Œuvres complètes de Gustave de Molinari

The Institut Coppet has recently published volume 9 of the Œuvres complètes (Complete Works) of Gustave de Molinari, thus completing the first 10 years of his long and very productive life. Only 60 more years to go!

See a comprehensive (though probably still not complete) bibliography of his works which consists of 73 Books, Printed Pamphlets, and Intros to books; and 240 articles.

I have also put online dozens of his stand alone books and magazines/journals which he edited and wrote for, as well as three anthologies of his work:

  1. an overview of his life and work: “Gustave de Molinari (1819–1912): A Survey of the Life and Work of an “Économiste Dure” (A Hard-Core Economist)” here
  2. a bibliography with links to his works online here
  3. and this list of recently added items
  4. these three anthologies of Molinari’s writings for the bicentennial: “The Bicentennial Anthology of the Writings of Gustave de Molinari on the State (1846-1911)” (Nov. 2018) the first.
  5. “The Collected Articles by Gustave de Molinari from the Dictionnaire de l’économie politique (1852-53)” (June, 2019) the second
  6. “Molinari’s Collected Writings on the Production of Security (1846-1901)” (Aug., 2019) the third.

The Institut Coppet Edition of the Collected Works of Molinari

The set so far consists of the following volumes:

  • Volume 1 : Avant la conversion au libéralisme (1842-1845)
  • Volume 2: Libre-échange et réforme électorale (1845-1846)
  • Volume 3 : Le libre-échange sans compromission (1846)
  • Volume 4 : L’entrée au Journal des économistes (1846-1847)
  • Volume 5 : Dans la tempête révolutionnaire (1848)
  • Volume 6 : La liberté des gouvernements (1849)
  • Volume 7 : La république menacée (1850)
  • Volume 8 : La solitude et l’exil (1851)
  • Volume 9 : En exil dans son propre pays (1852)

I have put together the full tables of contents of these volumes into one file.

Below are the full publishing details, a brief description of the contents of each volume, and links to the downloadable PDFs (free of charge) from the Institut Coppet website. Below that, there is an abbreviated table of contents listing the 64 main parts of the collection.

Œuvres complètes de Gustave de Molinari, sous la direction de Mathieu Laine, avec le soutien de M. André de Molinari, et avec des notes et notices par Benoît Malbranque (Paris: Institut Coppet, 2019-).

Volume 1 : Avant la conversion au libéralisme (1842-1845). — Les premiers écrits, redécouverts pour la première fois, témoignent que le jeune Molinari était d’abord éloigné des principes du libéralisme. PDF

Volume 2: Libre-échange et réforme électorale (1845-1846). — Après sa conversion, Molinari s’engage dans la défense du libre-échange aux côtés de Bastiat, dans des textes retrouvés pour la première fois et inédits. PDF

Volume 3 : Le libre-échange sans compromission (1846). — Suite des articles inédits de Molinari sur le libre-échange. L’auteur s’affirme progressivement comme un libéral radical. PDF

Volume 4 : L’entrée au Journal des économistes (1846-1847). — Suite des articles inédits. Ayant fait ses preuves, Molinari intègre aussi le Journal des économistes et le « réseau Guillaumin ». De larges notices donnent sur ces faits des éclairages tout à fait nouveaux. PDF

Volume 5 : Dans la tempête révolutionnaire (1848). — Les évènements révolutionnaires de février et juin 1848 forcent Gustave de Molinari à abandonner ses premiers combats, notamment en faveur du libre-échange, pour une action journalistique de réaction qui doit sauver les assises de la société face à la menace rouge. Après une large notice, en tête de volume, revenant sur cet environnement éminemment nouveau, ce volume donne à lire une masse d’articles retrouvés dans la presse parisienne et inexplorés jusqu’à aujourd’hui. PDF

Volume 6 : La liberté des gouvernements (1849). — Après les tremblements de la révolution de 1848, Gustave de Molinari renouvelle la défense de la liberté et de la propriété, notions si attaquées, en étendant le champ d’application du libéralisme traditionnel. Ses théories dites anarcho-capitalistes, sur la privatisation des fonctions régaliennes de l’État et la liberté des gouvernements, sont exposées dans le Journal des économistes puis la même année dans les Soirées de la rue Saint-Lazare, et font date dans l’histoire du libéralisme. PDF

