Images of Liberty and Power: State Propaganda and its Subversion

IHS Advanced Studies Summer Seminar, “Liberty & Scholarship: Challenges and Critiques” Bryn Mawr College, Philadelphia, PA.

Date: 13-19 June, 2015

Lectures on:

  1. “The Classical Liberal Tradition – A History of Ideas and Movements over 400 Years” – two lectures
  2. “Images of Liberty and Power: State Propaganda and its Subversion”
  3. “Competing Visions of the Future: Socialist and Classical Liberal”

Lecture 2. “Images of Liberty and Power: State Propaganda and its Subversion”


(Arthur Hiller, “The Americanization of Emily” (1964))

See clip: Charlie confront’s Emily’s mother on the question of officially memorializing the dead which he believes perpetuates the system of war. 7 mins 15 view clip

Lecture Overheads: PDF 25 MB


  • Why do People March to the Beat of the Official Drummer?
  • Why do some People March to the Beat of a Different Drummer?
  • The Culture of Authority vs. the Culture of Liberty
    • A definition of Culture and Ideology
    • Political Aspects of Culture
    • The Needs of Rulers (Ruling Elite)
  • The Three Traditional Pillars of Authority: God, King, & Country
    • Throne and Altar
    • Country
    • 4th Pillar “Barracks” (Army)