anarcho-Capitalism | Morriss | Andrew P. Morriss, "Anarcho-Capitalism" [EoL] | KI | |
Capitalism | Davies | Stephen Davies, "Capitalism" [EoL] | KI | |
Civil Society | Davies | Stephen Davies, "Civil Society" [EoL] | KI | |
Coercion | Price | Terry Price, "Coercion" [EoL] | KI | |
Common Law | Morriss | Andrew P. Morriss, "Common Law" [EoL] | KI | |
Competition | MacKenzie | Douglas W. MacKenzie, "Competition" [EoL] | KI | |
Conscience | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Conscience" [EoL] | KI | |
Consequentialism | Price | Terry Price, "Consequentialism" [EoL] | KI | |
Conservative Critique of Libertarianism | Feser | Edward C. Feser, "Conservative Critiques of Libertarianism" [EoL] | KI | |
Constitutionalism | Sandefur | Timothy Sandefur, "Constitutionalism" [EoL] | KI | |
Contractarianism/Social Contract | Narveson | Jan Narveson, "Contractarianism/Social Contract" [EoL] | KI | |
Cosmopolitanism | Palmer | Tom G. Palmer, "Cosmopolitanism" [EoL] | KI | |
Democracy | Holcombe | Randall G. Holcombe, "Democracy" [EoL] | KI | |
Division of Labor | Cowen | Tyler Cowen, "Division of Labor" [EoL] | KI | |
Entrepreneurship | Harper | David Harper, "Entrepreneurship" [EoL] | KI | |
Equality | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Equality" [EoL] | KI | |
Evolutionary Psychology | Cosmides | Leda Cosmides and John Tooby, "Evolutionary Psychology" [EoL] | KI | |
Externalities | Volokh | Alexander Volokh, "Externalities" [EoL] | KI | |
Federalism | Samples | John Samples, "Federalism" [EoL] | KI | |
Foreign Policy | Carpenter | Ted Galen Carpenter and Malou Innocent, "Foreign Policy" [EoL] | KI | |
Free-Market Economy | Boudreaux | Donald J. Boudreaux, "Free-Market Economy" [EoL] | KI | |
Freedom | Price | Terry Price, "Freedom" [EoL] | KI | |
Freedom of Speech | Kors | Alan Charles Kors, "Free Speech" [EoL] | KI | |
Government | Narveson | Jan Narveson, "Government" [EoL] | KI | |
Individual Rights | Mack | Eric Mack, "Individual Rights" [EoL] | KI | |
Individualism, Methodological | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Individualism, Methodological" [EoL] | KI | |
Individualism, Political and Ethical | Sandefur | Timothy Sandefur, "Individualism, Political and Ethical" [EoL] | KI | |
Individualist Anarchism | Skoble | Aeon Skoble, "Individualist Anarchism" [EoL] | KI | |
Laissez-Faire Policy | Caplan | Bryan Caplan, "Laissez-Faire Policy" [EoL] | KI | |
Law Merchant | Benson | Bruce Benson, "Law Merchant " [EoL] | KI | |
Liberal Critique of Libertarianism | Bird | Colin Bird, "Liberal Critique of Libertarianism" [EoL] | KI | |
Liberty, Presumption of | Jasay | Anthony de Jasay, "Liberty, Presumption of" [EoL] | KI | |
Limited Government | Davies | Stephen Davies, "Limited Government" [EoL] | KI | |
Market Failure | Cowen | Tyler Cowen, "Market Failure" [EoL] | KI | |
Material Progress | Boudreaux | Donald J. Boudreaux, "Material Progress" [EoL] | KI | |
Minimal State | Gordon | David Gordon, "Minimal State" [EoL] | KI | |
Money and Banking | White | Lawrence H. White, "Money and Banking" [EoL] | KI | |
Nationalism | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Nationalism" [EoL] | KI | |
Natural Harmony of Interests | Bader | Ralf Bader, "Natural Harmony of Interests" [EoL] | KI | |
Natural Law | Miller | Fred Miller, "Natural Law" [EoL] | KI | |
Nonaggression Axiom | Long | Roderick T. Long, "Non-aggression Principle" [EoL] | KI | |
Peace and Pacifism | Higgs | Robert Higgs, "Peace and Pacifism" [EoL] | KI | |
Positive Liberty | Machan | Tibor Machan, "Positive Liberty [EoL] | KI | |
Praxeology | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Praxeology" [EoL] | KI | |
Private Property | Bethell | Tom Bethell, "Property" [EoL] | KI | |
Progress | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Progress" [EoL] | KI | |