Volume 7 : La république menacée (1850). — Après avoir imaginé la privatisation des gouvernements dans deux contributions fameuses, Gustave de Molinari devait affronter, en journaliste de tous les jours, les déceptions du suffrage universel et les dangers de l’agitation socialo-communiste. Sans grand enthousiasme, mais parce que la survie de la civilisation en dépendait, il se ralliait politiquement au camp de l’ordre, représenté par la figure sans cesse montante et dominante du président bientôt empereur, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte. PDF

Volume 8 : La solitude et l’exil (1851). — L’année 1851 est une époque de transformations importantes dans le paysage intellectuel de Gustave de Molinari, entre l’annonce de la mort de Frédéric Bastiat, qui ouvre cette année troublée, et le coup d’État du président Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, qui la clôt et contraint l’auteur à l’exil. Dans des centaines d’articles donnés à la presse quotidienne parisienne, Molinari étudie cette montée en puissance du régime présidentiel bonapartiste, qu’il perçoit d’abord comme une espérance, un rempart face à la « menace rouge », mais qui se révélera finalement plein de dangers. PDF

Volume 9 : En exil dans son propre pays (1852). — Éloigné physiquement de la scène du libéralisme économique français, Gustave de Molinari poursuit sa collaboration aux grandes œuvres du mouvement : le Journal des économistes, et le nouveau Dictionnaire de l’économie politique. En Belgique, il ouvre un cours d’économie politique et prononce des conférences. La menace que Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte représente pour les libertés en France mais aussi en Belgique apparaît lancinante, et domine l’arrière-plan. PDF

The Collected Tables of Contents of the Coppet Edition

Volume 1 : Avant la conversion au libéralisme (1842-1845)

Préface, par Mathieu Laine, p. v

Introduction. — La jeunesse belge de Gustave de Molinari, p. 1


  • (001) CHRONIQUES POLITIQUES (Le biographe universel, revue générale biographique et littéraire), p. 11

  • (002) BULLETIN LITTÉRAIRE (Le biographe universel, revue générale biographique et littéraire), p. 65

  • (003) BIOGRAPHIES (Le biographe universel, revue générale biographique et littéraire), p. 70


  • (004) LAMARTINE, p. 99




  • (007) ÉTUDES ÉCONOMIQUES. Le Courrier français, octobre-novembre 1844, p. 215

  • (008) L’INSTRUCTION PUBLIQUE. Des compagnies religieuses et de la publicité de l’instruction publique, 1844, p. 241

  • (009) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 264


  • (010) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 287

  • (011) LA MOBILISATION DU TRAVAIL. De la mobilisation du travail, La Réforme, 9 juin et 9 juillet 1845, p. 352

  • (012) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 371

Annexe, p. 447

Volume 2: Libre-échange et réforme électorale (1845-1846)

1845 (suite)


  • (014) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 30


  • (015) ÉTUDES ÉCONOMIQUES, p. 226

  • (016) LA RENCONTRE AVEC FRÉDÉRIC BASTIAT. Souvenirs, p. 313

  • (017) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 315

Volume 3 : Le libre-échange sans compromission (1846)

1845 (suite)

  • (018) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 5

  • (020) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 273


  • (022) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 411

Volume 4 : L’entrée au Journal des économistes (1846-1847)

1846 (suite)


  • (024) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 53



  • (026) LE COURRIER FRANÇAIS, p. 107

  • (027) LA QUESTION DES DOUANES, p. 120





  • (032) CONGRÈS DES ÉCONOMISTES À BRUXELLES. Souvenirs, p. 320

  • (033) JOURNAL LE LIBRE-ÉCHANGE, p. 325

  • (034) UNE CRITIQUE DE PROUDHON, p. 342




Volume 5 : Dans la tempête révolutionnaire (1848)


Introduction. — De nouvelles circonstances, p. 5





  • (042) JACQUES BONHOMME, p. 171


  • (044) LE COMMERCE, p. 256

Volume 6 : La liberté des gouvernements (1849)


  • (045) CORRESPONDANCE, p. 5




  • (049) LA LIBERTÉ DES THÉÂTRES, p. 301

  • (050) LA PATRIE, p. 334


  • (052) MARIAGE avec Mlle Edmée Terrillon. Annonce officielle, p. 470

Volume 7 : La république menacée (1850)


  • (053) LA PATRIE, p. 5


  • (055) LA PATRIE, p. 306

Volume 8 : La solitude et l’exil (1851)


  • (056) LA PATRIE, p. 5



Volume 9 : En exil dans son propre pays (1852)









Molinari on War and Peace


Towards the end of his very long life, the French economist Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912) said that he had spent his entire life fighting in one form or another, protectionism, socialism, slavery, statism, and militarism.

