Thomas Hodgskin and the Philosophic Radicals

Date: July, 2014

I have added the following titles to the Guillaumin Library of Classical Liberal ThoughtEnglish Classical Liberals. Hodgskin is a radical individualist and supporter of free trade, yet is is claimed by the left as one of their own. The French historian Élie Halévy wrote the first biography of Hodgskin after writing a massive three volume history of the Philosophic Radicals in England, namely Jeremy Bentham, James Mill, and John Stuart Mill:


Thomas Hodgskin, Labour Defended against the Claims of Capital. Or the Unproductiveness of Capital proved with reference to the present Combinations amongst Journeymen. With an Introduction by G.D.H. Cole (London: The Labour Publishing Company Ltd., 1825).


Élie Halévy, Thomas Hodgskin (1787-1869) (Paris: Société Nouvelle de librairie et d’édition, 1903).


Élie Halévy, La Formation du Radicalisme philosophique I: La jeunesse de Bentham (Paris: F. Alcan, 1901).


Élie Halévy, La Formation du Radicalisme philosophique II: L’Évolution de la doctrine utilitaire de 1789 à 1815 (Paris: F. Alcan, 1901).


Élie Halévy, La Formation du Radicalisme philosophique III: Le Radicalisme philosophique (Paris: AF. Alcan, 1904).