Shake-speares Sonnets Neuer before Imprinted) (1609)

[Created: 17 April, 2023]
[Updated: April 19, 2023 ]




William Shakespeare, Shake-speares Sonnets Neuer before Imprinted (London: Thomas Thorpe, 1609).http://davidmhart.com/liberty/Books/1609_Sonnets/Shakespeare_Sonnets1609-ebook.html


William Shakespeare, Shake-speares Sonnets Neuer before Imprinted. (At London: By G. Eld for T[homas] T[horpe] and are to be solde by William Aspley, 1609).




Table of Contents



Shake-speares Sonnets Neuer before Imprinted (1609)






T. T.






[1]FRom fairest creatures we desire increase,
[2]That thereby beauties Rose might neuer die,
[3]But as the riper should by time decease,
[4]His tender heire might beare his memory:
[5]But thou contracted to thine owne bright eyes,
[6]Feed'st thy lights flame with selfe substantiall fewell,
[7]Making a famine where aboundance lies,
[8]Thy selfe thy foe, to thy sweet selfe too cruell:
[9]Thou that art now the worlds fresh ornament,
[10]And only herauld to the gaudy spring,
[11]Within thine owne bud buriest thy content,
[12]And tender chorle makst wast in niggarding:
[13]Pitty the world, or else this glutton be,
[14]To eate the worlds due, by the graue and thee.


[15]VVHen fortie Winters shall beseige thy brow,
[16]And digge deep trenches in thy beauties field,
[17]Thy youthes proud liuery so gaz'd on now,
[18]Wil be a totter'd weed of smal worth held:
[19]Then being askt, where all thy beautie lies,
[20]Where all the treasure of thy lusty daies;
[21]To say within thine owne deepe sunken eyes,
[22]Were an all-eating shame, and thriftlesse praise.
[23]How much more praise deseru'd thy beauties vse,
[24]If thou couldst answere this faire child of mine
[25]Shall sum my count, and make my old excuse
[26]Proouing his beautie by succession thine.
[27][2] This were to be new made when thou art ould,
[28]And see thy blood warme when thou feel'st it could,


[29]LOoke in thy glasse and tell the face thou vewest,
[30]Now is the time that face should forme an other,
[31]Whose fresh repaire if now thou not renewest,
[32]Thou doo'st beguile the world, vnblesse some mother.
[33]For where is she so faire whose vn-eard wombe
[34]Disdaines the tillage of thy husbandry?
[35]Or who is he so fond will be the tombe,
[36]Of his selfe loue to stop posterity?
[37]Thou art thy mothers glasse and she in thee
[38]Calls backe the louely Aprill of her prime,
[39]So thou through windowes of thine age shalt see,
[40]Dispight of wrinkles this thy goulden time.
[41]But if thou liue remembred not to be,
[42]Die single and thine Image dies with thee.


[43]VNthrifty louelinesse why dost thou spend,
[44]Vpon thy selfe thy beauties legacy?
[45]Natures bequest giues nothing but doth lend,
[46]And being franck she lends to those are free:
[47]Then beautious nigard why doost thou abuse,
[48]The bountious largesse giuen thee to giue?
[49]Profitles vserer why doost thou vse
[50]So great a summe of summes yet can'st not liue?
[51]For hauing traffike with thy selfe alone,
[52]Thou of thy selfe thy sweet selfe dost deceaue,
[53]Then how when nature calls thee to be gone,
[54]What acceptable Audit can'st thou leaue?
[55]Thy vnus'd beauty must be tomb'd with thee,
[56]Which vsed liues th'executor to be.


[57]THose howers that with gentle worke did frame,
[58]The louely gaze where euery eye doth dwell
[59]Will play the tirants to the very same,
[60][3] And that vnfaire which fairely doth excell:
[61]For euer resting time leads Summer on,
[62]To hidious winter and confounds him there,
[63]Sap checkt with frost and lustie leau's quite gon.
[64]Beauty ore-snow'd and barenes euery where,
[65]Then were not summers distillation left
[66]A liquid prisoner pent in walls of glasse,
[67]Beauties effect with beauty were bereft,
[68]Nor it nor noe remembrance what it was.
[69]But flowers distil'd though they with winter meete,
[70]Leese but their show, their substance still liues sweet.


[71]THen let not winters wragged hand deface,
[72]In thee thy summer ere thou be distil'd:
[73]Make sweet some viall; treasure thou some place,
[74]With beautits treasure ere it be selfe kill'd:
[75]That vse is not forbidden vsery,
[76]Which happies those that pay the willing lone;
[77]That's for thy selfe to breed an other thee,
[78]Or ten times happier be it ten for one,
[79]Ten times thy selfe were happier then thou art,
[80]If ten of thine ten times refligur'd thee,
[81]Then what could death doe if thou should'st depart,
[82]Leauing thee liuing in posterity?
[83]Be not selfe-wild for thou art much too faire,
[84]To be deaths conquest and make wormes thine heire.


[85]LOe in the Orient when the gracious light,
[86]Lifts vp his burning head, each vnder eye
[87]Doth homage to his new appearing fight,
[88]Seruing with lookes his sacred maiesty,
[89]And hauing climb'd the steepe vp heauenly hill,
[90]Resembling strong youth in his middle age,
[91]Yet mortall lookes adore his beauty still,
[92]Attending on his goulden pilgrimage:
[93]But when from high-most pich with wery car,
[94][4] Like feeble age he reeleth from the day,
[95]The eyes (fore dutious) now conuerted are
[96]From his low tract and looke an other way:
[97]So thou, thy selfe out-going in thy noon:
[98]Vnlok'd on diest vnlesse thou get a sonne.


[99]MVsick to heare, why hear'st thou musick sadly,
[100]Sweets with sweets warre not, ioy delights in ioy:
[101]Why lou'st thou that which thou receaust not gladly,
[102]Or else receau'st with pleasure thine annoy?
[103]If the true concord of well tuned sounds,
[104]By vnions married do offend thine eare,
[105]They do but sweetly chide thee, who confounds
[106]In singlenesse the parts that thou should'st beare:
[107]Marke how one string sweet husband to an other,
[108]Strikes each in each by mutuall ordering;
[109]Resembling sier, and child, and happy mother,
[110]Who all in one, one pleasing note do sing:
[111]Whose speechlesse song being many, seeming one,
[112]Sings this to thee thou single wilt proue none.


[113]IS it for feare to wet a widdowes eye,
[114]That thou consum'st thy selfe in single life?
[115]Ah; if thou issulesse shalt hap to die,
[116]The world will waile thee like a makelesse wife,
[117]The world wilbe thy widdow and still weepe,
[118]That thou no forme of thee hast left behind,
[119]When euery priuat widdow well may keepe,
[120]By childrens eyes, her husbands shape in minde:
[121]Looke what an vnthrift in the world doth spend
[122]Shifts but his place, for still the world inioyes it
[123]But beauties waste hath in the world an end,
[124]And kept vnvsde the vser so destroyes it:
[125]No loue toward others in that bosome sits
[126]That on himselfe such murdrous shame commits.



[127]FOr shame deny that thou bear'st loue to any
[128]Who for thy selfe art so vnprouident
[129]Graunt if thou wilt, thou art belou'd of many,
[130]But that thou none lou'st is most euident:
[131]For thou art so possest with murdrous hate,
[132]That gainst thy selfe thou stickst not to conspire,
[133]Seeking that beautious roofe to ruinate
[134]Which to repaire should be thy chiefe desire:
[135]O change thy thought, that I may change my minde,
[136]Shall hate be fairer log'd then gentle loue?
[137]Be as thy presence is gracious and kind,
[138]Or to thy selfe at least kind harted proue,
[139]Make thee an other selfe for loue of me,
[140]That beauty still may liue in thine or thee.


[141]AS fast as thou shalt wane so fast thou grow'st,
[142]In one of thine, from that which thou departest,
[143]And that fresh bloud which yongly thou bestow'st,
[144]Thou maist call thine, when thou from youth conuertest,
[145]Herein liues wisdome, beauty, and increase,
[146]Without this follie, age, and could decay,
[147]If all were minded so, the times should cease,
[148]And threescoore yeare would make the world away:
[149]Let those whom nature hath not made for store,
[150]Harsh, featurelesse, and rude, barrenly perrish,
[151]Looke whom she best indow'd, she gaue the more;
[152]Which bountious guift thou shouldst in bounty cherrish,
[153]She caru'd thee for her scale, and ment therby,
[154]Thou shouldst print more, not let that coppy die.


[155]VVHen I doe count the clock that tels the time,
[156]And see the braue day sunck in hidious night,
[157]When I behold the violet past prime,
[158]And sable curls or siluer'd ore with white:
[159]When lofty trees I see barren of leaues,
[160]Which erst from heat did canopie the herd
[161][6] And Sommers greene all girded vp in sheaues
[162]Borne on the beare with white and bristly beard:
[163]Then of thy beauty do I question make
[164]That thou among the wastes of time must goe,
[165]Since sweets and beauties do them-selues forsake,
[166]And die as fast as they see others grow,
[167]And nothing gainst Times sieth can make defence
[168]Saue breed to braue him, when he takes thee hence.


[169]O That you were your selfe, but loue you are
[170]No longer yours, then you your selfe here liue,
[171]Against this cumming end you should prepare,
[172]And your sweet semblance to some other giue.
[173]So should that beauty which you hold in lease
[174]Find no determination, then you were
[175]You selfe again after your selfes-decease,
[176]When your sweet issue your sweet forme should beare.
[177]Who lets so faire a house fall to decay,
[178]Which husbandry in honour might vphold,
[179]Against the stormy gusts of winters day
[180]And barren rage of deaths eternall cold?
[181]O none but vnthrifts, deare my loue you know,
[182]You had a Father, let your Son say so.


[183]NOt from the stars do I my iudgement plucke,
[184]And yet me thinkes I haue Astronomy,
[185]But not to tell of good, or euil lucke,
[186]Of plagues, of dearths, or seasons quallity,
[187]Nor can I fortune to breefe mynuits tell;
[188]Pointing to each his thunder, raine and winde,
[189]Or say with Princes if it shal go wel
[190]By oft predict that I in heauen finde.
[191]But from thine eies my knowledge I deriue,
[192]And constant stars in them I read such art
[193]As truth and beautie shal together thriue
[194]If from thy selfe, to store thou wouldst conuert:
[195][7] Or else of thee this I prognosticate,
[196]Thy end is Truthes and Beauties doome and date.


[197]WHen I consider euery thing that growes
[198]Holds in perfection but a little moment.
[199]That this huge stage presenteth nought but showes
[200]Whereon the Stars in secret influence comment.
[201]When I perceiue that men as plants increase,
[202]Cheared and checkt euen by the selfe-same skie:
[203]Vaunt in their youthfull sap, at height decrease,
[204]And were their braue state out of memory.
[205]Then the conceit of this inconstant stay,
[206]Sets you most rich in youth before my sight,
[207]Where wastfull time debateth with decay
[208]To change your day of youth to sullied night,
[209]And all in war with Time for loue of you
[210]As he takes from you, I ingrast you new.


[211]BVt wherefore do not you a mightier waie
[212]Make warre vppon this bloudie tirant time?
[213]And fortifie your selfe in your decay
[214]With meanes more blessed then my barren rime?
[215]Now stand you on the top of happie houres,
[216]And many maiden gardens yet vnset,
[217]With vertuous wish would beare your liuing flowers,
[218]Much liker then your painted counterfeit▪
[219]So should the lines of life that life repaire
[220]Which this (Times pensel or my pupill pen)
[221]Neither in inward worth nor outward faire
[222]Can make you liue your selfe in eies of men,
[223]To giue away your selfe, keeps your selfe still,
[224]And you must liue drawne by your owne sweet skill,


[225]VVHo will beleeue my verse in time to come
[226]If it were fild with your most high deserts?
[227][8] Though yet heauen knowes it is but as a tombe
[228]Which hides your life, and shewes not halfe your parts:
[229]If I could write the beauty of your eyes,
[230]And in fresh numbers number all your graces,
[231]The age to come would say this Poet lies,
[232]Such heauenly touches nere toucht earthly faces.
[233]So should my papers (yellowed with their age)
[234]Be scorn'd, like old men of lesse truth then tongue,
[235]And your true rights be termd a Poets rage,
[236]And stretched miter of an Antique song.
[237]But were some childe of yours aliue that time,
[238]You should liue twise in it, and in my rime.


[239]SHall I compare thee to a Summers day?
[240]Thou art more louely and more temperate:
[241]Rough windes do shake the darling buds of Maie,
[242]And Sommers lease hath all too short a date:
[243]Sometime too hot the eye of heauen shines,
[244]And often is his gold complexion dimm'd,
[245]And euery faire from faire some-time declines,
[246]By chance, or natures changing course vntrim'd:
[247]But thy eternall Sommer shall not fade,
[248]Nor loose possession of that faire thou ow'st,
[249]Nor shall death brag thou wandr'st in his shade,
[250]When in eternall lines to time thou grow'st,
[251]So long as men can breath or eyes can see,
[252]So long liues this, and this giues life to thee,


[253]DEuouring time blunt thou the Lyons pawes,
[254]And make the earth deuoure her owne sweet brood,
[255]Plucke the keene teeth from the fierce Tygers yawes,
[256]And burne the long liu'd Phaenix in her blood,
[257]Make glad and sorry seasons as thou fleet'st,
[258]And do what ere thou wilt swift-footed time
[259]To the wide world and all her fading sweets:
[260]But I forbid thee one most hainous crime,
[261][9] O carue not with thy howers my loues faire brow,
[262]Nor draw noe lines there with thine antique pen,
[263]Him in thy course vntainted doe allow,
[264]For beauties patterne to succeding men.
[265]Yet doe thy worst ould Time dispight thy wrong,
[266]My loue shall in my verse euer liue young.


[267]A Womans face with natures owne hand painted,
[268]Haste thou the Master Mistris of my passion,
[269]A womans gentel hart but not acquainted
[270]With shifting change as is false womens fashion,
[271]An eye more bright then theirs, lesse false in rowling:
[272]Gilding the obiect where-vpon it gazeth,
[273]A man in hew all Hews in his controwling,
[274]Which steales mens eyes and womens soules amaseth▪
[275]And for a woman wert thou first created,
[276]Till nature as she wrought thee fell a dotinge,
[277]And by addition me of thee defeated,
[278]By adding one thing to my purpose nothing.
[279]But since she prickt thee out for womens pleasure,
[280]Mine be thy loue and thy loues vse their treasure.


[281]SO is it not with me as with that Muse,
[282]Stird by a painted beauty to his verse,
[283]Who heauen it selfe for ornament doth vse,
[284]And euery faire with his faire doth reherse,
[285]Making a coopelment of proud compare
[286]With Sunne and Moone, with earth and seas rich gems:
[287]With Aprills first borne flowers and all things rare,
[288]That heauens ayre in this huge rondure hems,
[289]O let me true in loue but truly write,
[290]And then beleeue me, my loue is as faire,
[291]As any mothers childe, though not so bright
[292]As those gould can dells fixt in heauens ayer:
[293]Let them say more that like of heare-say well,
[294]I will not prayse that purpose not to sell.



[295]MY glasse shall not perswade me I am ould,
[296]So long as youth and thou are of one date,
[297]But when in thee times forrwes I behould,
[298]Then look I death my daies should expiate.
[299]For all that beauty that doth couer thee,
[300]Is but the seemely rayment of my heart,
[301]Which in thy brest doth liue, as thine in me,
[302]How can I then be elder then thou art?
[303]O therefore loue be of thy selfe so wary.
[304]As I not for my selfe, but for thee will,
[305]Bearing thy heart which I will keepe so chary
[306]As tender nurse her babe from faring ill,
[307]Presume not on thy heart when mine is slaine,
[308]Thou gau'st me thine not to giue backe againe.