He went to Paris as a young man and would-be journalist in 1841 from his native Belgium and began writing on current issues such as free trade and protection and the right of workers to form voluntary associations like trade unions; before gradually moving on to other topics such as slavery and other forms of coerced labour and the rise of socialism; and then Malthusian population theory, the role of war in the evolution of the state, the emergence of a ruling class and favoured interest groups who came to dominate the state, and the application of economic ideas to understand “everything” (including public goods, the family, the church, etc). Most famously among modern libertarians was his pioneering work on the private provision of public goods such as police and national defense, making the “first anarcho-capitalist”.


The Coppet Institute is publishing the Oeuvres complètes (Complete Works) of Molinari in a very ambitious undertaking. They have completed 9 volumes which only cover the first 10 years of Molinari’s long and productive life from 1842-1852. Since their site is poorly laid out and hard to navigate I have listed the volumes, a brief description of their contents, a more detailed version of their tables of contents, and links to download the PDFs here. In the meantime, go here À propos des Œuvres complètes de Gustave de Molinari – Institut Coppet.

My own bibliography of the works of Molinari with 73 Books, Printed Pamphlets, and Intros to books and 240 articles.

A paper I gave: “Was Molinari a True Anarcho-Capitalist?: An Intellectual History of the Private and Competitive Production of Security.” A paper given at the Libertarian Scholars Conference, New York City (28 Sept. 2019). Online.

And other material on the French political economists.

Molinari’s Evolving Interest in War and Peace

To take just the war and peace thread of his thought one can track his interest through the following stages:

1.) The Paris Peace Conference of 1849

A large international Peace Conference was held in Paris in August 1849, which was presided over by Victor Hugo and at which Bastiat gave an important speech (as did Richard Cobden). Molinari wrote on this for the Journal des Économistes (the main journal of the Paris economists). I included Bastiat’s speech in one of the volumes of his works I edited for Liberty Fund.


Bastiat’s Speech to the Peace Congress on “Disarmament and Taxes” (August 1849), in Addendum, CW3, pp. 526-32. Speech

2.) Articles for the *Dictionnaire de l’économie politique* (1852-1853).

The “30 something” Molinari was already an acknowledged expert on war and peace matters (as he was on the the history of tariffs) and he made important contributions on these topics (as well as many others) for the monumental DEP. He wrote the articles on “Guerre” (War), “Nations”, and “Paix” (Peace) . which he wrote for the Dictionnaire de l’économie politique (1852-1853).


See all of his articles here en français and a selection in English here.

3.) The Ideal of “Perpetual Peace” and a League of Neutral States

After he left Paris in 1852 to avoid the tyranny of Napoleon III he wrote a book (1857) on the 18th century peace advocate, the Abbey Saint-Pierre (1658-1743), who introduced him to ideas about the ideal of “perpetual peace” and a “league for peace” which he thought would make this ideal achievable. Part of his lengthy introduction to the book was published as an article in the JDE (Oct. 1856). Molinari continued to write on this throughout the 1860s in articles which appeared hi his own journal l’Économiste belge (The Belgian Economist) and in pamphlets like Le Congrès européen (The European Congress) (1864). Many of these shorter pieces can be found in the Appendix of of his book Grandeur et décadence de la guerre (1898). He would take these ideas up again in the late 1880s with his Projet d’Association pour l’établissement d’une Ligue des neutres (1887) (Plan for an Association to establish a League of Neutral Countries), and in an article in English which appeared in the London Times.


The extract from his book on the Abbé de Saint-Pierre is published by the Institut Coppet: “La Paix perpétuelle est-elle une utopie ?” (Is Perpetual Peace a Utopia?) here.

I have the entire book online in facs. PDF.

The Appendix of his book Grandeur et décadence de la guerre (1898). The full book is here

4.) The Role of War in the Evolution of Markets and States

The role of war in the evolution of markets and organised states is a central part of his series of works on historical sociology which appeared in the 1880s, beginning with L’évolution économique du XIXe siècle: théorie du progrès (Economic Evolution in the 19th Century: A Theory of Progress) (1880) and then its sequel L’évolution politique et la révolution (Political Evolution and the Revolution) (1884). In these works he argued that war had once served a useful purpose by protecting productive groups from barbarian invasions and the plunder and taxation which this entailed, but had outlived this function as a permanent warrior class emerged which institutionalized plunder in the form of the early state. In the modern era in which advanced markets and an articulate class of producers had appeared, war and militarism had now become the greatest threat to the evolution of societies.