Pursuit of Happiness | Eicholz | Hans Eicholz, "Pursuit of Happiness" [EoL] | KI | |
Religion and Liberty | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Religion & Liberty" [EoL] | KI | |
Rent Seeking | Ikeda | Sanford Ikeda, "Rent Seeking" [EoL] | KI | |
Responsibility | Evans | Rod L. Evans, "Responsibility" [EoL] | KI | |
Restitution for Crime | Benson | Bruce Benson, "Restitution for Crime" [EoL] | KI | |
Retribution for Crime | Mack | Eric Mack, "Retribution for Crime" [EoL] | KI | |
Revolution, Right of | McDonald | Robert M. S. McDonald, "Revolution, Right of" [EoL] | KI | |
Right to Bear Arms | Lund | Nelson Lund, "Right to Bear Arms" [EoL] | KI | |
Rights, Natural | Miller | Fred Miller, "Rights, Natural" [EoL] | KI | |
Rights, Theories of - | Rasmussen | Douglas Rasmussen, "Rights, Theories of" [EoL] | KI | |
Rule of Law | Barry | Norman Barry, "Rule of Law" [EoL] | KI | |
Secessionism | Sorens | Jason Sorens, "Secessionism" [EoL] | KI | |
Self-Interest | Hunt | Lester Hunt, "Self-Interest" [EoL] | KI | |
Separation of Church and State | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Separation of Church and State" [EoL] | KI | |
Social Darwinism | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Social Darwinism" [EoL] | KI | |
Socialist Calculation Debate | Kirzner | Israel Kirzner, "Socialist Calculation Debate" [EoL] | KI | |
Sociology and Libertarianism | Davies, C. | Christie Davies, "Sociology and Libertarianism" [EoL] | KI | |
Spontaneous Order | Barry | Norman Barry, "Spontaneous Order" [EoL] | KI | |
State | Aligica | Paul Dragos Aligica, "State" [EoL] | KI | |
Virtue | Den Uyl | Douglas Den Uyl, "Virtue" [EoL] | KI | |
Voluntarism | McElroy | Wendy McElroy, "Voluntarism" [EoL] | KI | |
War | Higgs | Robert Higgs, "War" [EoL] | KI | |
War Powers | Healy | Gene Healy, "War Powers" [EoL] | KI | |
Wealth and Poverty | Lee | Dwight R. Lee, "Wealth & Poverty" [EoL] | KI | |
Abolitionism | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Abolitionism" [EoL] | LM | |
Anti-Corn Law League | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Anti-Corn Law League" [EoL] | LM | |
Cato's Letters / Commonwealthmen | Hamowy | Ronald Hamowy, "Cato's Letters" [EoL] | LM | |
Classical Economics | Skousen | Mark Skousen, "Classical Economics" [EoL] | LM | |
Conservatism | Carey | George Carey, "Conservatism" [EoL] | LM | |
Economics, Austrian School of | Boettke | Peter J. Boettke, "Austrian Economics" [EoL] | LM | |
Economics, Chicago School of | Hamowy | Ronald Hamowy, "Economics, Chicago School of" [EoL] | LM | |
Economics, Experimental | Smith, V. | Vernon L. Smith and Bart J. Wilson, "Economics, Experimental" [EoL] | LM | |
Epicureanism | Long | Roderick T. Long, "Epicureanism" [EoL] | LM | |
Existentialism | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Existentialism" [EoL] | LM | |
Federalists Versus Anti-Federalists | Hummel | Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, "Federalists Versus Anti-Federalists" [EoL] | LM | |
Feminism and Women's Rights | McElroy | Wendy McElroy, "Feminism" [EoL] | LM | |
Free Trade | Griswold | Daniel T. Griswold, "Free Trade" [EoL] | LM | |
Freedom of Thought | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Freedom of Thought" [EoL] | LM | |
Fusionism | Carey | George Carey, "Fusionism" [EoL] | LM | |
Humanism | Flew | Antony Flew, "Humanism" [EoL] | LM | |
Italian Fiscal Theorists | Buchanan | James M. Buchanan, "Italian Fiscal Theorists" [EoL] | LM | |
Law and Economics | Morriss | Andrew P. Morriss, "Law and Economics" [EoL] | LM | |
Left Libertarianism | Narveson | Jan Narveson, "Left Libertarianism" [EoL] | LM | |
Levellers | Kurrild-Klitgaard | Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, "Levellers" [EoL] | LM | |
Liberalism, Classical | Conway | David Conway, "Classical Liberalism" [EoL] | LM | |