[309]AS an vnperfect actor on the stage,
[310]Who with his feare is put besides his part,
[311]Or some fierce thing repleat with too much rage,
[312]Whose strengths abondance weakens his owne heart;
[313]So I for feare of trust, forget to say,
[314]The perfect ceremony of loues right,
[315]And in mine owne loues strength seeme to decay,
[316]Ore-charg'd with burthen of mine owne loues might:
[317]O let my books be then the eloquence,
[318]And domb presagers of my speaking brest,
[319]Who pleade for loue, and look for recompence,
[320]More then that tonge that more hath more exprest.
[321]O learne to read what silent loue hath writ,
[322]To heare wit eies belongs to loues fine wiht.


[323]MIne eye hath play'd the painter and hath steeld,
[324]Thy beauties forme in table of my heart,
[325]My body is the frame wherein ti's held,
[326]And perspectiue it is best Painters art.
[327]For through the Painter must you see his skill,
[328][11] To finde where your true Image pictur'd lies,
[329]Which in my bosomes shop is hanging stil,
[330]That hath his windowes glazed with thine eyes:
[331]Now see what good-turnes eyes for eies haue done,
[332]Mine eyes haue drawne thy shape, and thine for me
[333]Are windowes to my brest, where-through the Sun
[334]Delights to peepe, to gaze therein on thee
[335]Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art
[336]They draw but what they see, know not the hart▪


[337]LEt those who are in fauor with their stars,
[338]Of publike honour and proud titles bost,
[339]Whilst I whome fortune of such tryumph bars
[340]Vnlookt for ioy in that I honour most;
[341]Great Princes fauorites their faire leaues spread,
[342]But as the Marygold at the suns eye,
[343]And in them-selues their pride lies buried,
[344]For at a frowne they in their glory die.
[345]The painefull warrier famosed for worth,
[346]After a thousand victories once foild,
[347]Is from the booke of honour rased quite,
[348]And all the rest forgot for which he toild:
[349]Then happy I that loue and am beloued
[350]Where I may not remoue, nor be remoued.


[351]LOrd of my loue, to whome in vassalage
[352]Thy merrit hath my dutie strongly knit;
[353]To thee I send this written ambassage
[354]To witnesse duty, not to shew my wit.
[355]Duty so great, which wit so poore as mine
[356]May make seeme bare, in wanting words to shew it;
[357]But that I hope some good conceipt of thine
[358]In thy soules thought (all naked) will bestow it:
[359]Til whatsoeuer star that guides my mouing,
[360]Points on me gratiously with faire aspect,
[361]And puts apparrell on my tottered louing,
[362][12] To show me worthy of their sweet respect,
[363]Then may I dare to boast how I doe loue thee,
[364]Til then, not show my head where thou maist proue me


[365]WEary with toyle, I hast me to my bed,
[366]The deare repose for lims with trauaill tired,
[367]But then begins a iourny in my head
[368]To worke my mind, when boddies work's expired.
[369]For then my thoughts (from far where I abide)
[370]Intend a zelous pilgrimage to thee,
[371]And keepe my drooping eye-lids open wide,
[372]Looking on darknes which the blind doe see.
[373]Saue that my soules imaginary sight
[374]Presents their shaddoe to my sightles view,
[375]Which like a iewell (hunge in gastly night)
[376]Makes blacke night beautious, and her old face new.
[377]Loe thus by day my lims, by night my mind,
[378]For thee, and for my selfe, noe quiet finde.


[379]HOw can I then returne in happy plight
[380]That am debard the benifit of rest?
[381]When daies oppression is not eazd by night,
[382]But day by night and night by day oprest.
[383]And each (though enimes to ethers raigne)
[384]Doe in consent shake hands to torture me,
[385]The one by toyle, the other to complaine
[386]How far I toyle, still farther off from thee.
[387]I tell the Day to please him thou art bright,
[388]And do'st him grace when clouds doe blot the heauen:
[389]So flatter I the swart complexiond night,
[390]When sparkling stars twire not thou guil'st th' eauen.
[391]But day doth daily draw my sorrowes longer,
[392]And night doth nightly make greefes length seeme stronger.


[393]VVHen in disgrace with Fortune and mens eyes,
[394]I all alone beweepe my out-cast state,
[395][13] And trouble deafe heauen with my bootlesse cries.
[396]And looke vpon my selfe and curse my fate,
[397]Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
[398]Featur'd like him, like him with friends possest,
[399]Desiring this mans art, and that mans skope,
[400]With what I most inioy contented least,
[401]Yet in these thoughts my selfe almost despising,
[402]Haplye I thinke on thee, and then my state,
[403](Like to the Larke at breake of daye arising)
[404]From sullen earth sings himns at Heauens gate,
[405]For thy sweet loue remembred such welth brings,
[406]That then I skorne to change my state with Kings.


[407]VVHen to the Sessions of sweet silent thought,
[408]I sommon vp remembrance of things past,
[409]I sigh the lacke of many a thing I sought,
[410]And with old woes new waile my deare times waste:
[411]Then can I drowne an eye (vnuvsed to flow)
[412]For precious friends hid in deaths dateles night,
[413]And weepe a fresh loues long since canceld woe,
[414]And mone th'expence of many a vannisht sight.
[415]Then can I greeue at greeuances fore-gon,
[416]And heauily from woe to woe tell ore
[417]The sad account of fore-bemoned mone,
[418]Which I new pay as if not payed before.
[419]But if the while I thinke on thee (deare friend)
[420]All losses are restord, and sorrowes end.


[421]Thy bosome is indeared with all hearts,
[422]Which I by lacking haue supposed dead,
[423]And there raignes Loue and all Loues louing parts,
[424]And all those friends which I thought buried.
[425]How many a holy and obsequious teare
[426]Hath deare religious loue stolne from mine eye,
[427]As interest of the dead, which now appeare,
[428]But things remou'd that hidden in there lie.
[429][14] Thou art the graue where buried loue doth liue,
[430]Hung with the tropheis of my louers gon,
[431]Who all their parts of me to thee did giue,
[432]That due of many, now is thine alone.
[433]Their images I loued, I view in thee,
[434]And thou (all they) hast' all the all of me.


[435]IF thou suruiue my well contented daie,
[436]When that churle death my bones with dust shall couer
[437]And shalt by fortune once more re-suruay:
[438]These poore rude lines of thy deceased Louer:
[439]Compare them with the bett'ring of the time,
[440]And though they be out-stript by euery pen,
[441]Reserue them for my loue, not for their rime,
[442]Exceeded by the hight of happier men.
[443]Oh then voutsafe me but this louing thought,
[444]Had my friends Muse growne with this growing age,
[445]A dearer birth then this his loue had brought
[446]To march in ranckes of better equipage:
[447]But since he died and Poets better proue,
[448]Theirs for their stile ile read, his for his loue.


[449]FVll many a glorious morning haue I seene,
[450]Flatter the mountaine tops with soueraine eie,
[451]Kissing with golden face the meddowes greene;
[452]Guilding pale streames with heauenly alcumy:
[453]Anon permit the basest cloudes to ride,
[454]With ougly rack on his celestiall face,
[455]And from the for-lorne world his visage hide
[456]Stealing vnseene to west with this disgrace:
[457]Euen so my Sunne one early morne did shine,
[458]With all triumphant splendor on my brow,
[459]But out alack, he was but one houre mine,
[460]The region cloude hath mask'd him from me now.
[461]Yet him for this, my loue no whit disdaineth,
[462]Suns of the world may staine, whē heauens sun stainteh.



[463]VVHy didst thou promise such a beautious day,
[464]And make me trauaile forth without my cloake,
[465]To let bace cloudes ore-take me in my way,
[466]Hiding thy brau'ry in their rotten smoke.
[467]Tis not enough that through the cloude thou breake,
[468]To dry the raine on my storme-beaten face,
[469]For no man well of such a salue can speake,
[470]That heales the wound, and cures not the disgrace:
[471]Nor can thy shame giue phisicke to my griefe,
[472]Though thou repent, yet I haue still the losse,
[473]Th'offenders sorrow lends but weake reliefe
[474]To him that beares the strong offenses losse.
[475]Ah but those teares are pearle which thy loue sheeds,
[476]And they are ritch, and ransome all ill deeds.


[477]NO more bee greeu'd at that which thou hast done,
[478]Roses haue thornes, and siluer fountaines mud,
[479]Cloudes and eclipses staine both Moone and Sunne,
[480]And loathsome canker liues in sweetest bud.
[481]All men make faults, and euen I in this,
[482]Authorizing thy trespas with compare,
[483]My selfe corrupting saluing thy amisse,
[484]Excusing their fins more then their sins are:
[485]For to thy sensuall fault I bring in sence,
[486]Thy aduerse party is thy Aduocate,
[487]And gainst my selfe a lawfull plea commence,
[488]Such ciuill war is in my loue and hate,
[489]That I an accessary needs must be,
[490]To that sweet theefe which sourely robs from me,


[491]LEt me confesse that we two must be twaine,
[492]Although our vndeuided loues are one:
[493]So shall those blots that do with me remaine,
[494]Without thy helpe, by me be borne alone.
[495]In our two loues there is but one respect,
[496][16] Though in our liues a seperable spight,
[497]Which though it alter not loues sole effect,
[498]Yet doth it steale sweet houres from loues delight,
[499]I may not euer-more acknowledge thee,
[500]Least my bewailed guilt should do thee shame,
[501]Nor thou with publike kindnesse honour me,
[502]Vnlesse thou take that honour from thy name:
[503]But doe not so, I loue thee in such sort,
[504]As thou being mine, mine is thy good report.


[505]AS a decrepit father takes delight,
[506]To see his actiue childe do deeds of youth,
[507]So I, made lame by Fortunes dearest spight
[508]Take all my comfort of thy worth and truth.
[509]For whether beauty, birth, or wealth, or wit,
[510]Or any of these all, or all, or more
[511]Intitled in their parts, do crowned sit,
[512]I make my loue ingrafted to this store:
[513]So then I am not lame, poore, nor dispis'd,
[514]Whilst that this shadow doth such substance giue,
[515]That I in thy abundance am suffic'd,
[516]And by a part of all thy glory liue:
[517]Looke what is best, that best I wish in thee,
[518]This wish I haue, then ten times happy me.


[519]HOw can my Muse want subiect to inuent
[520]While thou dost breath that poor'st into my verse,
[521]Thine owne sweet argument, to excellent,
[522]For euery vulgar paper to rehearse:
[523]Oh giue thy selfe the thankes if ought in me,
[524]Worthy perusal stand against thy sight,
[525]For who's so dumbe that cannot write to thee,
[526]When thou thy selfe dost giue inuention light?
[527]Be thou the tenth Muse, ten times more in worth
[528]Then those old nine which rimers innocate,
[529]And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth
[530][17] Eternal numbers to out-liue long date.
[531]If my slight Muse doe please these curious daies,
[532]The paine be mine, but thine shal be the praise.


[533]OH how thy worth with manners may I singe,
[534]When thou art all the better part of me?
[535]What can mine owne praise to mine owne selfe bring;
[536]And what is't but mine owne when I praise thee,
[537]Euen for this, let vs deuided liue,
[538]And our deare loue loose name of single one,
[539]That by this seperation I may giue:
[540]That due to thee which thou deseru'st alone:
[541]Oh absence what a torment wouldst thou proue,
[542]Were it not thy soure leisure gaue sweet leaue,
[543]To entertaine the time with thoughts of loue,
[544]VVhich time and thoughts so sweetly dost deceiue.
[545]And that thou teachest how to make one twaine,
[546]By praising him here who doth hence remaine.


[547]TAke all my loues, my loue, yea take them all,
[548]What hast thou then more then thou hadst before?
[549]No loue, my loue, that thou maist true loue call,
[550]All mine was thine, before thou hadst this more:
[551]Then if for my loue, thou my loue receiuest,
[552]I cannot blame thee, for my loue thou vsest,
[553]But yet be blam'd, if thou this selfe deceauest
[554]By wilfull taste of what thy selfe refusest.
[555]I doe forgiue thy robb'rie gentle theefe
[556]Although thou steale thee all my pouerty:
[557]And yet loue knowes it is a greater griefe
[558]To beare loues wrong, then hates knowne iniury.
[559]Lasciuious grace, in whom all il wel showes,
[560]Kill me with spights yet we must not be foes.


[561]THose pretty wrongs that liberty commits,
[562]When I am some-time absent from thy heart,
[563][18] Thy beautie, and thy yeares full well befits,
[564]For still temptation followes where thou art.
[565]Gentle thou art, and therefore to be wonne,
[566]Beautious thou art, therefore to be assailed.
[567]And when a woman woes, what womans sonne,
[568]Will sourely leaue her till he haue preuailed.
[569]Aye me, but yet thou mighst my feate forbeare,
[570]And chide thy beauty, and thy straying youth,
[571]Who lead thee in their ryot euen there
[572]Where thou art forst to breake a two-fold truth:
[573]Hers by thy beauty tempting her to thee,
[574]Thine by thy beautie beeing false to me.


[575]THat thou hast her it is not all my griefe,
[576]And yet it may be said I lou'd her deerely,
[577]That she hath thee is of my wayling cheefe,
[578]A losse in loue that touches me more neerely.
[579]Louing offendors thus I will excuse yee,
[580]Thou doost loue her, because thou knowst I loue her,
[581]And for my sake euen so doth she abuse me,
[582]Suffring my friend for my sake to approoue her,
[583]If I loose thee, my losse is my loues gaine,
[584]And loosing her, my friend hath found that losse,
[585]Both finde each other, and I loose both twaine,
[586]And both for my sake lay on me this crosse,
[587]But here's the ioy, my friend and I are one,
[588]Sweete flattery, then she loues but me alone.


[589]WHen most I winke then doe mine eyes best see,
[590]For all the day they view things vnrespected,
[591]But when I sleepe, in dreames they looke on thee,
[592]And darkely bright, are bright in darke directed.
[593]Then thou whose shaddow shaddowes doth make bright,
[594]How would thy shadowes forme, forme happy show,
[595]To the cleere day with thy much cleerer light,
[596]When to vn-seeing eyes thy shade shines so?
[597][19] How would (I say) mine eyes be blessed made,
[598]By looking on thee in the liuing day?
[599]When in dead night their faire imperfect shade,
[600]Through heauy sleepe on sightlesse eyes doth stay?
[601]All dayes are nights to see till I see thee,
[602]And nights bright daies when dreams do shew thee me▪


[603]IF the dull substance of my flesh were thought,
[604]Iniurious distance should not stop my way,
[605]For then dispight of space I would be brought,
[606]From limits farre remote, where thou doost stay,
[607]No matter then although my foote did stand
[608]Vpon the farthest earth remoou'd from thee,
[609]For nimble thought can iumpe both sea and land,
[610]As soone as thinke the place where he would be.
[611]But ah, thought kills me that I am not thought
[612]To leape large lengths of miles when thou art gone,
[613]But that so much of earth and water wrought,
[614]I must attend, times leasure with my mone.
[615]Receiuing naughts by elements so sloe,
[616]But heauie teares, badges of eithers woe.


[617]THe other two, slight ayre, and purging fire,
[618]Are both with thee, where euer I abide,
[619]The first my thought, the other my desire,
[620]These present absent with swift motion slide.
[621]For when these quicker Elements are gone
[622]In tender Embassie of loue to thee,
[623]My life being made of foure, with two alone,
[624]Sinkes downe to death, opprest with melancholie.
[625]Vntillliues composition be recured,
[626]By those swift messengers return'd from thee,
[627]Who euen but now come back againe assured,
[628]Of their faire health, recounting it to me.
[629]This told, i ioy, but then no longer glad,
[630]I send them back againe and straight grow sad.