Over a period of about 20 years Molinari wrote a series of 4 books on political and economic sociology, in war played a major part in his theory:

  1. L’évolution économique du XIXe siècle: théorie du progrès (Economic Evolution in the 19th Century: A Theory of Progress) (Paris: C. Reinwald 1880) in HTML
  2. L’évolution politique et la révolution (Political Evolution and the Revolution) (Paris: C. Reinwald, 1884) in HTML
  3. Grandeur et décadence de la guerre (The Rise and Fall of War) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1898) in HTML
  4. and a final fourth volume which summarises his life’s work on this topic: Économie de l’histoire: Théorie de l’Évolution (The Economics of History: A Theory of Evolution) (Paris: F. Alcan, 1908) in HTML

These 4 volumes are also part of my eBook Collection of the Great Works of Liberty.

I have written previously on the neglect of classical liberal sociology and class analysis. See my blog post on “The Scandalous Neglect of Classical Liberal Sociology” (30 May 2021) here.

5.) War and Peace at the End of the 19th Century

As the combination of a new tariff war, the rise of organised socialist parties, and another arms race threatened the peace and prosperity of the major European powers at the end of the 19th century, Molinari returned to the problem of war and peace in another book on historical sociology (the third in his series) where he treats war in considerable detail, Grandeur et décadence de la guerre (The Rise and Fall of War) (1898); and then again in a pair of articles in which he sums up the achievements and failures of the liberal movement throughout the 19th century, and the prospects for liberty (and war and peace) in the coming 20th century: “Le XIXe siècle”, JDE (Jan. 1901) and “Le XXe siècle”, JDE (Jan. 1902). I discuss his pessimistic and quite accurate prognosis for the coming century in my article subtitled “The End of the Century, the End of Liberty?”: ”Gustave de Molinari and the Future Of Liberty: ‘Fin De Siècle, Fin De La Liberté’?” (2021).


Gustave de Molinari, Grandeur et décadence de la guerre (The Rise and Fall of War) (Paris: Guillaumin, 1898) in HTML.

A recent new edition of this work: Gustave de Molinari, Grandeur et Décadence de la Guerre (Paris: Institut Coppet, 2015). Introduction par Benoît Malbranque. Available to download in PDF.

My version is a reproduction of the first edition, with original page numbers for citation purposes is here. It is also part of my eBook collection of “Great Books about Liberty” which are available in various eBook formats such as HTML, PDF, and ePub, from here.

Gustave de Molinari, “Le XIXe siècle”, Journal des Économistes, Janvier 1901, 5e série, T. XLV, pp. 5-19; and “Le XXe siècle”, Journal des Économistes, Janvier 1902, 5e série, T. XLIX, pp. 5-14. These articles are included in an Appendix to my article below.

David M. Hart, ”Gustave de Molinari and the Future Of Liberty: ‘Fin De Siècle, Fin De La Liberté’?” (2001, 2021). Here.

6.) His “Final Words” on the Matter

Literally his “last words” on the subject of war appeared in the last chapter of the last book he published in 1911 the year before he died: Ultima Verba: Mon dernier ouvrage (Last Words: My Final Work). This was his 73rd and would indeed be his last book. In an uncharacteristically optimistic conclusion, he believed that “une révolution silencieuse” (a silent revolution) had been at work during the 19th century which had made the “business” of war less and less profitable even for those who started the wars (the professional diplomats and politicians), ran the wars (the officer class), supplied states with the weapons to fight the wars (the munitions manufacturers), and those who loaned money to fund the wars (the bankers). What had once been a profitable business for the ruling class was no longer the case – even for the victors. Given the added costs of weaponry, the greater destruction caused by the new weapons, and the willingness of states to go further and further into debt to fund wars, the ordinary taxpayers would, he thought, have to rise up in rebellion after the next European war to finally bring war to an end.