Liberalism, German | Doering | Detmar Doering, "Liberalism, German" [EoL] | LM | |
Liberty in the Ancient World | Long | Roderick T. Long, "Liberty in the Ancient World" [EoL] | LM | |
Mont Pelerin Society | Baird | Charles Baird, "Mont Pelerin Society" [EoL] | LM | |
Objectivism | Kelley, D. | David Kelley, "Objectivism" [EoL] | LM | |
Philosophic Radicals | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Philosophic Radicals" [EoL] | LM | |
Physiocracy | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Physiocracy" [EoL] | LM | |
Public Choice Economics | Niskanen | William A. Niskanen, "Public Choice Economics" [EoL] | LM | |
Puritanism | Eicholz | Hans Eicholz, "Puritanism" [EoL] | LM | |
Republicanism, Classical | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Republicanism, Classical" [EoL] | LM | |
Scholastics/School of Salamanca | Chafuen | Alejandro A. Chafuen, "Scholastics/School of Salamanca" [EoL] | LM | |
Stoicism | Long | Roderick T. Long, "Stoicism" [EoL] | LM | |
Utilitarianism | Hasnas | John Hasnas, "Utilitarianism" [EoL] | LM | |
Whiggism | Hamowy | Ronald Hamowy, "Whiggism" [EoL] | LM | |
Bureaucracy | Aligica | Paul Dragos Aligica, "Bureaucracy" [EoL] | AL | |
Collectivism | Shearmur | Jeremy Shearmur, "Collectivism" [EoL] | AL | |
Communism- | Chapman | Michael W. Chapman, "Communism" [EoL] | AL | |
Economics, Keynesian" | Klein | Daniel B. Klein, "Economics, Keynesian" [EoL] | AL | |
Fascism | Caplan | Bryan Caplan, "Fascism" [EoL] | AL | |
Imperialism | Davies | Stephen Davies, "Imperialism" [EoL] | AL | |
Interventionism | Ikeda | Sanford Ikeda, "Interventionism" [EoL] | AL | |
Kleptocracy | Machan | Tibor Machan, "Kleptocracy" [EoL] | AL | |
Marxism | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Marxism" [EoL] | AL | |
Mercantilism | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Mercantilism" [EoL] | AL | |
Military-Industrial Complex | Preble | Christopher A. Preble, "Military-Industrial Complex" [EoL] | AL | |
New Deal | Whaples | Robert Whaples, "New Deal" [EoL] | AL | |
Paternalism | Wilkinson | Will Wilkinson, "Paternalism" [EoL] | AL | |
Progressive Era | Adelstein | Richard Adelstein, "Progressive Era" [EoL] | AL | |
Socialism | Prychitko | David Prychitko, "Socialism" [EoL] | AL | |
Welfare State | Tanner | Michael D. Tanner, "Welfare State" [EoL] | AL | |
American Revolution | McDonald | Robert M. S. McDonald, "American Revolution" [EoL] | HE | |
Civil War, US | Hummel | Jeffrey Rogers Hummel, "The US Civil War" [EoL] | HE | |
Dutch Republic | Kuznicki | Jason Kuznicki, "Dutch Republic" [EoL] | HE | |
English Civil Wars | Hamowy | Ronald Hamowy, "English Civil Wars" [EoL] | HE | |
French Revolution | Hart | David M. Hart, "French Revolution" [EoL] | HE | |
Glorious Revolution | Hamowy | Ronald Hamowy, "Glorious Revolution" [EoL] | HE | |
Great Depression | Whaples | Robert Whaples, "Great Depression" [EoL] | HE | |
Industrial Revolution | McCloskey | Deirdre McCloskey, "Industrial Revolution" [EoL] | HE | |
Slavery in America | Trenchard | David Trenchard, "Slavery in America" [EoL] | HE | |
Slavery, World | Davies | Stephen Davies, "Slavery, World" [EoL] | HE | |
Bill of Rights, US | Barnett | Randy E. Barnett, "Bill of Rights" [EoL] | Doc | |
Constitution, U.S. | Mayer | David Mayer, "U.S. Constitution" [EoL] | Doc | |
Declaration of Independence | Mayer | David Mayer, "Declaration of Independence" [EoL] | Doc | |
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen | Smith, G. | George H. Smith, "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen" [EoL] | Doc | |
Abortion | McElroy | Wendy McElroy, "Abortion" [EoL] | Pol | |
Affirmative Action | Bolick | Clint Bolick, "Affirmative Action" [EoL] | Pol | |
Arts and Public Support | Torres | Louis Torres, "Arts and Public Support" [EoL] | Pol | |