[631]MIne eye and heart are at a mortall warre,
[632]How to deuide the conquest of thy sight,
[633]Mine eye, my heart their pictures sight would barre,
[634]My heart, mine eye the freeedome of that right,
[635]My heart doth plead that thou in him doost lye,
[636](A closet neuer pearst with christall eyes)
[637]But the defendant doth that plea deny,
[638]And sayes in him their faire appearance lyes.
[639]To side this title is impannelled
[640]A quest of thoughts, all tennants to the heart,
[641]And by their verdict is determined
[642]The cleere eyes moyitie, and the deare hearts part.
[643]As thus, mine eyes due is their outward part,
[644]And my hearts right, their inward loue of heart.


[645]BEtwixt mine eye and heart a league is tooke,
[646]And each doth good turnes now vnto the other,
[647]When that mine eye is famisht for a looke,
[648]Or heart in loue with sighes himselfe doth smother;
[649]With my loues picture then my eye doth feast,
[650]And to the painted banquet bids my heart:
[651]An other time mine eye is my hearts guest,
[652]And in his thoughts of loue doth share a part.
[653]So either by thy picture or my loue,
[654]Thy seife away, are present still with me,
[655]For thou nor farther then my thoughts canst moue,
[656]And I am still with them▪ and they with thee.
[657]Or if they sleepe, thy picture in my sight
[658]Awakes my heart, to hearts and eyes delight.


[659]HOw carefull was I when I tooke my way,
[660]Each trifle vnder truest barres to thrust,
[661]That to my vse it might vn-vsed stay
[662]From hands of falsehood, in sure wards of trust?
[663]But thou, to whom my iewels trifles are,
[664][21] Most worthy comfort, now my greatest griefe,
[665]Thou best of deerest, and mine onely care,
[666]Art left the prey of euery vulgar theefe.
[667]Thee haue I not lockt vp in any chest,
[668]Saue where thou art not▪ though I feele thou art,
[669]Within the gentle closure of my brest,
[670]From whence at pleasure thou maist come and part,
[671]And euen thence thou wilt be stolne I feare,
[672]For truth prooues theeuish for a prize so deare.


[673]AGainst that time (if euer that time come)
[674]When I shall see the frowne on my defects,
[675]When as thy loue hath cast his vtmost summe,
[676]Cauld to that audite by aduis'd respects,
[677]Against that time when thou shalt strangely passe,
[678]And scarcely greete me with that sunne thine eye,
[679]When loue conuerted from the thing it was
[680]Shall reasons finde of setled grauitie.
[681]Against that time do I insconce me here
[682]Within the knowledge of mine owne desart,
[683]And this my hand, against my selfe vpreare,
[684]To guard the lawfull reasons on thy part,
[685]To leaue poore me, thou hast the strength of lawes,
[686]Since why to loue, I can alledge no cause.


[687]HOw heauie doe I iourney on the way,
[688]When what I seeke (my wearie trauels end)
[689]Doth teach that ease and that repose to say
[690]Thus farre the miles are measurde from thy friend.
[691]The beast that beares me, tired with my woe,
[692]Plods duly on, to beare that waight in me,
[693]As if by some instinct the wretch did know
[694]His rider lou'd not speed being made from thee:
[695]The bloody spurre cannot prouoke him on,
[696]That some-times anger thrusts into his hide,
[697]Which heauily he answers with a grone,
[698][22] More sharpe to me then spurring to his side,
[699]For that same grone doth put this in my mind,
[700]My greefe lies onward and my ioy behind.


[701]THus can my loue excuse the slow offence,
[702]Of my dull bearer, when from thee I speed,
[703]From where thou art, why shoulld I hast me thence,
[704]Till I returne of posting is noe need.
[705]O what excuse will my poor beast then find,
[706]When swift extremity can seeme but slow,
[707]Then should I spurre though mounted on the wind,
[708]In winged speed no motion shall I know,
[709]Then can no horse with my desire keepe pace,
[710]Therefore desire (of perfects loue being made)
[711]Shall naigh noe dull flesh in his fiery race,
[712]But loue, for loue, thus shall excuse my iade,
[713]Since from thee going he went wilfull slow,
[714]Towards thee ile run, and giue him leaue to goe.


[715]SO am I as the rich whose blessed key,
[716]Can bring him to his sweet vp-lockd treasure,
[717]The which he will not eu'ry hower suruay,
[718]For blunting the fine point of seldome pleasure,
[719]Therefore are feasts so sollemne and so rare,
[720]Since sildom comming in the long yeare set,
[721]Like stones of worth they thinly placed are,
[722]Or captaine Iewells in the carconet.
[723]So is the time that keepes you as my chest,
[724]Or as the ward-robe which the robe doth hide,
[725]To make some speciall instant speciall blest,
[726]By new vnfoulding his imprison'd pride.
[727]Blessed are you whose worthinesse giues skope,
[728]Being had to tryumph, being lackt to hope.


[729]VVHat is your substance, whereof are you made,
[730]That millions of strange shaddowes on you tend?
[731][23] Since euery one, hath euery one, one shade,
[732]And you but one, can euery shaddow lend:
[733]Describe Adonis and the counterfet,
[734]Is poorely immitated after you,
[735]On Hellens cheeke all art of beautie set,
[736]And you in Grecian tires are painted new:
[737]Speake of the spring, and foyzon of the yeare,
[738]The one doth shaddow of your beautie show,
[739]The other as your bountie doth appeare,
[740]And you in euery blessed shape we know.
[741]In all externall grace you haue some part,
[742]But you like none, none you for constant heart.


[743]OH how much more doth beautie beautious seeme,
[744]By that sweet ornament which truth doth giue,
[745]The Rose lookes faire, but fairer we it deeme
[746]For that sweet odor, which doth in it liue:
[747]The Canker bloomes haue full as deepe a die,
[748]As the perfumed tincture of the Roses,
[749]Hang on such thornes, and play as wantonly,
[750]When sommers breath their masked buds discloses:
[751]But for their virtue only is their show,
[752]They liue vnwoo'd, and vnrespected fade,
[753]Die to themselues. Sweet Roses doe not so,
[754]Of their sweet deathes, are sweetest odors made:
[755]And so of you, beautious and louely youth,
[756]When that shall vade, by verse distils your truth.


[757]NOt marble, nor the guilded monument,
[758]Of Princes shall out-liue this powrefull rime,
[759]But you shall shine more bright in these contents
[760]Then vnswept stone, besmeer'd with sluttish time.
[761]When wastefull warre shall Statues ouer-turne,
[762]And broiles roote out the worke of masonry,
[763]Nor Mars his sword, nor warres quick fire shall burne:
[764]The liuingrecord of your memory.
[765][24] Gainst death, and all obliuious emnity
[766]Shall you pace forth, your praise shall stil finde roome,
[767]Euen in the eyes of all posterity
[768]That weare this world out to the ending doome.
[769]So til the iudgement that your selfe arise,
[770]You liue in this, and dwell in louers eies.


[771]Sweet loue renew thy force, be it not said
[772]Thy edge should blunter be then apetite,
[773]Which but too daie by feeding is alaied,
[774]To morrow sharpned in his former might.
[775]So loue be thou, although too daie thou fill
[776]Thy hungrie eies, euen till they winck with fulnesse,
[777]Too morrow see againe, and doe not kill
[778]The spirit of Loue, with a perpetual dulnesse:
[779]Let this sad Intrim like the Ocean be
[780]Which parts the shore, where two contracted new,
[781]Come daily to the banckes, that when they see:
[782]Returne of loue, more blest may be the view.
[783]As cal it Winter, which being ful of care,
[784]Makes Sōmers welcome, thrice more wish'd, more rare:


[785]BEing your slaue what should I doe but tend,
[786]Vpon the houres, and times of your desire?
[787]I haue no precious time at al to spend;
[788]Nor seruices to doe til you require.
[789]Nor dare I chide the world without end houre,
[790]Whilst I (my soueraine) watch the clock for you,
[791]Nor thinke the bitternesse of absence sowre,
[792]VVhen you haue bid your seruant once adieue.
[793]Nor dare I question with my ieallous thought,
[794]VVhere you may be, or your affaires suppose,
[795]But like a sad slaue stay and thinke of nought
[796]Saue where you are, how happy you make those.
[797]So true a foole is loue, that in your Will,
[798](Though you doe any thing) he thinkes no ill.



[799]THat God forbid, that made me first your slaue,
[800]I should in thought controule your times of pleasure,
[801]Or at your hand th' account of houres to craue,
[802]Being your vassail bound to staie your leisure.
[803]Oh let me suffer (being at your beck)
[804]Th' imprison'd absence of your libertie,
[805]And patience tame, to sufferance bide each check,
[806]Without accusing you of iniury.
[807]Be where you list, your charter is so strong,
[808]That you your selfe may priuiledge your time
[809]To what you will, to you it doth belong,
[810]Your selfe to pardon of selfe-doing crime.
[811]I am to waite, though waiting so be hell,
[812]Not blame your pleasure be it ill or well.


[813]IF their bee nothing new, but that which is,
[814]Hath beene before, how are our braines beguild,
[815]Which laboring for inuention beare amisse
[816]The second burthen of a former child?
[817]Oh that record could with a back-ward looke,
[818]Euen of fiue hundreth courses of the Sunne,
[819]Show me your image in some antique booke,
[820]Since minde at first in carrecter was done.
[821]That I might see what the old world could say,
[822]To this composed wonder of your frame,
[823]Whether we are mended, or where better they,
[824]Or whether reuolution be the same.
[825]Oh sure I am the wits of former daies,
[826]To subiects worse haue giuen admiring praise.


[827]LIke as the waues make towards the pibled shore,
[828]So do our minuites haften to their end,
[829]Each changing place with that which goes before,
[830]In sequent toile all forwards do contend.
[831]Natiuity once in the maine of light.
[832][26] Crawles to maturity, wherewith being crown'd,
[833]Crooked eclipses gainst his glory fight,
[834]And time that gaue, doth now his gift confound.
[835]Time doth transfixe the florish set on youth,
[836]And delues the paralels in beauties brow,
[837]Feedes on the rarities of natures truth,
[838]And nothing stands but for his sieth to mow.
[839]And yet to times in hope, my verse shall stand
[840]Praising thy worth, dispight his cruell hand.


[841]IS it thy wil, thy Image should keepe open
[842]My heauy eielids to the weary night?
[843]Dost thou desire my slumbers should be broken,
[844]While shadowes like to thee do mocke my sight?
[845]Is it thy spirit that thou send'st from thee
[846]So farre from home into my deeds to prye,
[847]To find out shames and idle houres in me,
[848]The skope and tenure of thy Ielousie?
[849]O no, thy loue though much, is notso great,
[850]It is my loue that keepes mine eie awake,
[851]Mine owne true loue that doth my rest defeat,
[852]To plaie the watch-man euer for thy sake.
[853]For thee watch I, whilst thou dost wake elsewhere,
[854]From me farre of, with others all to neere.


[855]SInne of selfe-loue possesseth al mine eie,
[856]And all my soule, and al my euery part;
[857]And for this sinne there is no remedie,
[858]It is so grounded inward in my heart.
[859]Me thinkes no face so gratious is as mine,
[860]No shape so true, no truth of such account,
[861]And for my selfe mine owne worth do define,
[862]As I all other in all worths surmount.
[863]But when my glasse shewes me my selfe indeed
[864]Beated and chopt with tand antiquitie,
[865]Mine owne felse loue quite contrary I read
[866][27] Selfe, so selfe louing were iniquity,
[867]T'is thee (my selfe) that for my selfe I praise,
[868]Painting my age with beauty of thy daies,


[869]AGainst my loue shall be as I am now
[870]With times iniurious hand chrusht and ore-worne,
[871]When houres haue dreind his blood and fild his brow
[872]With lines and wrincles, when his youthfull morne
[873]Hath travaild on to Ages steepie night,
[874]And all those beauties whereof now he's King
[875]Are vanishing, or vanisht out of sight,
[876]Stealing away the treasure of his Spring.
[877]For such a time do I now fortifie
[878]Against confounding Ages cruell knife,
[879]That he shall neuer cut from memory
[880]My sweet loues beauty, though my louers life.
[881]His beautie shall in these blacke lines be seene,
[882]And they shall liue, and he in them still greene.


[883]VVHen I haue seene by times fell hand defaced
[884]The rich proud cost of outworne buried age,
[885]When sometime loftie towers I see downe rased,
[886]And brasse eternall slaue to mortall rage.
[887]When I haue seene the hungry Ocean gaine
[888]Aduantage on the Kingdome of the shoare,
[889]And the firme soile win of the watry maine,
[890]Increasing store with losse, and losse with store.
[891]When I haue seene such interchange of state,
[892]Or state it selfe confounded, to decay,
[893]Ruine hath taught me thus to ruminate
[894]That Time will come and take my loue away.
[895]This thought is as a death which cannot choose
[896]But weepe to haue, that which it feares to loose.


[897]SInce brasse, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundlesse sea,
[898]But sad mortallity ore-swaies their power,
[899][28] How with this rage shall beautie hold a plea,
[900]Whose action is no stronger then a flower?
[901]O how shall summers hunny breath hold out,
[902]Against the wrackfull siedge of battring dayes,
[903]When rocks impregnable are not so stoute,
[904]Nor gates of steele so strong but time decayes?
[905]O fearefull meditation, where alack,
[906]Shall times best Iewell from times chest lie hid?
[907]Or what strong hand can hold his swift foote back,
[908]Or who his spoile or beautie can forbid?
[909]O none, vnlesse this miracle haue might,
[910]That in black inck my loue may still shine bright.


[911]TYr'd with all these for restfull death I cry.
[912]As to behold desert a begger borne,
[913]And needie Nothing trimd in iollitie,
[914]And purest faith vnhappily forsworne,
[915]And gilded honor shamefully misplast,
[916]And maiden vertue rudely strumpeted,
[917]And right perfection wrongfully disgrac'd,
[918]And strength by limping sway disabled,
[919]And arte made tung-tide by authoritie,
[920]And Folly (Doctor-like) controuling skill,
[921]And simple-Truth miscalde Simplicitie,
[922]And captiue-good attending Captaine ill.
[923]Tyr'd with all these, from these would I be gone;
[924]Saue that to dye, I leaue my loue alone.


[925]AH wherefore with infection should he liue,
[926]And with his presence grace impietie,
[927]That sinne by him aduantage should atchiue,
[928]And lace it selfe with his societie?
[929]Why should false painting immitate his cheeke,
[930]And steale dead seeing of his liuing hew?
[931]Why should poore beautie indirectly seeke,
[932]Roses of shaddow, since his Rose is true?
[933][29] Why should he liue, now nature banckrout is,
[934]Beggerd of blood to blush through liuely vaines,
[935]For she hath no exchecker now but his,
[936]And proud of many, liues vpon his gaines?
[937]O him she stores, to show what welth she had,
[938]In daies long since, before these last so bad.


[939]THus is his cheeke the map of daies out-worne,
[940]When beauty liu'd and dy'ed as flowers do now,
[941]Before these bastard signes of faire were borne,
[942]Or durst inhabit on a liuing brow:
[943]Before the goulden tresses of the dead,
[944]The right of sepulchers, were shorne away,
[945]To liue a scond life on second head,
[946]Ere beauties dead fleece made another gay:
[947]In him those holy antique howers are seene,
[948]Without all ornament, it selfe and true,
[949]Making no summer of an others greene,
[950]Robbing no ould to dresse his beauty new,
[951]And him as for a map doth Nature store,
[952]To shew faulse Art what beauty was of yore.