On doit craindre qu’à la suite d’une guerre européenne l’ensemble des dettes des Etats soit presque doublé. Les populations ne pourront soutenir des guerres devenues trop onéreuses — ou subvenir aux frais des préparatifs de guerre — et, malgré ceux qui [333] en profitent et qui opposeront, sans nul doute, aux efforts pacifiques, une résistance acharnée, elles rejetteront ce lourd fardeau. Et ce sera la fin de la guerre. Elle coûtera trop cher aux belligérants et elle causera aux neutres un dommage croissant.

One would be right to fear that at the end of a (future) European war that total State debt would have almost doubled. Populations will not be able to support wars which have become too onerous, or to be able to pay the costs of the build up to (future) wars. In spite of (the fact that) those who profit from them (wars) will no doubt put up a bloody resistance to any anti-war (pacifist) efforts, they (the population) will throw off this heavy burden. And this will be the end of war. It will cost too much for the belligerents and cause increasing damage to neutral countries.

He didn’t mention in this final passage the more realistic fears he had expressed in his 1902 article about the coming 20th century, that it might take a couple of generations of war, economic depression, and brutal political oppression before the people would come to this awful realisation. But he was convinced that ultimately they would.


Gustave de Molinari, Ultima Verba: Mon dernier ouvrage (Last Words: My Final Work) (1911), Chap. XVIII. “La révolution silencieuse. La guerre” (War: The Silent Revolution), pp. 327-333. [facs. PDF[(http://davidmhart.com/liberty/FrenchClassicalLiberals/Molinari/Books/Molinari_1911UltimaVerba.pdf).

Additional Reading

The standard older works on the attitude of the political economists to war were by Edmund Silberner, only one of which has been translated into English:

Edmund Silberner , La Guerre dans la pensée économique du XVIe et XVIIIe siècle (Paris: Sirey, 1939).

Edmund Silberner, The Problem of War in Nineteenth Century Economic Thought, trans. Alexander H. Krappe (Princeton University Press, 1946). On James Mill, John Stuart Mill, Jean-Babtiste Say, Frédéric Bastiat and Gustave de Molinari.

Edmund Silberner, La Guerre et la paix dans l’histoire des doctrines économiques (Paris: Sirey, 1957).

Benoît Malbranque’s Introduction to the Institut Coppet edition of Molinari’s Grandeur et décadence de la guerre is online:

Benoît Malbranque, “Un ami de la paix : Gustave de Molinari” (Molinari: A Friend of Peace) Institut Coppet (décembre 12, 2015)


To coincide with the 2015 publication of Molinari’s book Benoît also wrote a series of articles for the Institut Coppet’s magazine Laissons Faire on the importance of peace and liberty to the French political economists, which is a very good survey of the field: “« Paix et liberté ». La question de la paix chez les économistes français” (Peace and Liberty: The Question of Peace (in the thought of) the French Economists) (January and March, 2015). The article was written in 4 parts, consisting of

  1. “Bellicisme des Mercantilistes, Pacifisme des Libéraux (1570-1750)” (The Bellicism of the Mercantilists and the Pacifism of the Liberals)
  2. “Pacifisme et Cosmopolitisme des Physiocrates” (The Pacifism and Cosmopolitanism of the Physiocrats)
  3. “« Paix et Liberte » : L’idéal Pacisite (sic) des Disciples de J.-B. Say” (‘Peace and Liberty’: The Ideal of Peace of the Followers of JB Say)
  4. “Conclusion : La Paix est-elle une Vertu Française ?” (Conclusion: Is Peace a Virtue of the French (Economists)?)

These have been published as a booklet: Benoît Malbranque, La question de la paix dans l’économie politique française (Paris: Institut Coppet, 2015) which is available in PDF.

The Institut Coppet’s Collected Works of Molinari

Institut Coppet, Oeuvres complètes

The Institut Coppet is a fabulous resource for material on the very rich and fascinating French classical liberal tradition. It was founded in 2010 by Damien Theillier, a philosophy teacher in Paris, its current president is Mathieu Laine, and its very active publishing program is headed by the indefatigable Benoît Malbranque. The Institute is named after the Chateau in Switzerland owned by Madame de Staël (Germaine Necker) which served as a place of refuge for French liberals fleeing the oppression of Napoleon. Thus today, the Institut Coppet serves as an intellectual refuge for those French liberals who wish to escape the oppression of the modern Gallic interventionist state, which is just as “Napoleonic” as anything created by either Napoleon I or Napoleon III.

Picture from the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, website

As part of the celebrations in 2019 of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912), the most radical of the French classical liberals, the Institut Coppet has launched a massive publishing program to publish the complete works of Molinari. To date they have published 4 volumes which takes us up to the year 1847.

