French Liberalism in the 19th Century: An anthology


French Liberalism in the 19th Century: An anthology. Edited by Robert Leroux and David M. Hart (London: Routledge, 2012). Routledge page. This volume is number 145 in the Routledge studies in the history of economics.

The original PDFs of the texts we used (in French and English) can be found at my webiste.

ToC of the anthology:


Part I: The Empire (up to 1815)

  • (1.) Pierre-Louis Roederer on ‘Property Rights’ (1800)
  • (2.) Jean-Baptiste Say on ‘The Division of Labouor’ (1803)
  • (3.) Destutt de Tracy on ‘The Laws and Public Liberty’ (1811)
  • (4.) Charles Comte’s Foreword to Le Censeur (1814)

Part II: The Restoration (1815-1830)

  • (5.) Charles Comte and Charles Dunoyer’s Forward to Le Censeur Européen (1817)
  • (6.) Destutt de Tracy on ‘Society’ (1817)
  • (7.) Germaine de Staël on ‘The Love of Liberty’ (1818)
  • (8.) Benjamin Constrant on ‘The Liberty of the Ancients and the moderns’
  • (9.) Pierre Daunou on ‘Freedom of Opinion’ (1819)

Part III: The July Monarchy (1830-1848)

  • (10.) Alexis de Toqueville on ‘The Liberty of the Press’ (1830)
  • (11.) Béranger on his Songs and Liberty (1833)
  • (12.) Gustave de Beaumont, ‘The Abolition of the Aristocracy in Ireland’ (1839)
  • (13.) Béranger: Selected Poems (1800-1840)

Part IV: The Second Republic (1848-1852)

  • (14.) Frédéric Bastiat on ‘Disarmament and Taxes’ (1849)
  • (15.) Gustave de Molinari on ‘The Private Production of Security’ (1849)
  • (16.) Michel Chevalier on ‘The Protectionist System’ (1852)
  • (17.) Léon Faucher on ‘Property’ (1852)
  • (18.) Courcelle-Seneuil on ‘Sumptuary Laws’ (1852)
  • (19.) Joseph Garnier on ‘The Cost of Collection of Taxes’ (1852)
  • (20.) Joseph Garnier on ‘Laissez Faire – Laissez Passer’ (1852)
  • (21.) Ambroise Clément on ‘Private Charity’ (1852)

Part V: The Second Empire (1852-1870)

  • (22.) Henri Baudrillart on ‘Political Economy’ (1852)
  • (23. Augustin Thierry on ‘The Rise of the Bourgeoisie’ (1859)
  • (24.) Louis Wolowski and Émile Levasseur on ‘Property’ (1863)
  • (25.) Horace Say on ‘The Division of Labour’ (1863)
  • (26.) Maurice Block on ‘Decentralization’ (1863)
  • (27.) Édouard Laboulaye on ‘Individual Liberties’ (1865)

Part VI: The Third Republic (1871 onwards)

  • (28.) Hippolyte Taine on ‘Abusive Government Intervention’ (1892)
  • (29.) Yves Guyot on ‘The Tyranny of Socialism’ (1893)
  • (31.) Gustavo de Molinari on ‘Governments of the Future’ (1899)

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