[953]THose parts of thee that the worlds eye doth view,
[954]Want nothing that the thought of hearts can mend:
[955]All toungs (the voice of soules) giue thee that end,
[956]Vttring bare truth, euen so as foes Commend.
[957]Their outward thus with outward praise is crownd,
[958]But those same toungs that giue thee so thine owne,
[959]In other accents doe this praise confound
[960]By seeing farther then the eye hath showne.
[961]They looke into the beauty of thy mind,
[962]And that in guesse they measure by thy deeds,
[963]Then churls their thoughts (although their eies were kind)
[964]To thy faire flower ad the rancke smell of weeds,
[965]But why thy odor matcheth not thy show,
[966]The solye is this, that thou doest common grow.



[967]THat thou are blam'd shall not be thy defect,
[968]For slanders marke was euer yet the faire,
[969]The ornament of beauty is suspect,
[970]A Crow that flies in heauens sweetest ayre.
[971]So thou be good, slander doth but approue,
[972]Their worth the greater beeing woo'd of time,
[973]For Canker vice the sweetest buds doth loue,
[974]And thou present'st a pure vnstayined prime.
[975]Thou hast past by the ambush of young daies,
[976]Either not assayld, or victor beeing charg'd,
[977]Yet this thy praise cannot be soe thy praise,
[978]To tye vp enuy, euermore inlarged,
[979]If some suspect of ill maskt not thy show,
[980]Then thou alone kingdomes of hearts shouldst owe.


[981]NOe Longer mourne for me when I am dead,
[982]Then you shall heare the furly sullen bell
[983]Giue warning to the world that I am fled
[984]From this vile world with vildest wormes to dwell:
[985]Nay if you read this line, remember not,
[986]The hand that writ it, for I loue you so,
[987]That I in your sweet thoughts would be forgot,
[988]If thinking on me the should make you woe.
[989]O if (I say) you looke vpon this verse,
[990]When I (perhaps) compounded am with clay,
[991]Do not so much as my poore name reherse;
[992]But let your loue euen with my life decay.
[993]Least the wise world should looke into your mone,
[994]And mocke you with me after I am gon.


[995]O Least the world should taske you to recite,
[996]What merit liu'd in me that you should loue
[997]After my death (deare loue) for get me quite,
[998]For you in me can nothing worthy proue.
[999]Vnlesse you would deuise some vertuous lye,
[1000][31] To doe more for me then mine owne desert,
[1001]And hang more praise vpon deceased I,
[1002]Then nigard truth would willingly impart:
[1003]O least your true loue may seeme falce in this,
[1004]That you for loue speake well of me vntrue,
[1005]My name be buried where my body is,
[1006]And liue no more to shame nor me, nor you.
[1007]For I am shamd by that which I bring forth,
[1008]And so should you, to loue things nothing worth.


[1009]THat time of yeeare thou maist in me behold,
[1010]When yellow leaues, or none, or few doe hange
[1011]Vpon those boughes which shake against the could,
[1012]Bare rn'wd quiers, where late the sweet birds sang.
[1013]In me thou seest the twi-light of such day,
[1014]As after Sun-set fadeth in the West,
[1015]Which by and by blacke night doth take away,
[1016]Deaths second selfe that seals vp all in rest.
[1017]In me thou seest the glowing of such fire,
[1018]That on the ashes of his youth doth lye,
[1019]As the death bed, whereon it must expire,
[1020]Consum'd with that which it was nurrisht by.
[1021]This thou perceu'st, which makes thy loue more strong,
[1022]To loue that well, which thou must leaue ere long.


[1023]BVt be contented when that fell arest.
[1024]Without all bayle shall carry me away,
[1025]My life hath in this line some interest,
[1026]Which for memoriall still with thee shall stay.
[1027]When thou reuewest this, thou doest reuew,
[1028]The very part was consecrate to thee,
[1029]The earth can haue but earth, which is his due,
[1030]My spirit is thine the better part of me,
[1031]So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life,
[1032]The pray of wormes, my body being dead,
[1033]The coward conquest of a wretches knife,
[1034][32] To base of thee to be remembred,
[1035]The worth of that, is that which it containes,
[1036]And that is this, and this with thee remaines.


[1037]SO are you to my thoughts as food to life,
[1038]Or as sweet season'd shewers are to the ground;
[1039]And for the peace of you I hold such strife,
[1040]As twixt a miser and his wealth is found.
[1041]Now proud as an inioyct, and anon
[1042]Doubting the filching age will steale his treasure,
[1043]Now counting best to be with you alone,
[1044]Then betterd that the world may see my pleasure.
[1045]Some-time all ful with feasting on your sight,
[1046]And by and by cleane starued for a looke,
[1047]Possessing or pursuing no delight
[1048]Saue what is had, or must from you be tooke.
[1049]Thus do I pine and surfet day by day,
[1050]Or gluttoning on all, or all away,


[1051]VVHy is my verse so barren of new pride▪
[1052]So far from variation or quicke change?
[1053]Why with the time do I not glance aside
[1054]To new found methods, and to compounds strange?
[1055]Why write I still all one, euer the same,
[1056]And keepe inuention in a noted weed,
[1057]That euery word doth almost fel my name,
[1058]Shewing their birth, and where they did proceed?
[1059]O know sweet loue I alwaies write of you,
[1060]And you and loue are still my argument:
[1061]So all my best is dressing old words new,
[1062]Spending againe what is already spent:
[1063]For as the Sun is daily new and old,
[1064]So is my loue still telling what is told,


[1065]THy glasse will shew thee how thy beauties were,
[1066]Thy dyall how thy pretious mynuits waste,
[1067][33] The vacant leaues thy mindes imprint will beare,
[1068]And of this booke, this learning maist thou taste.
[1069]The wrinckles which thy glasse will truly show,
[1070]Of mouthed graues will giue the memorie,
[1071]Thou by thy dyals shady stealth maist know,
[1072]Times theeuish progresse to eternitie.
[1073]Looke what thy memorie cannot containe▪
[1074]Commit to these waste blacks, and thou shalt finde
[1075]Those children nurst, deliuerd from thy braine,
[1076]To take a new acquaintance of thy minde.
[1077]These offices, so oft as thou wilt looke,
[1078]Shall profit thee and much inrich thy booke▪


[1079]SO oft haue I inuok'd thee for my Muse,
[1080]And found such faire assistance in my verse,
[1081]As euery Alien pen hath got my vse,
[1082]And vnder thee their poesie disperse.
[1083]Thine eyes, that taught the dumbe on high to sing,
[1084]And heauie ignorance aloft to flie,
[1085]Haue added fethers to the learneds wing,
[1086]And giuen grace a double Maiestie.
[1087]Yet be most proud of that which I compile,
[1088]Whose influence is thine, and borne of thee,
[1089]In others workes thou doost but mend the stile,
[1090]And Arts with thy sweete graces graced be.
[1091]But thou art all my art, and doost aduance
[1092]As high as learning, my rude ignorance.


[1093]WHilst I alone did call vpon thy ayde,
[1094]My verse alone had all thy gentle grace,
[1095]But now my gracious numbers are decay de,
[1096]And my sick Muse doth giue an other place.
[1097]I grant (sweet loue) thy louely argument
[1098]Deserues the trauaile of a worthier pen,
[1099]Yet what of thee thy Poet doth inuent,
[1100]He robs thee of, and payes it thee againe,
[1101][34] He lends thee vertue, and he stole that word,
[1102]From thy behauiour, beautie doth he giue
[1103]And found it in thy cheeke: he can affoord
[1104]No praise to thee, but what in thee doth liue.
[1105]Then thanke him not for that which he doth say,
[1106]Since what he owes thee, thou thy selfe doost pay.


[1107]O How I faint when I of you do write,
[1108]Knowing a better spirit doth vse your name,
[1109]And in the praise thereof spends all his might,
[1110]To make me toung-tide speaking of your fame.
[1111]But since your worth (wide as the Ocean is)
[1112]The humble as the proudest saile doth beare,
[1113]My sawsie barke (inferior farre to his)
[1114]On your broad maine doth wilfully appeare.
[1115]Your shallowest helpe will hold me vp a floate,
[1116]Whilst he vpon your soundlesse deepe doth ride,
[1117]Or (being wrackt) I am a worthlesse bote,
[1118]He of tall building, and of goodly pride.
[1119]Then If he thriue and I be cast away,
[1120]The worst was this, my loue was my decay.


[1121]OR I shall liue your Epitaph to make,
[1122]Or you suruiue when I in earth am rotten,
[1123]From hence your memory death cannot take,
[1124]Although in me each part will be forgotten.
[1125]Your name from hence immortall life shall haue,
[1126]Though I (once gone) to all the world must dye,
[1127]The earth can yeeld me but a common graue,
[1128]When you intombed in mens eyes shall lye,
[1129]Your monument shall be my gentle verse,
[1130]Which eyes not yet created shall ore-read,
[1131]And toungs to be, your beeing shall rehearse,
[1132]When all the breathers of this world are dead,
[1133]You still shall liue (such vertue hath my Pen)
[1134]Where breath most breaths, euen in the mouths of men.



[1135]I Grant thou wert not married to my Muse,
[1136]And therefore maiest without attaint ore-looke
[1137]The dedicated words which writers vse
[1138]Of their faire subiect, blessing euery booke.
[1139]Thou art as faire in knowledge as in hew,
[1140]Finding thy worth a limmit past my praise,
[1141]And therefore art inforc'd to seeke anew,
[1142]Some fresher stampe of the time bettering dayes.
[1143]And do so loue, yet when thy haue deuisde,
[1144]What strained touches Rhethorick can lend,
[1145]Thou truly faire, wert truly simpathizde,
[1146]In true plaine words, by thy true telling friend.
[1147]And their grosse painting might be better vs'd,
[1148]Where cheekes need blood, in thee it is abus'd.


[1149]I Neuer saw that you did painting need,
[1150]And therefore to your faire no painting set,
[1151]I found (or thought I found) you did exceed,
[1152]The barren tender of a Poets debt:
[1153]And therefore haue I slept in your report,
[1154]That you your selfe being extant well might show,
[1155]How farre a moderne quill doth come to short,
[1156]Speaking of worth, what worth in you doth grow,
[1157]This silence for my sinne you did impute,
[1158]Which shall be most my glory being dombe,
[1159]For I impaire not beautie being mute,
[1160]When others would giue life, and bring a tombe.
[1161]There liues more life in one of your faire eyes,
[1162]Then both your Poets can in praise deuise.


[1163]WHo is it that sayes most, which can say more,
[1164]Then this rich praise, that you alone, are you,
[1165]In whose confine immured is the store.
[1166]Which should example where your equall grew,
[1167]Leane penurie within that Pen doth dwell,
[1168][36] That to his subiect lends not some small glory,
[1169]But he that writes of you, if he can tell,
[1170]That you are you, so dignifies his story.
[1171]Let him but coppy what in you is writ,
[1172]Not making worse what nature made so cleere,
[1173]And such a counter-part shall fame his wit,
[1174]Making his stile admired euery where.
[1175]You to your beautious blessings adde a curse,
[1176]Being fond on praise, which makes your praises worse.


[1177]MY toung-tide Muse in manners holds her still,
[1178]While comments of your praise richly compil'd,
[1179]Reserue their Character with goulden quill,
[1180]And precious phrase by all the Muses fil'd.
[1181]I thinke good thoughts, whilst other write good wordes,
[1182]And like vnlettered clarke still crie Amen,
[1183]To euery Himne that able spirit affords,
[1184]In polisht forme of well refined pen.
[1185]Hearing you praisd, I say 'tis so, 'tis true,
[1186]And to the most of praise adde some-thing more,
[1187]But that is in my thought, whose loue to you
[1188](Though words come hind-most) holds his ranke before,
[1189]Then others, for the breath of words respect,
[1190]Me for my dombe thoughts, speaking in effect.


[1191]VVAs it the proud full saile of his great verse,
[1192]Bound for the prize of (all to precious) you,
[1193]That did my ripe thoughts in my braine inhearce,
[1194]Making their tombe the wombe wherein they grew?
[1195]Was it his spirit, by spirits taught to write,
[1196]Aboue a mortall pitch, that struck me dead?
[1197]No, neither he, nor his compiers by night
[1198]Giuing him ayde, my verse astonished.
[1199]He nor that affable familiar ghost
[1200]Which nightly gulls him with intelligence,
[1201]As victors of my silence cannot boast,
[1202][37] I was not sick of any feare from thence.
[1203]But when your countinance fild vp his line,
[1204]Then lackt I matter, that infeebled mine.


[1205]FArewell thou art too deare for my possessing,
[1206]And like enough thou knowst thy estimate,
[1207]The Charter of thy worth giues thee releasing:
[1208]My bonds in thee are all determinate.
[1209]For how do I hold thee but by thy granting,
[1210]And for that ritches where is my deseruing?
[1211]The cause of this faire guift in me is wanting,
[1212]And so my pattent back againe is sweruing.
[1213]Thy selfe thou gau'st, thy owne worth then not knowing,
[1214]Or mee to whom thou gau'st it, else mistaking,
[1215]So thy great guift vpon misprision growing,
[1216]Comes home againe, on better iudgement making.
[1217]Thus haue I had thee as a dreame doth flatter,
[1218]In sleepe a King, but waking no such matter.


[1219]VVHen thou shalt be dispode to set me light,
[1220]And place my merrit in the eie of skorne,
[1221]Vpon thy side, against my selfe ile fight,
[1222]And proue thee virtuous, though thou art forsworne:
[1223]With mine owne weakenesse being best acquainted,
[1224]Vpon thy part I can set downe a story
[1225]Of faults conceald, wherein I am attainted:
[1226]That thou in loosing me shall win much glory:
[1227]And I by this wil be a gainer too,
[1228]For bending all my louing thoughts on thee,
[1229]The iniuries that to my selfe I doe,
[1230]Doing thee vantage, duble vantage me.
[1231]Such is my loue, to thee I so belong,
[1232]That for thy right, my selfe will beare all wrong.


[1233]SAy that thou didst forsake mee for some falt,
[1234]And I will comment vpon that offence,
[1235][38] Speake of my lamenesse, and I straight will halt:
[1236]Against thy reasons making no defence.
[1237]Thou canst not (loue) disgrace me halfe so ill,
[1238]To set a forme vpon desired change,
[1239]As ile my selfe disgrace, knowing thy wil,
[1240]I will acquaintance strangle and looke strange:
[1241]Be absent from thy walkes and in my tongue,
[1242]Thy sweet beloued name no more shall dwell,
[1243]Least I (too much prophane) should do it wronge:
[1244]And haplie of our old acquaintance tell.
[1245]For thee, against my selfe ile vow debate,
[1246]For I must nere loue him whom thou dost hate.


[1247]THen hate me when thou wilt, if euer, now,
[1248]Now while the world is bent my deeds to crosse,
[1249]Ioyne with the spight of fortune, make me bow,
[1250]And doe not drop in for an after losse:
[1251]Ah doe not, when my heart hath scapte this sorrow,
[1252]Come in the rereward of a conquerd woe,
[1253]Giue not a windy night a rainie morrow,
[1254]To linger out a purposd ouer-throw.
[1255]If thou wilt leaue me, do not leaue me last,
[1256]When other pettie griefes haue done their spight,
[1257]But in the onset come, so stall I taste
[1258]At first the very worst of fortunes might.
[1259]And other straines of woe, which now seeme woe,
[1260]Compar'd with losse of thee, will not seeme so.