I say “massive” because by my reckoning Molinari, since he lived to be 92, wrote an awful lot. In my revised bibliography of his works (2018) I counted 44 stand alone books, 9 books for which he wrote a preface or an introduction, and 18 pamphlets or reprints of articles he had written. Then there is his enormous output of articles he wrote, primarily for the Journal des Économistes and for his magazine L’Économiste belge in the 1850s and 1860s. What is harder to discover are the articles he wrote very early in his career for journals such as la Revue générale biographique, La Nation, and Le Courrier français, and also the material he wrote over many decades for the Journal des Débats. I stopped counting at 240 but Benoît Malbranque has uncovered another 400 just for the period of the 1840s.

I discovered the work of Molinari as an undergraduate at Macquarie University in Sydney in the 1970s, wrote my Honours History thesis on him in 1979 ( “Gustave de Molinari and the Anti-statist Liberal Tradition”, and have been working on him ever since. For the centennial of his death in 2012 I assembled an anthology of his writings on the state, “Molinari’s Theory of the State: from “The Production of Security” to Rule by the “Budget-eating Class”” (in French and PDF only unfortunately).

For the bicentennial of his birth in 2019 I did the following:

  1. updated my earlier anthology (now in French in HTML),
  2. wrote a new, long introduction to his thought , “Gustave de Molinari (1819–1912): A Survey of the Life and Work of an “Économiste Dure” (A Hard-Core Economist)” and introductions to each of the texts (in English)
  3. assembled “The Collected Articles by Gustave de Molinari from the Dictionnaire de l’économie politique (1852-53)” which would have constituted another book in their own right, with an introduction by me in English; the articles are in French.
  4. assembled another anthology of Molinari’s “Collected Writings on the Production of Security (1846-1901)” for which I wrote an introduction “Was Molinari a true Anarcho-Capitalist?: An Intellectual History of the Private and Competitive Production of Security” (Sept,. 2019).

The pinnacle of my celebrations of his life and thought was to have the publication by Liberty Fund (I had hoped in 2019) of the translation I had edited of his great work from 1849, Les Soirées de la rue Saint-Lazare; entretiens sur les lois économiques et défense de la propriété (Evenings on Saint Lazarus Street: Discussions on Economic Laws and the Defence of Property), for which I had written a long introduction. I posted the 2016 draft of the translation on the OLL website, and my introduction; and an updated draft in 2019. Unfortunately as a result of all the turmoil at Liberty Fund it is not clear when, or even if, this work will be published. This is a very great pity as a publication date of 2019 would have been the 200th anniversary of his birth and, for me at least, the 40th anniversary of my undergraduate honours thesis on him.

But the Institut Coppet were able to get their act together and 4 volumes of Molinari’s earliest work (1842-1847) has appeared in print and in PDF. Regrettably it is not all available in HTML (only the pieces from 1842) so it can be searched by scholars interested in Molinari’s life and thought.

The table of contents of the first 4 volumes is available in HTML and can be found here, as well as the introduction by the editor Benoît Malbranque, La jeunesse belge de Gustave de Molinari .

Molinari’s articles in the Dictionnaire de l’économie politique (1852-53)

A Selection of his Articles from the DEP (1852-53)
While he was writing his book Les Soirées de la rue Saint-Lazare over the summer of 1849 Molinari was also working on 30 articles which would appear in the most important publication the Guillaumin publishing firm had undertaken up to that time, namely the Dictionnaire de l’Économie Politique (Dictionary of Political Economy). It was a key part of the Guillaumin firm’s strategy to counter the growing support for socialist ideas revealed by the success of socialist groups like the Montagnards during the 1848 Revolution, and the continuing support for interventionist and protectionist policies by Napoleon’s government during the Second Republic.

To counter these ideas among the general public Guillaumin published works like Bastiat’s Economic Sophisms (1846, 1848) and turned into cheap pamphlets several of his articles written for journals like Le Journal des débats (“The State”) and the Journal des Économistes (“Plunder and Law”) or which they commissioned as stand alone pamphlets like The Law (July 1850). Guillaumin also commissioned younger economists like Molinari to turn their hand to writing for a popular audience like his book Les Soirées.