Campaign Finance | Smith, B. | Bradley Smith, "Campaign Finance" [EoL] | Pol | |
Capital Punishment | Decker | Jarett Decker, "Capital Punishment" [EoL] | Pol | |
Censorship | Sandefur | Timothy Sandefur, "Censorship" [EoL] | Pol | |
Conscription | Bandow | Doug Bandow, "Conscription" [EoL] | Pol | |
Drug Prohibition | Healy | Gene Healy, "Drug Prohibition" [EoL] | Pol | |
Education | Coulson | Andrew J. Coulson, "Education" [EoL] | Pol | |
Eminent Domain/Takings | Boudreax, K. | Karol Boudreax, "Eminent Domain/Takings" [EoL] | Pol | |
Euthanasia | Fry-Revere | Sigrid Fry-Revere, "Euthanasia" [EoL] | Pol | |
Gambling | Calvert | Guy Calvert, "Gambling" [EoL] | Pol | |
Health Care | Cannon | Michael F. Cannon, "Healthcare" [EoL] | Pol | |
Illicit Drugs | Benson | Bruce Benson, "Illicit Drugs" [EoL] | Pol | |
Immigration | Griswold | Daniel T. Griswold, "Immigration" [EoL] | Pol | |
Labor Unions | Baird | Charles Baird, "Labor Unions" [EoL] | Pol | |
Liability | Epstein | Richard A. Epstein, "Liability" [EoL] | Pol | |
Marriage | Parkman | Allen M. Parkman, "Marriage" [EoL] | Pol | |
Pornography | McElroy | Wendy McElroy, "Pornography" [EoL] | Pol | |
Price Controls | Boudreaux | Donald J. Boudreaux, "Price Controls" [EoL] | Pol | |
Privacy | Singleton | Solveig Singleton, "Privacy" [EoL] | Pol | |
Prohibition of Alcohol | Kuhl | Jackson Kuhl, "Prohibition of Alcohol" [EoL] | Pol | |
Psychiatry | Schaler | Jeffrey Schaler, "Psychiatry" [EoL] | Pol | |
Racism | Bolick | Clint Bolick, "Racism" (missing from LibOrg website) | Pol | |
Regulation | Munger | Michael C. Munger, "Regulation" [EoL] | Pol | |
Sexuality | Dynes | Wayne Dynes, "Sexuality" [EoL] | Pol | |
Social Security | Lindsey | Brink Lindsey, "Social Security" [EoL] | Pol | |
Taxation | Wagner | Richard E. Wagner, "Taxation" [EoL] | Pol | |
Term Limits | O'Keefe | Eric O'Keefe, "Term Limits" [EoL] | Pol | |
Transportation | Roth | Gabriel Roth, "Transportation" [EoL] | Pol | |
Urban Planning | Pennington | Mark Pennington, "Urban Planning" [EoL] | Pol | |
Assurance and Trust | Klein | Daniel B. Klein, "Assurance and Trust" [EoL] | Oth | |
Bioethics | Fry-Revere | Sigrid Fry-Revere, "Bioethics" [EoL] | Oth | |
Black Markets | Aligica | Paul Dragos Aligica, "Black Markets" [EoL] | Oth | |
Charity and Friendly Societies | Beito | David T. Beito, "Charity and Friendly Societies" [EoL] | Oth | |
Children | Kelley, M. | Maureen Kelley, "Children" [EoL] | Oth | |
Cities | Davies | Stephen Davies, "Cities" [EoL] | Oth | |
Corruption | Samples | John Samples, "Corruption" [EoL] | Oth | |
Culture | Zhou | Kate Zhou, "Culture" [EoL] | Oth | |
Decentralism | Kauffman | Bill Kauffman, "Decentralism" [EoL] | Oth | |
Delegation | Schoenbrod | David Schoenbrod, "Delegation" [EoL] | Oth | |
Development, Economic | Vasquez | Ian Vasquez, "Development, Economic" [EoL] | Oth | |
Family | Horwitz | Steven Horwitz, "Family" [EoL] | Oth | |
Genetics | Ridley | Matt Ridley, "Genetics" [EoL] | Oth | |
Globalization | Norberg | Johan Norberg, "Globalization" [EoL] | Oth | |
Intellectual Property | Steelman | Aaron Steelman, "Intellectual Property" [EoL] | Oth | |
Internet | Harper | Jim Harper, "Internet" [EoL] | Oth | |
Islam | Ahmed | Imad-ad-Dean Ahmed, "Islam" [EoL] | Oth | |
Judiciary | Sandefur | Timothy Sandefur, "Judiciary" [EoL] | Oth | |
Political Parties | Basham | Patrick Basham, "Political Parties" [EoL] | Oth | |
Subsidiarity | Ashford | Nigel Ashford, "Subsidiarity" [EoL] | Oth | |
Tax Competition | Mitchell | Daniel J. Mitchell, "Tax Competition" [EoL] | Oth | |
Voluntary Contract Enforcement | Powell | Benjamin Powell and Edward P. Stringham, "Voluntary Contract Enforcement" [EoL] | Oth | |
War on Terror | Mueller | John Mueller, "War on Terror" [EoL] | Oth | |
War Powers | Healy | Gene Healy, "War Powers" [EoL] | Oth |