[1261]SOme glory in their birth, some in their skill,
[1262]Some in their wealth, some in their bodies force,
[1263]Some in their garments though new-fangled ill:
[1264]Some in their Hawkes and Hounds, some in their Horse.
[1265]And euery humor hath his adiunct pleasure,
[1266]Wherein it findes a ioy aboue the rest,
[1267]But these perticulers are not my measure,
[1268]All these I better in one generall best.
[1269][39] Thy loue is bitter then high birth to me,
[1270]Richer then wealth, prouder then garments cost,
[1271]Of more delight then Hawkes or Horses bee:
[1272]And hauing thee, of all mens pride I boast.
[1273]Wretched in this alone, that thou maist take,
[1274]All this away, and me most wretched make.


[1275]BVt doe thy worst to steale-thy selfe away,
[1276]For tearme of life thou art assured mine,
[1277]And life no longer then thy loue will stay,
[1278]For it depends vpon that loue of thine.
[1279]Then need I not to feare the worst of wrongs,
[1280]When in the least of them my life hath end,
[1281]I see, a better state to me belongs
[1282]Then that, which on thy humor doth depend.
[1283]Thou canst not vex me with inconstant minde,
[1284]Since that my life on thy reuolt doth lie,
[1285]Oh what a happy title do I finde,
[1286]Happy to haue thy loue, happy to die!
[1287]But whats so blessed faire that feares no blot,
[1288]Thou maist be falce, and yet I know it not.


[1289]SO shall I liue, supposing thou art true,
[1290]Like a deceiued husband so loues face,
[1291]May still seeme loue to me, though alter'd new:
[1292]Thy lookes with me, thy heart in other place.
[1293]For their can liue no hatred in thine eye,
[1294]Therefore in that I cannot know thy change,
[1295]In manies lookes, the falce hearts history
[1296]Is writ in moods and frounes and wrinckles strange.
[1297]But heauen in thy creation did decree,
[1298]That in thy face sweet loue should euer dwell,
[1299]What ere thy thoughts, or thy hearts workings be,
[1300]Thy lookes should nothing thence, but sweetnesse tell.
[1301]How like Eaues apple doth thy beauty grow,
[1302]If thy sweet vertue answere not thy show.



[1303]THey that haue powre to hurt, and will doe none,
[1304]That doe not do the thing, they most do showe,
[1305]Who mouing others, are themselues as stone,
[1306]Vnmooued, could, and to temptation slow:
[1307]They rightly do inherrit heauens graces,
[1308]And husband natures ritches from expence,
[1309]They are the Lords and owners of their faces,
[1310]Others, but stewards of their excellence:
[1311]The sommers flowre is to the sommer sweet,
[1312]Though to it selfe, it onely liue and die,
[1313]But if that flowre with base infection meete,
[1314]The basest weed out-braues his dignity:
[1315]For sweetest things turne sowrest by their deedes,
[1316]Lillies that fester, smell far worse then weeds.


[1317]HOw sweet and louely dost thou make the shame,
[1318]Which like a canker in the fragrant Rose,
[1319]Doth spot the beautie of thy budding name?
[1320]Oh in what sweets doest thou thy sinnes inclose!
[1321]That tongue that tells the story of thy daies,
[1322](Making lasciuious comments on thy sport)
[1323]Cannot dispraise, but in a kinde of praise,
[1324]Naming thy name, blesses an ill report,
[1325]Oh what a mansion haue those vices got,
[1326]Which for their habitation chose out thee,
[1327]Where beauties vaile doth couer euery blot,
[1328]And all things turnes to faire, that eies can feel
[1329]Take heed (deare heart) of this large priuiledge,
[1330]The hardest knife ill vs 'd doth loose his edge.


[1331]SOme say thy fault is youth, some wantonesse,
[1332]Some say thy grace is youth and gentle sport,
[1333]Both grace and faults are lou'd of more and lesse:
[1334]Thou makst faults graces, that to thee resort:
[1335]As on the finger of a throned Queene,
[1336][41] The basest Iewell wil be well esteem'd:
[1337]So are those errors that in thee are seene,
[1338]To truths translated, and for true things deem'd.
[1339]How many Lambs might the sterne Wolfe betray▪
[1340]If like a Lambe he could his lookes translate.
[1341]How many gazers mighst thou lead away,
[1342]If thou wouldst vse the strenght of all thy state?
[1343]But doe not so, I loue thee in such sort,
[1344]As thou being mine, mine is thy good report.


[1345]HOw like a Winter hath my absence beene
[1346]From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting yeare?
[1347]What freezings haue I felt, what darke daies seene?
[1348]What old Decembers barenesse euery where?
[1349]And yet this time remou'd was sommers time,
[1350]The teeming Autumne big with ritch increase,
[1351]Bearing the wanton burthen of the prime,
[1352]Like widdowed wombes after their Lords decease:
[1353]Yet this aboundant issue seem'd to me,
[1354]But hope of Orphans, and vn-fathered fruite,
[1355]For Sommer and his pleasures waite on thee,
[1356]And thou away, the very birds are mute.
[1357]Or if they sing, tis with so dull a cheere,
[1358]That leaues looke pale, dreading the Winters neere,


[1359]FRom you haue I beene absent in the spring,
[1360]When proud pide Aprill (drest in all his trim)
[1361]Hath put a spirit of youth in euery thing:
[1362]That heauie Saturne laught and leapt with him.
[1363]Yet nor the laies of birds, nor the sweet smell
[1364]Of different flowers in odor and in hew,
[1365]Could make me any summers story tell:
[1366]Or from their proud lap pluck them where they grew:
[1367]Nor did I wonder at the Lillies white,
[1368]Nor praise the deepe vermillion in the Rose,
[1369]They weare but sweet, but figures of delight:
[1370][42] Drawne after you, you patterne of all those.
[1371]Yet seem'd it Winter still, and you away,
[1372]As with your shaddow I with these did play.


[1373]THe forward violet thus did I chide,
[1374]Sweet theefe whence didst thou steale thy sweet that smels
[1375]If not from my loues breath, the purple pride,
[1376]Which on thy soft cheeke for complexion dwells?
[1377]In my loues veines thou hast too grosely died,
[1378]The Lillie I condemned for thy hand,
[1379]And buds of marierom had stolne thy haire,
[1380]The Roses fearefully on thornes did stand,
[1381]Our blushing shame, an other white dispaire:
[1382]A third nor red, nor white, had stolne of both,
[1383]And to his robbry had annext thy breath,
[1384]But for his theft in pride of all his growth
[1385]A vengfull canker eate him vp to death.
[1386]More flowers I noted, yet I none could see,
[1387]But sweet, or culler it had stolne from thee.


[1388]VVHere art thou Muse that thou forgetst so long,
[1389]To speake of that which giues thee all thy might?
[1390]Spendst thou thy furie on some worthlesse songe,
[1391]Darkning thy powre to lend base subiects light▪
[1392]Returne forgetfull Muse, and straight redeeme,
[1393]In gentle numbers time so idely spent,
[1394]Sing to the eare that doth thy laies esteeme,
[1395]And giues thy pen both skill and argument.
[1396]Rise resty Muse, my loues sweet face suruay,
[1397]If time haue any wrincle grauen there,
[1398]If any, be a Satire to decay,
[1399]And make times spoiles dispised euery where.
[1400]Giue my loue fame faster then time wasts life,
[1401]So thou preuenst his sieth, and crocked knife.


[1402]OH truant Muse what shalbe thy amends,
[1403][43] For thy neglect of truth in beauty di'd?
[1404]Both truth and beauty on my loue depends▪
[1405]So dost thou too, and therein dignifi'd:
[1406]Make answere Muse, wilt thou not haply saie,
[1407]Truth needs no collour with his collour fixt,
[1408]Beautie no pensell, beauties truth to lay:
[1409]But best is best, if neuer intermixt.
[1410]Because he needs no praise, wilt thou be dumb?
[1411]Excuse not silence so, for't lies in thee,
[1412]To make him much out-liue a gilded tombe:
[1413]And to be praisd of ages yet to be.
[1414]Then do thy office Muse, I teach thee how,
[1415]To make him seeme long hence, as he showes now.


[1416]MY loue is strengthned though more weake in see∣ming
[1417]I loue not lesse, thogh lesse the show appeare,
[1418]That loue is marchandiz'd, whose ritch esteeming,
[1419]The owners tongue doth publish euery where.
[1420]Our loue was new, and then but in the spring,
[1421]When I was wont to greet it with my laies,
[1422]As Philomell in summers front doth singe,
[1423]And stops his pipe in growth of riper daies:
[1424]Not that the summer is lesse pleasant now
[1425]Then when her mournefull himns did hush the night,
[1426]But that wild musick burthens euery bow,
[1427]And sweets growne common loose their deare delight.
[1428]Therefore like her, I some-time hold my tongue:
[1429]Because I would not dull you with my songe.


[1430]A Lack what pouerty my Muse brings forth,
[1431]That hauing such a skope to show her pride,
[1432]The argument all bare is of more worth
[1433]Then when it hath my added praise beside▪
[1434]Oh blame me not if I no more can write!
[1435]Looke in your glasse and there appeares a face,
[1436]That ouer-goes my blunt inuention quite,
[1437]Dulling my lines, and doing me disgrace.
[1438][44] Were it not sinfull then striuing to mend,
[1439]To marre the subiect that before was well,
[1440]For to no other passe my verses tend,
[1441]Then of your graces and your gifts to tell.
[1442]And more, much more then in my verse can sit,
[1443]Your owne glasse showes you, when you looke in it.


[1444]TO me faire friend you neuer can be old,
[1445]For as you were when first your eye I eyde,
[1446]Such seemes your beautie still: Three Winters colde,
[1447]Haue from the forrests shooke three summers pride,
[1448]Three beautious springs to yellow Autumne turn'd,
[1449]In processe of the seasons haue I seene,
[1450]Three Aprill perfumes in three hot Iunes burn'd,
[1451]Since first I saw you fresh which yet are greene.
[1452]Ah yet doth beauty like a Dyall hand,
[1453]Steale from his figure, and no pace perceiu'd,
[1454]So your sweete hew, which me thinkes still doth stand,
[1455]Hath motion, and mine eye may be deceaued.
[1456]For feare of which, heare this thou age vnbred,
[1457]Ere you were borne was beauties summer dead,


[1458]LEt not my loue be cal'd Idolatrie,
[1459]Nor my beloued as an Idoll show,
[1460]Since all alike my songs and praises be
[1461]To one, of one, still sitch, and euer so.
[1462]Kinde is my loue to day, to morrow kinde,
[1463]Still constant in a wondrous excellence,
[1464]Therefore my verse to constancie confin'de,
[1465]One thing expressing, leaues out difference.
[1466]Faire, kinde, and true, is all my argument,
[1467]Faire, kinde and true, varrying to other words,
[1468]And in this change is my inuention spent,
[1469]Three theams in one, which wondrous scope affords.
[1470]Faire, kinde, and true, haue often liu'd alone.
[1471]Which three till now, neuer kept seate in one.



[1472]WHen in the Chronicle of wasted time,
[1473]I see discriptions of the fairest wights,
[1474]And beautie making beautifull old rime,
[1475]In praise of Ladies dead, and louely Knights,
[1476]Then in the blazon of sweet beauties best,
[1477]Of hand, of foote, of lip, of eye, of brow,
[1478]I see their antique Pen would haue exprest,
[1479]Euen such a beauty as you maister now.
[1480]So all their praises are but prophesies
[1481]Of this our time, all you prefiguring,
[1482]And for they look'd but with deuining eyes,
[1483]They had not still enough your worth to sing:
[1484]For we which now behold these present dayes,
[1485]Haue eyes to wonder, but lack toungs to praise.


[1486]NOt mine owne feares, nor the prophetick soule,
[1487]Of the wide world, dreaming on things to come,
[1488]Can yet the lease of my true loue controule,
[1489]Supposde as forfeit to a confin'd doome.
[1490]The mortall Moone hath her eclipse in dur'de,
[1491]And the sad Augurs mock their owne presage,
[1492]Incertenties now crowne them-selues assur'de,
[1493]And peace proclaimes Oliues of endlesse age,
[1494]Now with the drops of this most balmie time,
[1495]My loue lookes fresh, and death to me subscribes,
[1496]Since spight of him Ile liue in this poore rime,
[1497]While he insults ore dull and speachlesse tribes.
[1498]And thou in this shalt finde thy monument,
[1499]When tyrants crests and tombs of brasse are spent.


[1500]VVHat's in the braine that Inck may character,
[1501]Which hath not figur'd to thee my true spirit,
[1502]What's new to speake, what now to register,
[1503]That may expresse my loue, or thy deare merit?
[1504]Nothing sweet boy, but yet like prayers diuine,
[1505][46] I must each day say ore the very same,
[1506]Counting no old thing old, thou mine, I thine.
[1507]Euen as when first I hallowed thy faire name,
[1508]So that eternall loue in loues fresh case,
[1509]Waighes not the dust and iniury of age,
[1510]Nor giues to necessary wrinckles place,
[1511]But makes antiquitie for aye his page,
[1512]Finding the first conceit of loue there bred,
[1513]Where time and outward forme would shew it dead,


[1514]O Neuer say that I was false of heart,
[1515]Though absence seem'd my flame to quallifie,
[1516]As easie might I from my selfe depart,
[1517]As from my soule which in thy brest doth lye:
[1518]That is my home of loue, if I haue rang'd,
[1519]Like him that trauels I returne againe,
[1520]Iust to the time, not with the time exchang'd,
[1521]So that my selfe bring water for my staine,
[1522]Neuer beleeue though in my nature raign'd,
[1523]All frailties that besiege all kindes of blood,
[1524]That it could so preposterouslie be stain'd,
[1525]To leaue for nothing all thy summe of good:
[1526]For nothing this wide Vniuerse I call,
[1527]Saue thou my Rose, in it thou art my all.


[1528]ALas 'tis true, I haue gone here and there,
[1529]And made my selfe a motley to the view,
[1530]Gor'd mine own thoughts, sold cheap what is most deare,
[1531]Made old offences of affections new.
[1532]Most true it is, that I haue lookt on truth
[1533]Asconce and strangely: But by all aboue,
[1534]These blenches gaue my heart an other youth,
[1535]And worse essaies prou'd thee my best of loue,
[1536]Now all is done, haue what shall haue no end,
[1537]Mine appetite I neuer more will grin'de
[1538]On newer proofe, to trie an older friend,
[1539]A God in loue, to whom I am confin'd.
[1540][47] Then giue me welcome, next my heauen the best,
[1541]Euen to thy pure and most most louing brest,


[1542]O For my sake doe you wish fortune chide,
[1543]The guiltie goddesse of my harmfull deeds,
[1544]That did not better for my life prouide,
[1545]Then publick meanes which publick manners breeds.
[1546]Thence comes it that my name receiues a brand,
[1547]And almost thence my nature is subdu'd
[1548]To what it workes in, like the Dyers hand,
[1549]Pitty me then, and wish I were renu'de,
[1550]Whilst like a willing pacient I will drinke,
[1551]Potions of Eysell gainst my strong insection,
[1552]No bitternesse that I will bitter thinke,
[1553]Nor double pennance to correct correction.
[1554]Pittie me then deare friend, and I assure yee,
[1555]Euen that your pittie is enough to cure mee.