To counter the false ideas held by the political and intellectual elites which governed France the Guillaumin undertook the massive DEP project in which Molinari played an important role, being a kid of de facto co-editor of the project under Charles Coquelin (who died before the project was completed). The purpose was to assemble a compendium of the state of knowledge of liberal political economy with hundreds of articles written by leading economists on key topics, biographies of important historical figures, annotated bibliographies of the most important books in the field, and tables of economic and political statistics.

The DEP project was most likely conceived in late 1848 or early 1849, was announced in the Guillaumin catalog of May 1849 as being “in preparation,” was made available in subscription form in August 1849, and the first volume of which was printed in book form in early to mid-1852. The end result was a two volume, nearly 2,000 page, double-columned, nearly 2 million word encyclopedia of political economy which appeared in 1852-53.

Molinari was a major contributor to the Project, writing 25 principle articles and five biographical articles. In the acknowledgements he was mentioned as one of the five key collaborators on the project. Other economists who made significant contributors to the project were the main editor Coquelin, who died suddenly in August 1852 before he could start work on volume 2 and who wrote 70 principle articles, Horace Say (29), Joseph Garnier (28), Ambroise Clément (22), and Courcelle-Seneuil (21). Maurice Block wrote most of the biographical entries and Bastiat contributed three which appeared posthumously. Molinari’s articles were the following (those in bold have been translated into English):

Biographical Articles (5):

  1. “Necker,” T. 2, pp. 272-74.
  2. “Peel (Robert),” T. 2, pp. 351-54.
  3. “Saint-Pierre (abbé de),” T. 2, pp. 565-66.
  4. “Sully (duc de),” T. 2, pp. 684-85.

Principle Articles (24):

  1. “Beaux-arts” (Fine Arts) , T. 1, pp. 149-57.
  2. “Céréales” (Grain), T. 1, pp. 301-26.
  3. “Civilisation” (Civilization) , T. 1, pp. 370-77.
  4. “Colonies,” T. 1, pp. 393-403.
  5. “Colonies agricoles” (Agricultural Colonies), T. 1, pp. 403-5.
  6. “Colonies militaires” (Military Colonies), T. 1, p. 405.
  7. “Émigration” (Emigration), T. 1, pp. 675-83.
  8. “Esclavage” (Slavery), T. 1, pp. 712-31.
  9. “Liberté des échanges (Associations pour la)” (Free Trade Associations), T. 2, p. 45-49.
  10. “Liberté du commerce, liberté des échanges” (Freedom of Commerce. Free Trade) , T. 2, pp. 49-63.
  11. “Mode” (Fashion) , T. 2, pp. 193-96.
  12. “Monuments publics” (Public Monuments), T. 2, pp. 237-8.
  13. “Nations” (Nations) , T. 2, pp. 259-62.
  14. “Noblesse” (The Nobility) , T2, pp. 275-81
  15. “Paix, Guerre” (Peace. War), T. 2, pp. 307-14.
  16. “Paix (Société et Congrès de la Paix)” (The Society and Congress for Peace), T. 2, pp. 314-15.
  17. “Propriété littéraire et artistique” (Literary and Artistic Property), T. 2, pp. 473-78
  18. “Servage” (Serfdom), T. 2, pp. 610-13
  19. “Tarifs de douane” (Customs Tariffs), T. 2, pp. 712-16.
  20. “Théâtres” (Theaters), T. 2, pp. 731-33.
  21. “Travail” (Labor), vol. 2, pp. 761-64.
  22. “Union douanière” (Customs Union), vol. 2, p. 788-89.
  23. “Usure” (Usury), vol. 2, pp. 790-95.
  24. “Villes” (Towns) , T. 2, pp. 833-38.
  25. “Voyages” (Travel), T. 2, pp. 858-60.

The seven articles in bold were translated into English for Lalor’s Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy (1881) (see below for details), and are available online here. All thirty in French are available here with an introduction in English.

