Older Posts to be transferred

I am gradually transferring some files from my old blog to this new one. They are listed here (transferred in bold):

Art (15):

  1. Ridiculing the Anti-Imperialist League’s Opposition to the Conquest of the Philippines (15 July, 2012) see

  2. Otto Dix and the First World War (1924) (14 July, 2012) see

  3. The ANZAC Book (1916): Part I Coloured Plates (30 June, 2012) see

  4. The ANZAC Book (1916): Part II – Two ANZAC Alphabets (1 July, 2012) see

  5. The ANZAC Book (1916): Part III – An ANZAC Alphabet (Henderson) (1 July, 2012) see

  6. The ANZAC Book (1916): Part IV – Another Attempt at an ANZAC Alphabet (Ubique) (1 July, 2012) see

  7. The Illustrated Road to Serfdom (29 June, 2012) see

  8. Illustrations for Bastiat’s The Law (29 June, 2012) see

  9. Images of the Anti-Tax Smuggler Louis Mandrin (1725-1755) – the 18thC French Robin Hood (21 March, 2012) see

  10. The Monkey Economists and Free Trade (18 March, 2012) see

  11. War and Violence in the Work of Ronald Searle (1920-2011) Part I (5 January, 2011) see

  12. War and Violence in the Work of Ronald Searle (1920-2011) Part II (5 January, 2011) see

  13. Picasso in Sydney (28 December, 2011) see

  14. Art and the Pepper Spray Cop at UC Davis (28 December, 2011) see

  15. Reading History vs. “Making History à la James Montgomery Flagg (28 December, 2011) see

Culture (1)

The Yule Goat: the welfare state Santa vs. the predator Santa (28 December, 2011) see

Documents: 1

Déclaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen de 1789 (15 July, 2012) see

Film: 1

The Planet of the Apes I (28 December, 2011) see

Good Quotes: 3

  1. Molinari on the Suction Pump of “Ulcerous Government” (25 March, 2012) see

  2. Molinari waxing Lyrical about Liberty in 1849 (23 March, 2012) see

  3. Protectionist Hypocrisy according to William Johnson Fox (18 March, 2012) see

Lectures: 3

13 July: IHS Lecture: The Culture of Obedience see

13 July: IHS 2012 Lecture: War and the Growth of the State see

9 July: IHS 2012 Lecture: The State and the Ruling Class see

Liberals: 4

October 06, 2012; Molinari on the new French republic in February 1848 see

October 06, 2012 – Molinari on the Major Categories of Property and their Corresponding Type of Liberty see

October 06, 2012 – Molinari on the Different types of Entrepreneurs see

March 23, 2012 – Molinari and the Discussions on Saint Lazarus Street 1849 see

Music: 1

February 12, 2012 – Bach Cantata No. 8 “Liebster Gott, wann werd ich sterben?” see

Political Leaders: 5

1 January 2012: Umbrellas and Tyrants in the Arab World see

Wednesday – December 28, 2011: Mao waves “hello” in his Bathrobe see

Wednesday – December 28, 2011: King Kim II and the Escalator to Hell see

Wednesday – December 28, 2011: The deification of King Kim II has begun see

Wednesday – December 28, 2011: King Kim II: Born to Salute and be Saluted see

Propaganda: 1

Friday – December 30, 2011: Waving the Flagg (again) see

Resistance: 1

1 January: The eye patch as a symbol of resistance in Egypt see

War: 2

  1. The Aesthetics of the Scientific Depiction of State-Inflicted Megadeath II. (31 March, 2012) see

  2. The Aesthetics of the Scientific Depiction of State-Inflicted Megadeath I. (31 March, 2012) see