[1556]YOur loue and pittie doth th'impression fill,
[1557]Which vulgar scandall stampt vpon my brow,
[1558]For what care I who calles me well or ill,
[1559]So you ore-greene my bad, my good alow?
[1560]You are my All the world, and I must striue,
[1561]To know my shames and praises from your tounge,
[1562]None else to me, nor I to none aliue,
[1563]That my steel'd sence or changes right or wrong,
[1564]In so profound Abisme I throw all care
[1565]Of others voyces, that my Adders sence,
[1566]To cryttick and to flatterer stopped are:
[1567]Marke how with my neglect I doe dispence.
[1568]You are so strongly in my purpose bred,
[1569]That all the world besides me thinkes y'are dead,


[1570]SInce I left you, mine eye is in my minde,
[1571]And that which gouernes me to goe about,
[1572]Doth part his function, and is partly blind,
[1573][48] Seemes seeing, but effectually is out:
[1574]For it no forme deliuers to the heart
[1575]Of bird, of flowre, or shape which it doth lack,
[1576]Of his quick obiects hath the minde no part,
[1577]Nor his owne vision houlds what it doth catch:
[1578]For if it see the rud'st or gentlest sight,
[1579]The most sweet-fauor or deformedst creature,
[1580]The mountaine, or the sea, the day, or night:
[1581]The Croe, or Doue, it shapes them to your feature.
[1582]Incapable of more repleat, with you,
[1583]My most true minde thus maketh mine vntrue.


[1584]OR whether doth my minde being crown'd with you
[1585]Drinke vp the monarks plague this flattery?
[1586]Or whether shall I say mine eie saith true,
[1587]And that your loue taught it this Alcumie?
[1588]To make of monsters, and things indigest,
[1589]Such cherubines as your sweet selfe resemble,
[1590]Creating euery bad a perfect best
[1591]As fast as obiects to his beames assemble:
[1592]Oh tis the first, tis flatry in my seeing,
[1593]And my great minde most kingly drinkes it vp,
[1594]Mine eie well knowes what with his gust is greeing,
[1595]And to his pallat doth prepare the cup.
[1596]If it be poison'd, tis the lesser sinne,
[1597]That mine eye loues it and doth first beginne.


[1598]THose lines that I before haue writ doe lie,
[1599]Euen those that said I could not loue you deerer,
[1600]Yet then my iudgement knew no reason why,
[1601]My most full flame should afterwards burne cleerer.
[1602]But reckening time, whose milliond accidents
[1603]Creepe in twixt vowes, and change decrees of Kings,
[1604]Tan sacred beautie, blunt the sharp'st intents,
[1605]Diuert strong mindes to th' course o altring things:
[1606]Alas why fearing of times tiranie,
[1607][49] Might I not then say now I loue you best,
[1608]When I was certaine ore in-certainty,
[1609]Crowning the present, doubting of the rest:
[1610]Loue is a Babe, then might I not say so
[1611]To giue full growth to that which still doth grow.


[1612]LEt me not to the marriage of true mindes
[1613]Admit impediments, loue is not loue
[1614]Which alters when it alteration findes,
[1615]Or bends with the remouer to remoue.
[1616]O no, it is an euer fixed marke
[1617]That lookes on tempests and is neuer shaken;
[1618]It is the star to euery wandring barke,
[1619]Whose worths vnknowne, although his higth be taken.
[1620]Lou's not Times foole, though rosie lips and cheeks
[1621]Within his bending sickles compasse come,
[1622]Loue alters not with his breefe houres and weekes,
[1623]But beares it out euen to the edge of doome:
[1624]If this be error and vpon me proued,
[1625]I neuer writ, nor no man euer loued.


[1626]ACcuse me thus, that I haue scanted all,
[1627]Wherein I should your great deserts repay,
[1628]Forgot vpon your dearest loue to call,
[1629]Whereto al bonds do tie me day by day,
[1630]That I haue frequent binne with vnknown mindes,
[1631]And giuen to time your owne deare purchas'd right,
[1632]That I haue hoysted saile to al the windes
[1633]Which should transport me farthest from your sight.
[1634]Booke both my wilfulnesse and errors downe,
[1635]And on iust proofe surmise, accumilate,
[1636]Bring me within the leuel of your frowne,
[1637]But shoote not at me in your wakened hate:
[1638]Since my appeale saies I did striue to prooue
[1639]The constancy and virtue of your loue



[1640]LIke as to make our appetites more keene
[1641]With eager compounds we our pallat vrge,
[1642]As to preuent our malladies vnseene,
[1643]We sicken to shun sicknesse when we purge.
[1644]Euen so being full of your nere cloying sweetnesse,
[1645]To bitter sawces did I frame my feeding;
[1646]And sicke of wel-fare found a kind of meetnesse,
[1647]To be diseas'd ere that there was true needing.
[1648]Thus pollicie in loue t'anticipate
[1649]The ills that were, not grew to faults assured,
[1650]And brought to medicine a healthfull state
[1651]Which rancke of goodnesse would by ill be cured.
[1652]But thence I learne and find the lesson true,
[1653]Drugs poyson him that so fell sicke of you.


[1654]WHat potions haue I drunke of Syren teares
[1655]Distil'd from Lymbecks foule as hell within,
[1656]Applying feares to hopes, and hopes to feares,
[1657]Still loosing when I saw my selfe to win?
[1658]What wretched errors hath my heart committed,
[1659]Whilst it hath thought it selfe so blessed neuer?
[1660]How haue mine eies out of their Spheares bene fitted
[1661]In the distraction of this madding feuer?
[1662]O benefit of ill, now I find true
[1663]That better is, by euil still made better.
[1664]And ruin'd loue when it is built anew
[1665]Growes fairer then at first, more strong, far greater.
[1666]So I returne rebukt to my content,
[1667]And gaine by ills thrise more then I haue spent.


[1668]THat you were once vnkind be-friends mee now,
[1669]And for that sorrow, which I then didde feele,
[1670]Needes must I vnder my transgression bow,
[1671]Vnlesse my Nerues were brasse or hammered steele.
[1672]For if you were by my vnkindnesse shaken
[1673][51] As I by yours, y'haue past a hell of Time,
[1674]And I a tyrant haue no leasure taken
[1675]To waigh how once I suffered in your crime.
[1676]O that our night of wo might haue remembred
[1677]My deepest sence, how hard true sorrow hits,
[1678]And soone to you, as you to me then tendred
[1679]The humble salue, which wounded bosomes fits!
[1680]But that your trespasse now becomes a fee,
[1681]Mine ransoms yours, and yours must ransome mee,


[1682]TIS better to be vile then vile esteemed,
[1683]When not to be, receiues reproach of being,
[1684]And the iust pleasure lost, which is so deemed,
[1685]Not by our feeling, but by others seeing.
[1686]For why should others false adulterat eyes
[1687]Giue salutation to my sportiue blood?
[1688]Or on my frailties why are frailer spies;
[1689]Which in their wils count bad what I think good?
[1690]Noe, I am that I am, and they that leuell
[1691]At my abuses, reckon vp their owne,
[1692]I may be straight though they them-selues be beuel
[1693]By their rancke thoughtes, my deedes must not be shown
[1694]Vnlesse this generall euill they maintaine,
[1695]All men are bad and in their badnesse raigne.


[1696]TThy guift, thy tables, are within my braine
[1697]Full characterd with lafting memory,
[1698]Which shall aboue that idle rancke remaine
[1699]Beyond all date euen to eternity.
[1700]Or at the least, so long as braine and heart
[1701]Haue facultie by nature to subsist,
[1702]Til each to raz'd obliuion yeeld his part
[1703]Of thee, thy record neuer can be mist:
[1704]That poore retention could not so much hold,
[1705]Nor need I tallies thy deare loue to skore,
[1706]Therefore to giue them from me was I bold,
[1707][52] To trust those tables that receaue thee more,
[1708]To keepe an adiunckt to remember thee,
[1709]Were to import forgetfulnesse in mee.


[1710]NO! Time, thou shalt not bost that I doe change,
[1711]Thy pyramyds buylt vp with newer might
[1712]To me are nothing nouell, nothing strange,
[1713]They are but dressings of a former sight:
[1714]Our dates are breefe, and therefor we admire,
[1715]What thou dost foyst vpon vs that is ould,
[1716]And rather make them borne to our desire,
[1717]Then thinke that we before haue heard them tould:
[1718]Thy registers and thee I both defie,
[1719]Not wondring at the present, nor the past,
[1720]For thy records, and what we see doth lye,
[1721]Made more or les by thy continuall haft:
[1722]This I doe vow and this shall euer be,
[1723]I will be true dispight thy syeth and thee.


[1724]YF my deare loue were but the childe of state,
[1725]It might for fortunes basterd be vnfathered,
[1726]As subiect to times loue, or to times hate,
[1727]Weeds among weeds, or flowers with flowers gatherd.
[1728]No it was buylded far from accident,
[1729]It suffers not in smilinge pomp, nor falls
[1730]Vnder the blow of thralled discontent,
[1731]Whereto th' inuiting time our fashion calls:
[1732]It feares not policy that Heriticke,
[1733]Which workes on leases of short numbred howers,
[1734]But all alone stands hugely pollitick,
[1735]That it nor growes with heat, nor drownes with showres.
[1736]To this I witnes call the foles of time,
[1737]Which die for goodnes, who haue liu'd for crime.


[1738]VVEr't ought to me I bore the canopy,
[1739]With my extern the outward honoring,
[1740][53] Or layd great bases for eternity,
[1741]Which proues more short then wast or ruining?
[1742]Haue I not seene dwellers on forme and fauor
[1743]Lose all, and more by paying too much rent
[1744]For compound sweet; Forgoing simple sauor,
[1745]Pittifull thriuors in their gazing spent.
[1746]Noe, let me be obsequious in thy heart,
[1747]And take thou my oblacion, poore but free,
[1748]Which is not mixt with seconds, knows no art,
[1749]But mutuall render onely me for thee.
[1750]Hence, thou subbornd Informer, a trew soule
[1751]When most impeacht, stands least in thy controule.


[1752]O Thou my louely Boy who in thy power,
[1753]Doest hould times fickle glasse▪ his sickle, hower:
[1754]Who hast by wayning growne, and therein shou'st,
[1755]Thy louers withering, as thy sweet selfe grow'st.
[1756]If Nature (soueraine misteres ouer wrack)
[1757]As thou goest onwards still will plucke thee backe,
[1758]She keepes thee to this purpose, that her skill.
[1759]May time disgrace, and wretched mynuit kill.
[1760]Yet feare her O thou minnion of her pleasure,
[1761]She may detaine, but not still keepe her tresurel
[1762]Her Audite (though delayd) answer'd must be,
[1763]And her Quietus is to render thee.


[1764]IN the ould age blacke was not counted faire,
[1765]Or if it weare it bore not beauties name:
[1766]But now is blacke beauties successiue heire,
[1767]And Beautie slanderd with a bastard shame,
[1768]For since each hand hath put on Natures power,
[1769]Fairing the foule with Arts faulse borrow'd face,
[1770]Sweet beauty hath no name no holy boure,
[1771]But is prophan'd, if not liues in disgrace.
[1772][54] Therefore my Mistersse eyes are Rauen blacke,
[1773]Her eyes so suted, and they mourners seeme,
[1774]At such who not borne faire no beauty lack,
[1775]Slandring Creation with a false esteeme,
[1776]Yet so they mourne becomming of their woe,
[1777]That euery toung saies beauty should looke so.


[1778]HOw oft when thou my musike musike playst,
[1779]Vpon that blessed wood whose motion sounds
[1780]With thy sweet fingers when thou gently swayst,
[1781]The wiry concord that mine eare confounds,
[1782]Do I enuie those Iackes that nimble leape,
[1783]To kisse the tender inward of thy hand,
[1784]Whilst my poore lips which should that haruest reape,
[1785]At the woods bouldnes by thee blushing stand.
[1786]To be so tikled they would change their state,
[1787]And situation with those dancing chips,
[1788]Ore whome their fingers walke with gentle gate,
[1789]Making dead wood more blest then liuing lips,
[1790]Since sausie Iackes so happy are in this,
[1791]Giue them their fingers, me thy lips to kisse.


[1792]TH'expence of Spirit in a waste of shame
[1793]Is lust in action, and till action, lust
[1794]Is periurd, murdrous, blouddy full of blame,
[1795]Sauage, extreame, rude, cruell, not to trust,
[1796]Inioyd no sooner but dispised straight,
[1797]Past reason hunted, and no sooner had
[1798]Past reason hated as a swollowed bayt,
[1799]On purpose layd to make the taker mad.
[1800]Made In pursut and in possession so,
[1801]Had, hauing, and in quest, to haue extreame,
[1802]A blisse in proofe and proud and very wo,
[1803]Before a ioy proposd behind a dreame,
[1804]All this the world well knowes yet none knowes well,
[1805]To shun the heauen that leads men to this hell.



[1806]MY Mistres eyes are nothing like the Sunne,
[1807]Currall is farre more red, then her lips red,
[1808]If snow be white why then her brests are dun:
[1809]If haires be wiers, black wiers grow on her head:
[1810]I haue seene Roses damaskt, red and white,
[1811]But no such Roses see I in her cheekes,
[1812]And in some perfumes is there more delight,
[1813]Then in the breath that from my Mistres reekes.
[1814]I loue to heare her speake, yet well I know,
[1815]That Musicke hath a farre more pleasing sound:
[1816]I graunt I neuer saw a goddesse goe,
[1817]My Mistres when shee walkes treads on the ground.
[1818]And yet by heauen I thinke my loue as rare,
[1819]As any she beli'd with false compare.


[1820]THou art as tiranous, so as thou art,
[1821]As those whose beauties proudly make them cruell;
[1822]For well thou know'st to my deare doting hart
[1823]Thou art the fairest and most precious Iewell.
[1824]Yet in good faith some say that thee behold,
[1825]Thy face hath not the power to make loue grone;
[1826]To say they erre, I dare not be so bold,
[1827]Although I sweare it to my selfe alone.
[1828]And to be sure that is not false I sweare
[1829]A thousand grones but thinking on thy face,
[1830]One on anothers necke do witnesse beare
[1831]Thy blacke is fairest in my iudgements place.
[1832]In nothing art thou blacke saue in thy deeds,
[1833]And thence this slaunder as I thinke proceeds.


[1834]THine eies I loue, and they as pittying me,
[1835]Knowing thy heart torment me with disdaine,
[1836]Haue put on black, and louing mourners bee,
[1837]Looking with pretty ruth vpon my paine.
[1838][56] And truly not the morning Sun of Heauen
[1839]Better becomes the gray cheeks of th' East,
[1840]Nor that full Starre that vshers in the Eauen
[1841]Doth halfe that glory to the sober West
[1842]As those two morning eyes become thy face:
[1843]O let it then as well beseeme thy heart
[1844]To mourne for me since mourning doth thee grace,
[1845]And sute thy pitty like in euery part.
[1846]Then will I sweare beauty her selfe is blacke,
[1847]And all they foule that thy complexion lacke.


[1848]BEshrew that heart that makes my heart to groane
[1849]For that deepe wound it giues my friend and me;
[1850]I'st not ynough to torture me alone,
[1851]But slaue to slauery my sweet'st friend must be.
[1852]Me from my selfe thy cruell eye hath taken,
[1853]And my next selfe thou harder hast ingrossed,
[1854]Of him, my selfe, and thee I am forsaken,
[1855]A torment thrice three-fold thus to be crossed:
[1856]Prison my heart in thy steele bosomes warde,
[1857]But then my friends heart let my poore heart bale,
[1858]Who ere keepes me, let my heart be his garde,
[1859]Thou canst not then vse rigor in my Iaile.
[1860]And yet thou wilt, for I being pent in thee,
[1861]Perforce am thine and all that is in me.