The topics he focused on were two that were dear to his heart and on which he had already written, namely free trade and slavery. Concerning free trade, he wrote the articles on Grain, Free Trade Associations, Freedom of Commerce. Free Trade, Customs Tariffs, and Customs Union. Concerning slavery, he wrote the articles on Slavery and Serfdom. On more specialised topics on which he would also write in Les Soirées , we should note those on Fine Arts, Literary and Artistic Property, Theaters, Labor, and Usury. Another group of topics that deserve special mention are those to which one normally would not expect to see economic analysis applied, such as Emigration, Fashion, Fine Arts, Public Monuments, and Travel. The latter suggest that Molinari had an innovative way of thinking about all manner of social and cultural problems and using economic analysis to deepen our understanding of them in new and interesting ways. Among these one would include the formation of cities and towns and his growing interest in class analysis

Thirty years after the appearance of the DEP the American political scientist and economist John Joseph Lalor (1840-1899) attempted to do something similar for the English-speaking world with his Cyclopaedia of Political Science, Political Economy, and of the Political History of the United States (first ed. 1881-84, second edition 1899). In addition to his own formidable list of American authors he included translations of one hundred articles from the DEP including many by Bastiat, Henri Baudrillart, Michel Chevalier, Cherbuliez, Ambroise Clément, Charles Coquelin, Léon Faucher, Joseph Garnier, J.E. Horn, Louis Leclerc, H. Passy, members of the Say family, Courcelle-Seneuil, and of course Molinari. This constituted a veritable “who’s who” of the economists in the Guillaumin network. Just as America was moving further into the protectionist camp, Lalor and his colleagues were translating some of the hardest of hard-core French free trade advocates, such as Molinari’s “Freedom of Commerce. Free Trade,” and offering it to American readers. The impact of this infusion of French political economy into America seems to have been minimal if anything, but it was a remarkably undertaking.

See the list of all the articles from the DEP which were translated and published in Lalor’s Cyclopedia.

Gustave de Molinari and the Story of the Monopolist Grocer

Let us follow our hypothesis to the end. To the extent that the progress of competitive industries makes the lack of improvement of monopolized commerce more noticeable and more damaging, consumers will complain more about this monopoly. However, if it is protected by some ancient superstition, if everybody is convinced that it is the nature of the grocery business that it be exercised as a monopoly, then the complaints will be limited …

As part of my ongoing celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Gustave die Molinari (1819-1912) I have written another short essay on his radical proposal to open up all public goods, including the provision of police and defense services, or what he called “la production de la sécurité” (the production of security), to competition on the free market. It also contains a new translation of one of the stories he liked to tell about “the monopolist grocery” who, for rhetorical purposes, was Molinari’s stand-in for the state monopoly security service, or “dis-service” as he would have called it.

His idea was that, if he could get people to agree that having a grocer with a monopoly provide an essential service like food which inevitably resulted in high prices, poor service, lack of choice, and high profits for the monopolist on the grounds of sound economic thinking then, by a matter of logic, these same people should be in favour of the competitive, private provision of security, for exactly the same reasons.

He made these arguments in a journal article in an academic journal in February 1849, in a book aimed at a popular audience in September 1849, and then in his economic treatise published in 1855. The latter had a 50 page chapter which dealt with the economics of public goods and his arguments for why governments inevitably failed to provide them satisfactorily and indeed could never do so for good economic reasons. Needless to say, he was not successful in persuading his colleagues in the Political Economy Society or anyone else for that matter. They all continued steadfastly to believe in what Molinari called “this ancient superstition” that the government monopoly of the use of violence in a given geographical area was both necessary and sanctioned by God.

In spite of this setback in convincing the economic fraternity of the soundness of his ideas, Molinari continued to apply economic ideas in a most original way to the study of the state, its administrative organisation, and its historical evolution for the next 40 years in what ended up being a formidable body of work. By the time he died in 1912 at the age of 92 he had written 44 books and more than 240 articles that we now about.

Not deterred by the failure of his story about the monopolist grocer to persuade anybody (until the 1970s when he was rediscovered in America by Rothbard and his Circle Bastiat in NYC) he changed tack and now referred in his work to “our hypothesis” which was his rather coy way to make the same argument sound a bit less threatening.

I have a sizable and growing collection of Molinari’s books and articles on my website, and the Institut Coppet in Paris is republishing his collected works as we speak. Good luck to them! He wrote a lot.

See the following for further reading:

The draft translation of his 1849 book Evenings on Saint Lazarus Street and the important Soirée no. 11

My translation of his pathbreaking essay from February 1849 on “The Production of Security”

A paper I wrote on the history of the evolution of his thinking on this subject: ”Was Molinari a true Anarcho-Capitalist?: An Intellectual History of the Private and Competitive Production of Security,” a paper at the Libertarian Scholars Conference, NYC (Sept. 2019).

My most recent paper: “Gustave de Molinari and the Story of the Monopolist Grocer”.

The Institut Coppet’s announcement of their Oeuvres complètes de Molinari (Complete Works of Molinari).