[1862]SO now I haue confest that he is thine,
[1863]And I my selfe am morgag'd to thy will,
[1864]My selfe Ile forfeit, so that other mine,
[1865]Thou wilt restore to be my comfort still:
[1866]But thou wilt not, nor he will not be free,
[1867]For thou art couetous, and he is kinde,
[1868]He learnd but suretie-like to write for me,
[1869]Vnder that bond that him as fast doth binde.
[1870]The statute of thy beauty thou wilt take,
[1871]Thou vsurer that put'st forth all to vse,
[1872][57] And sue a friend, came debter for my sake,
[1873]So him I loose through my vnkinde abuse.
[1874]Him haue I lost, thou hast both him and me,
[1875]He paies the whole, and yet am I not free.


[1876]WHo euer hath her wish, thou hast thy Will,
[1877]And Will too boote, and Will in ouer-plus,
[1878]More then enough am I that vexe thee still,
[1879]To thy sweet will making addition thus.
[1880]Wilt thou whose will is large and spatious,
[1881]Not once vouchsafe to hide my will in thine,
[1882]Shall will in others seeme right gracious,
[1883]And in my will no faire acceptance shine:
[1884]The sea all water, yet receiues raine still,
[1885]And in aboundance addeth to his store,
[1886]So thou beeing rich in Will adde to thy Will,
[1887]One will of mine to make thy large Will more.
[1888]Let no vnkinde, no faire beseechers kill,
[1889]Thinke all but one, and me in that one Will.


[1890]IF thy soule check thee that I come so neere,
[1891]Sweare to thy blind soule that I was thy Will,
[1892]And will thy soule knowes is admitted there,
[1893]Thus farre for loue, my loue-sute sweet fullfill.
[1894]Will, will fulfill the treasure of thy loue,
[1895]I fill it full with wils, and my will one,
[1896]In things of great receit with ease we prooue.
[1897]Among a number one is reckon'd none.
[1898]Then in the number let me passe vntold,
[1899]Though in thy stores account I one must be,
[1900]For nothing hold me▪ so it please thee hold,
[1901]That nothing me, a some-thing sweet to thee.
[1902]Make but my name thy loue, and loue that still,
[1903]And then thou louest me for my name is Will.


[1904]THou blinde foole loue, what doost thou to mine eyes,
[1905][58] That they behold and see not what they see:
[1906]They know what beautie is, see where it lyes,
[1907]Yet what the best is, take the worst to be▪
[1908]If eyes corrupt by ouer-partiall lookes,
[1909]Be anchord in the baye where all men ride,
[1910]Why of eyes falsehood hast thou forged hookes.
[1911]Whereto the iudgement of my heart is tide?
[1912]Why should my heart thinke that a seuerall plot,
[1913]Which my heart knowes the wide worlds common place?
[1914]Or mine eyes seeing this, say this is not
[1915]To put faire truth vpon so foule a face,
[1916]In things right true my heart and eyes haue erred,
[1917]And to this false plague are they now transferred.


[1918]WHen my loue sweares that she is made of truth,
[1919]I do beleeue her though I know she lyes,
[1920]That she might thinke me some vntuterd youth,
[1921]Vnlearned in the worlds false subtilties.
[1922]Thus vainely thinking that she thinkes me young,
[1923]Although she knowes my dayes are past the best,
[1924]Simply I credit her false speaking tongue,
[1925]On both sides thus is simple truth supprest:
[1926]But wherefore sayes she not she is vniust?
[1927]And wherefore say not I that I am old?
[1928]O loues best habit is in seeming trust,
[1929]And age in loue, loues not t'haue yeares told.
[1930]Therefore I lye with her, and she with me,
[1931]And in our faults by lyes we flattered be.


[1932]O Call not me to iustifie the wrong,
[1933]That thy vnkindnesse layes vpon my heart,
[1934]Wound me not with thine eye but with thy toung,
[1935]Vse power with power, and slay me not by Art,
[1936]Tell me thou lou'st else-where; but in my sight,
[1937]Deare heart forbeare to glance thine eye aside,
[1938]What needst thou wound with cunning when thy might
[1939][59] Is more then my ore-prest defence can bide?
[1940]Let me excuse thee, ah my loue well knowes,
[1941]Her prettie lookes haue beene mine enemies,
[1942]And therefore from my face she turnes my foes,
[1943]That they else-where might dart their iniuries:
[1944]Yet do not so, but since I am neere slaine,
[1945]Kill me out-right with lookes, and rid my paine.


[1946]BE wise as thou art cruell, do not presse
[1947]My toung-tide patience with too much disdaine:
[1948]Least sorrow lend me words and words expresse,
[1949]The manner of my pittie wanting paine.
[1950]If I might teach thee witte better it weare,
[1951]Though not to loue▪ yet loue to tell me so,
[1952]As testie sick-men when their deaths be neere,
[1953]No newes but health from their Phisitions know.
[1954]For if I should dispaire I should grow madde,
[1955]And in my madnesse might speake ill of thee,
[1956]Now this ill wrefting world is growne so bad,
[1957]Madde slanderers by madde eares beleeued be.
[1958]That I may not be so, nor thou be lyde,
[1959]Beare thine eyes straight, though thy proud heart goe wide.


[1960]IN faith I doe not loue thee with mine eyes,
[1961]For they in thee a thousand errors note,
[1962]But 'tis my heart that loues what they dispise,
[1963]Who in dispight of view is pleasd to dote.
[1964]Nor are mine eares with thy toungs tune delighted,
[1965]Nor tender feeling to base touches prone,
[1966]Nor taste, nor smell, desire to be inuited
[1967]To any sensuall feast with thee alone:
[1968]But my fiue wits, nor my fiue sences can
[1969]Diswade one foolish heart from seruing thee,
[1970]Who leaues vnswai'd the likenesse of a man,
[1971]Thy proud hearts slaue and vassall wretch to be:
[1972]Onely my plague thus farre I count my gaine,
[1973]That she that makes me sinne, awards me paine.



[1974]LOue is my sinne, and thy deare vertue hate,
[1975]Hate of my sinne, grounded on sinfull louing,
[1976]O but with mine, compare thou thine owne-state,
[1977]And thou shalt finde it merrits not reproouing,
[1978]Or if it do, not from those lips of thine,
[1979]That haue prophan'd their scarlet ornaments,
[1980]And seald false bonds of loue as oft as mine,
[1981]Robd others beds reuenues of their rents.
[1982]Be it lawfull I loue thee as thou lou'st those,
[1983]Whome thine eyes wooe as mine importune thee,
[1984]Roote pittie in thy heart that when it growes,
[1985]Thy pitty may deserue to pittied bee.
[1986]If thou doost seeke to haue what thou doost hide,
[1987]By selfe example mai'st thou be denide.


[1988]LOe as a carefull huswife runnes to catch,
[1989]One of her fethered creatures broake away,
[1990]Sets downe her babe and makes all swift dispatch
[1991]In pursuit of the thing she would haue stay:
[1992]Whilst her neglected child holds her in chace,
[1993]Cries to catch her whose busie care is bent,
[1994]To follow that which flies before her face:
[1995]Not prizing her poore infants discontent;
[1996]So runst thou after that which flies from thee,
[1997]Whilst I thy babe chace thee a farre behind,
[1998]But if thou catch thy hope turne back to me:
[1999]And play the mothers part kisse me, be kind.
[2000]So will I pray that thou maist haue thy Will,
[2001]If thou turne back and my loude crying still.


[2002]TWo loues I haue of comfort and dispaire,
[2003]Which like two spirits do sugiest me still,
[2004]The better angell is a man right faire:
[2005]The worser spirit a woman collour'd il.
[2006]To win me soone to hell my femall euill,
[2007][61] Tempteth my better angel from my sight,
[2008]And would corrupt my saint to be a diuel:
[2009]Wooing his purity with her sowle pride▪
[2010]And whether that my angel be turn'd finde,
[2011]Suspect I may▪ yet not directly tell,
[2012]But being both from me both to each friend,
[2013]I gesse one angel in an others hel.
[2014]Yet this shal I nere know but liue in doubt,
[2015]Till my bad angel fire my good one out.


[2016]THose lips that Loues owne hand did make,
[2017]Breath'd forth the sound that said I hate,
[2018]To me that languish: for her sake:
[2019]But when she saw my wofull state,
[2020]Straight in her heart did mercie come,
[2021]Chiding that tongue that euer sweet,
[2022]Was vsde in giuing gentle dome:
[2023]And tought it thus a new to greete:
[2024]I hate she alterd with an end,
[2025]That follow'd as gentle day,
[2026]Doth follow night who like a fiend
[2027]From heauen to hell is flowne away.
[2028]I hate, from hate away she threw,
[2029]And sau'd my life saying not you.


[2030]POore soule the center of my sinfull earth,
[2031]My sinfull earth these rebbell powres that thee array,
[2032]Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth
[2033]Painting thy outward walls so costlie gay?
[2034]Why so large cost hauing so short a lease,
[2035]Dost thou vpon thy fading mansion spend?
[2036]Shall wormes inheritors of this excesse▪
[2037]Eate vp thy charge? is this thy bodies end?
[2038]Then soule liue thou vpon thy seruants losse,
[2039]And let that pine to aggraut thy store;
[2040]Buy tearmes diuine in selling houres of drosse:
[2041][62] Within be sed, without be rich no more,
[2042]So shalt thou feed on death, that feeds on men,
[2043]And death once dead, ther's no more dying then,


[2044]MY loue is as a feauer longing still,
[2045]For that which longer nurseth the disease,
[2046]Feeding on that which doth preserue the ill,
[2047]Th'vncertaine sicklie appetite to please:
[2048]My reason the Phisition to my loue,
[2049]Angry that his prescriptions are not kept
[2050]Hath left me, and I desperate now approoue,
[2051]Desire is death, which Phisick did except.
[2052]Past cure I am, now Reason is past care,
[2053]And frantick madde with euer-more vnrest,
[2054]My thoughts and my discourse as mad mens are,
[2055]At randon from the truth vainely exprest.
[2056]For I haue sworne thee faire, and thought thee bright,
[2057]Who art as black as hell, as darke as night.


[2058]O Me! what eyes hath loue put in my head,
[2059]Which haue no correspondence with true sight,
[2060]Or if they haue, where is my iudgment fled,
[2061]That censures falsely what they see aright?
[2062]If that be faire whereon my false eyes dote,
[2063]What meanes the world to say it is not so?
[2064]If it be not, then loue doth well denote,
[2065]Loues eye is not so true as all mens: no,
[2066]How can it? O how can loues eye be true,
[2067]That is so vext with watching and with teares?
[2068]No maruaile then though I mistake my view,
[2069]The sunne it selfe sees not, till heauen cleeres.
[2070]O cunning loue, with teares thou keepst me blinde,
[2071]Least eyes well seeing thy foule faults should finde.


[2072]CAnst thou O cruell, say I loue thee not,
[2073]When I against my selfe with thee pertake;
[2074][63] Doe I not thinke on thee when I forgot
[2075]Am of my selfe, all tirant for thy sake?
[2076]Who hateth thee that I doe call my friend,
[2077]On whom froun'st thou that I doe faune vpon,
[2078]Nay if thou lowrst on me doe I not spend
[2079]Reuenge vpon my selfe with present mone?
[2080]What merrit do I in my selfe respect,
[2081]That is so proude thy seruice to dispise,
[2082]When all my best doth worship thy defect,
[2083]Commanded by the motion of thine eyes.
[2084]But loue hate on for now I know thy minde,
[2085]Those that can see thou lou'st, and I am blind.


[2086]OH from what powre hast thou this powrefull might,
[2087]VVith insufficiency my heart to sway,
[2088]To make me giue the lie to my true sight,
[2089]And swere that brightnesse doth not grace the day?
[2090]Whence hast thou this becomming of things il,
[2091]That in the very refuse of thy deeds,
[2092]There is such strength and warrantise of skill,
[2093]That in my minde thy worst all best exceeds?
[2094]Who taught thee how to make me loue thee more,
[2095]The more I heare and see iust cause of hate,
[2096]Oh though I loue what others doe abhor,
[2097]VVith others thou shouldst not abhor my state.
[2098]If thy vnworthinesse raisd loue in me,
[2099]If thy vnworthinesse raisd loue in me,
[2100]More worthy I to be belou'd of thee.


[2101]LOue is too young to know what conscience is,
[2102]Yet who knowes not conscience is borne of loue;
[2103]Then gentle cheater vrge not my amisse,
[2104]Least guilty of my faults thy sweet selfe proue.
[2105]For thou betraying me, I doe betray
[2106]My nobler part to my grose bodies treason,
[2107]My soule doth tell my body that he may,
[2108]Triumph in loue, flesh staies no farther reason,
[2109][64] But rysing at thy name doth point out thee,
[2110]As his triumphant prize, proud of this pride,
[2111]He is contented thy poore drudge to be
[2112]To stand in thy affaires, fall by thy side.
[2113]No want of conscience hold it that I call,
[2114]Her loue, for whose deare loue I rise and fall.


[2115]IN louing thee thou know'st I am forsworne,
[2116]But thou art twice forsworne to me loue swearing;
[2117]In act thy bed-vow broake and new faith torne,
[2118]In vowing new hate after new loue bearing:
[2119]But why of two othes breach doe I accuse thee,
[2120]When I breake twenty: I am periur'd most,
[2121]For all my vowes are othes but to misuse thee:
[2122]And all my honest faith in thee is lost.
[2123]For I haue sworne deepe othes of thy deepe kindnesse:
[2124]Othes of thy loue, thy truth, thy constancie,
[2125]And to inlighten thee gaue eyes to blindnesse,
[2126]Or made them swere against the thing they see.
[2127]For I haue sworne thee faire: more periurde eye,
[2128]To swere against the truth fo foule a lie.


[2129]CVpid laid by his brand and fell a sleepe,
[2130]A maide of Dyans this aduantage found,
[2131]And his loue-kindling fire did quickly steepe
[2132]In a could vallie-fountaine of that ground:
[2133]Which borrowd from this holie fire of loue,
[2134]A datelesse liuely heat still to indure,
[2135]And grew a seething bath which yet men proue,
[2136]Against strang malladies a soueraigne cure:
[2137]But at my mistres eie loues brand new fired,
[2138]The boy for triall needes would touch my brest,
[2139]I sick withall the helpe of bath desired,
[2140]And thether hied a sad distemperd guest.
[2141]But found no cure,the bath for my helpe lies,
[2142]Where Cupid got new fire; my mistres eye.



[2143]THe little Loue-God lying once a sleepe,
[2144]Laid by his side his heart inflaming brand,
[2145]Whilst many Nymphes that vou'd chast life to keep.
[2146]Came tripping by, but in her maiden hand,
[2147]The fayrest votary tooke vp that fire,
[2148]Which many Legions of true hearts had warm'd,
[2149]And so the Generall of hot desire,
[2150]Was sleeping by a Virgin hand disarm'd.
[2151]This brand she quenched in a coole Well by,
[2152]Which from loues fire tooke heat perpetuall,
[2153]Growing a bath and healthfull remedy,
[2154]For men diseasd, but I my Mistrisse thrall,
[2155]Came there for cure and this by that I proue,
[2156]Loues fire heates water, water cooles not loue.





A Louers complaint.


[1]FRom off a hill whose concaue wombe reworded,
[2]A plaintfull story from a sistring vale
[3]My spirrits t'attend this doble voyce accorded,
[4]And downe I laid to list the sad tun'd tale,
[5]Ere long espied a fickle maid full pale
[6]Tearing of papers breaking rings a twaine,
[7]Storming her world with sorrowes, wind and raine.

[8]Vpon her head a plattid hiue of straw,
[9]Which fortified her visage from the Sunne,
[10]Whereon the thought might thinke sometime it saw
[11]The carkas of a beauty spent and donne,
[12]Time had not sithed all that youth begun,
[13]Nor youth all quit, but spight of heauens fell rage,
[14]Some beauty peept, through lettice of sear'd age.

[15]Oft did she heaue her Napkin to her eyne,
[16]Which on it had conceited charecters:
[17]Laundring the silken figures in the brine,
[18]That seasoned woe had pelleted in teares,
[19]And often reading what contents it beares:
[20]As often shriking vndistinguisht wo,
[21]In clamours of all size both high and low.

[22]Some-times her leueld eyes their carriage ride,
[23]As they did battry to the spheres intend:
[24]Sometime diuerted their poore balls are tide,
[25]To th'orbed earth; sometimes they do extend,
[26]Their view right on, anon their gases lend,
[27][67] To euery place at once and no where fixt,
[28]The mind and sight distractedly commxit.

[29]Her haire nor loose nor ti'd in formall plat,
[30]Proclaimd in her a carelesse hand of pride;
[31]For some vntuck'd descended her sheu'd hat,
[32]Hanging her pale and pined cheeke beside,
[33]Some in her threeden fillet still did bide,
[34]And trew to bondage would not breake from thence,
[35]Though slackly braided in loose negligence.

[36]A thousand fauours from a maund she drew,
[37]Of amber christall and of bedded Iet,
[38]Which one by one she in a riuer threw,
[39]Vpon whose weeping margent she was set,
[40]Like vsery applying wet to wet,
[41]Or Monarches hands that lets not bounty fall,
[42]Where want cries some; but where excesse begs all.

[43]Of folded schedulls had she many a one,
[44]Which she perus'd, sighd, tore and gaue the flud,
[45]Crackt many a ring of Posied gold and bone,
[46]Bidding them find their Sepulchers in mud,
[47]Found yet mo letters sadly pend in blood,
[48]With sleided silke, feate and affectedly
[49]Enswath'd and seald to curious secrecy.

[50]These often bath'd she in her fluxiue eies,
[51]And often kist, and often gaue to teare,
[52]Cried O false blood thou register of lies,
[53]What vnapproued witnes doost thou beare!
[54]Inke would haue seem'd more blacke and damned heare!
[55]This said in top of rage the lines she rents,
[56]Big discontent, so breaking their contents.

[57]A reuerend man that graz'd his cattell ny,
[58][68] Sometime a blusterer that the russle knew
[59]Of Court of Cittie, and had let go by
[60]The swiftest houres obserued as they flew,
[61]Towards this afflicted fancy fastly drew:
[62]And priuiledg'd by age desires to know
[63]In breefe the grounds and motiues of her wo.

[64]So slides he downe vppon his greyned bat;
[65]And comely distant sits he by her fide,
[66]When hee againe desires her, being satte,
[67]Her greeuance with his hearing to deuide▪
[68]If that from him there may be ought applied
[69]Which may her suffering extasie asswage
[70]Tis promist in the charitie of age▪

[71]Father she saies, though in mee you behold
[72]The iniury of many a blasting houre;
[73]Let it not tell your Iudgement I am old,
[74]Not age, but sorrow, ouer me hath power;
[75]I might as yet haue bene a spreading flower
[76]Fresh to my selfe, if I had selfe applyed
[77]Loue to my selfe, and to no Loue beside.

[78]But wo is mee, too early I atttended
[79]A youthfull suit it was to gaine my grace;
[80]O one by natures outwards so commended,
[81]That maidens eyes stucke ouer all his face,
[82]Loue lackt a dwelling and made him her place.
[83]And when in his faire parts shee didde abide,
[84]Shee was new lodg'd and newly Deified.

[85]His browny locks did hang in crooked curles,
[86]And euery light occasion of the wind
[87]Vpon his lippes their silken parcels hurles,
[88]Whats sweet to do, to do wil aptly find,
[89]Each eye that saw him did inchaunt the minde:
[90][69] For on his visage was in little drawne,
[91]What largenesse thinkes in parradise was sawne.

[92]Smal shew of man was yet vpon his chinne,
[93]His phenix downe began but to appeare
[94]Like vnshorne veluet, on that termlesse skin
[95]Whose bare out-brag'd the web it seem'd to were.
[96]Yet shewed his visage by that cost more deare,
[97]And nice affections wauering stood in doubt
[98]If best were as it was, or best without.

[99]His qualities were beautious as his forme,
[100]For maiden tongu'd he was and thereof free;
[101]Yet if men mou'd him, was he such a storme
[102]As oft twixt May and Aprill is to see,
[103]When windes breath sweet, vnruly though they bee.
[104]His rudenesse so with his authoriz'd youth,
[105]Did liuery falsenesse in a pride of truth.

[106]Wel could hee ride, and often men would say
[107]That horse his mettell from his rider takes
[108]Proud of subiection, noble by the swaie,
[109]What rounds, what bounds, what course what stop he makes
[110]And controuersie hence a question takes,
[111]Whether the horse by him became his deed,
[112]Or he his mannad'g, by'th wel doing Steed.

[113]But quickly on this side the verdict went,
[114]His reall habitude gaue life and grace
[115]To appertainings and to ornament,
[116]Accomplisht in him-selfe not in his case:
[117]All ayds them-selues made fairer by their place,
[118]Can for addicions, yet their purpos'd trimme
[119]Peec'd not his grace but were al grac'd by him.

[120]So on the tip of his subduing tongue
[121][70] All kinde of arguments and question deepe,
[122]Al replication prompt, and reason strong
[123]For his aduantage still did wake and sleep,
[124]To make the weeper laugh, the laugher weepes
[125]He had the dialect and different skil,
[126]Catching al passions in his craft of will.

[127]That hee didde in the general bosome raigne
[128]Of young, of old, and sexes both inchanted,
[129]To dwel with him in thoughts, or to remaine
[130]In personal duty, following where he haunted,
[131]Consent's bewitcht, ere he desire haue granted,
[132]And dialogu'd for him what he would say,
[133]Askt their own wils and made their wils obey.

[134]Many there were that did his picture gette
[135]To serue their eies, and in it put their mind,
[136]Like fooles that in th' imagination set
[137]The goodly obiects which abroad they find
[138]Of lands and mansions, theirs in thought assign'd,
[139]And labouring in moe pleasures to bestow them,
[140]Then the true gouty Land-lord which doth owe them.

[141]So many haue that neuer toucht his hand
[142]Sweetly suppos'd them mistresse of his heart:
[143]My wofull selfe that did in freedome stand,
[144]And was my owne fee simple (not in part)
[145]What with his art in youth and youth in art
[146]Threw my affections in his charmed power,
[147]Reseru'd the stalke and gaue him al my flower.

[148]Yet did I not as some my equals did
[149]Demaund of him, nor being desired yeelded.
[150]Finding my selfe in honour so forbidde,
[151]With safest distance I mine honour sheelded,
[152]Experience for me many bulwarkes builded
[153][71] Of proofs new bleeding which remaind the foile
[154]Of this false Iewell, and his amorous spoile▪

[155]But ah who euer shun'd by precedent,
[156]The destin'd ill she must her selfe assay,
[157]Or forc'd examples gainst her owne content
[158]To put the by-past perrils in her way?
[159]Counsaile may stop a while what will not stay:
[160]For when we rage, aduise is often seene
[161]By blunting vs to make our wits more keene.

[162]Nor giues it satisfaction to our blood,
[163]That wee must curbe it vppon others proofe,
[164]To be forbod the sweets that seemes so good,
[165]For feare of harmes that preach in our behoofe;
[166]O appetite from iudgement stand aloofe!
[167]The one a pallate hath that needs will taste,
[168]Though reason weepe and cry it is thy last.

[169]For further I could say this mans vntrue,
[170]And knew the patternes of his foule beguiling,
[171]Heard where his plants in others Orchards grew,
[172]Saw how deceits were guilded in his smiling,
[173]Knew vowes, were euer brokers to defiling,
[174]Thought Characters and words meerly but art,
[175]And bastards of his foule adulterat heart.

[176]And long vpon these termes I held my Citty,
[177]Till thus hee gan besiege me: Gentle maid
[178]Haue of my suffering youth some feeling pitty
[179]And be not of my holy vowes affraid,
[180]Thats to ye sworne to none was euer said,
[181]For feasts of loue I haue bene call'd vnto
[182]Till now did nere inuire not neuer vovv.

[183]All my offences that abroad you see
[184][72] Are errors of the blood none of the mind:
[185]Loue made them not, with acture they may be,
[186]Where neither Party is nor trew nor kind,
[187]They sought their shame that so their shame did find,
[188]And so much lesse of shame in me remaines,
[189]By how much of me their reproch containes,

[190]Among the many that mine eyes haue seene,
[191]Not one whose flame my hart so much as warmed,
[192]Or my affection put to th, smallest teene,
[193]Or any of my leisures euer Charmed,
[194]Harme haue I done to them but nere was harmed,
[195]Kept hearts in liueries, but mine owne was free,
[196]And raignd commaunding in his monarchy.

[197]Looke heare what tributes wounded fancies sent me,
[198]Of playd pearles and rubies red as blood:
[199]Figuring that they their passions likewise lent me
[200]Of greefe and blushes, aptly vnderstood
[201]In bloodlesse white, and the encrimson'd mood,
[202]Effects of terror and deare modesty,
[203]Encampt in hearts but fighting outwardly.

[204]And Lo behold these tallents of their heir,
[205]With twisted mettle amorously empleacht
[206]I haue receau'd from many a seueral faire,
[207]Their kind acceptance, wepingly beseecht,
[208]With th'annexions of faire gems inricht,
[209]And deepe brain'd sonnets that did amplifie
[210]Each stones deare Nature, worth and quallity.

[211]The Diamond? why twas beautifull and hard,
[212]Whereto his inuis'd properties did tend,
[213]The deepe greene Emrald in whose fresh regard,
[214]Weake sights their sickly radience do amend.
[215]The heauen hewd Saphir and the Opall blend
[216][73] With obiects manyfold; each seuerall stone,
[217]With wit well blazond smil'd or made some mone.

[218]Lo all these trophies of affections hot,
[219]Of pensiu'd and subdew'd desires the tender,
[220]Nature hath chargd me that I hoord them not,
[221]But yeeld them vp where I my selfe must render:
[222]That is to you my origin and ender:
[223]For these of force must your oblations be,
[224]Since I their Aulter, you en patrone me.

[225]Oh then aduance (of yours) that phraseles hand,
[226]Whose white weighes downe the airy scale of praise▪
[227]Take all these similies to your owne command,
[228]Hollowed with sighes that burning lunges did raise:
[229]What me your minister for you obaies
[230]Workes vnder you, and to your audit comes
[231]Their distract parcells, in combined summes.

[232]Lo this deuice was sent me from a Nun,
[233]Or Sister sanctified of holiest note,
[234]Which late her noble suit in court did shun,
[235]Whose rarest hauings made the blossoms dote,
[236]For she was sought by spirits of ritchest cote,
[237]But kept cold distance, and did thence remoue,
[238]To spend her liuing in eternall loue.

[239]But oh my sweet what labour ist to leaue,
[240]The thing we haue not, mastring what not striues,
[241]Playing the Place which did no forme receiue,
[242]Playing patient sports in vnconstraind giues,
[243]She that her fame so to her selfe contriues,
[244]The scarres of battaile scapeth by the flight,
[245]And makes her absence valiant, not her might.

[246]Oh pardon me in that my boast is true,
[247][74] The accident which brought me to her eie▪
[248]Vpon the moment did her force subdewe,
[249]And now she would the caged cloister flie:
[250]Religious loue put out religions eye:
[251]Not to be tempted would she be enur'd,
[252]And now to tempt all liberty procure.

[253]How mightie then you are, Oh heare me tell,
[254]The broken bosoms that to me belong,
[255]Haue emptied all their fountaines in my well:
[256]And mine I powre your Ocean all amonge:
[257]I strong ore them and you ore me being strong,
[258]Must for your victorie vs all congest,
[259]As compound loue to phisick your cold brest.

[260]My parts had powre to charme a sacred Sunne,
[261]Who disciplin'd I dieted in grace,
[262]Beleeu'd her eies, when they t' assaile begun,
[263]All vowes and consecrations giuing place:
[264]O most potentiall loue, vowe, bond, nor space
[265]In thee hath neither sting, knot, nor confine
[266]For thou art all and all things els are thine.

[267]When thou impressest what are precepts worth
[268]Of stale example? when thou wilt inflame,
[269]How coldly those impediments stand forth
[270]Of wealth of filliall feare, lawe, kindred fame,
[271]Loues armes are peace, gainst rule, gainst sence, gainst shame
[272]And sweetens in the suffring pangues it beares,
[273]The Alloes of all forces, shockes and feares.

[274]Now all these hearts that doe on mine depend,
[275]Feeling it breake, with bleeding groanes they pine,
[276]And supplicant their sighes to you extend
[277]To leaue the battrie that you make gainst mine,
[278]Lending soft audience, to my sweet designe,
[279][75] And credent soule, to that strong bonded oth,
[280]That shall preferre and vndertake my troth.

[281]This said, his watrie eies he did dismount,
[282]Whose sightes till then were leaueld on my face,
[283]Each cheeke a riuer running from a fount,
[284]With brynish currant downe-ward flowed a pace:
[285]Oh how the channell to the streame gaue grace!
[286]Who glaz'd with Christail gate the glowing Roses,
[287]That flame through water which their hew incloses,

[288]Oh father, what a hell of witch-craft lies,
[289]In the small orb of one particular teare?
[290]Put with the invndation of the eies:
[291]What rocky heart to water will not weare?
[292]What brest so cold that is not warmed heare,
[293]Or cleft effect, cold modesty hot wrath:
[294]Both fire from hence, and chill extincture hath.

[295]For loe his passion but an art of craft,
[296]Euen there resolu'd my reason into teares,
[297]There my white stole of chastity I daft,
[298]Shooke off my sober gardes, and ciuill feares,
[299]Appeare to him as he to me appeares:
[300]All melting, though our drops this diffrence bore,
[301]His poison'd me, and mine did him restore.

[302]In him a plenitude of subtle matter,
[303]Applied to Cautills, all straing formes receiues,
[304]Of burning blushes, or of weeping water,
[305]Or sounding palenesse: and he takes and leaues,
[306]In eithers aptnesse as it best deceiues:
[307]To blush at speeches ranck, to weepe at woes
[308]Or to turne white and sound at tragick showes.

[309]That not a heart which in his leuell came,
[310][76] Could scape the haile of his all hurting ayme,
[311]Shewing faire Nature is both kinde and tame:
[312]And vaild in them did winne whom he would maime,
[313]Against the thing he sought, he would exclaime,
[314]When he most burnt in hart-wisht luxurie,
[315]He preacht pure maide, and praisd cold chastitie.

[316]Thus meerely with the garment of a grace,
[317]The naked and concealed feind he couerd,
[318]That th'vnexperient gaue the tempter place,
[319]Which like a Cherubin aboue them houerd,
[320]Who young and simple would not be so louerd.
[321]Aye me I fell, and yet do question make,
[322]What I should doe againe for such a sake.

[323]O that infected moysture of his eye,
[324]O that false fire which in his cheeke so glowd:
[325]O that forc'd thunder from his heart did flye,
[326]O that sad breath his spungie lungs bestowed,
[327]O all that borrowed motion seeming owed,
[328]Would yet againe betray the fore-betrayed,
[329]And new peruert a reconciled Maide.